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Created March 29, 2011 09:23
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package algrithsm
import collection.mutable.Stack
import org.slf4j.{LoggerFactory, Logger}
import Console._
* User: flower
* Date: 11-3-29
* Time: 下午3:04
* Description:
object ReverseStackManipulation {
private val log : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
type T = Char
val input :String = "abcdefgh"
val output :String = "edcfgbha"
val indexedInput = input.zipWithIndex
val indexedOutput = output map {
c =>
(c, input.findIndexOf(c ==))
def reverse = {
def runPushOfARangeOfElements(coll: IndexedSeq[(Char, Int)],
from: Int,
to: Int) {
log.debug("from {} to {}",from,to)
val elements = coll.slice(from + 1,to + 1)
val last = elements.apply(elements.size - 1)
log.debug("elements size {}, last {}",elements.size,last._1)
elements foreach { e => appendOp(Push(e._1)) }
val (firstChar, firstElementIndex) = indexedOutput.head
var current = 0
var lastPushedIndex = -1
while (current < indexedOutput.size) {
val (c, idx) = indexedOutput(current)
if (idx >= firstElementIndex) {
runPushOfARangeOfElements(indexedInput, lastPushedIndex, idx)
else {
if(lastPushedIndex < idx)
lastPushedIndex = idx
current += 1
def dumpResult = {
println("input is : %s".format(input))
println("output is : %s".format(output))
println("result is : %s".format(operation.reverse.mkString("[", ",", "]")))
abstract class Op(c: Char)
case class Push(c: Char) extends Op(c)
case class Pop(respect: Char) extends Op(respect)
var stack: Stack[Char] = new Stack
var operation: List[Op] = Nil
def appendOp(op: Op) {
op match {
case Push(v) =>
case Pop(respect) =>
val top = stack.pop()
if (respect != top) {
throw new Error(("output you given is not correct " +
"respected Op is %s but current stack top is %s").format(op, top))
operation = op :: operation
def main(args: Array[String]) {
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songpp commented Mar 29, 2011

input is : abcdefg
output is : efdcgba
result is : [Push(a),Push(b),Push(c),Push(d),Push(e),Pop(e),Push(f),Pop(f),Pop(d),Pop(c),Push(g),Pop(g),Pop(b),Pop(a)]

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