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Last active April 1, 2017 11:54
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_ = require 'lodash'
imdb = require 'imdb-api'
rarbg = require 'rarbgto-api'
fetch = require 'isomorphic-fetch'
cache = require('memoize-fs') cachePath: './memoize-fs'
memoize = ({ store , invalidator }, func) ->
options = { cacheId: store, noBody: true }
atempt = ->
result = func arguments...
# if miss and the value is invalid, throw so that it won't be cached
return result unless invalidator? arguments, result
throw result
(args...) ->
fromCache = (fn, force) ->
cache.fn fn, Object.assign { force }, options
.then (f) -> f args...
fromCache atempt
.then (result) ->
return result unless invalidator? args, result
# if hit and the value is invalid, force re-evaluation
fromCache func, invalidate = true
.catch _.identity # return invalid value from atempt
getList = memoize store: 'getList',
(url) ->
fetch '',
method: 'POST'
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify
query: """
page(url: "#{url}") {
titles: query(selector: ".post-content strong") { text }
.then _.method 'json'
getImdbInfo = memoize store: 'imdb', imdb.get
getDownloadLinks = memoize store: 'rarbg',
getMovieInfo = (title) ->
Promise.all [ getImdbInfo(title), getDownloadLinks(title) ]
.then ([imdb, rarbg]) -> { imdb, rarbg }
module.exports = getList ''
.then ({ data } ) ->
.map 'text'
.map getMovieInfo
.thru Promise.all.bind Promise
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