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Created February 21, 2023 23:06
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  • Save sonique6784/73eeaa6d20c66f69b09db600c854d977 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sonique6784/73eeaa6d20c66f69b09db600c854d977 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set backspace=2 " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history
set ignorecase " search commands are case-insensitive
set incsearch " while typing a search command, show matches incrementally
" instead of waiting for you to press enter
set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
set viminfo='20,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than 50 lines of registers
set encoding=utf8 " non-ascii characters are encoded with UTF-8 by default
set formatoptions=croq " c=autowrap comments, r=continue comment on <enter>,
" o=continue comment on o or O, q=allow format comment with gqgq
set textwidth=0 " no forced wrapping in any file type (unless overridden)
set showcmd " show length of visual selection (docs recommended
" keeping this off when working over slow connections)
set complete=.,w,b,u " make autocomplete faster -
set splitright " create vertical splits to the right
set splitbelow " create horizontal splits below
set switchbuf=usetab " when switching buffers, include tabs
set tabpagemax=30 " show up to 30 tabs
set cryptmethod=blowfish " use blowfish encryption for encrytped files
let g:netrw_mouse_maps=0 " Ignore mouse clicks when browsing directories
" Code highlighting and indenting
syntax on " enabled syntax highlighting
set number " show line number on the left
set tabstop=4 " a tab character indents to the 4th (or 8th, 12th, etc.) column
set shiftwidth=4 " number of spaces for one tab
set autoindent " auto indent
set smartindent " smart indent
set expandtab " replace tab with spaces
filetype plugin indent on " enable indentation from plugins
set mouse=a. " enable mouse
highlight LineNr ctermfg=grey " line number are grey
" Copy/Paste mapping
vnoremap <C-c> :w !pbcopy<CR><CR> " copy mapping Ctrl-c
noremap <C-v> :r !pbpaste<CR><CR> " paste mapping Ctrl-v
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