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Zehkul /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Dirty script to play 1080p + 480p from youtube (DASH) in mpv

You probably shouldn’t be using this any more, mpv as of version 0.7 can directly make use of youtube-dl with the --ytdl option (enabled by default in 0.7.2) You can configure what formats mpv will play with the --ytdl-format option, something similar to this script can be achieved with --ytdl-format=303+bestaudio[ext=webm]/299+bestaudio/248+bestaudio[ext=webm]/137+bestaudio/302+bestaudio[ext=webm]/298+bestaudio/22/244+bestaudio[ext=webm]/135+bestaudio/18/best

This will also prefer 60fps content over normal versions of the videos and vp9 over h264, see

IntergalacticApps / make_windows10_great_again.bat
Last active December 28, 2023 08:16
Make Windows 10 Great Again - stop Windows 10 spying!
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
ver | find "10." > nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Your Windows version is not Windows 10... yet. Brace yourself, Windows 10 is coming^^!