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Created March 4, 2013 20:02
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patch for testings
*** 2013-03-04 20:56:23.469254814 +0100
--- 2013-03-04 20:56:13.069311883 +0100
*** 11,17 ****
import gst
import ConfigParser
! from os import environ, getcwd, walk
from os.path import isfile, join
from commands import getoutput
from ctypes import CDLL
--- 11,17 ----
import gst
import ConfigParser
! from os import environ, walk
from os.path import isfile, join
from commands import getoutput
from ctypes import CDLL
*** 20,26 ****
configfile = environ['HOME']+'/.cdtray'
! t = gettext.translation('cdtray', 'lang')
_ = t.ugettext
class CDTRAY():
--- 20,26 ----
configfile = environ['HOME']+'/.cdtray'
! t = gettext.translation('cdtray', '/usr/share/locale')
_ = t.ugettext
class CDTRAY():
*** 42,48 ****
self.statusicon = gtk.StatusIcon()
! self.statusicon.set_from_file('cdtray.svg')
self.statusicon.connect("popup-menu", self.show_menu)
--- 42,48 ----
self.statusicon = gtk.StatusIcon()
! self.statusicon.set_from_icon_name('cdtray')
self.statusicon.connect("popup-menu", self.show_menu)
*** 223,230 ****
# Send notify
if self.shownotify == 1:
pynotify.init('CD Tray')
! img = '%s/cdtray.svg' % getcwd()
! notify = pynotify.Notification('CD Tray', _('Playing track %s') % self.actual_track, img)
def update_jt_menu(self):
--- 223,229 ----
# Send notify
if self.shownotify == 1:
pynotify.init('CD Tray')
! notify = pynotify.Notification('CD Tray', _('Playing track %s') % self.actual_track, '/usr/share/icons/cdtray.svg')
def update_jt_menu(self):
*** 390,399 ****
info = gtk.AboutDialog()
info.set_name('CD Tray')
! logo = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file('cdtray.svg')
! info.set_logo(logo)
! f = open('COPYING', 'r')
info.set_comments(_('Special Thanks:\nTo the Desdelinux users for supporting me with their ideas\nTo Desdelinux\'s user proper for helping me with the name of the program\nAnd for all of you for downloading and using this program'))
--- 389,397 ----
info = gtk.AboutDialog()
info.set_name('CD Tray')
! info.set_logo_icon_name('cdtray')
! f = open('/usr/share/cdtray/COPYING', 'r')
info.set_comments(_('Special Thanks:\nTo the Desdelinux users for supporting me with their ideas\nTo Desdelinux\'s user proper for helping me with the name of the program\nAnd for all of you for downloading and using this program'))
*** 423,434 ****
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
process = getoutput('ps -A')
! libc6 = ''
# Check is exist another PacSyu instace
! for root, dirs, files in walk('/lib'):
! if libc6 in files:
! libc6 = join(root, libc6)
! break
if not 'cdtray' in process:
libc = CDLL(libc6)
--- 421,443 ----
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
process = getoutput('ps -A')
! libc6 = None
# Check is exist another PacSyu instace
! if isfile('/lib/'):
! libc6 = '/lib/'
! elif isfile('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'):
! libc6 = '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'
! elif isfile('/lib/i386-linux-gnu/'):
! libc6 = '/lib/i386-linux-gnu/'
! else:
! print 'Error: Don\'t find the lib'
! exit(1)
! if not 'cdtray' in process:
! libc = CDLL(libc6)
! libc.prctl (15, 'cdtray', 0, 0, 0)
! gtk.main()
if not 'cdtray' in process:
libc = CDLL(libc6)
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