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Created August 23, 2022 23:07
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Advent of Code 2020: Day 1
Advent of Code: Day 1
Part 1 and 2
-- Converted using a simple find/replace vim command.
puzzleInput =
[ 1780
, 1693
, 1830
, 1756
, 1858
, 1868
, 1968
, 1809
, 1996
, 1962
, 1800
, 1974
, 1805
, 1795
, 170
, 1684
, 1659
, 1713
, 1848
, 1749
, 1717
, 1734
, 956
, 1782
, 1834
, 1785
, 1786
, 1994
, 1652
, 1669
, 1812
, 1954
, 1984
, 1665
, 1987
, 1562
, 2004
, 2010
, 1551
, 961
, 1854
, 2005
, 1883
, 1965
, 475
, 1776
, 1791
, 262
, 1912
, 1227
, 1486
, 1989
, 1857
, 825
, 1683
, 1991
, 1875
, 1982
, 1654
, 1767
, 1673
, 1973
, 1886
, 1731
, 1745
, 1770
, 1995
, 1721
, 1662
, 1679
, 1783
, 1999
, 1889
, 1746
, 1902
, 2003
, 1698
, 1794
, 1798
, 1951
, 1953
, 2007
, 1899
, 1658
, 1705
, 62
, 1819
, 1708
, 1666
, 2006
, 1763
, 1732
, 1613
, 1841
, 1747
, 1489
, 1845
, 2008
, 1885
, 2002
, 1735
, 1656
, 1771
, 1950
, 1704
, 1737
, 1748
, 1759
, 1802
, 2000
, 1955
, 1738
, 1761
, 1765
, 1853
, 1900
, 1709
, 1979
, 1911
, 1775
, 1813
, 1949
, 1966
, 1774
, 1977
, 1757
, 1992
, 2009
, 1956
, 1840
, 1988
, 1985
, 1993
, 1718
, 1976
, 1078
, 1997
, 1897
, 1792
, 1790
, 1801
, 1871
, 1727
, 1700
, 1485
, 942
, 1686
, 1859
, 1676
, 802
, 1952
, 1998
, 1961
, 1844
, 1808
, 1703
, 1980
, 1766
, 1963
, 1849
, 1670
, 1716
, 1957
, 1660
, 1816
, 1762
, 1829
, 526
, 359
, 2001
, 1874
, 1778
, 1873
, 1511
, 1810
, 1699
, 1970
, 1690
, 1978
, 1892
, 1691
, 1781
, 1777
, 1975
, 1967
, 1694
, 1969
, 1959
, 1910
, 1826
, 1672
, 1655
, 1839
, 1986
, 1872
, 1983
, 1981
, 1972
, 1772
, 1760
testInput = [1721, 979, 366, 299, 675, 1456]
partOneSolution xs = [[x*y] | x <- xs, y <- xs, x+y == 2020]
partTwoSolution xs = [[x*y*z] | x <- xs, y <- xs, z <- xs, x+y+z == 2020]
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