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Created November 14, 2013 13:20
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MODX Snippet. This divides the [[*content]] into two separate text blocks that are divided by a chunk. You need to assign to it after how many characters you want to insert your chunk. I used it for inserting an image within the content. I found this script online.
function splitString($string, $amount)
$start = 0;
$end = $amount;
while ($end < strlen($string)+$amount) //while $end is less than the length of $string + $amount to make sure it gets it all
$chunk = substr($string, $start, $amount); //assign to variable instead of array
$chunk = strrev($chunk); // reverse string created
$new_chunk = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $chunk, 2); // split reversed string into 2 pieces on the first space. So you are left with an array. Item [0] being the part of the last word and item [1] the remaining string
$page_text = strrev($new_chunk[1]); // reverse the remaining string back so it is readable
$offset = strlen($new_chunk[0]); // count the length of the part of the word left over so we can substract that from the $end.
$strArray[] = $page_text; // assign to array
$start = $end - $offset; // subtract that from the end
$end = $end + $amount;
return $strArray;
$myContent = $modx->resource->getContent();
$return = splitString($myContent, 1500); //$return = the array of 3600 letter strings
$num = count($return); // get number of elements in array
$output = '';
// loop through the $return array and assign each array element to textchunk so we can print each chunk
for($x=0;$x<$num;$x++) {
if ($x==0){
}else if($x>=1){
echo $output;
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