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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save soonhokong/3864561587ca1cd8090c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save soonhokong/3864561587ca1cd8090c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  whitespace = nowarn

        whitespace = trailing-space, space-before-tab
        autocrlf = input

  a = "add"
  aa = "add --all"
  ai = "add --interactive"
  alias = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-"
  amend = "commit --amend -c HEAD"
  amendc = "commit --amend -C HEAD"
  ap = "add --patch"
  assume = "update-index --assume-unchanged"
  assumed = "!git ls-files -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3-"
  au = "add --update"
  b = "branch"
  br = "branch"
  commit = "commit -v"
  ci = "commit -v"
  cia = "commit -va"
  co = "checkout"
  conflicts = "!git ls-files -u | cut -f 2 | sort -u"
  cp = "cherry-pick"
  d = "diff"
  dl = "diff HEAD^"
  ds = "diff --staged"
  du = "diff origin/master..master"
  dump = "cat-file -p"
  f = "ls-files"
  fa = "fetch --all"
#  fa = "log --diff-filter=A --summary"
  fd = "log --diff-filter=D --summary"
  ff = "!git ls-files | grep -i"
  fm = "log --diff-filter=M --summary"
  gr = "grep -Ii"
  grep = "grep -Ii"
  log-pretty = "log --pretty='format:%C(blue)%h%C(red)%d%C(yellow) %s %C(green)%an%Creset, %ar'"
  log-stat = "log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]' --decorate --stat"
  log-hist = "!git log-pretty --graph"
  l = "!git log-hist"
  la = "!git log-hist --all"
  ll = "!git log-stat"
  lp = "log --patch"
  ls = "!git log-stat"
  lt = "!git log-hist --simplify-by-decoration"
  lu = "!git log-hist origin/master..master"
  m = "merge --no-ff"
  mf = "merge --ff-only"
  pf = "pull --ff-only"
  pnp = "!git pull --rebase && git push"
  r = "reset"
  r1 = "reset HEAD^"
  r2 = "reset HEAD^^"
  rh = "reset --hard"
  rh1 = "reset HEAD^ --hard"
  rh2 = "reset HEAD^^ --hard"
  s = "status -sb"
  sa = "stash apply"
  sha = "rev-list -n 1 HEAD --"
  sl = "stash list"
  sp = "stash pop"
  ss = "stash save -u"
  st = "status"
  suba = "submodule add"
  subr = "!git-submodule-rm"
  subs = "submodule sync"
  subu = "submodule foreach git pull origin master"
  type = "cat-file -t"
  unassume = "update-index --no-assume-unchanged"
  unassumeall = "!git assumed | xargs git update-index --no-assume-unchanged"
  untracked = "ls-files -o -X.gitignore --exclude=.*"

        branch = auto
        diff = auto
        interactive = auto
        status = auto
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