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Last active May 19, 2022 06:27
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Raspberry PI 3 / Zero Wi-Fi monitor mode setup
# Thanks to all the nice folks @seemoo-lab for making this possible.
# See:
# This script should be run as root (i.e: sudo ./ from the /home/pi/ directory!
function info {
tput bold;
tput setaf 3;
echo $1;
tput sgr0;
info "=== Updating system ==="
apt update
apt remove wpasupplicant -y
apt autoremove -y
apt upgrade -y
info "=== Installing dependencies ==="
apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers git libgmp3-dev gawk qpdf bison flex make -y
info "=== Cloning patched driver repo ==="
git clone
if [ -f /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ ]
info "=== libisl exits, skipping build ==="
info "=== Building libisl ==="
cd /home/pi/nexmon/buildtools/isl-0.10
make install
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
info "=== Building tools ==="
cd /home/pi/nexmon/
info "=== Building patches ==="
cd /home/pi/nexmon/patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46/nexmon/
info "=== Installing patches ==="
make backup-firmware
make install-firmware
info "=== Building monitor mode utility ==="
cd /home/pi/nexmon/utilities/nexutil/
make && make install
info "=== Setting reboot options for customized driver ==="
orig_driver_loc=$(modinfo brcmfmac | grep -o "filename:.*" | cut -f2 -d:)
mv $orig_driver_loc /home/pi/nexmon/brcmfmac.ko.orig
cp /home/pi/nexmon/patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46/nexmon/brcmfmac_kernel49/brcmfmac.ko $orig_driver_loc
depmod -a
info "=== Installing Python libraries ==="
echo "Installing PIP ..."
apt install python3-pip -y
echo "Upgrading PIP ..."
pip3 install --upgrade pip
echo "Installing scapy"
apt install python3-scapy
echo "Installing netaddr"
pip3 install netaddr
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SpielmannCode commented Dec 9, 2021

Thanks a lot for posting this Script. It helped me a lot. However, when runing, i get a syntax error around the else command in line 29. Is there a then missing after the if statement?

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