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Last active March 3, 2020 12:33
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  • Save sooorajjj/14fe01733d454e01ad2049a232a74b38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sooorajjj/14fe01733d454e01ad2049a232a74b38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fairphone 3 build and flash TWRP
mkdir twrp
cd twrp
repo init --depth=1 -u git:// -b twrp-9.0
mkdir .repo/local_manifests/
tee .repo/local_manifests/FP3.xml << EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="chaosmaster/android_device_fairphone_fp3" path="device/fairphone/FP3" remote="github" revision="android-9.0" />
<project name="chaosmaster/android_kernel_fairphone_sdm632" path="kernel/fairphone/sdm632" remote="github" revision="twrp-9.0" />
repo sync
# fix all python2 scripts
mkdir ./bin
ln -s `which python2` ./bin/python
ln -s `which python2-config` ./bin/python-config
export PATH=./bin:$PATH
bash # only supports bash
. build/
export DTC_EXT=$PWD/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/dtc/dtc
# will tell device not found, but still succeeds
lunch omni_fp3-eng
mka recoveryimage
fastboot boot out/target/product/FP3/recovery.img
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