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sooop/todo.c Secret

Created September 24, 2014 03:33
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/* Todo
* functions
* - print list
* - create new task
* - edit task
* - make completed
* - rename
* - delete
* - save
* - load
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mem.h>
/* Defile Data Types */
// I'd like to use 'false', 'true'.
// define my own boolean type.
typedef unsigned int bool;
#define true ((bool)(1))
#define false ((bool)(0))
// types of data model
// TodoItem
struct _TDTodoItem {
char *name;
bool completed;
typedef struct _TDTodoItem* TodoItemRef;
// TodoList
struct _TDTodoList {
unsigned int size;
unsigned int capacity;
TodoItemRef* list;
typedef struct _TDTodoList* TodoListRef;
/* API Function */
// TodoList API Functions
TodoListRef TodoListCreate();
void TodoListRelease(TodoListRef list);
unsigned int TodoListGetSize(TodoListRef list);
TodoItemRef TodoListGetItemAtIndex(TodoListRef list, unsigned int index);
TodoItemRef TodoListAddNewItem(TodoListRef list, const char *name);
void TodoListAppendItem(TodoListRef list, TodoItemRef item);
void TodoListRemoveItemAtIndex(TodoListRef list, unsigned int index);
void TodoListSaveIntoFile(TodoListRef list, FILE* file);
void TodoListLoadFromFile(TodoListRef list, FILE* file);
TodoListRef TodoListCreateWithFile(FILE* file);
// TodoItem API Functions
TodoItemRef TodoItemCreate(const char* name);
void TodoItemRelease(TodoItemRef item);
void TodoItemComplete(TodoItemRef item);
void TodoItemRename(TodoItemRef item, const char *name);
// Action Loop Functions
void DisplayTodoList(TodoListRef list) ;
void actionAdd(TodoListRef list);
void actionDone(TodoListRef list) ;
void actionDelete(TodoListRef list) ;
void actionRename(TodoListRef list) ;
void runLoop() ;
TodoListRef TodoListCreate() {
TodoListRef list = (TodoListRef)malloc(sizeof(struct _TDTodoList));
list->size = 0;
list->capacity = 100;
list->list = (TodoItemRef *)malloc(sizeof(TodoItemRef) * list->capacity);
return list;
void TodoListRelase(TodoListRef list) {
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < list->size) {
TodoItemRef currentItem = (list->list)[i];
unsigned int TodoListGetSize(TodoListRef list) {
return list->size;
TodoItemRef TodoListGetItemAtIndex(TodoListRef list, unsigned int index) {
return (list->list)[index];
TodoItemRef TodoListAddNewItem(TodoListRef list, const char *name) {
if (TodoListGetSize(list) == list->capacity) {
return NULL;
TodoItemRef newItem = TodoItemCreate(name);
(list->list)[TodoListGetSize(list)] = newItem;
list->size += 1;
return newItem;
void TodoListAppendItem(TodoListRef list, TodoItemRef item) {
if (list->size == list->capacity) return;
(list->list)[list->size] = item;
list->size += 1;
void TodoListRemoveItemAtIndex(TodoListRef list, unsigned int index) {
if (index >= list->size || list->size == 0) return;
TodoItemRef toDel = (list->list)[index];
unsigned int i = index;
while (i < (list->size)-1) {
(list->list)[i] = (list->list)[i+1];
list->size -= 1;
TodoItemRef TodoItemCreate(const char* name) {
TodoItemRef newItem = (TodoItemRef)malloc(sizeof(struct _TDTodoItem));
newItem->name = (char*)calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(name) + 1);
strcpy(newItem->name, name);
newItem->completed = false;
return newItem;
void TodoItemComplete(TodoItemRef item){
item->completed = true;
void TodoItemRename(TodoItemRef item, const char *name) {
if (strlen(item->name) < strlen(name)) {
item->name = (char*)realloc(item->name, sizeof(char)*(strlen(name) + 1));
memset(item->name, 0, strlen(item->name)+1);
strcpy(item->name, name);
void TodoItemRelease(TodoItemRef item) {
void TodoListSaveIntoFile(TodoListRef list, FILE* file) {
unsigned int numberOfItems = TodoListGetSize(list);
unsigned int lengthOfTitle;
unsigned int capacityOfList = list->capacity;
TodoItemRef currentItem;
fwrite(&capacityOfList, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, file);
fwrite(&numberOfItems, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, file);
unsigned int i = 0;
while(i < numberOfItems) {
currentItem = TodoListGetItemAtIndex(list, i);
lengthOfTitle = strlen(currentItem->name);
fwrite(&lengthOfTitle, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, file);
fwrite(currentItem->name, sizeof(char), lengthOfTitle, file);
fwrite(&(currentItem->completed), sizeof(bool), 1, file);
void TodoListLoadFromFile(TodoListRef list, FILE* file) {
list->size = 0;
unsigned int numberOfItems;
unsigned int i = 0;
TodoItemRef newItem;
unsigned int lengthOfTitle;
unsigned int completed;
char* title;
fread(&(list->capacity), sizeof(unsigned int), 1, file);
fread(&numberOfItems, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, file);
while( i < numberOfItems ) {
fread(&lengthOfTitle, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, file);
title = (char*)calloc(sizeof(char), lengthOfTitle + 1);
fread(title, sizeof(char), lengthOfTitle, file);
fread(&completed, sizeof(bool), 1, file);
newItem = TodoItemCreate(title);
newItem->completed = completed;
TodoListAppendItem(list, newItem);
TodoListRef TodoListCreateWithFile(FILE* file) {
TodoListRef list = TodoListCreate();
TodoListLoadFromFile(list, file);
return list;
// Implementtaion Loop Functions
void DisplayTodoList(TodoListRef list) {
unsigned int i = 0;
TodoItemRef currentItem;
while ( i < list->size ) {
currentItem = TodoListGetItemAtIndex(list, i);
char done = (currentItem->completed) ? 'X' : ' ';
printf("%02d: %s %c\n", i, currentItem->name, done);
void actionAdd(TodoListRef list){
char name[1024];
memset(name, 0, 1024);
printf("\n\nEnter new todo's name: ");
scanf("%s", name);
TodoListAddNewItem(list, name);
void actionDone(TodoListRef list) {
TodoItemRef selected;
unsigned int i;
bool well_selected = false;
while (!well_selected){
printf("\n\nSelect todo number");
scanf("%u", &i);
if ( i < list->size) well_selected = true;
selected = TodoListGetItemAtIndex(list, i);
selected->completed = true;
void actionDelete(TodoListRef list) {
unsigned int i;
bool well_selected = false;
while (!well_selected) {
printf("\n\nEnter the number: ");
scanf("%u", &i);
if (i < list->size) well_selected = true;
TodoListRemoveItemAtIndex(list, i);
void actionRename(TodoListRef list) {
unsigned int i;
TodoItemRef selected;
bool well_selected = false;
char name[1024];
memset(name, 0, 1024);
while (!well_selected) {
printf("\n\nEnter the number: ");
scanf("%u", &i);
if (i < list->size) well_selected = true;
selected = TodoListGetItemAtIndex(list, i);
printf("\nEnter new name:");
scanf("%s", name);
TodoItemRename(selected, name);
#define FILENAME ("todo.dat")
void runLoop() {
TodoListRef list = TodoListCreate();
FILE *file;
file = fopen(FILENAME, "rb");
TodoListLoadFromFile(list, file);
bool keepLoop = true;
while(keepLoop) {
printf("\n\nSelect Action: (a)dd, (r)ename, (d)one, (t)rash, (q)uit >");
char s;
scanf("%c", &s);
case 'a':
case 'r':
case 'd':
case 't':
case 'q':
keepLoop = false;
file = fopen(FILENAME, "wb");
TodoListSaveIntoFile(list, file);
int main(void) {
return 0;
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taeyeonjang commented Aug 3, 2022

안녕하세요! todoList 코딩하신거에 대해서 궁금한게 있는데 답장 해주실수 있을까요?

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