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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save son0fhobs/9459461 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Load jQuery in Google SERPs & Mozbar Scraping
// *** Selector - instead find moz iframe, then .closest('li') for more reliability
// *** Work with Oop Version and Test Driven Development
Default save
// var search_term = '';
// .replace(/%%search_term%%/, search_term) etc
Include spreadsheet header?
Same var options as above.
header options
Blank row
1. Save html title - shows keyword matches
// $('iframe.SEOmoz-iframe:not(0)') // if not in serps, get current page data - first iframe. Also check if logged in, and provide link to log in.
2. Get Better titles for all metrics - done.
3. Headers to CSV - account for columns
4. Filename and header options -
// Loggin in gives me access to way, way more data. - suggest login if not.
// Currently I've only got it set on non-logged in data.
// each item, .user.proEnabled
// check if moz loaded, if not send warning. Or make sure all 10 loaded, if not set interval until loaded
// currently 11,000 characters.
// 8,000 - lame compression
// 5,000 - good compression - test as is in all browsers? See how it works
// convert to only csv and you should be able to do it a lot shorter.
// push to array rather than json and you should do better
// remove all debugging -
// remove dom - that'll all help a ton - if it's actually needed. 200 characters, not a chance
// 6,500 worked like a charm for bookmarklet. 20,000 should be easy.
1. Load datatables - use for table creation, csv download. Use css?
- then my plugin for highlighting everything.
- Then interface.
2. Charting - use plugin? Or use table charting I'm creating? - later if really needed
1. jsdelivr for CDN - unless google as on page and probably already cached?
- datatables
- CDNJS - toggles (use css as well?)
- fontawesome - from bootstrap cdn. - would I actually use it?
- load all after jquery async - find loader in jsdelivr library - //
// - lots of options in jsdelivr library - wp-advanced-ajax-page-loader - just use as image to resize - spinning earth at top, small spinners if needed
- jquery ui for drag and multiple select last
2. Create interface yourself - quickest way - that way I can show libraries loading. - keep simple then use other css
- use ajax loading image icon - or pure css?
// *** Selector - instead find moz iframe, then .closest('li') for more reliability
// Loggin in gives me access to way, way more data.
// Currently I've only got it set on non-logged in data.
// each item, .user.proEnabled
// check if moz loaded, if not send warning. Or make sure all 10 loaded, if not set interval until loaded
// organize code.
1. Scrape Moz data - get into json array
2. Object - scrape serps
3. Data manipulation
- Json, CSV, Html tables, combine moz and scraped data, and seoquake data.
4. Interface?
// check for author snippets - by, image, link
// reactivate table - download options as well -
// grab ads?
var ads_data = [];
ads_data[i] = {};
ads_data[i].title = $(this).find('h3:first').text(); // keyword term match in bold = <b></b>
ads_data[i].url = $(this).find('.ads-visurl cite').text();
ads_data[i].description = $(this).find('.ads-creative').text();
ads_data[i].local_info = ($(this).find('._Tu').length) ? $(this).find('._Tu').text() : '';
console.log(ads_data); // currently grabs from sidebar, untested for others
// resources to link to - option to open all?
// individual links for sites
// bulk tools to copy into - bulk copy and past urls into specific tools. Tools to scrape that data and combine it.
// - link adding on all urls as get equests &,, then bookmarklet to paste into tool and run? Awesomesauce. Then scrape.
// social -
// bulk tools -
// - compare data?
/* Fix headers - associative array, and header_order numeric. Get Headers from massive legend if possible */
// Serp Savvy
var ss_debug = true;
if(typeof jQuery !== 'undefined'){
var jqueryScript = document.createElement('script');
jqueryScript.type = 'text/javascript';
jqueryScript.src = '//';
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; head.appendChild(jqueryScript);
jqueryScript.onload = start_bookmarklet;
function start_bookmarklet(){
if(typeof ss_debug === 'undefined'){ ss_debug = true; }
if(ss_debug){ console.log('jquery loaded'); }
function get_serp_data($serpItem){
serp_data = {};
serp_data.title = $serpItem.find('h3:first').text();
serp_data.html_title = $serpItem.find('h3:first a').html().replace(/\"/g, '');
serp_data.url = $serpItem.find('.s .f cite').text();
serp_data.description = $serpItem.find('.s').text();
return serp_data;
function get_local_serps($serp_box){
// when I need to run after jquery loaded for testing
// bookmarklet_code(jQuery);
function bookmarklet_code($){
// run jQuery here
if(ss_debug){ console.log('in jQuery bookmarklet body'); }
var options = {
csv_header: true,
csv_header_option:'', // '%%search_term%% %%date%%' etc
filename_option: '',
header_date_format: '',
file_date_format: ''
var now = new Date();
var main_vars = {
search_term: '',
date: now.getMonth() + '/' + now.getDate() + '/' + now.getFullYear(),
filename: '', // converted from variable above into text
csv_header: '', // number of columns needs to be accounted for if headers added
filename_date: now.getFullYear() + "-" + now.getMonth() + "-" + now.getDate(),
filename_search_term: '',
header_legend:{ "index":"Index", "url":"Url", "title":"Title", "html_title":"HTML Title", "domain":"Root url", "description":"Description", "pda":"DA", "upa":"PA", "description":"Description","ut":"Title","uu":"Canonical URL","ufq":"Subdomain","upl":"Root Domain","ueid":"External Equity Links","feid":"Subdomain External Links","peid":"Root Domain External Links","ujid":"Equity Links","uifq":"Subdomains Linking","uipl":"Root Domains Linking","uid":"Links","fid":"Subdomain Subdomains Linking","pid":"Root Domain Root Domains Linking","umrpumrr":"MozRank","fmrpfmrr":"Subdomain MozRank","pmrppmrr":"Root Domain MozRank","utrputrr":"MozTrust","ftrpftrr":"Subdomain MozTrust","ptrpptrr":"Root Domain MozTrust","uemrpuemrr":"External MozRank","fejpfejr":"Subdomain External Link Equity","pejppejr":"Root Domain External Link Equity","fjpfjr":"Subdomain Link Equity","pjppjr":"Root Domain Link Equity","us":"HTTP Status Code","fuid":"Links to Subdomain","puid":"Links to Root Domain","fipl":"Root Domains Linking to Subdomain","upa":"Page Authority","pda":"Domain Authority","ulc":"Time last crawled", "umrp":"MozRank", "umrr":"MozRank raw", "fmrp":"Subdomain MozRank", "fmrr":"Subdomain MozRank raw", "pmrp":"Root Domain MozRank", "pmrr":"Root Domain MozRank raw", "utrp":"MozTrust", "utrr":"MozTrust raw", "ftrp":"Subdomain MozTrust", "ftrr":"Subdomain MozTrust raw", "ptrp":"Root Domain MozTrust", "ptrr":"Root Domain MozTrust raw", "uemrp":"External MozRank", "uemrr":"External MozRank raw", "fejp":"Subdomain External Link Equity", "fejr":"Subdomain External Link Equity raw", "pejp":"Root Domain External Link Equity", "pejr":"Root Domain External Link Equity raw", "fjp":"Subdomain Link Equity", "fjr":"Subdomain Link Equity raw" }
// need to be devided into normalized and raw
// key: header name
var header_obj = { };
var headers = {};
var csv_args = {
row_delineator: '\r\n',
headers_ordered:['index', 'url', 'title', 'domain', 'description', 'html_title']
// doesn't have to be complete .replace(/\-|_/, ' ');
// key keyword search term - compare with titles
main_vars.search_term = $('#gbqfq').val();
}else if($('input[name="q"]').length){
main_vars.search_term = $('input[name="q"]').val();
main_vars.search_term = $('input[type="text"]:first').val();
console.log('getting first text input val as selector has changed');
// Main vars - filename, search term,
main_vars.filename_search_term = main_vars.search_term.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '_');
main_vars.filename = 'Serps-'+main_vars.filename_search_term+'-'+main_vars.filename_date;
main_vars.csv_header = 'Serps - '+main_vars.search_term+' - ';
// get exact url, and title seperate
var serp_data = [];
var local_data = [];
if($('#search ol#rso li.g').length < 10){
alert('moz data hasnt been fully loaded, try again. If it has completely loaded, then theres a selector error that needs to be fixed.');
$('#search ol#rso li.g').each(function(i){
// more accurate way to attach to moz data grab each iframe one at a time
if($(this).attr('id') === 'lclbox'){
// local results
// local_serp_data = get_local_serps($(this));
serp_data.push( get_serp_data($(this)) );
console.log('serp scraped data - ');
// set this as checkbox options?
var keepAttrs = ['upa', 'pda', 'fmrp', 'umrp'];
keepAttrs = [];
var srcString = '';
var mozAttrs = [];
$('#search iframe').each(function(){
srcString = $(this).attr('src');
srcString = srcString.substring(srcString.indexOf("#")+1);
console.log('moz Attrs - ');
var jsonData = [];
jsonData = filter_data_to_json(mozAttrs, keepAttrs);
console.log('mozAttrs filtered to json data - after keepAttrs defined');
var jsonDataCombined = {};
if(typeof serp_data === 'object' && serp_data && typeof jsonData === 'object' && jsonData){
jsonDataCombined = combine_json_arrays_by_index(jsonData, serp_data);
jsonDataCombined = jsonData;
console.log('serp data and moz attrs combined - ');
// console.log( JSON.stringify(jsonData) );
// combine json array serp data and json array moz data
// these are just keys. need to convert to titles. Also order headers
var temp = '';
for(header_key in jsonDataCombined[1]){
if(typeof headers[header_key] === 'undefined' || !headers[header_key]){
if(typeof main_vars.header_legend[header_key] !== 'undefined' && main_vars.header_legend[header_key]){
headers[header_key] = main_vars.header_legend[header_key];
alert('header key = headers key'+header_key);
temp = header_key.replace(/\-|_/, ' ');
headers[header_key] = temp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + temp.slice(1);
// alert(header_key + ' val = ' + header_obj[header_key]);
alert('creating headers property doesnt exists');
console.log('headers attempt - ');
var json_filtered = filter_json_for_csv(jsonDataCombined, '"', "'");
console.log('all json data filtered - ');
var csv_data = JsonToCSV(json_filtered, headers, csv_args, main_vars);
// console.log(csv_data);
var template = {
title: '<div id="ss-title" style="padding:5px 0 10px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;width:100%;font-size:1.1em;">Serp Savvy</div>',
download_moz_csv:'<div id="download_moz_csv" style="padding:5px; margin:auto; border:1px solid #aaa; background:#f5f5f5; border-radius:3px; cursor:pointer; box-shadow:1px 1px 2px #fff inset; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:#444; " >Download <br /> Moz CSV</div>'
$bookmarklet_container = $('<div id="bookmarklet_container" style="position:absolute; top:130px; left:5px; width:100px; z-index:1000; padding:10px; border:1px solid #888; box-shadow:1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2); border-radius:5px; background:rgba(255,255,255,.9); "> </div>');
csvToPrint(csv_data, main_vars);
// then convert to html table, combine with seoquake and csv
function filter_data_to_json(mozAttrs, keepAttrs){
// if no keep attrs defined, return them all
var jsonDataFiltered = [];
if(ss_debug){ console.log('keep attrs, then moz data - '); console.log(keepAttrs); console.log(mozAttrs); }
// cycle through each serp url
var max = mozAttrs.length;
jsonDataFiltered[i] = filter_keep_attrs(mozAttrs[i].lsData, keepAttrs);
// console.log('json data for each array elem, in filtering ');
// console.log( jsonDataFiltered[i]);
// console.log('i - '+i);
// console.log(mozAttrs[i].lsData);
jsonDataFiltered[i].domain = mozAttrs[i].host;
jsonDataFiltered[i].index = mozAttrs[i].serp;
console.log('filtered before return - ');
return jsonDataFiltered;
function filter_keep_attrs(mozLsData, keepAttrs){
var attrs = {};
if(keepAttrs === 'undefined' || !keepAttrs || !keepAttrs.length){
if(ss_debug){ console.log('return all moz data from filtering keepAttrs'); }
return mozLsData;
amax = keepAttrs.length;
if(typeof mozLsData[keepAttrs[a]] !== 'undefined'){
attrs[keepAttrs[a]] = mozLsData[keepAttrs[a]];
if(ss_debug){ console.log('keepAttrs filter finished. Return data - '); console.log(attrs); }
return attrs;
function combine_json_arrays_by_index(json_one, json_two){
var j = 0;
console.log('combining two arrays');
var maxj = (json_two.length > json_one.length) ? json_two.length : json_one.length;
if(typeof json_one[j] !== 'undefined' && typeof json_two[j] !== 'undefined'){
json_one[j] = combine_objects(json_one[j], json_two[j]);
}else if(json_two[j] !== 'undefined'){
json_one[j] = json_two[j];
return json_one;
function combine_json_arrays_by_attr(json_one, json_two, first_attr_match, second_attr_match){
var j = 0;
var k =0;
var maxj = json_one.length;
var maxk = json_two.length;
// loop through first
// loop through second looking for match
if(json_one[j][first_attr_match] === json_two[k][second_attr_match]){
json_one = combine_objects(json_one[j], json_two[k]);
} // end json loops
return json_one;
function combine_objects(json_one, json_two){
if(typeof $ === 'function'){
$.extend( json_one, json_two );
// if jquery could mess up prototype and not work, thus use jquery above
for (var attrname in json_two) { json_one[attrname] = json_two[attrname]; }
return json_one;
// copied from
function JsonToCSV(objArray, headers, user_args, main_vars) {
if(typeof headers === 'undefined'){
var headers = {};
alert('headers undefined in JsonToCSV');
console.log('first row - ');
// make sure all headers there
for(header_name in objArray[1]){
if(typeof headers[header_name] === 'undefined' || !headers[header_name]){
if(typeof main_vars.header_legend[header_name] !== 'undefined' && main_vars.header_legend[header_name]){
headers[header_name] = main_vars.header_legend[header_name];
headers[header_name] = header_name;
console.log('headers just after appended - ');
// default arts
var args = {
row_delineator: '\r\n',
headers_ordered:['index', 'url', 'title', 'domain', 'description', 'html_title']
if(typeof user_args !== 'undefined' && user_args){
args = combine_objects(args, user_args);
// make sure headers filled
for(key in objArray[2]){
if(typeof headers[key] === 'undefined' || !headers[key]){
headers[key] = key;
args.headers_ordered = check_filter_header_order(args.headers_ordered, headers);
var maxh = args.headers_ordered.length;
console.log('headers - ');
console.log('max = '+maxh);
var array = typeof objArray != 'object' ? JSON.parse(objArray) : objArray;
var str = '';
array.unshift(headers); // add headers to first line
// console.log(array[0]);
// if(typeof headers !== 'undefined' && headers){
// str += args.line_open + args.headers_ordered.join(args.cell_delineator) + args.line_close + args.row_delineator;
// }
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var line = '';
// check if numeric array, if so use this
for (var index in array[i]) {
if (line != '') line += args.cell_delineator
line += array[i][index];
for(var h=0;h<maxh;h++){
if (line != '') line += args.cell_delineator
if(typeof array[i][args.headers_ordered[h]] === 'undefined' || !array[i][args.headers_ordered[h]]){
console.log('adding to csv, col not there - '+args.headers_ordered[h]);
array[i][args.headers_ordered[h]] = args.headers_ordered[h];
line += array[i][args.headers_ordered[h]];
str += args.line_open + line + args.line_close + args.row_delineator;
return str;
function check_filter_header_order(ordered_headers, headers){
var remaining_unordered_headers = [];
var filtered_headers = [];
var max = ordered_headers.length;
var i = 0;
if( typeof headers[ordered_headers[i]] !== 'undefined' ){
delete headers[ordered_headers[i]]
// add on any remaining headers not in ordered list
for(header_name in headers){
return filtered_headers;
function csvToPrint(str, main_vars){
var a = document.createElement('a');
var blob = new Blob([str], {'type':'application\/octet-stream'});
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = main_vars.filename+'.csv';;
return true;
function filter_json_for_csv(objArray, pattern, replace_val){
var i = 0;
var max = objArray.length;
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, "g");
for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++){
for(attr in objArray[i]){
if(typeof objArray[i][attr] === 'string'){
objArray[i][attr] = objArray[i][attr].replace(regex, replace_val);
return objArray;
Legend -
moz_legend = jQuery.parseJSON(moz_legend);
key_title = get_moz_legend_attrs(moz_legend, 'title');
function get_moz_legend_attrs(moz_legend, type){
if(typeof type === 'undefined'){
type = 'title';
var legend_attrs = {};
var i = 0;
var max = moz_legend.length;
legend_attrs[moz_legend[i].responsefield] = moz_legend[i].description;
legend_attrs[moz_legend[i].responsefield] = moz_legend[i].urlmetric;
return legend_attrs;
function check_if_raw_normalized(moz_legend){
// regex = (\(\w{2,7}\))
if(moz_legend.description.match(/\(\w{2,7}\)/).length > 1){
var moz_legend_fixed = [];
var items = false;
var i = 0;
var max = moz_legend.length;
items = fix_legend_item_raw_normalized(moz_legend[i]);
moz_legend_fixed = moz_legend_fixed.concat(items);
return moz_legend_fixed;
function fix_legend_item_raw_normalized(moz_legend){
matches = moz_legend.description.match(/\(\w{2,7}\)/g);
if(matches.length === 2){
var description = moz_legend.urlmetric.replace(/in\sboth.*\s?/, '');
var items = [
"urlmetric" : matches[0].replace(/\(|\)/g, ''),
"responsefield" : moz_legend.urlmetric,
"description" : description+'normalized'
"urlmetric" : matches[1].replace(/\(|\)/g, ''),
"responsefield" : moz_legend.urlmetric,
"description" : description+'raw'
// url-metrics -
// scrape the table explaining everything. - metric, response, description
// then make an array of values to keep and use.
.lsData: {
feid: 4154 // Subdomain external links
fipl: 93
fmrp: 4.334148958652751 // Mozrank - Subdomain - normalized
fmrr: 9.136512895345806e-10 // Mozrank - Subdomain - raw
ftrp: 4.794624262464523
ftrr: 2.3974940417748502e-8
fuid: 12209
pda: 34.1025763780209 // DA
peid: 4164
pid: 93
pmrp: 4.088676802875943 // Mozrank - Root Domain - normalized
pmrr: 2.2168574202653488e-8 // Mozrank - Root Domain - raw
ptrp: 4.400450399832809 // Moztrust - Root Domain - normalized
ptrr: 3.701476990845632e-8 // Moztrust - Root Domain - raw
puid: 12221
ueid: 3830
uemrp: 5.182651754750022
uemrr: 6.855684662794894e-10
uid: 4076
uipl: 68
ujid: 4051
umrp: 5.236369443833013 // Mozrank - normalized
umrr: 8.054739403803252e-10 // Mozrank - raw
upa: 44.791172741485525 // PA
utrp: 5.572420463893636 // MozTrust Normalized
utrr: 6.788566425001243e-13 // MozTrust Raw
url-metrics table
"description":"The title of the page, if available"
// this doesnt take care of descriptions though
"umrr":"MozRank raw",
"fmrp":"Subdomain MozRank",
"fmrr":"Subdomain MozRank raw",
"pmrp":"Root Domain MozRank",
"pmrr":"Root Domain MozRank raw",
"utrr":"MozTrust raw",
"ftrp":"Subdomain MozTrust",
"ftrr":"Subdomain MozTrust raw",
"ptrp":"Root Domain MozTrust",
"ptrr":"Root Domain MozTrust raw",
"uemrp":"External MozRank",
"uemrr":"External MozRank raw",
"fejp":"Subdomain External Link Equity",
"fejr":"Subdomain External Link Equity raw",
"pejp":"Root Domain External Link Equity",
"pejr":"Root Domain External Link Equity raw",
"fjp":"Subdomain Link Equity",
"fjr":"Subdomain Link Equity raw",
moz_legend = '[{"urlmetric":"Title","responsefield":"ut","description":"The title of the page, if available"},{"urlmetric":"Canonical URL","responsefield":"uu","description":"The canonical form of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain","responsefield":"ufq","description":"The subdomain of the URL (for example,"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain","responsefield":"upl","description":"The root domain of the URL (for example,"},{"urlmetric":"External Equity Links","responsefield":"ueid","description":"The number of external equity links to the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain External Links","responsefield":"feid","description":"The number of external equity links to the subdomain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain External Links","responsefield":"peid","description":"The number of external equity links to the root domain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Equity Links","responsefield":"ujid","description":"The number of equity links (internal or external) to the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomains Linking","responsefield":"uifq","description":"The number of subdomains with any pages linking to the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domains Linking","responsefield":"uipl","description":"The number of root domains with any pages linking to the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Links","responsefield":"uid","description":"The number of links (equity or nonequity or not, internal or external) to the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain Subdomains Linking","responsefield":"fid","description":"The number of subdomains with any pages linking to the subdomain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain Root Domains Linking","responsefield":"pid","description":"The number of root domains with any pages linking to the root domain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"MozRank","responsefield":"umrpumrr","description":"The MozRank of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (umrp) and the raw score (umrr)"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain MozRank","responsefield":"fmrpfmrr","description":"The MozRank of the subdomain of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (fmrp) and the raw score (fmrr)"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain MozRank","responsefield":"pmrppmrr","description":"The MozRank of the Root Domain of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (pmrp) and the raw score (pmrr)"},{"urlmetric":"MozTrust","responsefield":"utrputrr","description":"The MozTrust of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (utrp) and the raw score (utrr)"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain MozTrust","responsefield":"ftrpftrr","description":"The MozTrust of the subdomain of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (ftrp) and the raw score (ftrr)"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain MozTrust","responsefield":"ptrpptrr","description":"The MozTrust of the root domain of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (ptrp) and the raw score (ptrr)"},{"urlmetric":"External MozRank","responsefield":"uemrpuemrr","description":"The portion of the URL\'s MozRank coming from external links, in both the normalized 10-point score (uemrp) and the raw score (uemrr)."},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain External Link Equity","responsefield":"fejpfejr","description":"The portion of the MozRank of all pages on the subdomain coming from external links, in both the normalized 10-digit score (pejp) and the raw score"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain External Link Equity","responsefield":"pejppejr","description":"The portion of the MozRank of all pages on the root domain coming from external links, in both the normalized 10-digit score (pejp) and the raw source"},{"urlmetric":"Subdomain Link Equity","responsefield":"fjpfjr","description":"The MozRank of all pages on the subdomain combined, in both the normalized 10-point score (fjp) and the raw score (fjr)"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domain Link Equity","responsefield":"pjppjr","description":"The MozRank of all pages on the root domain combined, in both the normalized 10-point score (pjp) and the raw score (pjr)"},{"urlmetric":"HTTP Status Code","responsefield":"us","description":"The HTTP status code recorded by Mozscape for this URL, if available"},{"urlmetric":"Links to Subdomain","responsefield":"fuid","description":"The total number of links (including internal and nofollow links) to the subdomain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Links to Root Domain","responsefield":"puid","description":"The total number of links, including internal and nofollow links, to the root domain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Root Domains Linking to Subdomain","responsefield":"fipl","description":"The number of root domains with at least one link to the subdomain of the URL"},{"urlmetric":"Page Authority","responsefield":"upa","description":"A normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood of a page to rank well in search engine results"},{"urlmetric":"Domain Authority","responsefield":"pda","description":"A normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood of a domain to rank well in search engine results"},{"urlmetric":"Time last crawled","responsefield":"ulc","description":"The time and date on which Mozscape last crawled the URL, returned in Unix epoch format"}]';
// broken infinite loop
function fix_legend_normalized_raw(moz_legend){
var moz_legend_fixed = [];
var items = false;
var i = 0;
var max = moz_legend.length;
items = fix_legend_item_raw_normalized(moz_legend[i]);
moz_legend_fixed = moz_legend_fixed.push(items[0]);
moz_legend_fixed = moz_legend_fixed.push(items[1]);
return moz_legend_fixed;
function fix_legend_item_raw_normalized(moz_legend_item){
if(typeof moz_legend_item.description !== 'undefined'){
matches = moz_legend_item.description.match(/\(\w{2,7}\)/g);
if(matches.length === 2){
var description = moz_legend_item.urlmetric.replace(/in\sboth.*\s?/, '');
var items = [
"urlmetric" : matches[0].replace(/\(|\)/g, ''),
"responsefield" : moz_legend_item.urlmetric,
"description" : description+'normalized'
"urlmetric" : matches[1].replace(/\(|\)/g, ''),
"responsefield" : moz_legend_item.urlmetric,
"description" : description+'raw'
return false;
return items;
moz_legend_fixed = fix_legend_normalized_raw(moz_legend);
str = JSON.stringify(moz_legend_fixed);
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