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Last active July 13, 2023 13:40
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CoreMIDI sample using deprecated API
import Foundation
import CoreMIDI
import PlaygroundSupport
// CoreMIDI sample control for ZOOM MS-50G/60B/70CDR
// Using deprecated APIs
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
/// Get source and destination devices that have the specified name.
/// If there are no source and destination devices that have the specified name and some errors are happened, this function throws error.
/// - Parameter deviceName: MIDI device name.
/// - Returns: Unique ID of source and destination devices.
/// - Throws: NSError.
func getEndPointIDsThatHave(deviceName: String = "ZOOM MS Series") throws -> (Int32, Int32) {
var destinationUniqueID: Int32?
var sourceUniqueID: Int32?
var result = noErr
for i in 0..<MIDIGetNumberOfDevices() {
do {
let endPoint = MIDIGetDestination(i)
var name: Unmanaged<CFString>?
result = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(endPoint, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName, &name)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError(domain: "com.sonson.CoreMIDI", code: 0)
if let temp = name?.takeRetainedValue() as? String {
if temp == deviceName {
var tempInt32 = Int32(0)
result = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(endPoint, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &tempInt32)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError(domain: "com.sonson.CoreMIDI", code: 1)
destinationUniqueID = tempInt32
for i in 0..<MIDIGetNumberOfDevices() {
do {
let dest = MIDIGetSource(i)
var name: Unmanaged<CFString>?
result = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dest, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName, &name)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError(domain: "com.sonson.CoreMIDI", code: 0)
if let temp = name?.takeRetainedValue() as? String {
if temp == deviceName {
var tempInt32 = Int32(0)
result = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(dest, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &tempInt32)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError(domain: "com.sonson.CoreMIDI", code: 1)
sourceUniqueID = tempInt32
if let t1 = destinationUniqueID, let t2 = sourceUniqueID {
return (t1, t2)
throw NSError(domain: "com.sonson.CoreMIDI", code: 2)
/// Get MIDIEndPointRef and MIDIObjectType from unique ID.
/// - Parameter uniqueID:
/// - Returns: MIDI end point and type of the MIDI end point.
/// - Throws: NSError.
func getEndPoint(with uniqueID: Int32) throws -> (MIDIEndpointRef, MIDIObjectType) {
var endPoint = MIDIEndpointRef()
var foundObjectType = MIDIObjectType.device
var result = MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(uniqueID, &endPoint, &foundObjectType)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError()
return (endPoint, foundObjectType)
/// Get MIDIClientRef and MIDIPortRef that can receive MIDI message.
/// - Parameters:
/// - clientName: The name of MIDI client.
/// - portName: The name of MIDI port.
/// - block: The MIDIReadBlock which will be called with incoming MIDI, from sources connected to this port.
/// - Returns: MIDI client and MIDI port to receive MIDI message.
/// - Throws: NSError.
func initInput(clientName:String, portName: String, block: @escaping MIDIReadBlock) throws -> (MIDIClientRef, MIDIPortRef) {
var client = MIDIClientRef()
var port = MIDIPortRef()
var result = OSStatus()
result = MIDIClientCreate(clientName as CFString, nil, nil, &client)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError()
result = MIDIInputPortCreateWithBlock(client, portName as CFString, &port, block)
if result != noErr {
throw NSError()
return (client, port)
do {
let (destinationUniqueID, sourceUniqueID) = try getEndPointIDsThatHave()
let (destination, _) = try getEndPoint(with: destinationUniqueID)
let (source, _) = try getEndPoint(with: sourceUniqueID)
let (sourceClient, sourcePort) = try initInput(clientName: "clientDest", portName: "portDest", block: {pointer, raw in
for packet in pointer.unsafeSequence() {
let text = packet.bytes().map({ String(format: "%02X", $0) }).joined(separator: " ")
var outputClient = MIDIClientRef()
var outputPort = MIDIPortRef()
var result = MIDIClientCreate("test" as CFString, nil, nil, &outputClient)
MIDIOutputPortCreate(outputClient, "output" as CFString, &outputPort)
MIDIPortConnectSource(sourcePort, source, nil)
do {
// Identity Request
// [0xf0,0x7e,0x00,0x06,0x01,0xf7]
var pkt = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacket>.allocate(capacity: 1)
var pktList = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacketList>.allocate(capacity: 1)
let midiData : [UInt8] = [UInt8(0xF0), UInt8(0x7E), UInt8(0x00), UInt8(0x06), UInt8(0x01), UInt8(0xF7)]
pkt = MIDIPacketListInit(pktList)
pkt = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktList, 1024, pkt, 0, 6, midiData)
MIDISend(outputPort, destination, pktList)
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1.0)
do {
// Parameter Edit Enable
// MS-60B
// [0xf0,0x52,0x00,0x5f,0x50,0xf7]
var pkt = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacket>.allocate(capacity: 1)
var pktList = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacketList>.allocate(capacity: 1)
let midiData : [UInt8] = [UInt8(0xF0), UInt8(0x52), UInt8(0x00), UInt8(0x5f), UInt8(0x50), UInt8(0xF7)]
pkt = MIDIPacketListInit(pktList)
pkt = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktList, 1024, pkt, 0, 6, midiData)
MIDISend(outputPort, destination, pktList)
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1.0)
do {
// Request current patch data
// MS-60B
// [0xf0,0x52,0x00,0x58,0x29,0xf7]
var pkt = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacket>.allocate(capacity: 1)
var pktList = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacketList>.allocate(capacity: 1)
let midiData : [UInt8] = [UInt8(0xF0), UInt8(0x52), UInt8(0x00), UInt8(0x5f), UInt8(0x29), UInt8(0xF7)]
pkt = MIDIPacketListInit(pktList)
pkt = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktList, 1024, pkt, 0, 6, midiData)
MIDISend(outputPort, destination, pktList)
} catch {
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