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Created February 20, 2018 17:58
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Hide folders in windows operating system using this script. You can password protect it and view and open it without unhiding it. Used shell. [cmd]
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
:: Hide a folder in windows xp, windows 7 or windows 8 with a password.
:: Follow the steps as follows :
:: 1. Open private.bat file in a text editor say notepad or geany.
:: 2. On line 5, you have set "directory=e:\private".
:: Change the path from e:\private to your specified folder to hide.
:: If the path contains spaces then enclose in double quotes.
:: For eg: if your path is "f:\cool Guys" then change the line 5 to set directory="f:\cool Guys".
:: 3. Now to change the password, on line 8 change the set password="your required password"
:: 4. Now place the private.bat file anywhere you like and double click.
:: You will be asked the password, type in the password and press enter.
:: 5. Play it nice n easy and njoy a lil privacy for your files.
REM set the directory of file or folder to be protected
set directory=e:\private
REM set the your password here
set password=simple
REM dont change any code given below
set /p passcheck="Enter your password : "
if %passcheck%==%password% (
echo Password is Correct.
set /p job1="Enter h to hide , u to unhide,o to just open the folder or e to exit : ")
if %job1%==u (
attrib -h -s -r -a %directory%
echo Succesfully unhidden the directory %directory%
explorer %directory% )
if %job1%==h (
attrib +h +s +r +a %directory%
echo Succesfully hidden the directory %directory% )
if %job1%==o (
explorer %directory%
echo Succesfully opened the directory %directory% )
if %job1%==e (
goto:theend )
if %passcheck%==%password% (
goto:sub )
if not %passcheck%==%password% (
echo Sorry. The password you provided is incorrect.
goto:top )
echo Thank you for using vault.
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