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Created February 20, 2022 14:10
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Save sondnm/61a3904d96133fa061ee920222a91813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Init hardhat project
yarn add --dev hardhat
npx hardhat
yarn add --dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan \
@typechain/hardhat @typechain/ethers-v5 @types/chai @types/chai-as-promised @types/mocha \
chai chai-as-promised \
dotenv ethereum-waffle ethers \
hardhat-abi-exporter hardhat-deploy hardhat-deploy-ethers \
hardhat-typechain ts-generator ts-node typechain typescript \
mkdir -p contracts test scripts
mv hardhat.config.js hardhat.config.ts
echo "import { config as dotEnvConfig } from \"dotenv\";
import { HardhatUserConfig } from \"hardhat/types\";
import \"@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle\";
import \"@typechain/hardhat\";
import \"hardhat-abi-exporter\";
import \"@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan\";
import \"hardhat-deploy\";
import \"hardhat-deploy-ethers\";
import \"hardhat-gas-reporter\";
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
defaultNetwork: \"hardhat\",
networks: {
hardhat: {},
testnet: {
url: process.env.BSC_TESTNET_RPC || \"\",
chainId: 97,
accounts: [process.env.BSC_TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY!],
mainnet: {
url: process.env.BSC_MAINNET_RPC || \"\",
chainId: 56,
accounts: [process.env.BSC_MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY!],
namedAccounts: {
deployer: {
default: 0,
solidity: {
compilers: [
version: \"0.8.11\",
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 200,
etherscan: {
apiKey: process.env.BLOCK_EXPLORER_API_KEY!,
mocha: {
timeout: 500000,
gasReporter: {
enabled: !!process.env.REPORT_GAS,
currency: "BNB",
gasPrice: 1,
export default config;
" > hardhat.config.ts
echo "{
\"compilerOptions\": {
\"target\": \"es5\",
\"module\": \"commonjs\",
\"strict\": true,
\"noImplicitReturns\": true,
\"strictNullChecks\": true,
\"esModuleInterop\": true,
\"resolveJsonModule\": true,
\"types\": [\"@types/node\", \"@types/chai\", \"@types/mocha\"],
\"typeRoots\": [\"./node_modules/@types\", \"./types\"]
\"include\": [
\"exclude\": [\"node_modules\", \"build\", \"cache\", \"artifacts\"]
" > tsconfig.json
echo "package.json" > .prettierignore
echo "{
\"printWidth\": 120,
\"singleQuote\": false,
\"tabWidth\": 2,
\"bracketSpacing\": true,
\"overrides\": [
\"files\": \"*.sol\",
\"options\": {
\"tabWidth\": 4,
\"useTabs\": false,
\"singleQuote\": false,
\"bracketSpacing\": true,
\"endOfLine\": \"auto\",
\"explicitTypes\": \"always\"
}" > .prettierrc
yarn install
touch .env
git init
echo "node_modules/
" > .gitignore
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