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Created December 8, 2014 05:48
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windows netwrk adapters
use PerlIO;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $PSF;
my $networkshellcmd = q[netsh];
my @networkshellpar = qw[-c lan show interfaces];
my @startprocess = ($networkshellcmd, @networkshellpar);
my $CPID = open($PSF, "-|:raw", @startprocess);
die "Failed attempt to open $networkshellcmd" unless $CPID;
# scope the following operations.
my $fwjo = qr'There are (.) interfaces on the system:';
my $pthrough;
my $wandat;
( defined($pthrough = readline($PSF))) {
if ($pthrough =~ $fwjo) {
# reset input record sep for the DOS program output coming in from subprocess.
$/ = "\cM\cJ\cM\cJ";
next ONI
if ($pthrough =~/\s*State \s*: Connected\./)
$wandat .= $pthrough;
no strict;
no warnings qw(once);
my (%intof, %dats);
my $hit=1;
my $mflen = '-' . length 'Physical Address';
while ($hit and $wandat =~/\s*([^:]+)\s*[:]\s([^:]+)\cM?\cJ/gsm) {
($hit = $1) || last ;
my $w = $2;
die unless $w;
( $stn = $1 )=~ s/\s+ \z//x;
next if $stn eq 'State';
{ $intof {$stn} = $w; next }
# Wanted "Name", "Physical Address", "Description".
while (my($t_,$u_) = each %intof) {
$t_ =~ s/\s+ \z//x;
$u_ =~ s/\s+ \z//x;
$dats{$t_} = $u_;
printf STDERR qq[%${mflen}s => %s\n], $_, $dats{$_} for keys %dats;
} # // end scoping //
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