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Created June 2, 2020 02:33
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Typescript(Javascript) Email Security Function (타입스크립트(자바스크립트) 이메일 블러처리 함수)
export function emailSecurity(userEmail: string){
const id = userEmail.split('@')[0];
const mail = userEmail.split('@')[1];
const maskingId = function(id: string) {
let splitId = id.substring(0,4);
for(let i = 4; i < id.length; i++) {
splitId += '*';
return splitId;
const maskingMail = function(mail: string){
let splitMail = '';
for(let i = 5; i < mail.length; i++){
splitMail += '*';
splitMail += mail.substring(mail.length - 5, mail.length);
return splitMail;
userEmail = maskingId(id) + '@' + maskingMail(mail);
return userEmail;
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