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Last active July 10, 2019 14:21
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Emacs for vi users

Emacs for vi users

taken from

"Why can't I enter command mode?"


This is intended as an introductory guide for vi users wishing to learn the basics of Emacs. I’m writing it because I’m one of them, and I suspect that I’m not alone in being mystified by the lack of a command mode, text objects and an underlying ex editor, as well as the plethora of strange and unfamiliar key combinations. The intent is to give fledgling Emacs users a basic set of commands, sufficient for basic editing.

This page is a basic Emacs survival guide for the vi user. It is grounded in familiarity of vi and (quite naturally) assumes a vi-centric view of the world. Since the structure is that of a list of corresponding commands, I will not list features that are unique to Emacs. I believe there to be sufficient overlap between the capabilities of each editor to motivate this approach.

This is not a joke. It is not about religion or the Editor war and I will not present one editor as better than the other. Neither is it about the Emacs mindset, since I have yet to acquire it myself. Finally, it is not a proper Emacs tutorial. If you want to learn Emacs propely, go find a proper tutorial. There is one built into Emacs, for example.

Finally, it is not complete and I welcome contributions.


Emacs doesn’t have a separate command mode. In a sense, you’re always in insert mode. Therefore, special modifier keys are needed to tell commands apart from typed characters. The two commonly used modifiers are Control and Meta. On many systems, the Alt key can be used as Meta. If your system lacks a functional Meta key, you can type Escape before the specified key.

Since Control and Meta are so frequently used in Emacs, they have created a special convention for writing such commands, so for example C-a corresponds to Control+A, and M-f corresponds to Meta+F. The Emacs command column will use this convention. This is also consistent with the documentation in Emacs.

Many Emacs commands take numerical prefixes, but you need to hold down Meta while typing them. So, for example, type M-2 M-3 M-g g instead of 23G to go to line 23.


Program operations

Action vi Emacs Notes on Emacs
Exit program :q Enter C-x C-c If changes exist, will ask whether or not to save them.
Unconditionally exit program :q! Enter C-x C-c Just say no.
Save current buffer and exit program :wq Enter C-x C-s C-x C-c
Cancel command Ctrl+c C-g
Redraw screen Ctrl+l C-l
Command line : M-x

File operations

Action vi Emacs Notes on Emacs
Open file, or create named buffer :e filename Enter C-x C-f filename
Save current buffer :w Enter C-x C-s Will not save a new, unmodified file.
Save current buffer under new name :w filename Enter C-x C-w filename
Move to next buffer :n Enter C-x b buffer
Move to previous buffer :prev Enter C-x b Enter


Action vi Emacs Notes on Emacs
Go to beginning of buffer 1G M-<
Go to end of buffer G M->
Go left one character h C-b Will wrap to previous line.
Go right one character l C-f Will wrap to next line.
Go up one line k C-p
Go down one line j C-n
Go to line n nG M-g g n Enter
Go to beginning of line 0 C-a
Go to end of line $ C-e Places cursor one step beyond last character.
Go to next word w M-f Stops at first non-word character before the word.
Go to previous word b M-b
Go to next page Ctrl+f C-v
Go to previous page Ctrl+b M-v
Set mark x mx C-x r Space x
Go to mark x ’x C-x r j x
Go to first displayed line H
Go to last displayed line L
Move buffer one line up Ctrl+y C-1 M-v
Move buffer one line down Ctrl+e C-1 C-v

Text editing

Action vi Emacs Notes on Emacs
Insert text i Always in insert mode.
Append text a C-f Only cursor movement is needed.
Insert at beginning of line I C-a Only cursor movement is needed.
Append to end of line A C-e Only cursor movement is needed.
Delete character forwards x C-d
Delete character backwards X Backspace
Change to end of line C C-k Only deletion is needed.
Delete to end of line D C-k Removes line entirely if empty.
Delete entire line dd C-a C-k For empty lines.
C-a C-k C-k For non-empty lines.
Delete word forwards dw M-d Does not delete whitespace before next word.
Delete word backwards db M-Backspace
Open line above O C-o
Open line below o C-e Enter
Join lines J C-n M-^
Undo last edit u C-x u

Yanking and placing

Action vi Emacs Notes on Emacs
Yank line yy C-a C-k For empty lines.
C-a C-k C-k For non-empty lines.
Yank n lines nyy C-Space (move to line below last desired) M-w
Cut n lines down ndd M-n C-k
Paste before cursor P C-y
Paste after cursor p

Searching and substitution

Action vi Emacs Notes on Emacs
Search forwards /pattern Enter C-s pattern Enter
Search backwards ?pattern Enter C-r pattern Enter
Global replace text :%s/pattern/with/gc Enter M-% word Enter with Enter
C-M-% pattern Enter with Enter

Window operations

Action Vim Emacs Notes on Emacs
Split horizontally Ctrl+w s C-x 2
Split vertically Ctrl+w v C-x 3
Close current window Ctrl+w c C-x 0
Close all but current windows Ctrl+w o C-x 1


This page was partly inspired by Emacs for Vi Programmers.

Thanks to Kaj, magda, Ian D, LeViMS, C. Warrington, E. Bowler and R. Pereira for Emacs commands.

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