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Created October 23, 2014 10:58
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line counter for itch
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
paths = []
paths.push(ARGV[0] + "/**/*.h")
paths.push(ARGV[0] + "/**/*.m")
blacklist = ["/imobile/", "/nend/", "/Google/", "/Evernote/", "/admob/", "/TestFlight/", "/UICoderz/"]
lines = 0
files = 0
Dir::glob(path).each {|f|
flag = false
if f =~ /#{blackpath}/
flag = true
if flag == false
result = `wc -l #{f}`
elements = result.split(" ")
lines = lines + elements[0].to_i
files = files + 1
puts lines
puts files
puts `git rev-list #{ARGV[0]} HEAD --count`
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