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Last active December 31, 2015 14:29
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Recommended fluent-plugin's option names (draft)

Recommended option names

Option Description
tag The output tag name
add_tag_prefix Add tag prefix for output message
remove_tag_prefix Remove tag prefix for output message
replace_invalid_sequence Replace invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 with '?' character if true
interval The interval to calculate in seconds. Default is 60s
aggregate Calculate for each tag or all. The default value is tag

ex) fluent-plugin-grep, fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter, fluent-plugin-conditional-filter, fluent-plugin-geoip, fluent-plugin-route, fluent-plugin-calc, fluent-plugin-datacounter

Recommended placeholder names

Placeholder Description
${hostname} or __HOSTNAME__ hostname that the fluentd plugin is working
${tag} or __TAG__ input tag name
${tag_parts[n]} or __TAG_PARTS[n]__ input tag splitted by '.'. Use like ${tag_parts[0]}, __TAG_PARTS[0]__
${time} or __TIME__ time of the event

ex) fluent-plugin-record-reformer, fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter, fluent-mixin-config-placeholders

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