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You should be writing software instead of reading this.

Sonny Garcia sonnysideup

You should be writing software instead of reading this.
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sonnysideup / kafka-pod-annotations.yaml
Created November 27, 2017 19:27
Datadog Kafka integration configuration using Kubernetes Pod Annotations
# You can apply these annotations to your Kafka Pod/Deployment/StatefulSet in order to correctly
# enable the Datadog core monitoring integration for Kafka using Agent v5. When Agent v6 is released,
# you can use `"collect_default_metrics": true to apply the same config.
# NOTE: Make sure you replace "mykafka" (see below) with the container name in your PodSpec.
annotations: '["kafka"]' '[{"is_jmx":true,"collect_default_metrics":true,"conf":[{"include":{"domain":"kafka.producer","bean_regex":"kafka\\.producer:type=ProducerRequestMetrics,name=ProducerRequestRateAndTimeMs,clientId=.*","attribute":{"Count":{"metric_type":"rate","alias":"kafka.producer.request_rate"}}}},{"include":{"domain":"kafka.producer","bean_regex":"kafka\\.producer:type=ProducerRequestMetrics,name=ProducerRequestRateAndTimeMs,clientId=.*","attribute":{"Mean":{"metric_type":"gauge","alias":"kafka.producer.request_latency_avg"}}}
# launch kafka broker in background
docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 -e ADVERTISED_HOST=localhost -e ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 -d spotify/kafka
# launch any kafka binary command against broker running in the background
# generic structure
docker run --net=host -ti spotify/kafka <YOUR_CMD>
# create a new topic
docker run --net=host -ti spotify/kafka \
sonnysideup / app-Dockerfile
Last active September 7, 2016 14:12
Building a base image using envconsul
FROM envconsul:latest
# how can i set the prefix here? preceding the cmd seems ugly
CMD ["my-command", "arg1", "argN"]
sonnysideup / bootstrap-vz-output.log
Last active February 16, 2021 08:34
Building Debian 7.4.0 EC2 PVM AMI
[25.7658958435] DEBUG: Loading provider `bootstrapvz.providers.ec2'
[33.8599681854] DEBUG: Loading plugin `bootstrapvz.plugins.cloud_init'
[1032.38677979] DEBUG: Tasklist: