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Created April 2, 2011 07:03
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package data
* MergeSort
* User: flower
* Date: 2010-10-18
* Time: 19:27:14
import java.util.Date
object MergeSort {
type T[X] = Traversable[X]
def mergeSort[X <% Ordered[X]](list: T[X]): T[X] = {
def split(list: T[X]): (T[X], T[X]) = {
list.splitAt(list.size >> 1)
def merge(left: T[X], right: T[X]): T[X] = {
var (l, r) = (left, right)
var result = List.empty[X]
while (l.size > 0 || r.size > 0) {
if (l.size == 0) {
result = result ++ r
return result
else if (r.size == 0) {
result = result ++ l
return result
val lh = l.head
val rh = r.head
if (lh < rh) {
l = l drop 1
result = result :+ lh
} else {
r = r drop 1
result = result :+ rh
if (list.size < 2)
return list
val (left, right) = split(list);
merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right))
case class Item(val priority: Int) extends Ordered[Item] {
override def compare(that: Item) = {
this.priority - that.priority
//override def toString = "[Item %d]" format priority
def main(arg: Array[String]): Unit = {
val rd = new util.Random;
val arr: Array[Int] = Array.fill(100)(rd.nextInt(3000));
Console println arr.toList
Console println arr.length
Console.println(System.nanoTime / 1000000000.0);
Console println mergeSort(arr)
Console.println(System.nanoTime / 1000000000.0);
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