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Created July 3, 2015 08:35
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re-frame typeahead attempt from reagent-forms
(ns kulive.handlers
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[kulive.db :as db]))
(defn set-typeahead-hidden
[db [_ bool]]
(assoc-in db [:typeahead :hidden?] bool))
(re-frame/register-handler :set-typeahead-hidden set-typeahead-hidden)
(defn set-typeahead-selected-index
[db [_ ind]]
(assoc-in db [:typeahead :selected-index] ind))
(re-frame/register-handler :set-typeahead-selected-index set-typeahead-selected-index)
(defn set-typeahead-selections
[db [_ data-source]]
(assoc-in db [:typeahead :selections] data-source))
(re-frame/register-handler :set-typeahead-selections set-typeahead-selections)
(defn set-typeahead-value
[db [_ val]]
(assoc-in db [:typeahead :value] val))
(re-frame/register-handler :set-typeahead-value set-typeahead-value)
(defn set-mouse-on-list
[db [_ bool]]
(assoc-in db [:typeahead :mouse-on-list?] bool))
(re-frame/register-handler :set-mouse-on-list set-mouse-on-list)
(ns kulive.subs
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[re-frame.core :as rf]))
(fn [db]
(reaction (:typeahead @db))))
(ns kulive.views
(:require [re-frame.core :as rf]
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]]))
(defn typeahead []
(let [typeahead-db (rf/subscribe [:typeahead-db])
data-source (reaction
#(-> %
(.indexOf (get-in @typeahead-db [:input]))
(> -1))
["Alice" "Alan" "Bob" "Beth" "Jim" "Jane" "Kim" "Rob" "Zoe"]))
selected-index (reaction (:selected-index @typeahead-db))
selections (reaction (:selections @typeahead-db))
value (reaction (:value @typeahead-db))
typeahead-hidden? (reaction (:hidden @typeahead-db))]
(fn []
[:input {:type "text"
:value @value
:on-blur #(when-not (reaction (:mouse-on-list? @typeahead-db))
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-hidden true])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-selected-index 0]))
:on-change #(do
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-selections @data-source])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-value (value-of %)])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-hidden false])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-selected-index 0]))
:on-key-down #(do
(case (.-which %)
38 (do
(.preventDefault %)
(if-not (= 0 @selected-index)
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-selected-index
(- @selected-index 1)])))
40 (do
(.preventDefault %)
(= @selected-index (- (count @selections) 1))
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-selected-index
(+ @selected-index 1)])))
13 (do (rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-value
(nth @selections @selected-index)])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-hidden true]))
27 (do (rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-hidden true])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-selected-index 0]))
[:ul {:hidden (or (empty? @selections) (@typeahead-hidden?))
:class "typeahead-list"
:on-mouse-enter (rf/dispatch [:set-mouse-on-list true])
:on-mouse-leave (rf/dispatch [:set-mouse-on-list false])}
(fn [index result]
[:li {:tab-index index
:key index
:class (if (= @selected-index index) "highlighted" "typeahead-item")
:on-mouse-over #(do
(reset! selected-index (js/parseInt (.getAttribute (.-target %) "tabIndex"))))
:on-click #(do
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-hidden true])
(rf/dispatch [:set-typeahead-value result]))} result])
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