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Last active January 30, 2024 03:59
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File system-based memoization
* @template [T=any]
* @property {{ (_: T): Promise<void>} & { pending?: Promise<T> }} put
class CacheIOError extends Error {
constructor(cause, context) {
Object.assign(this, context, { cause })
const { access, readFile, writeFile, constants, mkdir } = require('fs')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const path = require('path')
* @template V
* @template [K=string]
* @typedef {{
* has(_: K) => Promise<boolean>
* get(_: K): Promise<V>
* set(..._: [K, V]): Promise<void>
* }} Storage
* @template {any} T
* @arg {{
* serialize(_: T) => string;
* deserialize(_: string) => T;
* ext?: string
* dir?: string
* }}
* @return {Storage<T>}
const fileStorage = ({
dir = '.',
} = {
serialize: it => JSON.stringify(it, null, 2),
deserialize: JSON.parse,
ext: 'json'
}) => {
const existsFile = (path, cb) =>
access(path, constants.R_OK, error => cb(undefined, !error))
const storage = Object.fromEntries(
[ existsFile, readFile, writeFile ].map(func => [$/, ''),
promisify((key, ...args) => {
if (ext) key += `.${ext}`
return func(path.join(dir, key), ...args)
return {
has: storage.exists,
async get (key) {
return deserialize(await
async set (key, value) {
const bucket = path.dirname(key)
if (!await storage.exists(bucket)) await promisify(mkdir)(
path.join(dir, bucket),
{ recursive: true }
return storage.write(key, serialize(value))
const lazy = func => {
const get = () => {
if (!('cached' in get)) get.cached = func()
return get.cached
return get
* @template [T=any]
* @template [P=any[]]
* @typedef {(..._: P) => Promise<T>} Async<T, P>
* @template {any[]} P
* @template T
* @typedef {{
* invalidate?(_: P & {
* cached(): Promise<T>
* key: string
* }): | boolean | void | Promise<boolean>
* getErrorFallback?: false | {
* (..._: [any, { key: string }]): boolean | Promise<T>
* }
* name?: string
* cache?: Storage<T>
* cacheId?(..._: P): string
* }} CacheOptions<P, T>
* @template {Async} F
* @arg {F | CacheOptions<
* Parameters<F>,
* F extends Async<T> ? T : never>
* } options
* @arg {F} target
* @return {F}
const withCache = (options, target = options) => async (...context) => {
const {
name =,
cache = fileStorage(),
cacheId = args => path.join(name, JSON
.replace(/"[^"]+":/g, '') // remove keys
.replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-')
.replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '')
.substr(0, 30) // make it long enough to be unique
} = options
const key = cacheId(context, target)
const put = async promise => cache.set(key, await promise)
Object.assign(context, {
put, key, cache, target, name,
cached: lazy(async() => {
try { return await cache.get(key) }
catch(error) {
let value = getErrorFallback?.(error, context)
if (value?.then) return value
if ([getErrorFallback, value].includes(false)) raise(error)
Promise.reject(new CacheIOError(error))
// fallback to call() by default and raise UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning
call: () => target(...context)
const raise = (error, pending) => {
if (pending?.then) Object.assign(put, { pending })
throw new CacheIOError(error, context)
invalidate = invalidate?.(context)
if (invalidate?.then) invalidate = await invalidate
if (invalidate || !await cache.has(key)) {
const promise =
put(promise).catch(error => {
/** intentionally uncaught, not to fail the call just because of put.pending error
* @see */
raise(error, promise)
return promise // also NOT await for the cache set operation
return await context.cached()
module.exports = {
cached: withCache,
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