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leetcode 305 number-of-islands-ii
//! leetcode 305 number-of-islands-ii
//! 给你一个大小为 m x n 的二进制网格 grid 。网格表示一张地图,其中,0 表示水,1 表示陆地。
//! 最初,grid 中的所有单元格都是水单元格(即,所有单元格都是 0)。
//! 可以通过执行 addLand 操作,将某个位置的水转换成陆地。给你一个数组 positions ,
//! 其中 positions[i] = [ri, ci] 是要执行第 i 次操作的位置 (ri, ci) 。
//! 返回一个整数数组 answer ,其中 answer[i] 是将单元格 (ri, ci) 转换为陆地后,地图中岛屿的数量。
//! 岛屿 的定义是被「水」包围的「陆地」,通过水平方向或者垂直方向上相邻的陆地连接而成。
//! 你可以假设地图网格的四边均被无边无际的「水」所包围。
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
struct Solution;
type FlatIndex = i32;
impl Solution {
pub fn num_islands2(m: i32, n: i32, positions: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> Vec<i32> {
fn convert_point_to_flat_index(p: &[i32], column: i32) -> FlatIndex {
assert_eq!(p.len(), 2);
match p {
[x, y] => x * column + y,
_ => panic!("impossible")
fn successors(x: i32, y: i32, (max_row, max_col): (i32, i32)) -> impl Iterator<Item=i32> {
let suc = vec![
if x > 0 { Some([x - 1, y]) } else { None },
if x < max_row - 1 { Some([x + 1, y]) } else { None },
if y > 0 { Some([x, y - 1]) } else { None },
if y < max_col - 1 { Some([x, y + 1]) } else { None },
.map(move |t| convert_point_to_flat_index(t.as_slice(), max_col))
// returns delta count of island,
// positive indicates new islands formed
// negative indicates island connected by unions
fn mark_position_as_land(x: i32, y: i32, max_bound: (i32, i32), set: &mut DisjointSet) -> i32 {
let (m, n) = max_bound;
let flat_index = convert_point_to_flat_index(&[x, y], n);
if !set.is_land(flat_index) {
1 - successors(x, y, (m, n))
.filter(|i| { set.is_land(*i) && set.connect(*i, flat_index) })
.count() as i32
} else {
let max_index: usize = m as usize * n as usize;
let mut set = DisjointSet {
parent: (0..max_index as i32).into_iter().collect(),
rank: vec![1; max_index],
land_bitmap: vec![false; max_index],
.map(|point| { mark_position_as_land(point[0], point[1], (m, n), &mut set) })
.scan(0, |acc, delta| { *acc += delta; Some(*acc) })
#[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct DisjointSet {
parent: Vec<i32>,
rank: Vec<i32>,
land_bitmap: Vec<bool>,
impl DisjointSet {
fn rank(&self, i: FlatIndex) -> i32 {
self.rank[i as usize]
fn set_rank(&mut self, i: FlatIndex, new_height: i32) {
self.rank[i as usize] = new_height;
fn is_land(&self, i: FlatIndex) -> bool {
self.land_bitmap[i as usize]
fn mark_as_land(&mut self, i: FlatIndex) {
self.land_bitmap[i as usize] = true;
fn root(&self, index: FlatIndex) -> i32 {
let mut p = index;
loop {
if self[p] == p {
break p;
p = self[p];
fn connect(&mut self, from: FlatIndex, to: FlatIndex) -> bool {
let set = self;
let root_i = set.root(from);
let root_j = set.root(to);
if root_i == root_j {
return false;
let height_i = set.rank(root_i);
let height_j = set.rank(root_j);
// path compression
if height_i > height_j {
set[root_j] = from;
set.set_rank(root_i, height_i + height_j);
} else {
set[root_i] = to;
set.set_rank(root_j, height_j + height_i);
impl Index<i32> for DisjointSet {
type Output = i32;
fn index(&self, index: i32) -> &Self::Output {
if index < 0 {
panic!("wrong index");
Index::index(&self.parent, index as usize)
impl IndexMut<i32> for DisjointSet {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: i32) -> &mut i32 {
IndexMut::index_mut(&mut self.parent, index as usize)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_solution() {
let positions = vec![
vec![0, 0],
vec![0, 1],
vec![1, 2],
vec![1, 2],
let vec1 = Solution::num_islands2(3, 3, positions);
assert_eq!(vec![1, 1, 2, 2], vec1)
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