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CLRS 22-4 - minimum reachable
Summer 2018
CSC263 Assignment 4 Question 2
CLRS 22-4
Let G = (V,E) be a directed graph in which each vertex u in V is labeled with
a unique integer L(u) from the set {1, 2, ...|V|}. For each vertex u in V , let
R(u) = {v in V: u has a path to v} be the set of vertices that are reachable from u.
Define min(u) to be the vertex in R(u) whose label is minimum, i.e., min(u) is the vertex v such that L(v) = min{L(w): w in R(u)}. Give an O(V+E) algorithm that
computes min(u) for all vertices u in V.
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -o reachable reachable.c -lm `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib.h> // for the hash table, O(1) avg lookup
#include <math.h>
#define MAXV 1000 // for malloc() purposes
#define MAXADJ 10 // for malloc() purposes
#define POS_INF 2147483647
int dfs_time;
typedef enum vertex_color
} vertex_color;
typedef struct vertex vertex;
struct vertex {
int value;
int *neighbours; // array of adjacent ints
int list_len;
vertex_color vertex_color;
vertex *pi;
int t_d; // discovery time
int t_f; // finish time
int minlabel;
int sortedInsert(int *array, int arr_len, int v) {
// insert v into sorted array
if (arr_len == 0) { // empty: just insert
array[0] = v;
} else {
int *pointer = array + (arr_len - 1); // start at last item
while (v < *pointer) {
// move everything over 1
*(pointer+1) = *pointer;
*pointer = v;
// return updated arr_len
return arr_len + 1;
typedef struct Graph {
GHashTable *adj_list;
int *sortedVertices; // alpha sorting for textbook example
int vertexCount;
int *topoSort;
int topoCount;
int **minlabels;
} Graph;
// helper to make a new graph. Returns pointer to the graph
Graph * newGraph() {
Graph *newGraph = malloc(sizeof(Graph));
// adjacency list
newGraph->adj_list = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free);
newGraph->sortedVertices = malloc(MAXV * sizeof(int));
newGraph->vertexCount = 0;
newGraph->topoSort = malloc(MAXV * sizeof(int));
newGraph->topoCount = 0;
return newGraph;
vertex * getVertex(Graph *graph, int n) {
// given int n, gets the pointer to the vertex with that value
vertex *v_pointer = g_hash_table_lookup(graph->adj_list, GINT_TO_POINTER(n));
return v_pointer;
vertex * addVertex(Graph *graph, int value) { // called exactly |V| times
// make a vertex and add it to the Graph
vertex *v = g_malloc(sizeof(vertex));
v->value = value;
v->neighbours = malloc(MAXADJ * sizeof(int));
v->list_len = 0;
g_hash_table_insert(graph->adj_list, GINT_TO_POINTER(v->value), v);
sortedInsert(graph->sortedVertices, graph->vertexCount, value); // O(|V|)
graph->vertexCount += 1;
// return pointer to vertex
return v;
void addNeighbour(Graph *graph, vertex *vertex, int neighbour) { // O(2|E|)
// check that neighbour isn't already in list
for (int i = 0; i < vertex->list_len; i++) {
if (vertex->neighbours[i] == neighbour) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d already has %d as neighbour\n", vertex->value, neighbour);
// now we do in alpha order!
sortedInsert(vertex->neighbours, vertex->list_len, neighbour);
// O(|E'|) of any individual vertex
// vertex->neighbours[vertex->list_len] = neighbour;
vertex->list_len += 1;
void addEdge(Graph *graph, int from_vertex, int to_vertex, int undirected) {
// Add edge. If undirected != 0, adds an edge back in the other direction too.
// Amends the neighbours array of the relevant vertex/vertices.
// check that both vertices exist
vertex *from_exists = g_hash_table_lookup(graph->adj_list, GINT_TO_POINTER(from_vertex));
vertex *to_exists = g_hash_table_lookup(graph->adj_list, GINT_TO_POINTER(to_vertex));
if (from_exists && to_exists) {
// search for from_vertex
addNeighbour(graph, from_exists, to_vertex);
if (undirected != 0) {
addNeighbour(graph, to_exists, from_vertex);
// printf("%d<->%d\n", from_vertex, to_vertex);
} else {
// printf("%d-->%d\n", from_vertex, to_vertex);
} else if (!from_exists && !to_exists) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d, %d do not exist\n", from_vertex, to_vertex);
} else if (!from_exists) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d does not exist\n", from_vertex);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%d does not exist\n", to_vertex);
// alpha behaviour
void printAdjList(Graph * graph) {
// print this graph's adjacency table.
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexCount; i++) {
int value = graph->sortedVertices[i];
printf("vertex: %d | neighbours: ", value);
vertex *v;
v = getVertex(graph, value);
for (int j = 0; j < v->list_len; j++) {
printf("%d ", v->neighbours[j]);
void initialize_dfs(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer userdata) {
vertex *deref = ((vertex*) value);
deref->vertex_color = white;
deref->t_d = 0;
deref->t_f = 0;
deref->pi = NULL;
void dfs_visit(Graph *graph, vertex *deref) {
dfs_time += 1;
deref->t_d = dfs_time; // set discovery time
deref->vertex_color = gray;
int nbr;
vertex *v;
for (int i = 0; i < deref->list_len; i++) {
// iterate thru all neighbours, which will be in alpha order
nbr = deref->neighbours[i];
v = getVertex(graph, nbr);
if (v->vertex_color == gray) {
// printf("Found a back edge: %d, %d\n", deref->value, v->value);
if (v->vertex_color == white) {
v->pi = deref;
dfs_visit(graph, v);
deref->vertex_color = black;
graph->topoSort[graph->topoCount] = deref->value;
// printf("finished %d\n", deref->value);
dfs_time += 1;
deref->t_f = dfs_time;
void onEachVertex(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer userdata) {
Graph *graph = ((Graph*) userdata);
vertex *deref = ((vertex*) value);
if (deref->vertex_color == white) {
dfs_visit(graph, deref);
void alpha_dfs(Graph * graph) {
// alphabetical dfs
g_hash_table_foreach(graph->adj_list, initialize_dfs, NULL);
// set all vertices to white and t_d, t_f values to 0
dfs_time = 0;
vertex *current;
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexCount; i++) {
current = getVertex(graph, graph->sortedVertices[i]);
// printf("starting on vertex %d\n", current->value);
if (current->vertex_color == white) {
dfs_visit(graph, current);
int* topoPrint(Graph *graph) {
// note that this prints backwards
// socks must come BEFORE everything else
// so they FINISH last
printf("Topological sort: ");
for (int i = graph->topoCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("%d ", graph->topoSort[i]);
return graph->topoSort;
int min(int x, int y) {
if (x <= y) { return x; }
else return y;
void scc_dfs(Graph *graph_transpose, vertex *u, Graph *original) {
// recursive dfs run to identify strongly connected components
u->vertex_color = gray;
if (u->pi) {
// if it has a parent in the transpose graph, it's part of a scc,
// so it should have the same minlabel as its parent
original->minlabels[u->value] = original->minlabels[u->pi->value];
// if child is smaller than the current pointed-to value, then change the value
if (u->value < *(original->minlabels[u->value])) {
*(original->minlabels[u->value]) = u->value;
} else {
// doesn't have a parent in transpose, is dead end; initialize minlabel to itself
int *current_min = malloc(sizeof(int*));
original->minlabels[u->value] = current_min;
*current_min = u->value;
int nbr;
vertex *v;
for (int j = 0; j < u->list_len; j++) {
nbr = u->neighbours[j];
v = getVertex(graph_transpose, nbr);
// if (v->vertex_color == gray) {
// printf("Found a back edge: %d, %d\n", u->value, v->value);
// }
if (v->vertex_color == white) {
v->pi = u;
scc_dfs(graph_transpose, v, original);
u->vertex_color = black;
void scc(Graph *graph, Graph *graph_transpose) {
// given a graph on which DFS has been run which has a topo order, and a graph transpose,
// run DFS in topo order on the transpose in order to identify strongly connected components
// and populate the graph's minlabel array of pointers
graph->minlabels = malloc(sizeof(int*) * graph->vertexCount);
int topoCount = graph->topoCount;
int *topoOrder = graph->topoSort;
vertex *current;
for (int i = topoCount; i > 0; i--) {
// graph_transpose vertices are all white
current = getVertex(graph_transpose, topoOrder[i-1]);
// printf("current is: %d\n", current->value);
scc_dfs(graph_transpose, current, graph);
Graph* transpose(Graph *graph) {
// returns the transpose of a graph in O(|V|+|E|) time
// a little wasteful bc it constructs the nodes again, but it's still O(V+E)
Graph *new = newGraph();
// recreate vertices
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexCount; i++) {
addVertex(new, graph->sortedVertices[i]);
// recreate edges but reversed
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexCount; i++) {
int value = graph->sortedVertices[i];
vertex *v;
v = getVertex(graph, value);
for (int j = 0; j < v->list_len; j++) {
addEdge(new, v->neighbours[j], v->value, 0);
return new;
void min_reachable(Graph *graph) {
// run DFS to populate topo-sort array
Graph *transp = transpose(graph);
scc(graph, transp);
// populate each vertex with itself as its initial minlabel,
// but set all connected components to same pointer, pointing to lowest value in SCC
// now copy minlabels from the graph onto the vertices
vertex *current;
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexCount; i++) {
current = getVertex(graph, graph->sortedVertices[i]);
current->minlabel = *(graph->minlabels[current->value]);
int topoCount = graph->topoCount;
int *topoOrder = graph->topoSort;
for (int i = 0; i < topoCount; i++) {
current = getVertex(graph, topoOrder[i]);
vertex *parent;
parent = current->pi;
if (parent) {
parent->minlabel = min(parent->minlabel, current->minlabel);
void printMinLabels(Graph *graph) {
vertex *current;
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexCount; i++) {
current = getVertex(graph, graph->sortedVertices[i]);
printf("vertex: %d | min(u): %d \n", current->value, current->minlabel);
int main() {
Graph *graph = newGraph();
// test case 1: simple ---------------
// for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
// addVertex(graph, i);
// }
// addEdge(graph, 1, 2, 0);
// addEdge(graph, 2, 3, 0);
// test case 2 --------------
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
addVertex(graph, i);
addVertex(graph, 5);
addVertex(graph, 7);
addVertex(graph, 4);
addVertex(graph, 9);
addEdge(graph, 1, 2, 0);
addEdge(graph, 2, 3, 0);
addEdge(graph, 3, 1, 0);
addEdge(graph, 1, 5, 0);
addEdge(graph, 3, 7, 0);
addEdge(graph, 7, 4, 0);
addEdge(graph, 7, 9, 0);
// end test ------------------------------------
printf("---- Adjacency list: -----\n");
printf("---- Minimum reachable from each vertex: -----\n");
return 0;
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