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// scala 2.7 simple type constraint. This can only constrain a type parameter of this function.
// Below, in ListW.sumint28, we can't use this approach because we want to constrain T,
// a type param of the enclosing trait.
def sumint27A[T <: Int](l: List[T]) : Int = l.reduceLeft((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)
trait IntLike[X] extends (X => Int)
object IntLike {
implicit val intIntLike: IntLike[Int] = new IntLike[Int] { def apply(x: Int) = identity(x) }
trait ListW[T] {
val l: List[T]
// T can be constrained within the context of this function by requiring an implicit parameter
// to certify that it is IntLike.
def sumint27B(implicit ev: IntLike[T]) : Int = + _)
// In scala 2.8, we can require an implicit parameter of type T <:< Int (that is, <:<[T, Int])
// The compiler will provide this if T conforms to Int. The parameter `ev` can be used to
// safely cast a value T to Int.
def sumint28(implicit ev: T <:< Int) : Int = + _)
implicit def ListW[T](list: List[T]): ListW[T] = new ListW[T] {
val l = list
val intList = List(1, 2, 3)
val stringList = List("1", "2", "3")
import IntLike._
/* Compiler errors:
sumint27A(stringList) // type arguments [java.lang.String] do not conform to method sumint27's type parameter bounds [T <: Int]
stringList.sumint27 // compile error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: IntLike[Any]
stringList.sumint28 // compile error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: <:<[java.lang.String,Int]
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