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Harry sonhanguyen

  • Melbourne, Australia
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sonhanguyen / jest-webpack-loader.js
Last active May 13, 2017 16:50
make jest behave using (webpack) loader-runner
const deasync = require('deasync')
const runLoaders = deasync(require('loader-runner').runLoaders)
const { module: { rules } } = config = require('./webpack.base')
const fs = require('fs')
const resolveLoader = req => {
let loader = req
req = ~req.indexOf`?`
if (req) {
const index = ~req
sonhanguyen / cloudSettings
Last active July 11, 2017 11:58
Visual Studio code settings
sonhanguyen / cloudSettings
Last active November 12, 2017 04:09 — forked from itkq/filter.rb
Alfred Vivaldi workflow
## NexusFolder.ahk
## Switch default filemanager by launching this script without
## commandline parameters. If you send a file or folder as a
sonhanguyen / Default.bttpreset
Created July 20, 2019 02:35
Better touch tool setup for window management
"BTTPresetName" : "Default",
"BTTGeneralSettings" : {
"disableScrollingIf3" : true,
"BTTPasteWhenTriggeringClipboardAgain" : true,
"BTTForceNormalClickPressure5F" : 200,
"disableScrollingIf2" : true,
"BTTDidRegisterForUpdateStats" : "3.140",
"BTTShowControlStrip" : true,
"BTTShowControlStripItem" : true,
sonhanguyen /
Last active October 17, 2020 03:03
A filesystem-based memoization decorator
import os
import collections
import pickle
import json
import urllib.parse
import re
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
sonhanguyen / lens.ts
Last active November 30, 2020 05:27
typescript optics
type Lens<State, Value> = {
(_: State): Value
set: (_: Value) => (_: State) => State
map<T>(_: Lens<Value, T>): Lens<State, T>
type Prop<K extends string, V = any> = Lens<Record<K, V>, V>
sonhanguyen / parser.ts
Last active December 24, 2020 07:58
Composable validation
// I could not find any validation library (zod, io-ts etc) that allows custom error types
// so quickly wipped this up, note that the errors here are string literals but they
// might as well be, say, custom classes for pattern matching later
// think about error messages that you need to translate to many languages in the front-end
const formValidator = <S extends Record<string, Validator<any, any>>>(schema: S): Validator<
{ [K in keyof S]: Infer<S[K]>['Input'] },
{ [K in keyof S]:
{ error: Infer<S[K]>['Error']
value: Infer<S[K]>['Input']
sonhanguyen / userChrome.css
Last active December 6, 2021 05:03
side panel style for using with Tree Tabs
#!/usr/bin/env bash {} /*
cd ~/.mozilla/firefox || cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox*
source <(grep Default= profiles.ini)
mkdir $Default/chrome
tee $Default/chrome/userChrome.css <<EOF
/*#region Firefox */
sonhanguyen /
Last active October 6, 2022 01:50
use revealjs to view


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