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Created April 2, 2011 06:41
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package data
import java.util.Date
object HeapSort {
class MaxHeap[T <% Ordered[T] : ClassManifest](val initialSize: Int) {
private var underlying: Array[T] = new Array[T](initialSize + 1);
private var size = 0
private def checkSize() {
if (size + 1 == underlying.length)
underlying = growArray(underlying)
* 向堆中添加元素
def add(item: T) {
size += 1
underlying(size) = item
def head = underlying(1)
* 移除堆顶部的元素,并且返回
def pop = {
val head = underlying(1)
underlying(1) = underlying(size)
underlying(size) = null.asInstanceOf[T]
size -= 1
* 从某个叶子节点开始往上重新调整结构,保证堆的性质。
* @param size 从size位置开始向上调整
def fixUp(position: Int): Unit = {
var k = position
while (k > 1) {
val j = k >> 1
if (underlying(j) > underlying(k))
swap(k, j);
k = j
* 从上往下调整结构,保证堆的性质。
def fixDown(position: Int) {
def le(pos1: Int, pos2: Int): Boolean = {
underlying(pos1) <= underlying(pos2)
def gt(pos1: Int, pos2: Int): Boolean = {
underlying(pos1) > underlying(pos2)
var current = position
var i = 0;
while ({i = current << 1; i} <= size && i > 0) {
if ((i < size) && le(i, i + 1))
i += 1;
if (gt(current, i))
swap(current, i)
current = i
* 重建堆
def heapify() {
for (i <- ( / 2)) reverse)
* 堆排序
def sort(): Array[T] = {
val oldSize = size
for (i <- (2 to size) reverse) {
swap(1, i)
size -= 1
size = oldSize
def swap(i: Int, j: Int) {
val temp = underlying(i)
underlying(i) = underlying(j)
underlying(j) = temp
* 测试使用
def snapshot() =
(0 to size) zip underlying foreach {
e =>
Console.printf ("%d\t%s\n" ,e._1, e._2)
def growArray[T: ClassManifest](source: Array[T]) = {
val y = new Array[T](source.length * 2)
Array.copy(source, 0, y, 0, source.length)
class Task(val nextExecutionTime: Long) extends Ordered[Task] {
override def compare(that: Task): Int = {
(this.nextExecutionTime - that.nextExecutionTime).asInstanceOf[Int]
override def toString(): String = {
"Task[%s]".format(new Date(nextExecutionTime))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val taskQueue = new MaxHeap[Task](10)
for (i <- 1 to 10)
taskQueue add new Task(new Date().getTime + i * 10000)
Console println taskQueue.head
val start = System.nanoTime
Console println (System.nanoTime - start) / 1000.0 / 1000 / 1000
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