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Created June 29, 2021 08:22
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*Submitted for verification at on 2019-06-12
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
c = a * b;
assert(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
// uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return a / b;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
* @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/ApprovedCreatorRegistryInterface.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
* Interface to the digital media store external contract that is
* responsible for storing the common digital media and collection data.
* This allows for new token contracts to be deployed and continue to reference
* the digital media and collection data.
contract ApprovedCreatorRegistryInterface {
function getVersion() public pure returns (uint);
function typeOfContract() public pure returns (string);
function isOperatorApprovedForCustodialAccount(
address _operator,
address _custodialAddress) public view returns (bool);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/DigitalMediaStoreInterface.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* Interface to the digital media store external contract that is
* responsible for storing the common digital media and collection data.
* This allows for new token contracts to be deployed and continue to reference
* the digital media and collection data.
contract DigitalMediaStoreInterface {
function getDigitalMediaStoreVersion() public pure returns (uint);
function getStartingDigitalMediaId() public view returns (uint256);
function registerTokenContractAddress() external;
* Creates a new digital media object in storage
* @param _creator address the address of the creator
* @param _printIndex uint32 the current print index for the limited edition media
* @param _totalSupply uint32 the total allowable prints for this media
* @param _collectionId uint256 the collection id that this media belongs to
* @param _metadataPath string the ipfs metadata path
* @return the id of the new digital media created
function createDigitalMedia(
address _creator,
uint32 _printIndex,
uint32 _totalSupply,
uint256 _collectionId,
string _metadataPath) external returns (uint);
* Increments the current print index of the digital media object
* @param _digitalMediaId uint256 the id of the digital media
* @param _increment uint32 the amount to increment by
function incrementDigitalMediaPrintIndex(
uint256 _digitalMediaId,
uint32 _increment) external;
* Retrieves the digital media object by id
* @param _digitalMediaId uint256 the address of the creator
function getDigitalMedia(uint256 _digitalMediaId) external view returns(
uint256 id,
uint32 totalSupply,
uint32 printIndex,
uint256 collectionId,
address creator,
string metadataPath);
* Creates a new collection
* @param _creator address the address of the creator
* @param _metadataPath string the ipfs metadata path
* @return the id of the new collection created
function createCollection(address _creator, string _metadataPath) external returns (uint);
* Retrieves a collection by id
* @param _collectionId uint256
function getCollection(uint256 _collectionId) external view
uint256 id,
address creator,
string metadataPath);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
function Ownable() public {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
require(newOwner != address(0));
emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title Pausable
* @dev Base contract which allows children to implement an emergency stop mechanism.
contract Pausable is Ownable {
event Pause();
event Unpause();
bool public paused = false;
* @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused.
modifier whenNotPaused() {
* @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused.
modifier whenPaused() {
* @dev called by the owner to pause, triggers stopped state
function pause() onlyOwner whenNotPaused public {
paused = true;
emit Pause();
* @dev called by the owner to unpause, returns to normal state
function unpause() onlyOwner whenPaused public {
paused = false;
emit Unpause();
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/MediaStoreVersionControl.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* A special control class that is used to configure and manage a token contract's
* different digital media store versions.
* Older versions of token contracts had the ability to increment the digital media's
* print edition in the media store, which was necessary in the early stages to provide
* upgradeability and flexibility.
* New verions will get rid of this ability now that token contract logic
* is more stable and we've built in burn capabilities.
* In order to support the older tokens, we need to be able to look up the appropriate digital
* media store associated with a given digital media id on the latest token contract.
contract MediaStoreVersionControl is Pausable {
// The single allowed creator for this digital media contract.
DigitalMediaStoreInterface public v1DigitalMediaStore;
// The current digitial media store, used for this tokens creation.
DigitalMediaStoreInterface public currentDigitalMediaStore;
uint256 public currentStartingDigitalMediaId;
* Validates that the managers are initialized.
modifier managersInitialized() {
require(v1DigitalMediaStore != address(0));
require(currentDigitalMediaStore != address(0));
* Sets a digital media store address upon construction.
* Once set it's immutable, so that a token contract is always
* tied to one digital media store.
function setDigitalMediaStoreAddress(address _dmsAddress)
internal {
DigitalMediaStoreInterface candidateDigitalMediaStore = DigitalMediaStoreInterface(_dmsAddress);
require(candidateDigitalMediaStore.getDigitalMediaStoreVersion() == 2, "Incorrect version.");
currentDigitalMediaStore = candidateDigitalMediaStore;
currentStartingDigitalMediaId = currentDigitalMediaStore.getStartingDigitalMediaId();
* Publicly callable by the owner, but can only be set one time, so don't make
* a mistake when setting it.
* Will also check that the version on the other end of the contract is in fact correct.
function setV1DigitalMediaStoreAddress(address _dmsAddress) public onlyOwner {
require(address(v1DigitalMediaStore) == 0, "V1 media store already set.");
DigitalMediaStoreInterface candidateDigitalMediaStore = DigitalMediaStoreInterface(_dmsAddress);
require(candidateDigitalMediaStore.getDigitalMediaStoreVersion() == 1, "Incorrect version.");
v1DigitalMediaStore = candidateDigitalMediaStore;
* Depending on the digital media id, determines whether to return the previous
* version of the digital media manager.
function _getDigitalMediaStore(uint256 _digitalMediaId)
returns (DigitalMediaStoreInterface) {
if (_digitalMediaId < currentStartingDigitalMediaId) {
return v1DigitalMediaStore;
} else {
return currentDigitalMediaStore;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/DigitalMediaManager.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* Manager that interfaces with the underlying digital media store contract.
contract DigitalMediaManager is MediaStoreVersionControl {
struct DigitalMedia {
uint256 id;
uint32 totalSupply;
uint32 printIndex;
uint256 collectionId;
address creator;
string metadataPath;
struct DigitalMediaCollection {
uint256 id;
address creator;
string metadataPath;
ApprovedCreatorRegistryInterface public creatorRegistryStore;
// Set the creator registry address upon construction. Immutable.
function setCreatorRegistryStore(address _crsAddress) internal {
ApprovedCreatorRegistryInterface candidateCreatorRegistryStore = ApprovedCreatorRegistryInterface(_crsAddress);
require(candidateCreatorRegistryStore.getVersion() == 1);
// Simple check to make sure we are adding the registry contract indeed
require(keccak256(candidateCreatorRegistryStore.typeOfContract()) == keccak256("approvedCreatorRegistry"));
creatorRegistryStore = candidateCreatorRegistryStore;
* Validates that the Registered store is initialized.
modifier registryInitialized() {
require(creatorRegistryStore != address(0));
* Retrieves a collection object by id.
function _getCollection(uint256 _id)
returns(DigitalMediaCollection) {
uint256 id;
address creator;
string memory metadataPath;
(id, creator, metadataPath) = currentDigitalMediaStore.getCollection(_id);
DigitalMediaCollection memory collection = DigitalMediaCollection({
id: id,
creator: creator,
metadataPath: metadataPath
return collection;
* Retrieves a digital media object by id.
function _getDigitalMedia(uint256 _id)
returns(DigitalMedia) {
uint256 id;
uint32 totalSupply;
uint32 printIndex;
uint256 collectionId;
address creator;
string memory metadataPath;
DigitalMediaStoreInterface _digitalMediaStore = _getDigitalMediaStore(_id);
(id, totalSupply, printIndex, collectionId, creator, metadataPath) = _digitalMediaStore.getDigitalMedia(_id);
DigitalMedia memory digitalMedia = DigitalMedia({
id: id,
creator: creator,
totalSupply: totalSupply,
printIndex: printIndex,
collectionId: collectionId,
metadataPath: metadataPath
return digitalMedia;
* Increments the print index of a digital media object by some increment.
function _incrementDigitalMediaPrintIndex(DigitalMedia _dm, uint32 _increment)
managersInitialized {
DigitalMediaStoreInterface _digitalMediaStore = _getDigitalMediaStore(;
_digitalMediaStore.incrementDigitalMediaPrintIndex(, _increment);
// Check if the token operator is approved for the owner address
function isOperatorApprovedForCustodialAccount(
address _operator,
address _owner) internal view registryInitialized returns(bool) {
return creatorRegistryStore.isOperatorApprovedForCustodialAccount(
_operator, _owner);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/SingleCreatorControl.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* A special control class that's used to help enforce that a DigitalMedia contract
* will service only a single creator's address. This is used when deploying a
* custom token contract owned and managed by a single creator.
contract SingleCreatorControl {
// The single allowed creator for this digital media contract.
address public singleCreatorAddress;
// The single creator has changed.
event SingleCreatorChanged(
address indexed previousCreatorAddress,
address indexed newCreatorAddress);
* Sets the single creator associated with this contract. This function
* can only ever be called once, and should ideally be called at the point
* of constructing the smart contract.
function setSingleCreator(address _singleCreatorAddress) internal {
require(singleCreatorAddress == address(0), "Single creator address already set.");
singleCreatorAddress = _singleCreatorAddress;
* Checks whether a given creator address matches the single creator address.
* Will always return true if a single creator address was never set.
function isAllowedSingleCreator(address _creatorAddress) internal view returns (bool) {
require(_creatorAddress != address(0), "0x0 creator addresses are not allowed.");
return singleCreatorAddress == address(0) || singleCreatorAddress == _creatorAddress;
* A publicly accessible function that allows the current single creator
* assigned to this contract to change to another address.
function changeSingleCreator(address _newCreatorAddress) public {
require(_newCreatorAddress != address(0));
require(msg.sender == singleCreatorAddress, "Not approved to change single creator.");
singleCreatorAddress = _newCreatorAddress;
emit SingleCreatorChanged(singleCreatorAddress, _newCreatorAddress);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Basic.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard basic interface
* @dev see
contract ERC721Basic {
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _tokenId);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _approved, uint256 _tokenId);
event ApprovalForAll(address indexed _owner, address indexed _operator, bool _approved);
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 _balance);
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address _owner);
function exists(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (bool _exists);
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public;
function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address _operator);
function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) public;
function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) public view returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes _data
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional enumeration extension
* @dev See
contract ERC721Enumerable is ERC721Basic {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _index) public view returns (uint256 _tokenId);
function tokenByIndex(uint256 _index) public view returns (uint256);
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension
* @dev See
contract ERC721Metadata is ERC721Basic {
function name() public view returns (string _name);
function symbol() public view returns (string _symbol);
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (string);
* @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, full implementation interface
* @dev See
contract ERC721 is ERC721Basic, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721Metadata {
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Receiver.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title ERC721 token receiver interface
* @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
* from ERC721 asset contracts.
contract ERC721Receiver {
* @dev Magic value to be returned upon successful reception of an NFT
* Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`,
* which can be also obtained as `ERC721Receiver(0).onERC721Received.selector`
bytes4 constant ERC721_RECEIVED = 0xf0b9e5ba;
* @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
* @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
* after a `safetransfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the
* transfer. This function MUST use 50,000 gas or less. Return of other
* than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
* Note: the contract address is always the message sender.
* @param _from The sending address
* @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transfered
* @param _data Additional data with no specified format
* @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
function onERC721Received(address _from, uint256 _tokenId, bytes _data) public returns(bytes4);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/AddressUtils.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* Utility library of inline functions on addresses
library AddressUtils {
* Returns whether the target address is a contract
* @dev This function will return false if invoked during the constructor of a contract,
* as the code is not actually created until after the constructor finishes.
* @param addr address to check
* @return whether the target address is a contract
function isContract(address addr) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 size;
// XXX Currently there is no better way to check if there is a contract in an address
// than to check the size of the code at that address.
// See
// for more details about how this works.
// TODO Check this again before the Serenity release, because all addresses will be
// contracts then.
assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) } // solium-disable-line security/no-inline-assembly
return size > 0;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721BasicToken.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard basic implementation
* @dev see
contract ERC721BasicToken is ERC721Basic {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using AddressUtils for address;
// Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`
// which can be also obtained as `ERC721Receiver(0).onERC721Received.selector`
bytes4 constant ERC721_RECEIVED = 0xf0b9e5ba;
// Mapping from token ID to owner
mapping (uint256 => address) internal tokenOwner;
// Mapping from token ID to approved address
mapping (uint256 => address) internal tokenApprovals;
// Mapping from owner to number of owned token
mapping (address => uint256) internal ownedTokensCount;
// Mapping from owner to operator approvals
mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) internal operatorApprovals;
* @dev Guarantees msg.sender is owner of the given token
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to validate its ownership belongs to msg.sender
modifier onlyOwnerOf(uint256 _tokenId) {
require(ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
* @dev Checks msg.sender can transfer a token, by being owner, approved, or operator
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to validate
modifier canTransfer(uint256 _tokenId) {
require(isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));
* @dev Gets the balance of the specified address
* @param _owner address to query the balance of
* @return uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) {
require(_owner != address(0));
return ownedTokensCount[_owner];
* @dev Gets the owner of the specified token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the owner of
* @return owner address currently marked as the owner of the given token ID
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {
address owner = tokenOwner[_tokenId];
require(owner != address(0));
return owner;
* @dev Returns whether the specified token exists
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the existance of
* @return whether the token exists
function exists(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (bool) {
address owner = tokenOwner[_tokenId];
return owner != address(0);
* @dev Approves another address to transfer the given token ID
* @dev The zero address indicates there is no approved address.
* @dev There can only be one approved address per token at a given time.
* @dev Can only be called by the token owner or an approved operator.
* @param _to address to be approved for the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be approved
function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public {
address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);
require(_to != owner);
require(msg.sender == owner || isApprovedForAll(owner, msg.sender));
if (getApproved(_tokenId) != address(0) || _to != address(0)) {
tokenApprovals[_tokenId] = _to;
emit Approval(owner, _to, _tokenId);
* @dev Gets the approved address for a token ID, or zero if no address set
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the approval of
* @return address currently approved for a the given token ID
function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {
return tokenApprovals[_tokenId];
* @dev Sets or unsets the approval of a given operator
* @dev An operator is allowed to transfer all tokens of the sender on their behalf
* @param _to operator address to set the approval
* @param _approved representing the status of the approval to be set
function setApprovalForAll(address _to, bool _approved) public {
require(_to != msg.sender);
operatorApprovals[msg.sender][_to] = _approved;
emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _to, _approved);
* @dev Tells whether an operator is approved by a given owner
* @param _owner owner address which you want to query the approval of
* @param _operator operator address which you want to query the approval of
* @return bool whether the given operator is approved by the given owner
function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) public view returns (bool) {
return operatorApprovals[_owner][_operator];
* @dev Transfers the ownership of a given token ID to another address
* @dev Usage of this method is discouraged, use `safeTransferFrom` whenever possible
* @dev Requires the msg sender to be the owner, approved, or operator
* @param _from current owner of the token
* @param _to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public canTransfer(_tokenId) {
require(_from != address(0));
require(_to != address(0));
clearApproval(_from, _tokenId);
removeTokenFrom(_from, _tokenId);
addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
emit Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);
* @dev Safely transfers the ownership of a given token ID to another address
* @dev If the target address is a contract, it must implement `onERC721Received`,
* which is called upon a safe transfer, and return the magic value
* `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`; otherwise,
* the transfer is reverted.
* @dev Requires the msg sender to be the owner, approved, or operator
* @param _from current owner of the token
* @param _to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
// solium-disable-next-line arg-overflow
safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, "");
* @dev Safely transfers the ownership of a given token ID to another address
* @dev If the target address is a contract, it must implement `onERC721Received`,
* which is called upon a safe transfer, and return the magic value
* `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`; otherwise,
* the transfer is reverted.
* @dev Requires the msg sender to be the owner, approved, or operator
* @param _from current owner of the token
* @param _to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @param _data bytes data to send along with a safe transfer check
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes _data
transferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId);
// solium-disable-next-line arg-overflow
require(checkAndCallSafeTransfer(_from, _to, _tokenId, _data));
* @dev Returns whether the given spender can transfer a given token ID
* @param _spender address of the spender to query
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @return bool whether the msg.sender is approved for the given token ID,
* is an operator of the owner, or is the owner of the token
function isApprovedOrOwner(address _spender, uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);
return _spender == owner || getApproved(_tokenId) == _spender || isApprovedForAll(owner, _spender);
* @dev Internal function to mint a new token
* @dev Reverts if the given token ID already exists
* @param _to The address that will own the minted token
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be minted by the msg.sender
function _mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(_to != address(0));
addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to burn a specific token
* @dev Reverts if the token does not exist
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token being burned by the msg.sender
function _burn(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
clearApproval(_owner, _tokenId);
removeTokenFrom(_owner, _tokenId);
emit Transfer(_owner, address(0), _tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to clear current approval of a given token ID
* @dev Reverts if the given address is not indeed the owner of the token
* @param _owner owner of the token
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function clearApproval(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(ownerOf(_tokenId) == _owner);
if (tokenApprovals[_tokenId] != address(0)) {
tokenApprovals[_tokenId] = address(0);
emit Approval(_owner, address(0), _tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to add a token ID to the list of a given address
* @param _to address representing the new owner of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be added to the tokens list of the given address
function addTokenTo(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(tokenOwner[_tokenId] == address(0));
tokenOwner[_tokenId] = _to;
ownedTokensCount[_to] = ownedTokensCount[_to].add(1);
* @dev Internal function to remove a token ID from the list of a given address
* @param _from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be removed from the tokens list of the given address
function removeTokenFrom(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
require(ownerOf(_tokenId) == _from);
ownedTokensCount[_from] = ownedTokensCount[_from].sub(1);
tokenOwner[_tokenId] = address(0);
* @dev Internal function to invoke `onERC721Received` on a target address
* @dev The call is not executed if the target address is not a contract
* @param _from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
* @param _to target address that will receive the tokens
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @param _data bytes optional data to send along with the call
* @return whether the call correctly returned the expected magic value
function checkAndCallSafeTransfer(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes _data
returns (bool)
if (!_to.isContract()) {
return true;
bytes4 retval = ERC721Receiver(_to).onERC721Received(_from, _tokenId, _data);
return (retval == ERC721_RECEIVED);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Token.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* @title Full ERC721 Token
* This implementation includes all the required and some optional functionality of the ERC721 standard
* Moreover, it includes approve all functionality using operator terminology
* @dev see
contract ERC721Token is ERC721, ERC721BasicToken {
// Token name
string internal name_;
// Token symbol
string internal symbol_;
// Mapping from owner to list of owned token IDs
mapping (address => uint256[]) internal ownedTokens;
// Mapping from token ID to index of the owner tokens list
mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal ownedTokensIndex;
// Array with all token ids, used for enumeration
uint256[] internal allTokens;
// Mapping from token id to position in the allTokens array
mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal allTokensIndex;
// Optional mapping for token URIs
mapping(uint256 => string) internal tokenURIs;
* @dev Constructor function
function ERC721Token(string _name, string _symbol) public {
name_ = _name;
symbol_ = _symbol;
* @dev Gets the token name
* @return string representing the token name
function name() public view returns (string) {
return name_;
* @dev Gets the token symbol
* @return string representing the token symbol
function symbol() public view returns (string) {
return symbol_;
* @dev Returns an URI for a given token ID
* @dev Throws if the token ID does not exist. May return an empty string.
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (string) {
return tokenURIs[_tokenId];
* @dev Gets the token ID at a given index of the tokens list of the requested owner
* @param _owner address owning the tokens list to be accessed
* @param _index uint256 representing the index to be accessed of the requested tokens list
* @return uint256 token ID at the given index of the tokens list owned by the requested address
function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _index) public view returns (uint256) {
require(_index < balanceOf(_owner));
return ownedTokens[_owner][_index];
* @dev Gets the total amount of tokens stored by the contract
* @return uint256 representing the total amount of tokens
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return allTokens.length;
* @dev Gets the token ID at a given index of all the tokens in this contract
* @dev Reverts if the index is greater or equal to the total number of tokens
* @param _index uint256 representing the index to be accessed of the tokens list
* @return uint256 token ID at the given index of the tokens list
function tokenByIndex(uint256 _index) public view returns (uint256) {
require(_index < totalSupply());
return allTokens[_index];
* @dev Internal function to set the token URI for a given token
* @dev Reverts if the token ID does not exist
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to set its URI
* @param _uri string URI to assign
function _setTokenURI(uint256 _tokenId, string _uri) internal {
tokenURIs[_tokenId] = _uri;
* @dev Internal function to add a token ID to the list of a given address
* @param _to address representing the new owner of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be added to the tokens list of the given address
function addTokenTo(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
super.addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
uint256 length = ownedTokens[_to].length;
ownedTokensIndex[_tokenId] = length;
* @dev Internal function to remove a token ID from the list of a given address
* @param _from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be removed from the tokens list of the given address
function removeTokenFrom(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
super.removeTokenFrom(_from, _tokenId);
uint256 tokenIndex = ownedTokensIndex[_tokenId];
uint256 lastTokenIndex = ownedTokens[_from].length.sub(1);
uint256 lastToken = ownedTokens[_from][lastTokenIndex];
ownedTokens[_from][tokenIndex] = lastToken;
ownedTokens[_from][lastTokenIndex] = 0;
// Note that this will handle single-element arrays. In that case, both tokenIndex and lastTokenIndex are going to
// be zero. Then we can make sure that we will remove _tokenId from the ownedTokens list since we are first swapping
// the lastToken to the first position, and then dropping the element placed in the last position of the list
ownedTokensIndex[_tokenId] = 0;
ownedTokensIndex[lastToken] = tokenIndex;
* @dev Internal function to mint a new token
* @dev Reverts if the given token ID already exists
* @param _to address the beneficiary that will own the minted token
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be minted by the msg.sender
function _mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
super._mint(_to, _tokenId);
allTokensIndex[_tokenId] = allTokens.length;
* @dev Internal function to burn a specific token
* @dev Reverts if the token does not exist
* @param _owner owner of the token to burn
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token being burned by the msg.sender
function _burn(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
super._burn(_owner, _tokenId);
// Clear metadata (if any)
if (bytes(tokenURIs[_tokenId]).length != 0) {
delete tokenURIs[_tokenId];
// Reorg all tokens array
uint256 tokenIndex = allTokensIndex[_tokenId];
uint256 lastTokenIndex = allTokens.length.sub(1);
uint256 lastToken = allTokens[lastTokenIndex];
allTokens[tokenIndex] = lastToken;
allTokens[lastTokenIndex] = 0;
allTokensIndex[_tokenId] = 0;
allTokensIndex[lastToken] = tokenIndex;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/ERC721Safe.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
// We have to specify what version of compiler this code will compile with
contract ERC721Safe is ERC721Token {
bytes4 constant internal InterfaceSignature_ERC165 =
bytes4 constant internal InterfaceSignature_ERC721 =
bytes4(keccak256('name()')) ^
bytes4(keccak256('symbol()')) ^
bytes4(keccak256('totalSupply()')) ^
bytes4(keccak256('balanceOf(address)')) ^
bytes4(keccak256('ownerOf(uint256)')) ^
bytes4(keccak256('approve(address,uint256)')) ^
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external view returns (bool);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/Memory.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
library Memory {
// Size of a word, in bytes.
uint internal constant WORD_SIZE = 32;
// Size of the header of a 'bytes' array.
uint internal constant BYTES_HEADER_SIZE = 32;
// Address of the free memory pointer.
uint internal constant FREE_MEM_PTR = 0x40;
// Compares the 'len' bytes starting at address 'addr' in memory with the 'len'
// bytes starting at 'addr2'.
// Returns 'true' if the bytes are the same, otherwise 'false'.
function equals(uint addr, uint addr2, uint len) internal pure returns (bool equal) {
assembly {
equal := eq(keccak256(addr, len), keccak256(addr2, len))
// Compares the 'len' bytes starting at address 'addr' in memory with the bytes stored in
// 'bts'. It is allowed to set 'len' to a lower value then 'bts.length', in which case only
// the first 'len' bytes will be compared.
// Requires that 'bts.length >= len'
function equals(uint addr, uint len, bytes memory bts) internal pure returns (bool equal) {
require(bts.length >= len);
uint addr2;
assembly {
addr2 := add(bts, /*BYTES_HEADER_SIZE*/32)
return equals(addr, addr2, len);
// Allocates 'numBytes' bytes in memory. This will prevent the Solidity compiler
// from using this area of memory. It will also initialize the area by setting
// each byte to '0'.
function allocate(uint numBytes) internal pure returns (uint addr) {
// Take the current value of the free memory pointer, and update.
assembly {
addr := mload(/*FREE_MEM_PTR*/0x40)
mstore(/*FREE_MEM_PTR*/0x40, add(addr, numBytes))
uint words = (numBytes + WORD_SIZE - 1) / WORD_SIZE;
for (uint i = 0; i < words; i++) {
assembly {
mstore(add(addr, mul(i, /*WORD_SIZE*/32)), 0)
// Copy 'len' bytes from memory address 'src', to address 'dest'.
// This function does not check the or destination, it only copies
// the bytes.
function copy(uint src, uint dest, uint len) internal pure {
// Copy word-length chunks while possible
for (; len >= WORD_SIZE; len -= WORD_SIZE) {
assembly {
mstore(dest, mload(src))
dest += WORD_SIZE;
src += WORD_SIZE;
// Copy remaining bytes
uint mask = 256 ** (WORD_SIZE - len) - 1;
assembly {
let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask))
let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask)
mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart))
// Returns a memory pointer to the provided bytes array.
function ptr(bytes memory bts) internal pure returns (uint addr) {
assembly {
addr := bts
// Returns a memory pointer to the data portion of the provided bytes array.
function dataPtr(bytes memory bts) internal pure returns (uint addr) {
assembly {
addr := add(bts, /*BYTES_HEADER_SIZE*/32)
// This function does the same as 'dataPtr(bytes memory)', but will also return the
// length of the provided bytes array.
function fromBytes(bytes memory bts) internal pure returns (uint addr, uint len) {
len = bts.length;
assembly {
addr := add(bts, /*BYTES_HEADER_SIZE*/32)
// Creates a 'bytes memory' variable from the memory address 'addr', with the
// length 'len'. The function will allocate new memory for the bytes array, and
// the 'len bytes starting at 'addr' will be copied into that new memory.
function toBytes(uint addr, uint len) internal pure returns (bytes memory bts) {
bts = new bytes(len);
uint btsptr;
assembly {
btsptr := add(bts, /*BYTES_HEADER_SIZE*/32)
copy(addr, btsptr, len);
// Get the word stored at memory address 'addr' as a 'uint'.
function toUint(uint addr) internal pure returns (uint n) {
assembly {
n := mload(addr)
// Get the word stored at memory address 'addr' as a 'bytes32'.
function toBytes32(uint addr) internal pure returns (bytes32 bts) {
assembly {
bts := mload(addr)
// Get the byte stored at memory address 'addr' as a 'byte'.
function toByte(uint addr, uint8 index) internal pure returns (byte b) {
require(index < WORD_SIZE);
uint8 n;
assembly {
n := byte(index, mload(addr))
b = byte(n);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/HelperUtils.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* Internal helper functions
contract HelperUtils {
// converts bytes32 to a string
// enable this when you use it. Saving gas for now
// function bytes32ToString(bytes32 x) private pure returns (string) {
// bytes memory bytesString = new bytes(32);
// uint charCount = 0;
// for (uint j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
// byte char = byte(bytes32(uint(x) * 2 ** (8 * j)));
// if (char != 0) {
// bytesString[charCount] = char;
// charCount++;
// }
// }
// bytes memory bytesStringTrimmed = new bytes(charCount);
// for (j = 0; j < charCount; j++) {
// bytesStringTrimmed[j] = bytesString[j];
// }
// return string(bytesStringTrimmed);
// }
* Concatenates two strings
* @param _a string
* @param _b string
* @return string concatenation of two string
function strConcat(string _a, string _b) internal pure returns (string) {
bytes memory _ba = bytes(_a);
bytes memory _bb = bytes(_b);
string memory ab = new string(_ba.length + _bb.length);
bytes memory bab = bytes(ab);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _ba.length; i++) bab[k++] = _ba[i];
for (i = 0; i < _bb.length; i++) bab[k++] = _bb[i];
return string(bab);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/DigitalMediaToken.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* The DigitalMediaToken contract. Fully implements the ERC721 contract
* from OpenZeppelin without any modifications to it.
* This contract allows for the creation of:
* 1. New Collections
* 2. New DigitalMedia objects
* 3. New DigitalMediaRelease objects
* The primary piece of logic is to ensure that an ERC721 token can
* have a supply and print edition that is enforced by this contract.
contract DigitalMediaToken is DigitalMediaManager, ERC721Safe, HelperUtils, SingleCreatorControl {
event DigitalMediaReleaseCreateEvent(
uint256 id,
address owner,
uint32 printEdition,
string tokenURI,
uint256 digitalMediaId);
// Event fired when a new digital media is created
event DigitalMediaCreateEvent(
uint256 id,
address storeContractAddress,
address creator,
uint32 totalSupply,
uint32 printIndex,
uint256 collectionId,
string metadataPath);
// Event fired when a digital media's collection is
event DigitalMediaCollectionCreateEvent(
uint256 id,
address storeContractAddress,
address creator,
string metadataPath);
// Event fired when a digital media is burned
event DigitalMediaBurnEvent(
uint256 id,
address caller,
address storeContractAddress);
// Event fired when burning a token
event DigitalMediaReleaseBurnEvent(
uint256 tokenId,
address owner);
event UpdateDigitalMediaPrintIndexEvent(
uint256 digitalMediaId,
uint32 printEdition);
// Event fired when a creator assigns a new creator address.
event ChangedCreator(
address creator,
address newCreator);
struct DigitalMediaRelease {
// The unique edition number of this digital media release
uint32 printEdition;
// Reference ID to the digital media metadata
uint256 digitalMediaId;
// Maps internal ERC721 token ID to digital media release object.
mapping (uint256 => DigitalMediaRelease) public tokenIdToDigitalMediaRelease;
// Maps a creator address to a new creator address. Useful if a creator
// changes their address or the previous address gets compromised.
mapping (address => address) public approvedCreators;
// Token ID counter
uint256 internal tokenIdCounter = 0;
constructor (string _tokenName, string _tokenSymbol, uint256 _tokenIdStartingCounter)
public ERC721Token(_tokenName, _tokenSymbol) {
tokenIdCounter = _tokenIdStartingCounter;
* Creates a new digital media object.
* @param _creator address the creator of this digital media
* @param _totalSupply uint32 the total supply a creation could have
* @param _collectionId uint256 the collectionId that it belongs to
* @param _metadataPath string the path to the ipfs metadata
* @return uint the new digital media id
function _createDigitalMedia(
address _creator, uint32 _totalSupply, uint256 _collectionId, string _metadataPath)
returns (uint) {
require(_validateCollection(_collectionId, _creator), "Creator for collection not approved.");
uint256 newDigitalMediaId = currentDigitalMediaStore.createDigitalMedia(
emit DigitalMediaCreateEvent(
return newDigitalMediaId;
* Burns a token for a given tokenId and caller.
* @param _tokenId the id of the token to burn.
* @param _caller the address of the caller.
function _burnToken(uint256 _tokenId, address _caller) internal {
address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);
require(_caller == owner ||
getApproved(_tokenId) == _caller ||
isApprovedForAll(owner, _caller),
"Failed token burn. Caller is not approved.");
_burn(owner, _tokenId);
delete tokenIdToDigitalMediaRelease[_tokenId];
emit DigitalMediaReleaseBurnEvent(_tokenId, owner);
* Burns a digital media. Once this function succeeds, this digital media
* will no longer be able to mint any more tokens. Existing tokens need to be
* burned individually though.
* @param _digitalMediaId the id of the digital media to burn
* @param _caller the address of the caller.
function _burnDigitalMedia(uint256 _digitalMediaId, address _caller) internal {
DigitalMedia memory _digitalMedia = _getDigitalMedia(_digitalMediaId);
require(_checkApprovedCreator(_digitalMedia.creator, _caller) ||
isApprovedForAll(_digitalMedia.creator, _caller),
"Failed digital media burn. Caller not approved.");
uint32 increment = _digitalMedia.totalSupply - _digitalMedia.printIndex;
_incrementDigitalMediaPrintIndex(_digitalMedia, increment);
address _burnDigitalMediaStoreAddress = address(_getDigitalMediaStore(;
emit DigitalMediaBurnEvent(
_digitalMediaId, _caller, _burnDigitalMediaStoreAddress);
* Creates a new collection
* @param _creator address the creator of this collection
* @param _metadataPath string the path to the collection ipfs metadata
* @return uint the new collection id
function _createCollection(
address _creator, string _metadataPath)
returns (uint) {
uint256 newCollectionId = currentDigitalMediaStore.createCollection(
emit DigitalMediaCollectionCreateEvent(
return newCollectionId;
* Creates _count number of new digital media releases (i.e a token).
* Bumps up the print index by _count.
* @param _owner address the owner of the digital media object
* @param _digitalMediaId uint256 the digital media id
function _createDigitalMediaReleases(
address _owner, uint256 _digitalMediaId, uint32 _count)
internal {
require(_count > 0, "Failed print edition. Creation count must be > 0.");
require(_count < 10000, "Cannot print more than 10K tokens at once");
DigitalMedia memory _digitalMedia = _getDigitalMedia(_digitalMediaId);
uint32 currentPrintIndex = _digitalMedia.printIndex;
require(_checkApprovedCreator(_digitalMedia.creator, _owner), "Creator not approved.");
require(isAllowedSingleCreator(_owner), "Creator must match single creator address.");
require(_count + currentPrintIndex <= _digitalMedia.totalSupply, "Total supply exceeded.");
string memory tokenURI = HelperUtils.strConcat("ipfs://ipfs/", _digitalMedia.metadataPath);
for (uint32 i=0; i < _count; i++) {
uint32 newPrintEdition = currentPrintIndex + 1 + i;
DigitalMediaRelease memory _digitalMediaRelease = DigitalMediaRelease({
printEdition: newPrintEdition,
digitalMediaId: _digitalMediaId
uint256 newDigitalMediaReleaseId = _getNextTokenId();
tokenIdToDigitalMediaRelease[newDigitalMediaReleaseId] = _digitalMediaRelease;
emit DigitalMediaReleaseCreateEvent(
// This will assign ownership and also emit the Transfer event as per ERC721
_mint(_owner, newDigitalMediaReleaseId);
_setTokenURI(newDigitalMediaReleaseId, tokenURI);
tokenIdCounter = tokenIdCounter.add(1);
_incrementDigitalMediaPrintIndex(_digitalMedia, _count);
emit UpdateDigitalMediaPrintIndexEvent(_digitalMediaId, currentPrintIndex + _count);
* Checks that a given caller is an approved creator and is allowed to mint or burn
* tokens. If the creator was changed it will check against the updated creator.
* @param _caller the calling address
* @return bool allowed or not
function _checkApprovedCreator(address _creator, address _caller)
returns (bool) {
address approvedCreator = approvedCreators[_creator];
if (approvedCreator != address(0)) {
return approvedCreator == _caller;
} else {
return _creator == _caller;
* Validates the an address is allowed to create a digital media on a
* given collection. Collections are tied to addresses.
function _validateCollection(uint256 _collectionId, address _address)
returns (bool) {
if (_collectionId == 0 ) {
return true;
DigitalMediaCollection memory collection = _getCollection(_collectionId);
return _checkApprovedCreator(collection.creator, _address);
* Generates a new token id.
function _getNextTokenId() private view returns (uint256) {
return tokenIdCounter.add(1);
* Changes the creator that is approved to printing new tokens and creations.
* Either the _caller must be the _creator or the _caller must be the existing
* approvedCreator.
* @param _caller the address of the caller
* @param _creator the address of the current creator
* @param _newCreator the address of the new approved creator
function _changeCreator(address _caller, address _creator, address _newCreator) internal {
address approvedCreator = approvedCreators[_creator];
require(_caller != address(0) && _creator != address(0), "Creator must be valid non 0x0 address.");
require(_caller == _creator || _caller == approvedCreator, "Unauthorized caller.");
if (approvedCreator == address(0)) {
approvedCreators[_caller] = _newCreator;
} else {
require(_caller == approvedCreator, "Unauthorized caller.");
approvedCreators[_creator] = _newCreator;
emit ChangedCreator(_creator, _newCreator);
* Introspection interface as per ERC-165 (
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {
return ((_interfaceID == InterfaceSignature_ERC165) || (_interfaceID == InterfaceSignature_ERC721));
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/OBOControl.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract OBOControl is Pausable {
// List of approved on behalf of users.
mapping (address => bool) public approvedOBOs;
* Add a new approved on behalf of user address.
function addApprovedOBO(address _oboAddress) external onlyOwner {
approvedOBOs[_oboAddress] = true;
* Removes an approved on bhealf of user address.
function removeApprovedOBO(address _oboAddress) external onlyOwner {
delete approvedOBOs[_oboAddress];
* @dev Modifier to make the obo calls only callable by approved addressess
modifier isApprovedOBO() {
require(approvedOBOs[msg.sender] == true);
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/WithdrawFundsControl.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract WithdrawFundsControl is Pausable {
// List of approved on withdraw addresses
mapping (address => uint256) public approvedWithdrawAddresses;
// Full day wait period before an approved withdraw address becomes active
uint256 constant internal withdrawApprovalWaitPeriod = 60 * 60 * 24;
event WithdrawAddressAdded(address withdrawAddress);
event WithdrawAddressRemoved(address widthdrawAddress);
* Add a new approved on behalf of user address.
function addApprovedWithdrawAddress(address _withdrawAddress) external onlyOwner {
approvedWithdrawAddresses[_withdrawAddress] = now;
emit WithdrawAddressAdded(_withdrawAddress);
* Removes an approved on bhealf of user address.
function removeApprovedWithdrawAddress(address _withdrawAddress) external onlyOwner {
delete approvedWithdrawAddresses[_withdrawAddress];
emit WithdrawAddressRemoved(_withdrawAddress);
* Checks that a given withdraw address ia approved and is past it's required
* wait time.
function isApprovedWithdrawAddress(address _withdrawAddress) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 approvalTime = approvedWithdrawAddresses[_withdrawAddress];
require (approvalTime > 0);
return now - approvalTime > withdrawApprovalWaitPeriod;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Holder.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
contract ERC721Holder is ERC721Receiver {
function onERC721Received(address, uint256, bytes) public returns(bytes4) {
return ERC721_RECEIVED;
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/DigitalMediaSaleBase.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* Base class that manages the underlying functions of a Digital Media Sale,
* most importantly the escrow of digital tokens.
* Manages ensuring that only approved addresses interact with this contract.
contract DigitalMediaSaleBase is ERC721Holder, Pausable, OBOControl, WithdrawFundsControl {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// Mapping of token contract address to bool indicated approval.
mapping (address => bool) public approvedTokenContracts;
* Adds a new token contract address to be approved to be called.
function addApprovedTokenContract(address _tokenContractAddress)
public onlyOwner {
approvedTokenContracts[_tokenContractAddress] = true;
* Remove an approved token contract address from the list of approved addresses.
function removeApprovedTokenContract(address _tokenContractAddress)
public onlyOwner {
delete approvedTokenContracts[_tokenContractAddress];
* Checks that a particular token contract address is a valid address.
function _isValidTokenContract(address _tokenContractAddress)
internal view returns (bool) {
return approvedTokenContracts[_tokenContractAddress];
* Returns an ERC721 instance of a token contract address. Throws otherwise.
* Only valid and approved token contracts are allowed to be interacted with.
function _getTokenContract(address _tokenContractAddress) internal view returns (ERC721Safe) {
return ERC721Safe(_tokenContractAddress);
* Checks with the ERC-721 token contract that the _claimant actually owns the token.
function _owns(address _claimant, uint256 _tokenId, address _tokenContractAddress) internal view returns (bool) {
ERC721Safe tokenContract = _getTokenContract(_tokenContractAddress);
return (tokenContract.ownerOf(_tokenId) == _claimant);
* Checks with the ERC-721 token contract the owner of the a token
function _ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId, address _tokenContractAddress) internal view returns (address) {
ERC721Safe tokenContract = _getTokenContract(_tokenContractAddress);
return tokenContract.ownerOf(_tokenId);
* Checks to ensure that the token owner has approved the escrow contract
function _approvedForEscrow(address _seller, uint256 _tokenId, address _tokenContractAddress) internal view returns (bool) {
ERC721Safe tokenContract = _getTokenContract(_tokenContractAddress);
return (tokenContract.isApprovedForAll(_seller, this) ||
tokenContract.getApproved(_tokenId) == address(this));
* Escrows an ERC-721 token from the seller to this contract. Assumes that the escrow contract
* is already approved to make the transfer, otherwise it will fail.
function _escrow(address _seller, uint256 _tokenId, address _tokenContractAddress) internal {
// it will throw if transfer fails
ERC721Safe tokenContract = _getTokenContract(_tokenContractAddress);
tokenContract.safeTransferFrom(_seller, this, _tokenId);
* Transfer an ERC-721 token from escrow to the buyer. This is to be called after a purchase is
* completed.
function _transfer(address _receiver, uint256 _tokenId, address _tokenContractAddress) internal {
// it will throw if transfer fails
ERC721Safe tokenContract = _getTokenContract(_tokenContractAddress);
tokenContract.safeTransferFrom(this, _receiver, _tokenId);
* Method to check whether this is an escrow contract
function isEscrowContract() public pure returns(bool) {
return true;
* Withdraws all the funds to a specified non-zero address
function withdrawFunds(address _withdrawAddress) public onlyOwner {
// File: REMIX_FILE_SYNC/DigitalMediaCore.sol
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
* This is the main driver contract that is used to control and run the service. Funds
* are managed through this function, underlying contracts are also updated through
* this contract.
* This class also exposes a set of creation methods that are allowed to be created
* by an approved token creator, on behalf of a particular address. This is meant
* to simply the creation flow for MakersToken users that aren't familiar with
* the blockchain. The ERC721 tokens that are created are still fully compliant,
* although it is possible for a malicious token creator to mint unwanted tokens
* on behalf of a creator. Worst case, the creator can burn those tokens.
contract DigitalMediaCore is DigitalMediaToken {
using SafeMath for uint32;
// List of approved token creators (on behalf of the owner)
mapping (address => bool) public approvedTokenCreators;
// Mapping from owner to operator accounts.
mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) internal oboOperatorApprovals;
// Mapping of all disabled OBO operators.
mapping (address => bool) public disabledOboOperators;
// OboApproveAll Event
event OboApprovalForAll(
address _owner,
address _operator,
bool _approved);
// Fired when disbaling obo capability.
event OboDisabledForAll(address _operator);
constructor (
string _tokenName,
string _tokenSymbol,
uint256 _tokenIdStartingCounter,
address _dmsAddress,
address _crsAddress)
public DigitalMediaToken(
_tokenIdStartingCounter) {
paused = true;
* Retrieves a Digital Media object.
function getDigitalMedia(uint256 _id)
returns (
uint256 id,
uint32 totalSupply,
uint32 printIndex,
uint256 collectionId,
address creator,
string metadataPath) {
DigitalMedia memory digitalMedia = _getDigitalMedia(_id);
require(digitalMedia.creator != address(0), "DigitalMedia not found.");
id = _id;
totalSupply = digitalMedia.totalSupply;
printIndex = digitalMedia.printIndex;
collectionId = digitalMedia.collectionId;
creator = digitalMedia.creator;
metadataPath = digitalMedia.metadataPath;
* Retrieves a collection.
function getCollection(uint256 _id)
returns (
uint256 id,
address creator,
string metadataPath) {
DigitalMediaCollection memory digitalMediaCollection = _getCollection(_id);
require(digitalMediaCollection.creator != address(0), "Collection not found.");
id = _id;
creator = digitalMediaCollection.creator;
metadataPath = digitalMediaCollection.metadataPath;
* Retrieves a Digital Media Release (i.e a token)
function getDigitalMediaRelease(uint256 _id)
returns (
uint256 id,
uint32 printEdition,
uint256 digitalMediaId) {
DigitalMediaRelease storage digitalMediaRelease = tokenIdToDigitalMediaRelease[_id];
id = _id;
printEdition = digitalMediaRelease.printEdition;
digitalMediaId = digitalMediaRelease.digitalMediaId;
* Creates a new collection.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function createCollection(string _metadataPath)
whenNotPaused {
_createCollection(msg.sender, _metadataPath);
* Creates a new digital media object.
function createDigitalMedia(uint32 _totalSupply, uint256 _collectionId, string _metadataPath)
whenNotPaused {
_createDigitalMedia(msg.sender, _totalSupply, _collectionId, _metadataPath);
* Creates a new digital media object and mints it's first digital media release token.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function createDigitalMediaAndReleases(
uint32 _totalSupply,
uint256 _collectionId,
string _metadataPath,
uint32 _numReleases)
whenNotPaused {
uint256 digitalMediaId = _createDigitalMedia(msg.sender, _totalSupply, _collectionId, _metadataPath);
_createDigitalMediaReleases(msg.sender, digitalMediaId, _numReleases);
* Creates a new collection, a new digital media object within it and mints a new
* digital media release token.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function createDigitalMediaAndReleasesInNewCollection(
uint32 _totalSupply,
string _digitalMediaMetadataPath,
string _collectionMetadataPath,
uint32 _numReleases)
whenNotPaused {
uint256 collectionId = _createCollection(msg.sender, _collectionMetadataPath);
uint256 digitalMediaId = _createDigitalMedia(msg.sender, _totalSupply, collectionId, _digitalMediaMetadataPath);
_createDigitalMediaReleases(msg.sender, digitalMediaId, _numReleases);
* Creates a new digital media release (token) for a given digital media id.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function createDigitalMediaReleases(uint256 _digitalMediaId, uint32 _numReleases)
whenNotPaused {
_createDigitalMediaReleases(msg.sender, _digitalMediaId, _numReleases);
* Deletes a token / digital media release. Doesn't modify the current print index
* and total to be printed. Although dangerous, the owner of a token should always
* be able to burn a token they own.
* Only the owner of the token or accounts approved by the owner can burn this token.
function burnToken(uint256 _tokenId) external {
_burnToken(_tokenId, msg.sender);
/* Support ERC721 burn method */
function burn(uint256 tokenId) public {
_burnToken(tokenId, msg.sender);
* Ends the production run of a digital media. Afterwards no more tokens
* will be allowed to be printed for this digital media. Used when a creator
* makes a mistake and wishes to burn and recreate their digital media.
* When a contract is paused we do not allow new tokens to be created,
* so stopping the production of a token doesn't have much purpose.
function burnDigitalMedia(uint256 _digitalMediaId) external whenNotPaused {
_burnDigitalMedia(_digitalMediaId, msg.sender);
* Resets the approval rights for a given tokenId.
function resetApproval(uint256 _tokenId) external {
clearApproval(msg.sender, _tokenId);
* Changes the creator for the current sender, in the event we
* need to be able to mint new tokens from an existing digital media
* print production. When changing creator, the old creator will
* no longer be able to mint tokens.
* A creator may need to be changed:
* 1. If we want to allow a creator to take control over their token minting (i.e go decentralized)
* 2. If we want to re-issue private keys due to a compromise. For this reason, we can call this function
* when the contract is paused.
* @param _creator the creator address
* @param _newCreator the new creator address
function changeCreator(address _creator, address _newCreator) external {
_changeCreator(msg.sender, _creator, _newCreator);
/**Calls that are allowed to be called by approved creator addresses **/
* Add a new approved token creator.
* Only the owner of this contract can update approved Obo accounts.
function addApprovedTokenCreator(address _creatorAddress) external onlyOwner {
require(disabledOboOperators[_creatorAddress] != true, "Address disabled.");
approvedTokenCreators[_creatorAddress] = true;
* Removes an approved token creator.
* Only the owner of this contract can update approved Obo accounts.
function removeApprovedTokenCreator(address _creatorAddress) external onlyOwner {
delete approvedTokenCreators[_creatorAddress];
* @dev Modifier to make the approved creation calls only callable by approved token creators
modifier isApprovedCreator() {
(approvedTokenCreators[msg.sender] == true &&
disabledOboOperators[msg.sender] != true),
"Unapproved OBO address.");
* Only the owner address can set a special obo approval list.
* When issuing OBO management accounts, we should give approvals through
* this method only so that we can very easily reset it's approval in
* the event of a disaster scenario.
* Only the owner themselves is allowed to give OboApproveAll access.
function setOboApprovalForAll(address _to, bool _approved) public {
require(_to != msg.sender, "Approval address is same as approver.");
require(approvedTokenCreators[_to], "Unrecognized OBO address.");
require(disabledOboOperators[_to] != true, "Approval address is disabled.");
oboOperatorApprovals[msg.sender][_to] = _approved;
emit OboApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _to, _approved);
* Only called in a disaster scenario if the account has been compromised.
* There's no turning back from this and the oboAddress will no longer be
* able to be given approval rights or perform obo functions.
* Only the owner of this contract is allowed to disable an Obo address.
function disableOboAddress(address _oboAddress) public onlyOwner {
require(approvedTokenCreators[_oboAddress], "Unrecognized OBO address.");
disabledOboOperators[_oboAddress] = true;
delete approvedTokenCreators[_oboAddress];
emit OboDisabledForAll(_oboAddress);
* Override the isApprovalForAll to check for a special oboApproval list. Reason for this
* is that we can can easily remove obo operators if they every become compromised.
function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) public view returns (bool) {
if (disabledOboOperators[_operator] == true) {
return false;
} else if (isOperatorApprovedForCustodialAccount(_operator, _owner) == true) {
return true;
} else if (oboOperatorApprovals[_owner][_operator]) {
return true;
} else {
return super.isApprovedForAll(_owner, _operator);
* Creates a new digital media object and mints it's digital media release tokens.
* Called on behalf of the _owner. Pass count to mint `n` number of tokens.
* Only approved creators are allowed to create Obo.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function oboCreateDigitalMediaAndReleases(
address _owner,
uint32 _totalSupply,
uint256 _collectionId,
string _metadataPath,
uint32 _numReleases)
isApprovedCreator {
uint256 digitalMediaId = _createDigitalMedia(_owner, _totalSupply, _collectionId, _metadataPath);
_createDigitalMediaReleases(_owner, digitalMediaId, _numReleases);
* Creates a new collection, a new digital media object within it and mints a new
* digital media release token.
* Called on behalf of the _owner.
* Only approved creators are allowed to create Obo.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function oboCreateDigitalMediaAndReleasesInNewCollection(
address _owner,
uint32 _totalSupply,
string _digitalMediaMetadataPath,
string _collectionMetadataPath,
uint32 _numReleases)
isApprovedCreator {
uint256 collectionId = _createCollection(_owner, _collectionMetadataPath);
uint256 digitalMediaId = _createDigitalMedia(_owner, _totalSupply, collectionId, _digitalMediaMetadataPath);
_createDigitalMediaReleases(_owner, digitalMediaId, _numReleases);
* Creates multiple digital media releases (tokens) for a given digital media id.
* Called on behalf of the _owner.
* Only approved creators are allowed to create Obo.
* No creations of any kind are allowed when the contract is paused.
function oboCreateDigitalMediaReleases(
address _owner,
uint256 _digitalMediaId,
uint32 _numReleases)
isApprovedCreator {
_createDigitalMediaReleases(_owner, _digitalMediaId, _numReleases);
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