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Created August 20, 2021 14:46
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PDFTron Native translations for iOS
$labelsDe = [
'%@ Document - %@' => '%1$@ Dokument - %2$@',
'%d of %d' => '%1$d von %2$d',
'%i/%i' => '%1$i/%2$i',
'3D' => '3D',
'Add %@ on Page %d' => '%1$@ auf Seite %2$d hinzufügen',
'Add Author' => 'Author angeben',
'Add Blank Pages' => 'Leere Seiten hinzufügen',
'Add Image as Page' => 'Bild als Seite hinzufügen',
'Add Page' => 'Seite hinzufügen',
'Add vertex' => 'Vertex hinzufügen',
'Add your name as an author to annotations you create. You can change this using the iOS Settings app.' => 'Fügen Sie Ihren Namen als Authro zu Markierungen hinzu, die Sie erstellen. Die Einstellung lässt sich über die iOS Einstellungen-App verändern.',
'All' => 'Alle',
'All the pages in the document cannot be deleted.' => 'Es können nicht alle Seiten in einem Dokument gelöscht werden.',
'Annotate' => 'Kommentieren',
'Annotated' => 'Markiert',
'Annotation' => 'Markierung',
'Annotation Modes' => 'Anmerkungsmodi',
'Annotations' => 'Markierungen',
'Area' => 'Bereich',
'Arrow' => 'Pfeil',
'AS IS' => 'WIE ES IST',
'Attach…' => 'Einfügen…',
'Available on iOS XX.XX.XX and up.' => 'Verfügbar ab iOS XX.XX.XX und höher.',
'Blend mode' => 'Blend mode',
'Bookmarked' => 'Lesezeichen',
'Bookmarks' => 'Lesezeichen',
'Border Color' => 'Rahmenfarbe',
'Calibrate' => 'Kalibrieren',
'Calibrate Measurements' => 'Messungen kalibrieren',
'Cancel' => 'Abbrechen',
'Cannot Delete All Pages' => 'Es können nicht alle Seiten entfernt werden',
'Caret' => 'Raute',
'Clear signature' => 'Signatur zurücksetzen',
'Close' => 'Schliessen',
'Cloud' => 'Wolke',
'Cloudy' => 'Wolke',
'Color' => 'Farbe',
'Color Burn' => 'Color Burn',
'Color Dodge' => 'Color Dodge',
'Combo tool' => 'Zeichnen/Hervorheben-Kombi',
'Comments' => 'Kommentare',
'Compare' => 'Vergleichen',
'Compatible' => 'Kompatibel',
'Conflict' => 'Konflikt',
'Continuous' => 'Fortlaufend',
'Copy' => 'Kopieren',
'Copy Text' => 'Text kopieren',
'Cover Facing' => 'Deckblatt einzeln',
'Creation Date' => 'Erstelldatum',
'Darken' => 'Darken',
'Date Created' => 'Erstellungsdatum',
'Date Modified' => 'Änderungsdatum',
'Define' => 'Definition',
'Delete' => 'Löschen',
'Delete Annotation' => 'Markierung löschen',
'Delete All Annotations' => 'Alle Anmerkungen löschen',
'Delete Page(s)?' => 'Seite(n) löschen?',
'Deselect All' => 'Alles deselektieren',
'Difference' => 'Difference',
'Digital Signature' => 'Digitale Signatur',
'Digital Signature Information' => 'Digitale Signatur Information',
'Digitally Sign' => 'Digital signieren',
'Do you want to delete the selected page(s)?' => 'Möchten Sie die ausgewählte(n) Seite(n) entfernen?',
'Document is Encrypted' => 'Das Dokument ist verschlüsselt',
'Done' => 'Fertig',
'Draw' => 'Zeichnen',
'Edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Edit %@' => '%@ bearbeiten',
'Edit Text' => 'Text bearbeiten',
'Ellipse' => 'Ellipse',
'Enter a page number' => 'Geben Sie eine Seitenzahl ein',
'Enter a page number (%d to %d)' => 'Seitenzahl eingeben (%1$d bis %2$d)',
'Enter the length of the measurement' => 'Länge der Messung angeben',
'Error' => 'Fehler',
'Eraser' => 'Radierer',
'Exclusion' => 'Ausschliessen',
'Facing' => 'Deckblatt Doppelseite',
'Favorites' => 'Favoriten',
'File Attachment' => 'Datei-Anhang',
'File Comparison' => 'Datei-Vergleich',
'File display color' => 'Datei-Anzeigefarbe',
'Fill Color' => 'Füllfarbe',
'Fine Scrubbing' => 'Feines Schrubben',
'First Page' => 'Erste Seite',
'Flatten' => 'Einbetten',
'Freehand Highlight' => 'Freihandmarkierung',
'Free Highlight' => 'Freies Markieren',
'Go to Page' => 'Springe zu Seite',
'Go To Page' => 'Springe zu Seite',
'Group' => 'Gruppieren',
'Half-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Schrubben mit halber Geschwindigkeit',
'Hard Light' => 'Hard Light',
'Hi-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Schrubben mit Hi-Speed',
'Highlight' => 'Hervorheben',
'Hue' => 'Farbton',
'Image' => 'Bild',
'Image Stamp' => 'Bild',
'Ink' => 'Zeichnen',
'Insert' => 'Einfügen',
'Invalid page number' => 'Ungültige Seitenzahl',
'JavaScript Alert' => 'JavaScript Meldung',
'Label' => 'Beschriftung',
'Last Page' => 'Letzte Seite',
'Last Reply Date' => 'Letzte-Antwort Datum',
'Layer' => 'Ebene',
'Lighten' => 'Lighten',
'Line' => 'Linie',
'Link' => 'Link',
'Location' => 'Ort',
'Luminosity' => 'Leuchtkraft',
'Match Case' => 'Gross-/Klein-Schreibung',
'Measure' => 'Messen',
'Measure…' => 'Messen…',
'Modify %@ on Page %d' => '%1$@ auf Seite %2$d bearbeiten',
'Modify Form Field on Page %d' => 'Formular-Feld auf Seite %d bearbeiten',
'Move Page' => 'Seite verschieben',
'Movie' => 'Video',
'Multi-select' => 'Auswählen',
'Multiply' => 'Multiplizieren',
'My Signature' => 'Meine Signatur',
'Name' => 'Name',
'New Signature' => 'Neue Signatur',
'Next Page' => 'Nächste Seite',
'Night Mode' => 'Nachtmodus',
'No Information' => 'Keine Information',
'No Results' => 'Keine Ergebnisse',
'No Title' => 'Kein Titel',
'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Note' => 'Notiz',
'OK' => 'OK',
'Opacity' => 'Deckkraft',
'Open' => 'Öffnen',
'Opening PDF...' => 'Öffne PDF...',
'Outline' => 'Inhaltsverzeichnis',
'Overlay' => 'Überlagerung',
'Overlay text' => 'Text Überlagerung',
'Page %@' => 'Seite %@',
'Page %d' => 'Seite %d',
'Page number' => 'Seitenzahl',
'Page Number' => 'Seitenzahl',
'Page Rotation' => 'Seitendrehung',
'Password' => 'Passwort',
'PDF Layers' => 'PDF Ebenen',
'Pencil Drawing' => 'Stiftzeichnung',
'Pens' => 'Stifte',
'Perimeter' => 'Perimeter',
'Pick a Photo' => 'Foto auswählen',
'Please enter the password to view the document' => 'Bitte geben Sie das Passwort ein, um das Dokument zu öffnen',
'Polygon' => 'Polygon',
'Polyline' => 'Polyline',
'Popup' => 'Popup',
'Post' => 'Post',
'Precision' => 'Präzision',
'Previous Page' => 'Vorherige Seite',
'Print Document' => 'Drucken',
'Printer Mark' => 'Druckmarkierung',
'Projection' => 'Projection',
'pt' => 'pt',
'Quarter-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Schrubben mit einem viertel der Geschwindigkeit',
'Reader' => 'Lese-Modus',
'Reader With Images' => 'Lese-Modus mit Bildern',
'Reader With Images B' => 'Lese-Modus mit Bildern B',
'Reason' => 'Grund',
'Rectangle' => 'Rechteck',
'Redact' => 'Korrigieren',
'Redaction' => 'Korrektur',
'Redo' => 'Wiederherstellen',
'Remove %@ on Page %d' => '%1$@ von Seite %2$d entfernen',
'Remove Page' => 'Seite entfernen',
'Remove vertex' => 'Vertex entfernen',
'Reset Zoom' => 'Zoom zurücksetzen',
'Rich Media' => 'Multimedia',
'Rotate Pages' => 'Seiten drehen',
'Rotate Pages Clockwise' => 'Seiten im Uhrzeigersinn drehen',
'Rotate Pages Counterclockwise' => 'Seiten gegen den Uhrzeigersinn drehen',
'Ruler' => 'Lineal',
'Saturation' => 'Sättigung',
'Save' => 'Speichern',
'Save and Sign' => 'Speichern und signieren',
'Saving error' => 'Fehler beim Speichern',
'Scale' => 'Skalierung',
'Screen' => 'Screen',
'Search' => 'Suche',
'Search Results' => 'Suchergebnisse',
'Select' => 'Auswählen',
'Select a file to compare' => 'Datei zum Vergleichen auswählen',
'Select All' => 'Alles auswählen',
'Select Annotations' => 'Markierungen auswählen',
'Selected: %lu' => 'Ausgewählt: %lu',
'Settings' => 'Einstellungen',
'Shapes' => 'Formen',
'Shapes…' => 'Formen…',
'Share' => 'Teilen',
'Show Annotations' => 'Markierungen anzeigen',
'Show Bookmarks' => 'Lesezeichen anzeigen',
'Show Outline' => 'Rahmen anzeigen',
'Show Thumbnails' => 'Zeige Vorschaubilder',
'Sign Here' => 'Hier unterschreiben',
'Signature' => 'Signatur',
'Single Page' => 'Einzelne Seiten',
'Skip' => 'Überspringen',
'Slide your finger up to adjust the scrubbing rate.' => 'Mit dem Finger wischen, um die Schrubbrate zu verändern.',
'Snapping' => 'Einrasten',
'Soft Light' => 'Soft Light',
'Sort by:' => 'Sortieren nach:',
'Sorted by %@' => 'Sortiert nach %@',
'Sound' => 'Ton',
'Squiggly' => 'Wellig',
'Stamp' => 'Stempel',
'Store Signature' => 'Signatur merken',
'Strikeout' => 'Durchstreichen',
'Stroke Color' => 'Strichfarbe',
'Style' => 'Stil',
'Text' => 'Text',
'Text Color' => 'Textfarbe',
'Text Search' => 'Textsuche',
'Text Size' => 'Textgrösse',
'There was a problem opening the file.' => 'Beim Öffnen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.',
'There was a problem saving your document. A backup copy was saved to %@' => 'Es gab ein Problem beim Speichern Ihres Dokuments. Eine Sicherungskopie wurde unter %@ gespeichert.',
'There was an error when trying to save the document.' => 'Beim Versuch, das Dokument zu speichern, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.',
'Thickness' => 'Stärke',
'This document does not contain any annotations.' => 'Dieses Dokument enthält keine Anmerkungen.',
'This document does not\ncontain an outline.' => 'Dieses Dokument enthält keine Inhaltsverzeichnis.',
'This document does not\ncontain any OCG layers.' => 'Dieses Dokument enthält keine OCG-Schichten.',
'This document is in conflict with an old version. The current version will be kept.' => 'Dieses Dokument steht im Konflikt mit einer alten Version. Die aktuelle Version wird beibehalten.',
'Thumbnail Viewer' => 'Vorschau Anzeige',
'Thumbnails' => 'Vorschaubilder',
'Toggle Annotation Toolbar' => 'Werkzeugleiste ein-/ausblenden',
'Trap Network' => 'Trap Network',
'Type' => 'Typ',
'Underline' => 'Unterstreichen',
'Undo' => 'Rückgängig',
'Ungroup' => 'Gruppierung auflösen',
'Unknown' => 'Unbekannt',
'Unsupported File' => 'Nicht-unterstütztes Dateiformat',
'Vertical Scrolling' => 'Vertikales Scrollen',
'View' => 'Ansicht',
'View Mode' => 'Anzeige Modus',
'Viewer Settings' => 'Anzeige Einstellungen',
'Viewing Modes' => 'Anzeige Modi',
'Watermark' => 'Wasserzeichen',
'Whole Word' => 'Ganze Wörter',
'Widget' => 'Widget',
'Write your comment' => 'Ihr Kommentar',
'You must select two files to compare' => 'Zum Vergleichen müssen Sie zwei Dateien auswählen.',
'Zoom In' => 'Ranzoomen',
'Zoom Out' => 'Rauszoomen',
'Add Tool' => 'Werkzeug hinzufügen',
'No Items' => 'Kein Eintrag',
'No Presets' => 'Keine Favoriten',
'Add tools to this group' => 'Werkzeuge zu dieser Gruppe hinzufügen',
'View Settings' => 'Einstellungen',
'Add Pages' => 'Seite hinzufügen'
$labelsFr = [
'%@ Document - %@' => '%1$@ Document - %2$@',
'%d of %d' => '%1$d sur %2$d',
'%i/%i' => '%1$i/%2$i',
'3D' => '3D',
'Add %@ on Page %d' => 'Ajouter %1$@ à la page %2$d',
'Add Author' => 'Ajouter l\'auteur',
'Add Blank Pages' => 'Ajouter des pages vierges',
'Add Image as Page' => 'Ajouter l\'image comme page',
'Add Page' => 'Ajouter une page',
'Add vertex' => 'Ajouter un sommet',
'Add your name as an author to annotations you create. You can change this using the iOS settings app.' => 'Ajoutez votre nom en tant qu\'auteur aux annotations que vous créez. Vous pouvez modifier ce paramètre à l\'aide de l\'application de paramètres iOS..',
'All' => 'Tout',
'All the pages in the document cannot be deleted.' => 'Impossible de supprimer toutes les pages d\'un document.',
'Annotate' => 'Annoter',
'Annotated' => 'Annoté',
'Annotation' => 'Annotation',
'Annotation Modes' => 'Modes d\'annotation',
'Annotations' => 'Annotation',
'Area' => 'Area',
'Arrow' => 'Flèche',
'AS IS' => 'TEL QUEL',
'Attach...' => 'Insérer...',
'Available on iOS XX.XX.XX and up.' => 'Disponible à partir d\'iOS XX.XX.XX et supérieur.',
'Blend mode' => 'Mode de fusion',
'Bookmarked' => 'Avec signet',
'Bookmarks' => 'Signets',
'Border Color' => 'Couleur du cadre',
'Calibrate' => 'Calibrer',
'Calibrate Measurements' => 'Calibrate measurements',
'Cancel' => 'Annuler',
'Cannot Delete All Pages' => 'Impossible de supprimer toutes les pages',
'Caret' => 'Caret',
'Clear signature' => 'Réinitialiser la signature',
'Close' => 'Fermer',
'Cloud' => 'Cloud',
'Cloudy' => 'Cloud',
'Color' => 'Couleur',
'Color Burn' => 'Couleur burn',
'Color Dodge' => 'Couleur dodge',
'Color Mode' => 'Mode de couleur',
'Comments' => 'Commentaires',
'Compare' => 'Compare',
'Compatible' => 'Compatible',
'Conflict' => 'Conflit',
'Continuous' => 'Continuous',
'Copy' => 'Copier',
'Copy Text' => 'Texte de copie',
'Cover Facing' => 'Cover Facing',
'Creation Date' => 'Date de création',
'Dark Mode' => 'Mode sombre',
'Darken' => 'Darken',
'Define' => 'Define',
'Delete' => 'Supprimer',
'Delete Annotation' => 'Supprimer l\'annotation',
'Delete Page(s)?' => 'Supprimer la(les) page(s)?',
'Deselect All' => 'Tout désélectionner',
'Difference' => 'Différence',
'Digital Signature' => 'Signature numérique',
'Digital Signature Information' => 'Informations sur la signature numérique',
'Digitally Sign' => 'Signer numériquement',
'Do you want to delete the selected page(s)?' => 'Voulez-vous supprimer la ou les pages sélectionnées?',
'Document is Encrypted' => 'Le document est chiffré',
'Done' => 'Terminé',
'Draw' => 'Dessiner',
'Edit' => 'Modifier',
'Edit %@' => 'Modifier %@',
'Edit Text' => 'Modifier le texte',
'Ellipse' => 'Ellipse',
'Enter a page number (%d to %d)' => 'Entrez un numéro de page (%1$d à %2$d)',
'Enter the length of the measurement' => 'Entrez la longueur de la mesure',
'Error' => 'Erreur',
'Exclusion' => 'Exclure',
'Facing' => 'Double page de couverture',
'Favorites' => 'Favoris',
'File Attachment' => 'Fichier attaché',
'File Comparison' => 'Comparaison de fichiers',
'File display color' => 'Couleur d\'affichage du fichier',
'Fill Color' => 'Couleur de remplissage',
'Fine Scrubbing' => 'Fine Scrubbing',
'First Page' => 'Première page',
'Go to Page' => 'Aller à la page',
'Go To Page' => 'Aller à la page',
'Group' => 'Group',
'Half-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Half-Speed ​​Scrubbing',
'Hard Light' => 'Lumière dure',
'Hi-Speed Scrubbing' => 'High-Speed ​​Scrubbing',
'Highlight' => 'Highlight',
'Hue' => 'Hue',
'Image' => 'D\'image',
'Image Stamp' => 'Image Stamp',
'Ink' => 'Encre',
'Insert' => 'Insérer',
'Invalid page number' => 'Numéro de page non valide',
'JavaScript Alert' => 'Alerte JavaScript',
'Label' => 'Description',
'Last Page' => 'Dernière page',
'Last Reply Date' => 'Dernière date de réponse',
'Layer' => 'Layer',
'Light Mode' => 'Mode d\'éclairage',
'Lighten' => 'Lighten',
'Line' => 'Line',
'Link' => 'Lien',
'Location' => 'Location',
'Luminosity' => 'Luminosité',
'Match Case' => 'Cas de match',
'Measure' => 'Mesurer',
'Measure...' => 'Mesurer...',
'Modify %@ on Page %d' => 'Modifier %1$@ sur la page %2$d',
'Modify Form Field on Page %d' => 'Modifier le champ de formulaire sur la page %d',
'Move Page' => 'Déplacer la page',
'Movie' => 'Vidéo',
'Multiply' => 'Multiplier',
'My Signature' => 'Ma signature',
'Name' => 'Nom',
'New Signature' => 'New Signature',
'Next Page' => 'Page suivante',
'Night Mode' => 'Night Mode',
'No Information' => 'No Information',
'No Results' => 'Aucun résultat',
'No Title' => 'No titre',
'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Note' => 'Remarque',
'OK' => 'OK',
'Opacity' => 'Opacité',
'Open' => 'Ouvrir',
'Opening PDF...' => 'Ouvrir le PDF...',
'Outline' => 'Contenu',
'Overlay' => 'Superposer',
'Overlay text' => 'Superposer de texte',
'Page %@' => 'Page %@',
'Page %d' => 'Page %d',
'Page number' => 'Numéro de page',
'Page Number' => 'Numéro de page',
'Page Rotation' => 'Rotation de page',
'Password' => 'Mot de passe',
'PDF Layers' => 'PDF Layers',
'Pencil Drawing' => 'Dessin au crayon',
'Pens' => 'Stylos',
'Perimeter' => 'Périmètre',
'Pick a Photo' => 'Choisissez une photo',
'Please enter the password to view the document' => 'Svp veuillez entrer le mot de passe pour ouvrir le document',
'Polygon' => 'Polygone',
'Polyline' => 'Polyline',
'Popup' => 'Popup',
'Post' => 'Publier',
'Precision' => 'Précision',
'Previous Page' => 'Page précédente',
'Print Document' => 'Imprimer',
'Printer Mark' => 'Imprimer la marque',
'Projection' => 'Projection',
'pt' => 'pt',
'Quarter-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Quarter-Speed ​​Scrubbing',
'Reader' => 'Mode de lecture',
'Reader With Images' => 'Mode de lecture avec images',
'Reader With Images B' => 'Mode de lecture avec images B',
'Reason' => 'Reason',
'Rectangle' => 'Rectangle',
'Redact' => 'Correct',
'Redaction' => 'Correction',
'Redo' => 'Refaire',
'Remove %@ on Page %d' => 'Supprimer %1$@ de la page %2$d',
'Remove Page' => 'Supprimer la page',
'Remove vertex' => 'Supprimer le sommet',
'Reset Zoom' => 'Réinitialiser le zoom',
'Rich Media' => 'Multimédia',
'Rotate Pages' => 'Faire pivoter les pages',
'Rotate Pages Clockwise' => 'Faire pivoter les pages dans le sens des aiguilles d\'une montre',
'Rotate Pages Counterclockwise' => 'Faire tourner les pages dans le sens des aiguilles d\'une montre',
'Ruler' => 'Règle',
'Saturation' => 'Saturation',
'Save' => 'Enregistrer',
'Save and Sign' => 'Enregistrer et signer',
'Saving error' => 'Erreur d\'enregistrement',
'Scale' => 'Mise à l\'échelle',
'Screen' => 'Screen',
'Search' => 'Rechercher',
'Search Results' => 'Résultats de la recherche',
'Select' => 'Sélectionner',
'Select a file to compare' => 'Sélectionnez un fichier à comparer',
'Select All' => 'Sélectionner tout',
'Select Annotations' => 'Sélectionner des annotations',
'Selected: %lu' => 'Sélectionné: %lu',
'Sepia Mode' => 'Mode sépia',
'Settings' => 'Paramètres',
'Shapes...' => 'Formes...',
'Share' => 'Partager',
'Show Annotations' => 'Afficher les annotations',
'Show Bookmarks' => 'Afficher les signets',
'Show Outline' => 'Afficher le contour',
'Show Thumbnails' => 'Afficher les miniatures',
'Sign Here' => 'Signer ici',
'Signature' => 'Signature',
'Single Page' => 'Pages uniques',
'Skip' => 'Ignorer',
'Slide your finger up to adjust the scrubbing rate.' => 'Faites glisser votre doigt pour modifier la taille du gommage.',
'Snapping' => 'Snapping',
'Soft Light' => 'Soft Light',
'SOLD' => 'VENDU',
'Sort by:' => 'Trier par:',
'Sorted by %@' => 'Trié par %@',
'Sound' => 'Son',
'Squiggly' => 'Squiggly',
'Stamp' => 'Stamp',
'Store Signature' => 'Mémoriser la signature',
'Strikeout' => 'Barrée',
'Stroke Color' => 'Couleur du trait',
'Style' => 'Style',
'Text' => 'Texte',
'Text Color' => 'Couleur du texte',
'Text Search' => 'Recherche de texte',
'Text Size' => 'Taille du texte',
'There was a problem opening the file.' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite lors de l\'ouverture du fichier.',
'There was a problem saving your document. A backup copy was saved to %@' => 'Un problème est survenu lors de l\'enregistrement de votre document. Une copie de sauvegarde a été enregistrée dans %@.',
'There was an error when trying to save the document.' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite lors de la tentative d\'enregistrement du document.',
'Thickness' => 'Epaisseur',
'This document does not contain any annotations.' => 'Il n\'y a pas d\'annotations dans ce document.',
'This document does not\ncontain an outline.' => 'Il n\'y a pas de plan dans ce document.',
'This document does not\ncontain any OCG layers.' => 'Ce document ne contient aucune couche OCG.',
'This document is in conflict with an old version. The current version will be kept.' => 'Ce document est en conflit avec une ancienne version. La version actuelle est conservée.',
'Thumbnail Viewer' => 'Affichage de l\'aperçu',
'Thumbnails' => 'Miniatures',
'Toggle Annotation Toolbar' => 'Afficher/masquer la barre d\'outils',
'Trap Network' => 'Trap Network',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Underline' => 'Souligné',
'Undo' => 'Annuler',
'Ungroup' => 'Dissocier',
'Unknown' => 'Inconnu',
'Unsupported File' => 'Format de fichier non pris en charge',
'Vertical Scrolling' => 'Défilement vertical',
'View' => 'Afficher',
'View Mode' => 'Mode de visualisation',
'Viewer Settings' => 'Paramètres d\'affichage',
'Viewing Modes' => 'Modes de visualisation',
'Watermark' => 'Filigrane',
'Whole Word' => 'Mot entier',
'Widget' => 'Widget',
'Write your comment' => 'Votre commentaire',
'You must select two files to compare' => 'Vous devez sélectionner deux fichiers à comparer.',
'Zoom In' => 'Zoom In',
'Zoom Out' => 'Zoom Out',
'Add Tool' => 'Ajouter un outil',
'No Items' => 'No Items',
'Add tools to this group' => 'Ajouter des outils à ce groupe',
'View Settings' => 'Paramètres',
'Add Pages' => 'Ajouter des pages'
$labelsIt = [
'Caret' => 'Accento circonflesso',
'Rotate Pages' => 'Ruota le pagine',
'Style' => 'Stile',
'Comments' => 'Commenti',
'Highlight' => 'Evidenzia',
'Delete Page(s)?' => 'Elimina Pagina(e)?',
'Color' => 'Colore',
'Annotations' => 'Note',
'Close' => 'Chiudi',
'Ruler' => 'Righello',
'Thickness' => 'Spessore',
'Undo' => 'Annulla Comando',
'Match Case' => 'Maiuscole/minuscole',
'Grid' => 'Reticolo',
'Annotation' => 'Annotazione',
'Annotation Modes' => 'Modalità di annotazione',
'Sound' => 'Suono',
'Redaction' => 'Redazione',
'Signatures' => 'Firme',
'Arrow' => 'Freccia',
'%i/%i' => '%1$i/%2$i',
'Line' => 'Linea',
'OK' => 'Ok',
'Skip' => 'Evita',
'Share' => 'Condividi',
'Add Author' => 'Aggiungi Autore',
'Select' => 'Seleziona',
'Squiggly' => 'Ondulata',
'Scale' => 'Scala',
'Save' => 'Salva',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Copy' => 'Copia',
'Redact' => 'Redigere',
'Link' => 'Collegamento',
'Rectangle' => 'Rettangolo',
'Flatten' => 'Fotocopia',
'Outline' => 'Bordo',
'Settings' => 'Impostazioni',
'Add Page' => 'Aggiungi pagina',
'Signature' => 'Firma',
'Search' => 'Cerca',
'Delete' => 'Elimina',
'Open' => 'Apri',
'Single Page' => 'Una pagina',
'Blank' => 'Vuota',
'Bookmarks' => 'Segnalibri',
'%d of %d' => '%1$d of %2$d',
'Strikeout' => 'Barrato',
'Stamp' => 'Francobollo',
'Graph' => 'Grafico',
'Modify %@ on Page %d' => 'Modify %1$@ on Page %2$d',
'Note' => 'Nota',
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'Add' => 'Aggiungi',
'Music' => 'Musica',
'Page Size' => 'Dimensioni Pagina',
'Remove %@ on Page %d' => 'Remove %1$@ on Page %2$d',
'Precision' => 'Precisione',
'Thumbnails' => 'Miniature',
'Move Page' => 'Spostare Pagina',
'Error' => 'Errore',
'Page %d' => 'Pagina %d',
'Orientation' => 'Orientamento',
'Whole Word' => 'Parola intera',
'Done' => 'Fatto',
'Cancel' => 'Annulla',
'Redo' => 'Ripristina',
'Image' => 'Aggiungi Immagine',
'Ink' => 'Inks',
'Polygon' => 'Poligono',
'Overlay text' => 'Testo sovrapposto',
'Define' => 'Definisci',
'Export' => 'Esporta',
'Paste' => 'Incolla',
'Opacity' => 'Opacità',
'Add %@ on Page %d' => 'Add %1$@ on Page %2$d',
'Edit' => 'Modifica',
'%@ Document - %@' => '%1$@ Document - %2$@',
'Lined' => 'Allineato',
'Copy Text' => 'Copia il testo',
'Polyline' => 'Linea poligonale',
'New Signature' => 'Nuova Firma',
'Underline' => 'Sottolinea',
'Enter a page number (%d to %d)' => 'Enter a page number (%1$d to %2$d)',
$labelsEn = [
'%@ Document - %@' => '%1$@ Document - %2$@',
'%@ Preset %lu' => '%1$@ Preset %2$lu',
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'%i/%i' => '%1$i/%2$i',
'3D' => '3D',
'A bookmark on page %d (with the title \'%@\') already exists.' => 'A bookmark on page %1$d (with the title \'%2$@\') already exists.',
'Add' => 'Add',
'Add %@ on Page %d' => 'Add %1$@ on Page %2$d',
'Add Author' => 'Add Author',
'Add Image' => 'Add Image',
'Add Page' => 'Add Page',
'Add Pages' => 'Add Pages',
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'Add Tool' => 'Add Tool',
'Add tools to this group' => 'Add tools to this group',
'Add vertex' => 'Add vertex',
'Add your name as an author to annotations you create. You can change this using the iOS Settings app.' => 'Add your name as an author to annotations you create. You can change this using the iOS Settings app.',
'Additional View Menu' => 'Additional View Menu',
'After Page Number' => 'After Page Number',
'All' => 'All',
'All the pages in the document cannot be deleted.' => 'All the pages in the document cannot be deleted.',
'Annotate' => 'Annotate',
'Annotated' => 'Annotated',
'Annotation' => 'Annotation',
'Annotation Modes' => 'Annotation Modes',
'Annotation Toolbar' => 'Annotation Toolbar',
'Annotations' => 'Annotations',
'App Settings' => 'App Settings',
'Area' => 'Area',
'Arrow' => 'Arrow',
'AS IS' => 'AS IS',
'Attach…' => 'Attach…',
'Available on iOS XX.XX.XX and up.' => 'Available on iOS XX.XX.XX and up.',
'Background Color' => 'Background Color',
'Blank' => 'Blank',
'Blend mode' => 'Blend mode',
'Bookmarked' => 'Bookmarked',
'Bookmarks' => 'Bookmarks',
'Border Color' => 'Border Color',
'Calibrate' => 'Calibrate',
'Calibrate Measurements' => 'Calibrate Measurements',
'Callout' => 'Callout',
'Camera' => 'Camera',
'Camera access can be enabled in Settings' => 'Camera access can be enabled in Settings',
'Camera access is not authorized for this app' => 'Camera access is not authorized for this app',
'Cancel' => 'Cancel',
'Cannot Delete All Pages' => 'Cannot Delete All Pages',
'Caret' => 'Caret',
'Choose Font' => 'Choose Font',
'Clear signature' => 'Clear signature',
'Close' => 'Close',
'Close All' => 'Close All',
'Cloud' => 'Cloud',
'Color' => 'Color',
'Color Burn' => 'Color Burn',
'Color Dodge' => 'Color Dodge',
'Color Mode' => 'Color Mode',
'Combo tool' => 'Combo tool',
'Comments' => 'Comments',
'Compare' => 'Compare',
'Compatible' => 'Compatible',
'Conflict' => 'Conflict',
'Continuous' => 'Continuous',
'Continuous Scroll' => 'Continuous Scroll',
'Copy' => 'Copy',
'Copy Text' => 'Copy Text',
'Could Not Add Bookmark' => 'Could Not Add Bookmark',
'Cover Facing' => 'Cover Facing',
'Creation Date' => 'Creation Date',
'Crop' => 'Crop',
'Custom' => 'Custom',
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'Darken' => 'Darken',
'Date Created' => 'Date Created',
'Date Modified' => 'Date Modified',
'Define' => 'Define',
'Delete' => 'Delete',
'Delete Annotation' => 'Delete Annotation',
'Delete All Annotations' => 'Delete All Annotations',
'Delete Page(s)?' => 'Delete Page(s)?',
'Deselect All' => 'Deselect All',
'Difference' => 'Difference',
'Digital Signature' => 'Digital Signature',
'Digital Signature Information' => 'Digital Signature Information',
'Digitally Sign' => 'Digitally Sign',
'Do you want to delete the selected page(s)?' => 'Do you want to delete the selected page(s)?',
'Document could not be shared' => 'Document could not be shared',
'Document is Encrypted' => 'Document is Encrypted',
'Document Tabs' => 'Document Tabs',
'Done' => 'Done',
'Dotted' => 'Dotted',
'Down' => 'Down',
'Draw' => 'Draw',
'Edit' => 'Edit',
'Edit %@' => 'Edit %@',
'Edit Annotation Modes' => 'Edit Annotation Modes',
'Edit Items' => 'Edit Items',
'Edit Text' => 'Edit Text',
'Ellipse' => 'Ellipse',
'Enter a page number' => 'Enter a page number',
'Enter a page number (%d to %d)' => 'Enter a page number (%1$d to %2$d)',
'Enter the length of the measurement' => 'Enter the length of the measurement',
'Eraser' => 'Eraser',
'Error' => 'Error',
'Exclusion' => 'Exclusion',
'Export' => 'Export',
'Export a Copy' => 'Export a Copy',
'Export a Flattened Copy' => 'Export a Flattened Copy',
'Export an Optimized Copy' => 'Export an Optimized Copy',
'Export Document' => 'Export Document',
'Exporting' => 'Exporting',
'Facing' => 'Facing',
'Favorites' => 'Favorites',
'File Attachment' => 'File Attachment',
'File Comparison' => 'File Comparison',
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'Files' => 'Files',
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'Fine Scrubbing' => 'Fine Scrubbing',
'First Page' => 'First Page',
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'Flattening' => 'Flattening',
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'Freehand Drawing' => 'Freehand Drawing',
'Freehand Highlight' => 'Freehand Highlight',
'Go' => 'Go',
'Go to First Page' => 'Go to First Page',
'Go to Last Page' => 'Go to Last Page',
'Go to Page' => 'Go to Page',
'Go to Page…' => 'Go to Page…',
'Graph' => 'Graph',
'Grid' => 'Grid',
'Group' => 'Group',
'Half-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Half-Speed Scrubbing',
'Hard Light' => 'Hard Light',
'Hi-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Hi-Speed Scrubbing',
'Highlight' => 'Highlight',
'Highlight Text' => 'Highlight Text',
'Hue' => 'Hue',
'Image' => 'Image',
'Image Stamp' => 'Image Stamp',
'Import Pages from PDF' => 'Import Pages from PDF',
'Ink' => 'Ink',
'Insert' => 'Insert',
'Invalid page number' => 'Invalid page number',
'Iso' => 'Iso',
'JavaScript Alert' => 'JavaScript Alert',
'Label' => 'Label',
'Last Page' => 'Last Page',
'Last Reply Date' => 'Last Reply Date',
'Layer' => 'Layer',
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'Lighten' => 'Lighten',
'Line' => 'Line',
'Lined' => 'Lined',
'Link' => 'Link',
'Location' => 'Location',
'Luminosity' => 'Luminosity',
'Match Case' => 'Match Case',
'Measure' => 'Measure',
'Measure…' => 'Measure…',
'Modify %@ on Page %d' => 'Modify %1$@ on Page %2$d',
'Modify Form Field on Page %d' => 'Modify Form Field on Page %d',
'Modify Page Content' => 'Modify Page Content',
'More' => 'More',
'More Annotations' => 'More Annotations',
'Move Page' => 'Move Page',
'Movie' => 'Movie',
'Multi-select' => 'Multi-select',
'Multiply' => 'Multiply',
'Music' => 'Music',
'Name' => 'Name',
'Navigation Lists' => 'Navigation Lists',
'New Blank Page' => 'New Blank Page',
'New Page from Photo Library' => 'New Page from Photo Library',
'New Page with Camera' => 'New Page with Camera',
'New Signature' => 'New Signature',
'Next Page' => 'Next Page',
'Night Mode' => 'Night Mode',
'No Information' => 'No Information',
'No items' => 'No items',
'No Presets' => 'No Presets',
'No Results' => 'No Results',
'No Title' => 'No Title',
'Normal' => 'Normal',
'Note' => 'Note',
'Number of Pages' => 'Number of Pages',
'OK' => 'OK',
'One Time Signature' => 'One Time Signature',
'Opacity' => 'Opacity',
'Open' => 'Open',
'Opening PDF...' => 'Opening PDF...',
'Optimizing' => 'Optimizing',
'Orientation' => 'Orientation',
'Outline' => 'Outline',
'Over Text' => 'Over Text',
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'Overlay text' => 'Overlay text',
'Page %@' => 'Page %@',
'Page %d' => 'Page %d',
'Page Number' => 'Page Number',
'Page number' => 'Page number',
'Page Rotation' => 'Page Rotation',
'Page Size' => 'Page Size',
'Password' => 'Password',
'Paste' => 'Paste',
'PDF Layers' => 'PDF Layers',
'Pencil Drawing' => 'Pencil Drawing',
'Pens' => 'Pens',
'Perimeter' => 'Perimeter',
'Photo Library' => 'Photo Library',
'Pick a Photo' => 'Pick a Photo',
'Please enter the password to add pages from this document' => 'Please enter the password to add pages from this document',
'Please enter the password to view the document' => 'Please enter the password to view the document',
'Polygon' => 'Polygon',
'Polyline' => 'Polyline',
'Popup' => 'Popup',
'Post' => 'Post',
'Precision' => 'Precision',
'Previous Page' => 'Previous Page',
'Print Document' => 'Print Document',
'Printer Mark' => 'Printer Mark',
'Projection' => 'Projection',
'pt' => 'pt',
'Quarter-Speed Scrubbing' => 'Quarter-Speed Scrubbing',
'Reader' => 'Reader',
'Reader Mode' => 'Reader Mode',
'Reader With Images' => 'Reader With Images',
'Reader With Images B' => 'Reader With Images B',
'Reason' => 'Reason',
'Rectangle' => 'Rectangle',
'Redact' => 'Redact',
'Redaction' => 'Redaction',
'Redo' => 'Redo',
'Reflow' => 'Reflow',
'Remove' => 'Remove',
'Remove %@ on Page %d' => 'Remove %1$@ on Page %2$d',
'Remove Page' => 'Remove Page',
'Remove stroke' => 'Remove stroke',
'Remove vertex' => 'Remove vertex',
'Reset Zoom' => 'Reset Zoom',
'Rich Media' => 'Rich Media',
'Rotate Pages' => 'Rotate Pages',
'Rotate Pages Clockwise' => 'Rotate Pages Clockwise',
'Rotate Pages Counterclockwise' => 'Rotate Pages Counterclockwise',
'Rubber Stamps' => 'Rubber Stamps',
'Ruler' => 'Ruler',
'Saturation' => 'Saturation',
'Save' => 'Save',
'Saving error' => 'Saving error',
'Scale' => 'Scale',
'Screen' => 'Screen',
'Search' => 'Search',
'Search Results' => 'Search Results',
'Select' => 'Select',
'Select a file to compare' => 'Select a file to compare',
'Select All' => 'Select All',
'Select an image source:' => 'Select an image source:',
'Select Annotations' => 'Select Annotations',
'Selected: %lu' => 'Selected: %lu',
'Sepia Mode' => 'Sepia Mode',
'Settings' => 'Settings',
'Shapes' => 'Shapes',
'Shapes…' => 'Shapes…',
'Share' => 'Share',
'Show Annotations' => 'Show Annotations',
'Show Bookmarks' => 'Show Bookmarks',
'Show Outline' => 'Show Outline',
'Show Thumbnails' => 'Show Thumbnails',
'Sidebar' => 'Sidebar',
'Sign' => 'Sign',
'Sign Here' => 'Sign Here',
'Signature' => 'Signature',
'Signatures' => 'Signatures',
'Single Page' => 'Single Page',
'Skip' => 'Skip',
'Slide your finger up to adjust the scrubbing rate.' => 'Slide your finger up to adjust the scrubbing rate.',
'Snapping' => 'Snapping',
'Soft Light' => 'Soft Light',
'SOLD' => 'SOLD',
'Sort by:' => 'Sort by:',
'Sorted by %@' => 'Sorted by %@',
'Sound' => 'Sound',
'Squiggly' => 'Squiggly',
'Stamp' => 'Stamp',
'Standard' => 'Standard',
'Store Signature' => 'Store Signature',
'Strikeout' => 'Strikeout',
'Strikethrough Text' => 'Strikethrough Text',
'Stroke Color' => 'Stroke Color',
'Style' => 'Style',
'Table of Contents' => 'Table of Contents',
'Tabs' => 'Tabs',
'Text' => 'Text',
'Text Color' => 'Text Color',
'Text Markup' => 'Text Markup',
'Text Search' => 'Text Search',
'Text Size' => 'Text Size',
'There was a problem opening the file.' => 'There was a problem opening the file.',
'There was a problem saving your document. A backup copy was saved to %@' => 'There was a problem saving your document. A backup copy was saved to %@',
'There was an error when trying to save the document.' => 'There was an error when trying to save the document.',
'Thickness' => 'Thickness',
'This document does not contain any annotations.' => 'This document does not contain any annotations.',
'This document does not\ncontain an outline.' => 'This document does not\ncontain an outline.',
'This document does not\ncontain any OCG layers.' => 'This document does not\ncontain any OCG layers.',
'This document is in conflict with an old version. The current version will be kept.' => 'This document is in conflict with an old version. The current version will be kept.',
'Thumbnail Viewer' => 'Thumbnail Viewer',
'Thumbnails' => 'Thumbnails',
'Toggle Annotation Toolbar' => 'Toggle Annotation Toolbar',
'Trap Network' => 'Trap Network',
'Two Pages' => 'Two Pages',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Underline' => 'Underline',
'Underline Text' => 'Underline Text',
'Undo' => 'Undo',
'Ungroup' => 'Ungroup',
'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
'Unsupported File' => 'Unsupported File',
'Untitled' => 'Untitled',
'Up' => 'Up',
'Vertical Scrolling' => 'Vertical Scrolling',
'View' => 'View',
'View Mode' => 'View Mode',
'View Modes Menu' => 'View Modes Menu',
'View Settings' => 'View Settings',
'Viewing Modes' => 'Viewing Modes',
'VOID' => 'VOID',
'Watermark' => 'Watermark',
'Whole Word' => 'Whole Word',
'Widget' => 'Widget',
'Write your comment' => 'Write your comment',
'You must select two files to compare' => 'You must select two files to compare',
'Zoom In' => 'Zoom In',
'Zoom Out' => 'Zoom Out'
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