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Created August 30, 2016 14:44
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import sys, os, time
from random import randint
is_path_ok = True
f_path = raw_input('Enter file path : ')
if os.path.exists(str(f_path)):
print('Path exists')
is_path_ok = False
print('Path not exits')
f_name = raw_input('Enter file name : ')
full_file_path = str(f_path) + "/"+ str(f_name)
if os.path.exists(full_file_path):
file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(full_file_path)
os.rename(full_file_path, '{}_{}{}'.format(file_name,str(time.time()), file_ext))
f_write = open(full_file_path, 'w')
number = raw_input('Enter decimal number : ')
number = float(number)
except ValueError:
print('It\'s not a number')
number_sqrt = number ** 2
print >> f_write, '{} squared is {}'.format(number,number_sqrt)
print('{} squared is {}'.format(number,number_sqrt))
random_number = randint(0, 20)
number_diveded = float(number_sqrt / random_number)
print >> f_write, '{} diveded by {} is {}'.format(number_sqrt, random_number, number_diveded)
print('{} diveded by {} is {}'.format(number_sqrt, random_number, number_diveded))
number_round = int(round(float(number_diveded)))
print >> f_write, 'Rounded output is {}'.format(number_round)
print('Rounded output is {}'.format(number_round))
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