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Created May 27, 2018 23:14
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* Doctrine form base class that makes it pretty easy to embed one or multiple related forms including creation forms.
* @package ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin
* @subpackage form
* @author Daniel Lohse <>
* @author Krzysztof Kotowicz <kkotowicz at gmail dot com>
* @author Gadfly <>
* @author Fabrizio Bottino <>
abstract class ahBaseFormDoctrine extends sfFormDoctrine
$scheduledForDeletion = array(), // related objects scheduled for deletion
$embedRelations = array(), // so we can check which relations are embedded in this form
$defaultRelationSettings = array(
'considerNewFormEmptyFields' => array(),
'noNewForm' => false,
'newFormLabel' => null,
'newFormClass' => null,
'newFormClassArgs' => array(),
'formClass' => null,
'formClassArgs' => array(),
'displayEmptyRelations' => false,
'newFormAfterExistingRelations' => false,
'customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod' => null,
'formFormatter' => null,
'multipleNewForms' => false,
'newFormsInitialCount' => 2,
'newFormsContainerForm' => null, // pass BaseForm object here or we will create ahNewRelationsContainerForm
'newRelationButtonLabel' => '+',
'newRelationAddByCloning' => true,
'newRelationUseJSFramework' => 'jQuery'
protected function addDefaultRelationSettings(array $settings)
return array_merge($this->defaultRelationSettings, $settings);
public function embedRelations(array $relations)
$this->embedRelations = $relations;
$this->getEventDispatcher()->connect('form.post_configure', array($this, 'listenToFormPostConfigureEvent'));
foreach ($relations as $relationName => $relationSettings)
$relationSettings = $this->addDefaultRelationSettings($relationSettings);
$relation = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
if (!$relationSettings['noNewForm'])
$containerName = 'new_'.$relationName;
$formLabel = $relationSettings['newFormLabel'];
if (!$relation->isOneToOne())
if ($relationSettings['multipleNewForms']) // allow multiple new forms for this relation
$newFormsCount = $relationSettings['newFormsInitialCount'];
$subForm = $this->newFormsContainerFormFactory($relationSettings, $containerName);
for ($i = 0; $i < $newFormsCount; $i++)
// we need to create new forms with cloned object inside (otherwise only the last new values would be saved)
$newForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $relationSettings, $relation, $i + 1);
$subForm->embedForm($i, $newForm);
$this->embedForm($containerName, $subForm);
else // just a single new form for this relation
$newForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $relationSettings, $relation, $formLabel);
$this->embedForm($containerName, $newForm);
elseif ($relation->isOneToOne() && !$this->getObject()->relatedExists($relationName))
$newForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $relationSettings, $relation, $formLabel);
$this->embedForm($containerName, $newForm);
$formClass = (null === $relationSettings['formClass']) ? $relation->getClass().'Form' : $relationSettings['formClass'];
$formArgs = (null === $relationSettings['formClassArgs']) ? array() : $relationSettings['formClassArgs'];
if ((isset($formArgs[0]) && !array_key_exists('ah_add_delete_checkbox', $formArgs[0])) || !isset($formArgs[0]))
$formArgs[0]['ah_add_delete_checkbox'] = true;
if ($relation->isOneToOne())
$form = new $formClass($this->getObject()->$relationName, $formArgs[0]);
$this->embedForm($relationName, $form);
//maybe we need this: if (!$this->getObject()->relatedExists($relationName))
$subForm = new sfForm();
foreach ($this->getObject()->$relationName as $index => $childObject)
$form = new $formClass($childObject, $formArgs[0]);
$subForm->embedForm($index, $form);
// check if existing embedded relations should have a different label
if (null === $relationSettings['customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod'] || !method_exists($childObject, $relationSettings['customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod']))
$subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, (string)$childObject);
$subForm->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel($index, $childObject->$relationSettings['customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod']());
$this->embedForm($relationName, $subForm);
if ($relationSettings['formFormatter']) // switch formatter
$widget = $this[$relationName]->getWidget()->getWidget();
// not only we have to change formatter name
// but also recreate schemadecorator as there is no setter for decorator in sfWidgetFormSchemaDecorator :(
$this->widgetSchema[$relationName] = new sfWidgetFormSchemaDecorator($widget, $widget->getFormFormatter()->getDecoratorFormat());
* Unset the relation form(s) if:
* (1. One-to-many relation and there are no related objects yet (count of embedded forms is 0) OR
* 2. One-to-one relation and embedded form is new (no related object yet))
* (3. Option `displayEmptyRelations` was either not set by the user or was set by the user and is false)
if (
(!$relation->isOneToOne() && count($this->getEmbeddedForm($relationName)->getEmbeddedForms()) === 0) ||
($relation->isOneToOne() && $this->getEmbeddedForm($relationName)->isNew())
) &&
if (
$relationSettings['newFormAfterExistingRelations'] &&
isset($this[$relationName]) && isset($this['new_'.$relationName])
$this->getWidgetSchema()->moveField('new_'.$relationName, sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, $relationName);
$this->getEventDispatcher()->disconnect('form.post_configure', array($this, 'listenToFormPostConfigureEvent'));
public function listenToFormPostConfigureEvent(sfEvent $event)
$form = $event->getSubject();
if ($form instanceof sfFormDoctrine && $form->getOption('ah_add_delete_checkbox', false) && !$form->isNew())
$form->setWidget('delete_object', new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox(array('label' => 'Delete')));
$form->setValidator('delete_object', new sfValidatorPass());
return $form;
return false;
* Here we just drop the embedded creation forms if no value has been
* provided for them (this simulates a non-required embedded form),
* please provide the fields for the related embedded form in the call
* to $this->embedRelations() so we don't throw validation errors
* if the user did not want to add a new related object
* @see sfForm::doBind()
protected function doBind(array $values)
foreach ($this->embedRelations as $relationName => $keys)
$keys = $this->addDefaultRelationSettings($keys);
if (!$keys['noNewForm'])
$containerName = 'new_'.$relationName;
if ($keys['multipleNewForms']) // just a single new form for this relation
if (array_key_exists($containerName, $values))
foreach ($values[$containerName] as $index => $subFormValues)
if ($this->isNewFormEmpty($subFormValues, $keys))
unset($values[$containerName][$index], $this->embeddedForms[$containerName][$index]);
// if new forms were inserted client-side, embed them here
if (!isset($this->embeddedForms[$containerName][$index]))
// create and embed new form
$relation = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
$addedForm = $this->embeddedFormFactory($relationName, $keys, $relation, ((int) $index) + 1);
$ef = $this->embeddedForms[$containerName];
$ef->embedForm($index, $addedForm);
// ... and reset other stuff (symfony loses all this since container form is already embedded)
$this->validatorSchema[$containerName] = $ef->getValidatorSchema();
$this->widgetSchema[$containerName] = new sfWidgetFormSchemaDecorator($ef->getWidgetSchema(), $ef->getWidgetSchema()->getFormFormatter()->getDecoratorFormat());
$this->setDefault($containerName, $ef->getDefaults());
$this->validatorSchema[$containerName] = $this->embeddedForms[$containerName]->getValidatorSchema();
// check for new forms that were deleted client-side and never submitted
foreach (array_keys($this->embeddedForms[$containerName]->embeddedForms) as $index)
if (!array_key_exists($index, $values[$containerName]))
if (count($values[$containerName]) === 0) // all new forms were empty
unset($values[$containerName], $this->validatorSchema[$containerName]);
if (!array_key_exists($containerName, $values) || $this->isNewFormEmpty($values[$containerName], $keys))
unset($values[$containerName], $this->validatorSchema[$containerName]);
if (isset($values[$relationName]))
$oneToOneRelationFix = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName)->isOneToOne() ? array($values[$relationName]) : $values[$relationName];
foreach ($oneToOneRelationFix as $i => $relationValues)
if (isset($relationValues['delete_object']) && $relationValues['id'])
$this->scheduledForDeletion[$relationName][$i] = $relationValues['id'];
* Updates object with provided values, dealing with eventual relation deletion
* @see sfFormDoctrine::doUpdateObject()
protected function doUpdateObject($values)
if (count($this->getScheduledForDeletion()) > 0)
foreach ($this->getScheduledForDeletion() as $relationName => $ids)
$relation = $this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelation($relationName);
foreach ($ids as $index => $id)
if ($relation->isOneToOne())
if (!$relation->isOneToOne())
// set foreign key here
public function getScheduledForDeletion()
return $this->scheduledForDeletion;
* Saves embedded form objects.
* TODO: Check if it's possible to use embedRelations in one form and and also use embedRelations in the embedded form!
* This means this would be possible:
* 1. Edit a user object via the userForm and
* 2. Embed the groups relation (user-has-many-groups) into the groupsForm and embed that into userForm and
* 2. Embed the permissions relation (group-has-many-permissions) into the groupsForm and
* 3. Just for kinks, embed the permissions relation again (user-has-many-permissions) into the userForm
* @param mixed $con An optional connection object
* @param array $forms An array of sfForm instances
* @see sfFormObject::saveEmbeddedForms()
public function saveEmbeddedForms($con = null, $forms = null)
if (null === $con) $con = $this->getConnection();
if (null === $forms) $forms = $this->getEmbeddedForms();
foreach ($forms as $form)
if ($form instanceof sfFormObject)
* we know it's a form but we don't know what (embedded) relation it represents;
* this is necessary because we only care about the relations that we(!) embedded
* so there isn't anything weird happening
$relationName = $this->getRelationByEmbeddedFormClass($form);
if ($relationName && isset($this->scheduledForDeletion[$relationName]) && array_key_exists($form->getObject()->getId(), array_flip($this->scheduledForDeletion[$relationName])))
$this->saveEmbeddedForms($con, $form->getEmbeddedForms());
* Get the used relation alias when given an embedded form
* @param sfForm $form A BaseForm instance
private function getRelationByEmbeddedFormClass($form)
foreach ($this->getObject()->getTable()->getRelations() as $relation)
$class = $relation->getClass();
if ($form->getObject() instanceof $class)
return $relation->getAlias();
return false;
* Get the used relation alias when given an object
* @param $object
private function getRelationAliasByObject($object)
foreach ($object->getTable()->getRelations() as $alias => $relation)
$class = $relation->getClass();
if ($this->getObject() instanceof $class)
return $alias;
* Checks if given form values for new form are 'empty' (i.e. should the form be discarded)
* @param array $values
* @param array $keys settings for the embedded relation
* @return bool
protected function isNewFormEmpty(array $values, array $keys)
if (count($keys['considerNewFormEmptyFields']) == 0 || !isset($values)) return false;
$emptyFields = 0;
$allEmpty = true;
foreach ($keys['considerNewFormEmptyFields'] as $key)
if (is_array($values[$key]))
if (count($values[$key]) === 0)
//Para L18N
elseif(count($values[$key]) > 0) {
foreach($values[$key] AS $vals) {
if($vals) {
$allEmpty = false;
elseif (array_key_exists('tmp_name', $values[$key]) && $values[$key]['tmp_name'] === '' && $values[$key]['size'] === 0)
elseif ('' === trim($values[$key]))
if ($allEmpty) return true;
if ($emptyFields === count($keys['considerNewFormEmptyFields']))
return true;
return false;
* Creates and initializes new form object for a given relation.
* @internal
* @param string $relationName
* @param array $relationSettings
* @param Doctrine_Relation $relation
* @param string $formLabel
* @return sfFormDoctrine
private function embeddedFormFactory($relationName, array $relationSettings, Doctrine_Relation $relation, $formLabel = null)
$newFormObject = $this->embeddedFormObjectFactory($relationName, $relation);
$formClass = (null === $relationSettings['newFormClass']) ? $relation->getClass().'Form' : $relationSettings['newFormClass'];
$formArgs = (null === $relationSettings['newFormClassArgs']) ? array() : $relationSettings['newFormClassArgs'];
$r = new ReflectionClass($formClass);
/* @var $newForm sfFormObject */
$newForm = $r->newInstanceArgs(array_merge(array($newFormObject), $formArgs));
$newFormIdentifiers = $newForm->getObject()->getTable()->getIdentifierColumnNames();
foreach ($newFormIdentifiers as $primaryKey)
// FIXME/TODO: check if this even works for one-to-one
// CORRECTION 1: Not really, it creates another record but doesn't link it to this object!
// CORRECTION 2: No, it can't, silly! For that to work the id of the not-yet-existant related record would have to be known...
// Think about overriding the save method and after calling parent::save($con) we should update the relations that:
// 1. are one-to-one AND
// 2. are LocalKey :)
if (null !== $formLabel)
return $newForm;
* Returns Doctrine Record object prepared for form given the relation
* @param string $relationName
* @param Doctrine_Relation $relation
* @return Doctrine_Record
private function embeddedFormObjectFactory($relationName, Doctrine_Relation $relation)
if (!$relation->isOneToOne())
$newFormObjectClass = $relation->getClass();
$newFormObject = new $newFormObjectClass();
$newFormObject[$this->getRelationAliasByObject($newFormObject)] = $this->getObject();
} else
$newFormObject = $this->getObject()->$relationName;
return $newFormObject;
* Create and initialize form that will embed 'newly created relation' subforms
* If no object is given in 'newFormsContainerForm' parameter, it will
* initialize custom form bundled with this plugin
* @param array $relationSettings
* @return sfForm (ahNewRelationsContainerForm by default)
private function newFormsContainerFormFactory(array $relationSettings, $containerName)
$subForm = $relationSettings['newFormsContainerForm'];
if (null === $subForm)
$subForm = new ahNewRelationsContainerForm(null, array(
'containerName' => $containerName,
'addByCloning' => $relationSettings['newRelationAddByCloning'],
'useJSFramework' => $relationSettings['newRelationUseJSFramework'],
'newRelationButtonLabel' => $relationSettings['newRelationButtonLabel']
if ($relationSettings['formFormatter']) {
return $subForm;
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