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Created August 9, 2018 11:11
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var _ = require('lodash'),
colors = require('colors/safe'),
Table = require('cli-table2'),
format = require('util').format,
util = require('../../util'),
cliUtils = require('./cli-utils'),
print = require('../../print'),
pad = cliUtils.padLeft,
LF = '\n',
SPC = ' ',
DOT = '.',
E = '',
// sets theme for colors for console logging
log: 'grey',
info: 'cyan',
warn: 'yellow',
debug: 'blue',
error: 'red'
* CLI reporter
* @param {EventEmitter} emitter - An EventEmitter instance with event handler attachers to trigger reporting.
* @param {Object} reporterOptions - CLI reporter options object.
* @param {Boolean=} reporterOptions.silent - Boolean flag to turn off CLI reporting altogether, if set to true.
* @param {Boolean=} reporterOptions.noAssertions - Boolean flag to turn off assertion reporting, if set to true.
* @param {Boolean=} reporterOptions.noSummary - Boolean flag to turn off summary reporting altogether, if set to true.
* @param {Boolean=} reporterOptions.noFailures - Boolean flag to turn off failure reporting altogether, if set to true.
* @param {Boolean=} reporterOptions.noConsole - Boolean flag to turn off console logging, if set to true.
* @param {Object} options - A set of generic collection run options.
* @returns {*}
PostmanCLIReporter = function (emitter, reporterOptions, options) {
var currentGroup = options.collection,
inspect = cliUtils.inspector(options),
wrap = cliUtils.wrapper(),
symbols = cliUtils.symbols(options.disableUnicode);
// respect silent option to not report anything
if (reporterOptions.silent || options.silent) {
return; // we simply do not register anything!
// we register the `done` listener first so that in case user does not want to show results of collection run, we
// simply do not register the other events
emitter.on('done', function () {
// for some reason, if there is no run summary, it is unexpected and hence don't validate this
var run =;
// show the summary table (provided option does not say it is not to be shown)
if (!reporterOptions.noSummary) {
// @todo: possible missing .toString() call on parseStatistics below? (see parseFailures call below)
print(LF + PostmanCLIReporter.parseStatistics(run.stats, run.timings, run.transfers, options) + LF);
// show the failures table (provided option does not say it is not to be shown)
// if (!reporterOptions.noFailures && run.failures && run.failures.length) {
// print(LF + PostmanCLIReporter.parseFailures(run.failures).toString() + LF);
// }
// in case user does not want to show results of collection run, we simply do not register the other events.
if (reporterOptions.noAssertions) {
emitter.on('start', function () {
var collectionIdentifier = currentGroup && ( ||;
// print the newman banner
print('%s\n\n', colors.reset('newman'));
// print the collection name and newman info line
collectionIdentifier && print.lf('%s', colors.reset(collectionIdentifier));
emitter.on('beforeIteration', function (err, o) {
if (err || o.cursor.cycles <= 1) {
return; // do not print iteration banner if it is a single iteration run
// print the iteration info line
print.lf(LF + colors.gray.underline('Iteration %d/%d'), o.cursor.iteration + 1, o.cursor.cycles);
emitter.on('beforeItem', function (err, o) {
if (err) { return; }
var itemGroup = o.item.parent(),
root = !itemGroup || (itemGroup === options.collection);
// in case this item belongs to a separate folder, print that folder name
if (itemGroup && (currentGroup !== itemGroup)) {
!root && print('\n%s %s', symbols.folder, colors.reset(util.getFullName(itemGroup)));
// set the flag that keeps track of the currently running group
currentGroup = itemGroup;
// we print the item name. the symbol prefix denotes if the item is in root or under folder.
// @todo - when we do indentation, we would not need symbolic representation
// o.item && print.lf('\n%s %s', (root ?
// symbols.root : symbols.sub), colors.reset( || E));
// print out the request name to be executed and start a spinner
emitter.on('beforeRequest', function (err, o) {
if (err) { return; }
// o.request && print(' %s %s ', colors.gray(o.request.method), colors.gray(o.request.url)).wait(colors.gray);
// output the response code, reason and time
emitter.on('request', function (err, o) {
if (err) { return; }
var size = o.response && o.response.size();
size = size && (size.header || 0) + (size.body || 0) || 0;
// err ? print.lf('[errored]')) :
// print.lf(colors.gray('[%d %s, %s, %s]'), o.response.code, o.response.reason(),
// util.filesize(size), util.prettyms(o.response.responseTime));
// Print script errors in real time
emitter.on('script', function (err, o) {
err && print.lf('%s⠄ %s in %s-script'), pad(, 3, SPC),,
o.event && o.event.listen || 'unknown');
emitter.on('assertion', function (err, o) {
var passed = !err;
// handle skipped test display
if (o.skipped) {
print.lf('%s %s', colors.cyan(' - '), colors.cyan('[skipped] ' + o.assertion));
if (!passed){
print.lf('\n%s %s', (root ?
symbols.root : symbols.sub), colors.reset( || E));
print(' %s %s '+ LF, colors.gray(o.item.request.method), colors.gray(o.item.request.url.toString()));
print.lf('%s %s', passed ?` ${symbols.ok} `) :, 3, SPC) +, passed ?
colors.gray(o.assertion) :;
// show user console logs in a neatly formatted way (provided user has not disabled the same)
!reporterOptions.noConsole && emitter.on('console', function (err, o) {
if (err) { return; }
var color = colors[o.level] || colors.gray,
// we first merge all messages to a string. while merging we run the values to util.inspect to colour code the
// messages based on data type
message = wrap(_.reduce(o.messages, function (log, message) { // wrap the whole message to the window size
return (log += (log ? colors.white(', ') : '') + inspect(message));
}, E), ` ${color(symbols.console.middle)} `); // add an indentation line at the beginning
print.buffer(color(` ${}\n`), color(` ${symbols.console.bottom}\n`))
// tweak the message to ensure that its surrounding is not brightly coloured.
// also ensure to remove any blank lines generated due to util.inspect
.nobuffer(colors.gray(message.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, LF) + LF));
_.assignIn(PostmanCLIReporter, {
// @todo: change function signature to accept run object and options, thereby reducing parameters
* A CLI reporter method to parse collection run statistics into a CLI table.
* @param {Object} stats - The cumulative collection run status object.
* @param {Object} stats.iterations - A set of values for total, pending, and failed iterations.
* @param {Number} - Total iterations in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.iterations.pending - Pending iterations in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.iterations.failed - Failed iterations in the current collection run.
* @param {Object} stats.requests - A set of values for total, pending, and failed requests.
* @param {Number} - Total requests in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.requests.pending - Pending requests in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.requests.failed - Failed requests in the current collection run.
* @param {Object} stats.testScripts - A set of values for total, pending, and failed testScripts.
* @param {Number} - Total testScripts in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.testScripts.pending - Pending testScripts in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.testScripts.failed - Failed testScripts in the current collection run.
* @param {Object} stats.prerequestScripts - A set of values for total, pending, and failed prerequestScripts.
* @param {Number} - Total prerequestScripts in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.prerequestScripts.pending - Pending prerequestScripts in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.prerequestScripts.failed - Failed prerequestScripts in the current collection run.
* @param {Object} stats.assertions - A set of values for total, pending, and failed assertions.
* @param {Number} - Total assertions in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.assertions.pending - Pending assertions in the current collection run.
* @param {Number} stats.assertions.failed - Failed assertions in the current collection run.
* @param {Object} timings - A set of values for the timings of the current collection run.
* @param {Number} timings.completed - The end timestamp for the current collection run.
* @param {Number} timings.started - The start timestamp for the current collection run
* @param {String} timings.responseAverage - The average response time across all requests
* @param {Object} transfers - A set of details on the network usage for the current collection run.
* @param {String} transfers.responseTotal - The net extent of the data transfer achieved during the collection run.
* @param {Object} options - The set of generic collection run options.
* @returns {Table} - The constructed collection run statistics table.
parseStatistics: function (stats, timings, transfers, options) {
var summaryTable;
// create the summary table
summaryTable = new Table({
chars: options.disableUnicode && cliUtils.cliTableTemplateFallback,
style: { head: [] },
head: [E, 'executed', ' failed'],
colAligns: ['right', 'right', 'right'],
colWidths: [25]
// add specific rows to show in summary
stats && _.forEach([{
source: 'iterations',
label: 'iterations'
}, {
source: 'requests',
label: 'requests'
}, {
source: 'testScripts',
label: 'test-scripts'
}, {
source: 'prerequestScripts',
label: 'prerequest-scripts'
}, {
source: 'assertions',
label: 'assertions'
}], function (row) {
var metric = stats[row.source],
label = row.label;
// colour the label based on the failure or pending count of the metric
label = metric.failed ? : (metric.pending ? label :;
// push the statistics
(metric.failed ? : metric.failed)
// @todo - add information of pending scripts
// (metric.failed ? : metric.failed) +
// (metric.pending ? format(' (%d pending)', metric.pending) : E)
// add the total execution time to summary
timings && summaryTable.push([{
colSpan: 3,
content: format('total run duration: %s', util.prettyms(timings.completed - timings.started)),
hAlign: 'left' // since main style was set to right
// add row to show total data received
transfers && summaryTable.push([{
colSpan: 3,
content: format('total data received: %s (approx)', util.filesize(transfers.responseTotal)),
hAlign: 'left'
// add row to show average response time
colSpan: 3,
content: format('average response time: %s', util.prettyms(timings.responseAverage)),
hAlign: 'left'
return summaryTable;
* A CLI reporter method to parse collection run failure statistics into a CLI table.
* @param {Array} failures - An array of failure objects.
* @returns {Table} - The constructed CLI failure Table object.
parseFailures: function (failures) {
var failureTable = new Table({
head: [{
hAlign: 'right',
chars: cliUtils.cliTableTemplate_Blank,
wordWrap: true,
colAligns: ['right'],
colWidths: cliUtils.noTTY() ? [] : (function (size, indexOrder) {
var colWidths;
if (size.exists && size.width && (size.width > 20)) {
colWidths = [];
colWidths[0] = indexOrder + 3;
colWidths[1] = parseInt((size.width - colWidths[0]) * 0.2, 10);
colWidths[2] = parseInt(size.width - (colWidths[0] + colWidths[1] + 5), 10);
return colWidths;
}(cliUtils.dimension(), Number(failures.length.toString().length)))
_.forEach(failures, function (failure, index) {
var name = failure.error && || E,
message = failure.error && failure.error.message || E;
// augment name with iteration information
failure.cursor && (failure.cursor.cycles > 1) &&
(name += LF + colors.gray('iteration: ' + (failure.cursor.iteration + 1)));
// augment the message with stack information && (message += LF + colors.gray('at ' +;
// augment message with item information
failure.source &&
(message += format(colors.gray('\ninside "%s"'), util.getFullName(failure.source)));
failureTable.push([pad(Number(index + 1), Number(failures.length.toString().length)).toString() +
DOT, name, message]);
return failureTable;
// Mark the CLI reporter as dominant, so that no two dominant reporters are together
PostmanCLIReporter.prototype.dominant = true;
module.exports = PostmanCLIReporter;
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