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Created July 17, 2014 13:50
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Discussion 7 for CMIS315
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Animal {
Animal() {};
Animal(string n) : name(n) {};
~Animal() {};
string getName() {
return name;
string name;
class Bird : public Animal{
Bird() {};
Bird(string n, string t, string l, bool cf) : Animal(n), type (t), livesIn (l), canFly (cf) {};
string getType() {
return type;
string whereDoILive() {
return livesIn;
bool canIFly() {
return canFly;
bool canFly;
string livesIn;
string type;
static bool const hasFeathers = true;
class Penguin : public Bird {
Penguin(string n) : Bird(n, "penguin", "arctic regions", false) {};
class Toucan : public Bird {
Toucan(string n) : Bird(n, "toucan", "tropical regions", true) {};
int main() {
vector<Bird *> birds;
vector<Bird *>::iterator bIT;
birds.push_back(new Toucan("Betty"));
birds.push_back(new Penguin("Carl"));
for ( bIT = birds.begin(); bIT != birds.end(); bIT++ ) {
Bird *b = (*bIT);
cout << "In our bird habitat we see " << b->getName() << endl;
cout << b->getName() << " is a " << b->getType() << endl;
cout << b->getType() << "s come from " << b->whereDoILive() << endl;
if ( b->canIFly() ) {
cout << b->getName() << " is capable of flying." << endl;
} else {
cout << b->getName() << " cannot fly." << endl;
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