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Game of Life in Elm
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type Msg = Initialize Grid | Tick Time
cellSize = 5
(columns, rows) = (35, 35)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Grid, Cmd Msg)
init =
([[]], Random.generate
( (groupInto columns) (Random.list (rows * columns) Random.bool)))
view : Grid -> Html msg
view grid = div [ ] ( row grid)
update : Msg -> Grid -> (Grid, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial -> (initial, Cmd.none)
Tick _ -> (evolve state, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Grid -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ = Time.every Time.second Tick
row : List Bool -> Html msg
row row = div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ] ( cell row)
cell : Bool -> Html msg
cell on = div [ cellStyle on ] [ text " " ]
cellStyle : Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Grid -> Grid
evolve generation =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend generation x y) row) generation
descend : Grid -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend grid x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Json.Decode as Json
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, label, button, input, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onMouseOut, on, targetValue)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type alias Model =
{ grid : Grid
, rows : Int
, columns : Int
, cellSize : Int
, density : Float
, tickRate : Int
type Msg = Initialize Grid
| Tick Time
| Restart
| UpdateSize Dimension String
| UpdateDensity String
| UpdateTickRate String
| ToggleCell Int Int
type Dimension = Rows | Columns
model : Model
model =
{ grid = [[]]
, cellSize = 5
, columns = 35
, rows = 35
, density = 0.5
, tickRate = 1
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = (model, seed model.rows model.columns model.density)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ ]
[ div [ ] [ button [ onClick Restart ] [ text "Restart Simulation" ] ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Rows (" ++ toString model.rows ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.rows)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Rows)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Columns (" ++ toString model.columns ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.columns)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Columns)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Population Density (" ++ toString model.density ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.density)
, Attr.min "0"
, Attr.max "1"
, Attr.step ".01"
, onChange UpdateDensity
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Tick Rate (" ++ toString model.tickRate ++ " hz)") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.tickRate)
, Attr.min "1"
, Attr.max "10"
, Attr.step "1"
, onChange UpdateTickRate
] [ ]
, div [ ] (List.indexedMap (row model.cellSize) model.grid)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial ->
({ state | grid = initial }, Cmd.none)
Tick _ ->
({ state | grid = evolve state }, Cmd.none)
Restart ->
(state, seed state.rows state.columns state.density)
UpdateSize dim size ->
case dim of
Rows ->
rows = Result.withDefault state.rows (String.toInt size)
({ state | rows = rows }, seed rows state.columns state.density)
Columns ->
columns = Result.withDefault state.columns (String.toInt size)
({ state | columns = columns }, seed state.rows columns state.density)
UpdateDensity val ->
density = Result.withDefault state.density (String.toFloat val)
({ state | density = density }, seed state.rows state.columns density)
UpdateTickRate val ->
tickRate = Result.withDefault state.tickRate (String.toInt val)
({ state | tickRate = tickRate }, Cmd.none)
ToggleCell x y ->
({ state | grid = setAt x y True state.grid }, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions state =
Time.every (Time.millisecond * (1000 / (toFloat state.tickRate))) Tick
seed : Int -> Int -> Float -> Cmd Msg
seed rows columns density = (\n -> n < density) (Random.float 0 1)
|> Random.list (rows * columns)
|> (groupInto columns)
|> Random.generate Initialize
row : Int -> Int -> List Bool -> Html Msg
row size column row =
[ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ]
(List.indexedMap (cell size column) row)
cell : Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> Html Msg
cell size x y on =
[ cellStyle size on
, onMouseOut (ToggleCell x y)
[ text " " ]
cellStyle : Int -> Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle cellSize on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
onChange : (String -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onChange tagger =
on "change" ( tagger targetValue)
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Model -> Grid
evolve ({grid} as model) =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend model x y) row) grid
descend : Model -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend {grid, rows, columns} x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
setAt : Int -> Int -> a -> List (List a) -> List (List a)
setAt x y val lst =
inner = valueAt x [] lst
updated = (List.take y inner) ++ (val :: (List.drop (y + 1) inner))
(List.take x lst) ++ (updated :: List.drop (x + 1) lst)
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type alias Model =
{ grid : Grid
, rows : Int
, columns : Int
, cellSize : Int
type Msg = Initialize Grid | Tick Time
model : Model
model =
{ grid = [[]]
, cellSize = 5
, columns = 35
, rows = 35
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(model, Random.generate
(groupInto model.columns)
(Random.list (model.rows * model.columns) Random.bool)))
view : Model -> Html msg
view model = div [ ] ( (row model.cellSize) model.grid)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial ->
({ state | grid = initial }, Cmd.none)
Tick _ ->
({ state | grid = evolve state }, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ = Time.every Time.second Tick
row : Int -> List Bool -> Html msg
row size row =
div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ] ( (cell size) row)
cell : Int -> Bool -> Html msg
cell size on = div [ cellStyle size on ] [ text " " ]
cellStyle : Int -> Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle cellSize on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Model -> Grid
evolve ({grid} as model) =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend model x y) row) grid
descend : Model -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend {grid, rows, columns} x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, label, button, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type alias Model =
{ grid : Grid
, rows : Int
, columns : Int
, cellSize : Int
type Msg = Initialize Grid
| Tick Time
| Restart
model : Model
model =
{ grid = [[]]
, cellSize = 5
, columns = 35
, rows = 35
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = (model, seed model.rows model.columns)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ ]
[ div [ ] [ button [ onClick Restart ] [ text "Restart Simulation" ] ]
, div [ ] ( (row model.cellSize) model.grid)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial ->
({ state | grid = initial }, Cmd.none)
Tick _ ->
({ state | grid = evolve state }, Cmd.none)
Restart ->
(state, seed state.rows state.columns)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ = Time.every Time.second Tick
seed : Int -> Int -> Cmd Msg
seed rows columns =
Random.generate Initialize
(groupInto columns)
(Random.list (rows * columns) Random.bool))
row : Int -> List Bool -> Html msg
row size row =
div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ] ( (cell size) row)
cell : Int -> Bool -> Html msg
cell size on = div [ cellStyle size on ] [ text " " ]
cellStyle : Int -> Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle cellSize on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Model -> Grid
evolve ({grid} as model) =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend model x y) row) grid
descend : Model -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend {grid, rows, columns} x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Json.Decode as Json
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, label, button, input, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on, targetValue)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type alias Model =
{ grid : Grid
, rows : Int
, columns : Int
, cellSize : Int
type Msg = Initialize Grid
| Tick Time
| Restart
| UpdateSize Dimension String
type Dimension = Rows | Columns
model : Model
model =
{ grid = [[]]
, cellSize = 5
, columns = 35
, rows = 35
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = (model, seed model.rows model.columns)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ ]
[ div [ ] [ button [ onClick Restart ] [ text "Restart Simulation" ] ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Rows (" ++ toString model.rows ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.rows)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Rows)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Columns (" ++ toString model.columns ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.columns)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Columns)
] [ ]
, div [ ] ( (row model.cellSize) model.grid)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial ->
({ state | grid = initial }, Cmd.none)
Tick _ ->
({ state | grid = evolve state }, Cmd.none)
Restart ->
(state, seed state.rows state.columns)
UpdateSize dim size ->
case dim of
Rows ->
rows = Result.withDefault state.rows (String.toInt size)
({ state | rows = rows }, seed rows state.columns)
Columns ->
columns = Result.withDefault state.columns (String.toInt size)
({ state | columns = columns }, seed state.rows columns)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ = Time.every Time.second Tick
seed : Int -> Int -> Cmd Msg
seed rows columns =
Random.generate Initialize
(groupInto columns)
(Random.list (rows * columns) Random.bool))
row : Int -> List Bool -> Html msg
row size row =
div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ] ( (cell size) row)
cell : Int -> Bool -> Html msg
cell size on = div [ cellStyle size on ] [ text " " ]
cellStyle : Int -> Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle cellSize on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
onChange : (String -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onChange tagger =
on "change" ( tagger targetValue)
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Model -> Grid
evolve ({grid} as model) =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend model x y) row) grid
descend : Model -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend {grid, rows, columns} x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Json.Decode as Json
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, label, button, input, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on, targetValue)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type alias Model =
{ grid : Grid
, rows : Int
, columns : Int
, cellSize : Int
, density : Float
type Msg = Initialize Grid
| Tick Time
| Restart
| UpdateSize Dimension String
| UpdateDensity String
type Dimension = Rows | Columns
model : Model
model =
{ grid = [[]]
, cellSize = 5
, columns = 35
, rows = 35
, density = 0.5
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = (model, seed model.rows model.columns model.density)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ ]
[ div [ ] [ button [ onClick Restart ] [ text "Restart Simulation" ] ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Rows (" ++ toString model.rows ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.rows)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Rows)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Columns (" ++ toString model.columns ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.columns)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Columns)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Population Density (" ++ toString model.density ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.density)
, Attr.min "0"
, Attr.max "1"
, Attr.step ".01"
, onChange UpdateDensity
] [ ]
, div [ ] ( (row model.cellSize) model.grid)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial ->
({ state | grid = initial }, Cmd.none)
Tick _ ->
({ state | grid = evolve state }, Cmd.none)
Restart ->
(state, seed state.rows state.columns state.density)
UpdateSize dim size ->
case dim of
Rows ->
rows = Result.withDefault state.rows (String.toInt size)
({ state | rows = rows }, seed rows state.columns state.density)
Columns ->
columns = Result.withDefault state.columns (String.toInt size)
({ state | columns = columns }, seed state.rows columns state.density)
UpdateDensity val ->
density = Result.withDefault state.density (String.toFloat val)
({ state | density = density }, seed state.rows state.columns density)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ = Time.every Time.second Tick
seed : Int -> Int -> Float -> Cmd Msg
seed rows columns density = (\n -> n < density) (Random.float 0 1)
|> Random.list (rows * columns)
|> (groupInto columns)
|> Random.generate Initialize
row : Int -> List Bool -> Html msg
row size row =
div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ] ( (cell size) row)
cell : Int -> Bool -> Html msg
cell size on = div [ cellStyle size on ] [ text " " ]
cellStyle : Int -> Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle cellSize on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
onChange : (String -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onChange tagger =
on "change" ( tagger targetValue)
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Model -> Grid
evolve ({grid} as model) =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend model x y) row) grid
descend : Model -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend {grid, rows, columns} x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
import List
import Random
import Time exposing (Time)
import Tuple exposing (first, second)
import Json.Decode as Json
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, label, button, input, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on, targetValue)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (style)
type alias Grid = List (List Bool)
type alias Model =
{ grid : Grid
, rows : Int
, columns : Int
, cellSize : Int
, density : Float
, tickRate : Int
type Msg = Initialize Grid
| Tick Time
| Restart
| UpdateSize Dimension String
| UpdateDensity String
| UpdateTickRate String
type Dimension = Rows | Columns
model : Model
model =
{ grid = [[]]
, cellSize = 5
, columns = 35
, rows = 35
, density = 0.5
, tickRate = 1
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = (model, seed model.rows model.columns model.density)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ ]
[ div [ ] [ button [ onClick Restart ] [ text "Restart Simulation" ] ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Rows (" ++ toString model.rows ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.rows)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Rows)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Grid Columns (" ++ toString model.columns ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.columns)
, Attr.min "10"
, Attr.max "200"
, onChange (UpdateSize Columns)
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Population Density (" ++ toString model.density ++ ")") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.density)
, Attr.min "0"
, Attr.max "1"
, Attr.step ".01"
, onChange UpdateDensity
] [ ]
, div [ ]
[ label [ ] [ text ("Tick Rate (" ++ toString model.tickRate ++ " hz)") ]
, input
[ Attr.type_ "range"
, Attr.value (toString model.tickRate)
, Attr.min "1"
, Attr.max "10"
, Attr.step "1"
, onChange UpdateTickRate
] [ ]
, div [ ] ( (row model.cellSize) model.grid)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg state =
case msg of
Initialize initial ->
({ state | grid = initial }, Cmd.none)
Tick _ ->
({ state | grid = evolve state }, Cmd.none)
Restart ->
(state, seed state.rows state.columns state.density)
UpdateSize dim size ->
case dim of
Rows ->
rows = Result.withDefault state.rows (String.toInt size)
({ state | rows = rows }, seed rows state.columns state.density)
Columns ->
columns = Result.withDefault state.columns (String.toInt size)
({ state | columns = columns }, seed state.rows columns state.density)
UpdateDensity val ->
density = Result.withDefault state.density (String.toFloat val)
({ state | density = density }, seed state.rows state.columns density)
UpdateTickRate val ->
tickRate = Result.withDefault state.tickRate (String.toInt val)
({ state | tickRate = tickRate }, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions state =
Time.every (Time.millisecond * (1000 / (toFloat state.tickRate))) Tick
seed : Int -> Int -> Float -> Cmd Msg
seed rows columns density = (\n -> n < density) (Random.float 0 1)
|> Random.list (rows * columns)
|> (groupInto columns)
|> Random.generate Initialize
row : Int -> List Bool -> Html msg
row size row =
div [ style [ ("clear", "both") ] ] ( (cell size) row)
cell : Int -> Bool -> Html msg
cell size on = div [ cellStyle size on ] [ text " " ]
cellStyle : Int -> Bool -> Attribute msg
cellStyle cellSize on =
[ ("background", if on then "black" else "white")
, ("width", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("height", toString cellSize ++ "px")
, ("float", "left")
onChange : (String -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onChange tagger =
on "change" ( tagger targetValue)
groupInto : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
groupInto n lst =
if List.length lst == 0 then
(List.take n lst) :: (groupInto n (List.drop n lst))
evolve : Model -> Grid
evolve ({grid} as model) =
List.indexedMap (\y row ->
List.indexedMap (\x _ ->
descend model x y) row) grid
descend : Model -> Int -> Int -> Bool
descend {grid, rows, columns} x y =
List.concatMap (\n -> (\m -> (x + n, y + m))
[-1, 0, 1]) [-1, 0, 1]
|> List.filter (\p -> (first p) > -1 && (first p) < columns &&
(second p) > -1 && (second p) < rows &&
(not ((first p) == x && (second p) == y)))
|> List.filter (\p -> (valueAt (first p) False
(valueAt (second p) [] grid)))
|> List.length
|> (\l -> ((valueAt x False (valueAt y [] grid))
&& l > 1 && l < 4) || l == 3)
valueAt : Int -> a -> List a -> a
valueAt i default lst =
Maybe.withDefault default (List.head (List.drop i lst))
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