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Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics: (2024-03-20) - Dr Mike Yeadon
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This is your time and yeah.
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All right, we're done.
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We're ready to go.
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Thank you for the volunteers who if they if they get in later,
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I won't do the intro because it's just an interest of time.
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But for those of you who want to see a standard intro,
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look at another recording and we're delighted.
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Thank you, Stephen, for organizing Mike Yeaton to be with us
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and for going through those logistical hurdles.
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And Mike, we're in your hands and look forward to your conversation.
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God, can you do your normal speech so that it's the same as usual,
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even though it's a bit later than usual?
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Yes, I can. I'll be I'll be quick.
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So welcome to today's discussion of medical doctors for COVID ethics
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This group was founded by Dr. Stephen Trust over three years ago
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with a desire to pursue truth, ethics, justice, freedom and health.
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Stephen has stood up against government and power over the years
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and has been a whistleblower and activist.
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He's medical special to his radiology.
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I'm Charles Cobess, a moderator of this group on Australasia's passion
01:01.200 --> 01:02.720
01:02.720 --> 01:05.280
And we love passionate people in these meetings.
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And everyone who comes here is passionate.
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I backed his law for 20 years before changing career 31 years ago.
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And in the last 13 years, I've helped parents and lawyers
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to strategize remedies for vaccine damage and damage from bad medical advice.
01:20.240 --> 01:23.040
I'm also the CEO of the industrial hemp company.
01:23.040 --> 01:25.760
We comprise lots of professions here
01:25.760 --> 01:27.920
and we're from all around the world.
01:27.920 --> 01:30.080
Many of us thought that vaccines were OK.
01:30.080 --> 01:34.480
Now, many of us proudly say, yes, we are passionate anti-vaxxers.
01:34.480 --> 01:38.120
If this is your first time here, welcome and feel free to introduce yourself
01:38.120 --> 01:38.960
in the chat.
01:38.960 --> 01:42.520
If you publish a newsletter or a podcast or you have a radio or TV show
01:42.520 --> 01:46.160
or you've written a book, put the links into the chat so we can follow
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you, promote you and find you.
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Most of us understand we're in middle of World War three
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and that the medical science battle is only one of 12 battlefronts.
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This is no time for us to be tired.
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We are some four years into what I predict is a seven year war.
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So we're only halfway through.
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So regard your lines.
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Most of us understand the development of science
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and that the science is never settled.
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And Mike Eden, our guest today, is a scientist.
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I'm sure he knows that.
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Some of us believe that viruses exist.
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Some of us believe that they are a hoax.
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And some of us are sitting on the fence.
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This meeting runs for two and a half hours.
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After which, for those with the time, Tom Rodman runs a video
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telegram meeting for those with the time to join.
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We listened to Dr. Mike Eden, our guest for as long as Mike wishes to speak.
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And then we have Q&A.
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Stephen Frost, via a long established tradition,
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asks the first questions for 15 minutes.
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This is a free speech environment with appropriate moderating
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and no ad hominem attacks.
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You don't attack people.
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We discuss ideas.
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If you're offended by anything, be offended.
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We are lovingly not interested.
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We reject the offense industry that requires nobody to say anything
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that may offend another.
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We come with an attitude of perspective of love, not fear.
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Fear is the opposite of love.
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Fear squashes you.
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Love, on the other hand, expands you.
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As human beings, our unity is our strength.
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Being divided makes us weak.
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These twice weekly meetings are not just talkfests
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and extraordinary range of actions and initiatives have been generated
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from linkages made by attendees in these meetings.
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If you have a solution or a product or links or resources
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that will help people put the details into the chat,
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the meeting is recorded and is uploaded onto the Rumble channel.
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And they're welcome to our guest presenter, Dr. Mike Eden,
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famously renowned.
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We're at 100 limit on our meeting size.
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Mike, that shows how popular you are.
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And thank you so much for giving us your time, wisdom and insights
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and Mike's CV for those watching the recording is on the show notes,
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on this recording that is on the Rumble channel.
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And thank you, Stephen Frost again,
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for creating this group over three years ago
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and for organising Mike to be with us today.
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Over to you, Mike.
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Charles, thank you very much, a fantastic introduction
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and also really good to just hear about the group and welcome,
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or welcome.
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Thank you very much, everyone, for connecting and listening to me.
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Stephen, thank you for the invitation, too.
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And of course, your companionship over the years.
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We've been speaking for a long time.
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So I'm Dr. Mike Eden.
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I would describe myself as a career life scientist.
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I trained in biochemistry and toxicology, my first degree.
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That was an unusual training in that there
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were a couple of professors at university
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who had specialised in understanding
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how it is mechanistically at the molecular level.
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People can be damaged by certain environmental chemicals,
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insecticides, and so on.
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So they're interested given birth to a course
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and I was a beneficiary.
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So I call that mechanistic toxicology.
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I'm English, so I don't like bragging,
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but it's worth saying that the university awarded me
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the first class honors degree that
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was head and shoulders higher than any other person
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had been awarded from the faculty at the time.
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So I must have been doing something right.
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It was a four-year undergraduate training
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and I spent a year in the scientific civil service,
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half of which was at the UK's top secret chemical defence
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establishment at Porton down, which used to be and is still
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now, in my view, a biological weapons facility of some kind.
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And I did a little bit of research there
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whose objective was to help protect British and allied troops
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from organophosphorous nerve agents in a small way.
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Then I worked at the forensic science headquarters
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in order to master next to the atomic weapons for 17.
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I learned lots of analytical techniques
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from very clever scientific civil servants.
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And at the end of that year, I resolved not to join
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scientific civil service because they all
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sounded very bored and frustrated.
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But I always wanted to do applied work.
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And so I started to take a PhD.
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I was offered to be sponsored by the MOD,
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the same people who had employed me for a little while.
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I was an undergraduate and I did a very quick PhD.
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I started, finished, wrote it up and passed the driver
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in exactly 36 months.
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And it was on the effect of opiates on respiratory function.
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So I was looking at central and peripheral actions
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of opiates like morphine on various components
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of the respiratory reflex.
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And the goal was to see whether we could separate the receptors
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involved in pain relief from those involved
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in cardio respiratory depression.
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Bad news is we couldn't.
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But I used an interesting technique or two,
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which I was able to take into industry.
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And most importantly, it taught me
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the scientific method of reading into a subject,
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trying to join the dots, thinking of unanswered questions
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that were worth answering to formulate them,
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convert them into experimental plans,
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and then gain agreement for those
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and then go and do them, try not to drop tubes on the floor
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and missing the time points and so on.
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So I did a three year course.
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I learned a three year PhD and learned
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how to do the scientific method as we know it.
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And then straight away after that, I joined,
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I took, I've taken two big jobs in so-called big pharma.
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So the first seven years, I was at the Welcome Research Labs,
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which were then acquired by Glaxo to form,
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eventually, Glaxo's nice client.
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And I only now realized how important that was.
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And that was probably an event on the timeline
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of the plans, believe it or not,
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to the event we're living in now.
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Why do I say that?
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Well, it's because it liberated an enormous amount of capital,
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which was used to start the,
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really to fund the welcome foundation.
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And I believe the welcome foundation
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is one of a triumvirate of bodies which have corruptly
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altered the direction of biology research
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in the world for the last 30 years.
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Anyway, so I left welcome and I was recruited,
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actively recruited by a head of pharmacology there
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who'd seen me give a speech,
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said we would like to expand a respiratory drugs research group
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here at Sandwich and Kent, we'd like you to come.
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And I interviewed, loved it, and I stayed 17 years.
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And in addition to growing the group
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and working with over 200 people,
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we produced a lot of experimental medicines
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that were still in progress at 2011
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when the company closed the entire facility.
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At the time I left, I was worldwide head of research
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for allergy and respiratory diseases for Pfizer,
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which at the time was the biggest research based drug company.
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So it means I didn't get to make all the decisions,
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but I was expected to have an opinion
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about everything in my area.
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And I loved it, it's really, really good fun.
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Having left in 2011, I worked very hard to see
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if I could find other people interested
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in the drugs that we in progress that Pfizer
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was really just to put in the skip, the dumpster,
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because they were liberating cash
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and reducing their internal research footprint.
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Just in parentheses, all drug companies have realized
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they have no idea how to industrialize
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the process of drug discovery.
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It's more an art than science.
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That the methods you have to use to evaluate things
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are scientific, but the idea is as much art
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as anything else.
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And I did have the privilege of meeting professors
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to James Black who invented both beta blockers
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and H2 antihistamines back in the day
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when those things were considered valuable.
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And although those drugs might not be wonderful now,
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he was a pretty smart guy and I think honest,
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and I learned a lot from people like that.
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So I tried to find new owners for the work I had been doing
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and I was really pleased that it was mostly acquired
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by the world's second largest generic company called Mylan
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who on the basis of the work I had been doing
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formed a UK subsidiary and acquired almost everything.
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So the people went across and got jobs,
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the work continued and I'm proud to say
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they launched the products.
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So I wasn't completely wrong, Mr. Pfizer.
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The bits they didn't want, I didn't think about
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doing anything with them, but for the first year
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having left Pfizer for 2011 to 2012,
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I was just very lucky people contacted me
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and said we'd like you to consult if you'd like to do
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a day a week or day a month, whatever it was.
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So I started building a little portfolio of consulting clients
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that were all startups or biotechs mostly in the US.
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And that happened probably because for 10 years at Pfizer
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I did a job that nobody wants to do
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which was to review the external environment
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for any in-licensing or acquisition opportunities.
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Pfizer was like lots of companies as I mentioned earlier
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was realizing they could not invent drugs internally
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at the rate required to feed the machine
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and all the implied growth rates
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that Wall Street wants to hear.
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So it was like, what are we gonna do?
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And it's like, okay, get these scientists
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if they can't invent stuff to run the rate
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or everybody else's smaller companies and so on.
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And so there were two or three deals I did that learned,
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I think about 10 billion in revenue.
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So I had to be very persistent.
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So that taught me persistence right up to the board level.
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And the particular example was Pfizer formed a relationship
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with Berlin or Inelheim for a drug called Spareva
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which at the time of identification
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was in early phase two trials.
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So I thought that's a good drug.
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I think it is.
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And so anyway, I proved influential
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I could and persistent really.
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So, and it's because I kept reviewing things.
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I reviewed 100 opportunities, 97 of which we declined.
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So it's not fun.
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But what I did, and I didn't realize it at the time
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is I was getting a live teaching on how not to do biotech
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and when it worked, how to do it.
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So when I left Pfizer, I got invited back
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to consult to some of these folks
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that started another company saying, you were helpful.
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A couple of them over coffee said,
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what are you going to do with all the stuff
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that's going to get thrown away?
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And I said, no idea.
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And they said, well, you should spin those assets out.
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And I had no idea.
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But anyway, within a couple of weeks,
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I'd formulated an idea that, yeah,
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I could probably do something with those compounds.
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So I got together a small team, went to see someone
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senior advisor say, I said, if I raised some private capital,
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will you at least in principle
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agreed to negotiate to assign those patents to me?
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And they said, yeah.
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18 months later, I came back with a six million seed
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of investment from San Francisco.
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It's an Anseo there.
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And Zhiyako was born.
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And I led his to CEO and we grew up to 25 staff,
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raised about 40 million US dollars
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around a clinical trial, which was unbelievably positive.
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We converted a drug that was intended for asthma
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to a drug that could be used in atopic dermatitis,
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a disease of inflammation and itch in the skin
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for which there were no oral treatments.
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This isn't once day oral treatment.
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And it looked fantastic.
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And within a few months, Novartis,
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the big Swiss drug company acquired my little company
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for an obscene amount of money.
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I only had a little shareholding at that time,
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but it was enough to retire and I did.
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That was 2017.
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So I was enjoying early retirement when,
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what I call the COVID era began.
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And I think quite early on, I thought,
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I was very frightened, like most people,
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you were intended to be.
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But I noticed, this is very important,
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I noticed significant public figures on the television
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that I knew because I've been around so long
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that, for example,
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my psychiatric balance was a former colleague
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that welcomed over 30 years earlier.
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So I slightly knew these people and I noticed
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that he wasn't telling the truth.
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So sometimes I spotted him saying things I knew were not true
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and I knew he knew them because we'd trained
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in the same university ecosystem at the same time.
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So I thought, why are you lying?
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Once you spot someone's telling a lie,
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you pay a lot of attention.
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And then there was talk of lockdowns
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and I kind of knew this was nonsense.
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I'll put it to people that for not to be nonsense,
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you have to believe that people without symptoms,
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that is well people can give a disease
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they haven't got to other people.
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Now, that isn't very likely as it and it didn't happen.
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But when you, and I've gotten in the other thing to say
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is it's quite complicated,
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that I did used to believe in the germ theory model
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of acute respiratory diseases.
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So I don't anymore, but at the time I did.
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And so I thought, well, this is crazy.
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The people who are the best sources of infection
16:06.820 --> 16:08.060
are the people who were ill
16:08.060 --> 16:10.300
and the people who were ill are already at home
16:10.300 --> 16:11.460
or in hospital.
16:11.460 --> 16:13.900
And the well people can't infect other people.
16:13.900 --> 16:15.980
So lockdown is stupid.
16:15.980 --> 16:19.700
And I started reading the pandemic preparation plans
16:19.700 --> 16:22.820
of all countries I could find starting with UK
16:22.820 --> 16:25.140
and then Germany and then France and America.
16:25.140 --> 16:29.700
None of them mentioned lockdown and it was illogical.
16:29.700 --> 16:31.020
And so I said to my wife,
16:31.020 --> 16:32.660
something horrible is happening.
16:32.660 --> 16:33.500
So what do you mean?
16:33.500 --> 16:35.300
I said, there are all the countries
16:35.300 --> 16:37.900
are talking about making us stay at home
16:37.900 --> 16:40.180
and explain to why it was mad.
16:40.180 --> 16:41.660
And she looked very concerned.
16:41.660 --> 16:44.020
I said, I'm really, really concerned.
16:44.020 --> 16:47.380
And on the day our then Prime Minister Boris Johnson said,
16:47.380 --> 16:51.060
I'm sorry to have to tell you, you must stay at home.
16:51.060 --> 16:53.220
Apparently I was racing up and down the stairs all evening
16:53.220 --> 16:56.620
muttering, we are in so much trouble.
16:56.620 --> 16:57.580
And I knew we were.
16:57.580 --> 16:59.740
I didn't know what the hell was happening,
16:59.740 --> 17:02.820
but I knew that something serious was happening.
17:02.820 --> 17:05.900
And let me put it to you, ladies and gentlemen,
17:05.900 --> 17:10.540
the only way all the countries of the world pretty much
17:10.540 --> 17:13.020
would do the same stupid thing
17:13.020 --> 17:18.020
that I knew was helpless and was not in their plans
17:18.020 --> 17:21.460
would be if there was a super national plan,
17:21.500 --> 17:24.460
a super national force above those countries.
17:24.460 --> 17:26.420
You know, I knew that that evening.
17:26.420 --> 17:28.700
So I had no idea who they were.
17:28.700 --> 17:29.820
And that's true.
17:29.820 --> 17:31.580
They didn't decide to do it on their own,
17:31.580 --> 17:33.860
someone told us to do it.
17:33.860 --> 17:36.020
There's no way they could have independently all decided
17:36.020 --> 17:39.420
to do a stupid thing that was out with their original plans
17:39.420 --> 17:41.220
that had been put together by,
17:41.220 --> 17:43.460
I think, sincere, careful people.
17:43.460 --> 17:46.220
So I knew already in March something was happening.
17:46.220 --> 17:47.580
I didn't know what.
17:47.580 --> 17:48.660
At the time, as I've said,
17:49.140 --> 17:52.620
I thought that acute respiratory diseases were caused
17:52.620 --> 17:56.340
by submicroscopic infectious particles called viruses.
17:56.340 --> 17:58.140
I no longer believe that.
17:59.500 --> 18:01.260
And what we'll cut to the chase,
18:01.260 --> 18:06.260
all I believe that a fake emergency
18:07.940 --> 18:09.660
has been strung up sprung upon us.
18:09.660 --> 18:12.980
And I didn't think that early on,
18:12.980 --> 18:16.020
but probably in 2021,
18:16.020 --> 18:20.740
I encountered Professor Dennis Rancourt or Denis Rancourt.
18:20.740 --> 18:24.860
And he had done a week by week analysis
18:24.860 --> 18:27.580
of all cause mortality separately
18:27.580 --> 18:30.340
in each of the 50 US states.
18:30.340 --> 18:33.660
And he'd been doing it for some time,
18:33.660 --> 18:35.420
before the pandemic.
18:35.420 --> 18:38.500
And so he started publishing in the summer of 2020,
18:38.500 --> 18:43.500
saying in no state looking at people dying
18:44.260 --> 18:48.020
in terms of sex, age, and data death.
18:48.020 --> 18:49.700
When I do the plots, he said,
18:49.700 --> 18:52.140
I see there's no sign of anything happening.
18:53.660 --> 18:57.380
Up until the moment when a pandemic was declared,
18:57.380 --> 19:02.500
whereupon the world went mad and around.
19:02.500 --> 19:04.780
So I didn't know, but I now know,
19:04.780 --> 19:06.700
there was nothing happening
19:06.700 --> 19:09.020
prior to the declaration of a pandemic.
19:09.020 --> 19:10.980
And I think that means there wasn't one.
19:10.980 --> 19:13.260
So it doesn't matter to me
19:13.260 --> 19:15.740
if there was a virus or not a virus.
19:15.740 --> 19:18.580
There wasn't any public health emergency.
19:18.580 --> 19:19.940
I think that's the thing to focus on.
19:19.940 --> 19:23.220
There wasn't any public health emergency.
19:23.220 --> 19:25.340
And yet the world went crazy.
19:25.340 --> 19:27.140
We were locked down.
19:27.140 --> 19:29.580
We made the way it wear masks, wash our hands,
19:30.620 --> 19:33.260
keep social distance, close most businesses,
19:33.260 --> 19:34.700
unless they were essential,
19:34.700 --> 19:36.860
not do international travel.
19:36.860 --> 19:40.580
In some countries, closed schools and universities.
19:40.580 --> 19:41.900
Everything went remote.
19:41.900 --> 19:46.700
It's like, that is so destructive on two fronts.
19:46.700 --> 19:50.340
It's, I'm enough of an economist to know that
19:50.340 --> 19:52.980
if you do that, every country that does it
19:52.980 --> 19:54.420
will go bankrupt.
19:54.420 --> 19:59.420
You can't fund an economy by borrowings
19:59.420 --> 20:01.660
for months to years and not have
20:01.660 --> 20:04.660
unbelievably serious consequences seriously.
20:04.660 --> 20:07.380
I personally think all the countries of the world
20:07.380 --> 20:10.700
are technically bankrupt and have been kept going
20:10.740 --> 20:14.140
by agreement with the central banks
20:14.140 --> 20:18.380
over led by the Bank of International Settlement
20:18.380 --> 20:19.580
in Switzerland.
20:19.580 --> 20:22.260
So I think they've agreed, you're all broke,
20:22.260 --> 20:24.420
but we'll keep it going.
20:24.420 --> 20:26.900
So financial damage was one.
20:26.900 --> 20:28.740
There were individuals at the national level
20:28.740 --> 20:30.420
and damage in currency.
20:30.420 --> 20:32.380
Also, individuals were bankrupted.
20:34.180 --> 20:36.420
And then of course, the third main factor
20:36.420 --> 20:38.020
was social dislocation.
20:38.980 --> 20:41.620
People whose lives were only kept meaningful
20:41.620 --> 20:43.820
because they were interacting daily with people
20:43.820 --> 20:45.940
who mattered to them, became depressed.
20:45.940 --> 20:48.060
And I'm sure many of them died.
20:48.060 --> 20:50.940
Humans don't like isolation anymore than it.
20:50.940 --> 20:52.540
If you put a dog on its own in the candle
20:52.540 --> 20:54.580
and leave it for a few months, it'll probably be dead,
20:54.580 --> 20:56.500
even if you feed it every day.
20:56.500 --> 20:58.580
And humans aren't very different.
20:58.580 --> 21:01.700
So I believe there was not a public health emergency.
21:01.700 --> 21:05.020
One was faked using lies, propaganda,
21:05.020 --> 21:07.020
and there's retropeasy artists.
21:07.020 --> 21:09.420
Whether or not there was a virus is irrelevant
21:09.420 --> 21:12.260
because there wasn't a public health emergency.
21:12.260 --> 21:15.020
And then there were economic damage,
21:15.020 --> 21:17.460
which at a country level, individual level,
21:17.460 --> 21:19.420
and a social destruction level.
21:19.420 --> 21:21.380
But where I really come in,
21:21.380 --> 21:23.540
and where I think I stand alone,
21:25.300 --> 21:27.140
which is very shocking, what I'm gonna tell you,
21:27.140 --> 21:28.820
probably know what I'm gonna tell you that,
21:28.820 --> 21:30.940
it is in my opinion,
21:30.940 --> 21:35.220
the other, another of the objectives of this fake pandemic
21:35.220 --> 21:38.900
was to incentivize over 5 billion humans on the planet
21:38.900 --> 21:41.700
to roll their sleeves up to receive an injection
21:41.700 --> 21:45.140
of a material that was designed intentionally
21:45.140 --> 21:48.460
to injure, kill, and reduce fertility.
21:48.460 --> 21:50.300
Now, a lot of people have got upset to me
21:50.300 --> 21:52.300
with me when I've said this.
21:52.300 --> 21:55.300
And I point out my entire career has been
21:55.300 --> 21:57.860
in the business of rational drug design,
21:57.860 --> 21:59.660
working with colleagues.
21:59.660 --> 22:03.460
I put it to you that with the exception of natural products
22:03.460 --> 22:05.780
that can be purified from a source,
22:05.780 --> 22:07.820
every synthetic drug,
22:07.820 --> 22:11.340
everything that's in a tablet or bottle or a spray or cream,
22:11.340 --> 22:12.860
every atom in there is in there
22:12.860 --> 22:15.500
because someone decides to put it in there.
22:15.500 --> 22:17.860
And you only put things in there
22:17.860 --> 22:19.620
because they serve a function.
22:20.780 --> 22:23.100
And coming right down to the level of the design
22:23.100 --> 22:26.740
of a molecule, it could be a beta blocker or a steroid
22:26.740 --> 22:28.820
or this macromolecule,
22:28.820 --> 22:31.780
we're told called modified mRNA,
22:31.780 --> 22:34.660
that every single part of it is there for a reason.
22:34.660 --> 22:38.380
And so in a sense, I can virtually lean over the shoulder
22:38.380 --> 22:39.940
of the designer, look at the structure
22:39.940 --> 22:42.420
and think what were you, what were you up to?
22:43.300 --> 22:47.340
And I can name, and I will,
22:48.540 --> 22:52.140
at least three features of these molecules,
22:52.140 --> 22:55.100
which as a 35 year veteran of this industry,
22:55.100 --> 22:59.100
I am certain would not have gone forward
22:59.100 --> 23:01.780
if this was like a drug I was involved in.
23:01.780 --> 23:05.220
And I know of other people who have identified
23:05.220 --> 23:07.100
two further mechanisms.
23:07.100 --> 23:09.740
So what I'm saying, I'm going to justify
23:09.740 --> 23:13.540
that there are multiple independent,
23:13.540 --> 23:16.940
designed in toxicities in these injections.
23:17.940 --> 23:18.940
And before I describe them,
23:18.940 --> 23:22.320
I will say that with Dr. Wolf going Vodag,
23:23.460 --> 23:28.020
I wrote an open letter to the European medicines agency
23:28.020 --> 23:30.980
before any of these products have,
23:30.980 --> 23:32.300
quotes authorization.
23:32.300 --> 23:35.100
So we couldn't know what the profile was,
23:35.100 --> 23:37.380
but I detailed, not all of them,
23:37.380 --> 23:41.220
but I detailed the ones I thought of at the time,
23:41.220 --> 23:43.420
saying for goodness sake, you know,
23:43.420 --> 23:47.700
disease, if you inject millions of people with this,
23:47.700 --> 23:50.260
these are the kind of things I anticipate will happen.
23:50.260 --> 23:54.540
Well, they all happened, they have all happened,
23:54.580 --> 23:57.660
and more, we didn't, I hadn't thought about cancer.
23:58.860 --> 24:01.820
So I'm going to describe three things
24:01.820 --> 24:03.580
that are blindingly obvious.
24:04.660 --> 24:07.100
And then I think what I'll do is,
24:07.100 --> 24:09.500
I'll stop and take questions on the whole thing.
24:11.660 --> 24:14.980
I recently wrote an open letter to the Metropolitan Police,
24:16.140 --> 24:17.420
and it's on my sub stack.
24:17.420 --> 24:18.780
If you look up, Dr. My Eden,
24:18.780 --> 24:21.180
sub stack is the only article there.
24:21.180 --> 24:23.580
A friend of mine said, I should put it out there.
24:24.540 --> 24:28.060
And in that letter, I more or less laid out
24:28.060 --> 24:31.260
what I've just said so far, who I am,
24:31.260 --> 24:35.500
the backdrop and the awful allegations.
24:37.220 --> 24:39.060
So the three things I'm going to pick out,
24:39.060 --> 24:42.180
and there are many more, but these I think are so,
24:42.180 --> 24:44.900
I think you can't deny these.
24:44.900 --> 24:47.980
So number one, if you express,
24:47.980 --> 24:51.780
if you force a human body to manufacture
24:52.780 --> 24:55.740
something that doesn't belong in the human body,
24:55.740 --> 24:58.900
it will be non-self or foreign.
24:58.900 --> 25:01.220
And that's what these products do.
25:01.220 --> 25:05.540
They provide a genetic instruction, messenger RNA,
25:05.540 --> 25:08.620
it says, please glide into these cells
25:08.620 --> 25:11.220
and tell the cells to do what the instruction is,
25:11.220 --> 25:14.380
which is to make whatever is encoded.
25:14.380 --> 25:17.940
If you do that, I believe based on simple
25:17.940 --> 25:20.180
immunological principles that have been known
25:20.180 --> 25:22.940
for at least 60 or 70 years,
25:22.940 --> 25:26.860
that every cell that does that will mark itself now
25:26.860 --> 25:27.980
as foreign.
25:28.980 --> 25:31.900
Your immune system plays nice with itself,
25:31.900 --> 25:34.060
most of the time, unless you ill,
25:34.060 --> 25:37.620
because your immune system is constantly traveling
25:37.620 --> 25:39.540
around your body, T cells and so on,
25:39.540 --> 25:41.060
sniffing and sniffing and sniffing.
25:41.060 --> 25:43.540
And it keeps spotting, yep, that's my, yep, that's my,
25:43.540 --> 25:45.860
yep, that's my, oh, what's that?
25:45.860 --> 25:50.100
And if it finds a cell that no longer is displaying
25:50.100 --> 25:52.820
the sort of, I'm one of you, symbols,
25:52.820 --> 25:56.100
your immune system goes to war, attacks it and kills it.
25:57.340 --> 25:59.020
This happens in at least two ways.
25:59.020 --> 26:00.660
One is if you get an infection,
26:02.100 --> 26:05.820
and no matter what kind, your immune system will notice
26:05.820 --> 26:08.500
something is wrong and attempt to save you from it
26:08.500 --> 26:12.940
by launching a lethal attack on the cells and tissues,
26:12.940 --> 26:14.420
doing that non-self thing.
26:15.540 --> 26:18.900
So what I'm saying is it's axiomatic,
26:18.900 --> 26:23.900
that is must follow if you inject someone with mRNA encoding,
26:25.340 --> 26:28.740
anything other than a protein that belongs in you,
26:28.740 --> 26:31.660
you will trigger autoimmune attack,
26:31.660 --> 26:33.820
and depending on the dose and the distribution
26:33.820 --> 26:35.780
and how long the stuff persists,
26:35.780 --> 26:38.780
you could get mild symptoms or it could kill you,
26:38.780 --> 26:41.900
but it will not be good and it will happen every time
26:41.900 --> 26:44.580
with everybody, it's just a question of
26:44.580 --> 26:46.780
whether it would be seriously bad or not.
26:46.780 --> 26:49.500
And that will depend on, as I say, dose distribution
26:49.500 --> 26:50.940
and your lock.
26:50.940 --> 26:52.340
So that's the first thing.
26:52.340 --> 26:55.100
It's the wrong approach.
26:56.660 --> 26:57.740
What do I mean by that?
26:57.740 --> 26:59.620
If you wanted to make a vaccine,
26:59.620 --> 27:04.460
and I'm really now not happy with with vaccinology at all,
27:04.460 --> 27:07.700
but if we just go along with the original narrative,
27:07.700 --> 27:11.460
if you wanted to do that, you wouldn't do it this way.
27:11.460 --> 27:16.420
You would do anything else, you know, extract the pathogen
27:16.420 --> 27:18.900
and whatever, show that to your immune system.
27:18.900 --> 27:20.220
I know that doesn't work,
27:20.220 --> 27:24.460
but that would have been at least what people expected.
27:24.460 --> 27:26.820
So why does this technology exist at all?
27:26.820 --> 27:29.900
You know, Dr. Rawen alone, I think had patents for its invention.
27:29.900 --> 27:31.620
Why does it even exist?
27:31.620 --> 27:33.660
Well, originally, I think people just wanted to know
27:33.660 --> 27:37.900
if you could do it, and perhaps that's where Dr. Malone's PhD
27:37.900 --> 27:39.860
research or postdoc research came in,
27:39.860 --> 27:44.380
but I remember hearing about it 15 or 20 years ago in Pfizer,
27:44.380 --> 27:47.380
and it was presented to me with a perfectly sound rationale,
27:47.380 --> 27:50.060
which I'm just going to briefly explain.
27:50.060 --> 27:55.060
It was the idea was that you could use the destructive power
27:55.060 --> 28:00.060
of your immune system to kill tumors that you couldn't get
28:01.340 --> 28:04.460
to with surgery, so-called non-resectable tumors,
28:04.460 --> 28:06.900
so like a certain brain tumors.
28:06.900 --> 28:10.340
Most tumors have unique markers on their surface,
28:10.340 --> 28:13.460
they are deranged, but they identify themselves
28:13.460 --> 28:15.980
with a different postcode on their surface.
28:15.980 --> 28:21.060
And so if you could direct an mRNA sequence
28:21.060 --> 28:23.700
to that postcode and inject it,
28:23.700 --> 28:25.500
it will mostly go to that tumor
28:25.500 --> 28:28.100
and your immune system will then kill it.
28:28.100 --> 28:29.540
I don't know whether it works,
28:29.540 --> 28:32.260
but the idea is rather beautiful as a drug discovery.
28:32.260 --> 28:33.740
I thought, yeah, that's pretty clever.
28:33.740 --> 28:36.580
And it's called immuno-oncology.
28:36.580 --> 28:39.660
It is a division of many drug companies.
28:39.660 --> 28:42.860
There are biotechs funded to do this stuff.
28:42.860 --> 28:46.700
So it does have a potential use,
28:46.700 --> 28:49.820
but if you give it to healthy people
28:49.820 --> 28:51.540
and you force them to express something
28:51.540 --> 28:53.900
that doesn't belong in their body,
28:53.900 --> 28:55.540
it cannot help them.
28:55.540 --> 28:57.140
It's hopelessly inappropriate.
28:57.140 --> 28:59.620
It's definitely designed to injure you.
28:59.620 --> 29:00.900
That's number one.
29:00.900 --> 29:04.420
Number two, I've only got three, number two.
29:04.420 --> 29:07.020
It's not just making your body make something
29:07.020 --> 29:08.740
that doesn't belong in you.
29:08.740 --> 29:11.980
The question is what did they choose to ask,
29:11.980 --> 29:14.780
or to make your body manufacture?
29:14.780 --> 29:19.420
They could have picked anything from this so-called virus,
29:19.420 --> 29:21.460
the so-called SARS-CoV-2,
29:21.460 --> 29:23.580
to which apparently we have the sequence.
29:23.580 --> 29:28.580
So they could have had the messenger RNA in code
29:28.580 --> 29:32.820
and make your body make any of the bits of that.
29:32.820 --> 29:36.020
So I put it to you, the rule of thumb would be,
29:36.020 --> 29:38.500
don't make it, make your body,
29:38.500 --> 29:41.140
make something you know is dangerous.
29:41.140 --> 29:46.140
The only known dangerous protein in this material,
29:46.460 --> 29:48.340
I don't know whether the virus is real or not,
29:48.340 --> 29:50.420
but I know the sequence exists.
29:50.420 --> 29:53.220
And if you convert that sequence into protein,
29:53.220 --> 29:55.660
the only bit that we know is poisonous
29:55.660 --> 29:57.740
is the so-called spike protein.
29:57.740 --> 30:01.580
It is of a nature for which there was much literature,
30:01.580 --> 30:03.380
published literature in the peer review journals
30:03.380 --> 30:07.580
to show that these were kind of venom-like proteins
30:07.580 --> 30:09.860
that would activate blood platelets
30:09.860 --> 30:12.740
or most certainly would stimulate blood coagulation.
30:12.740 --> 30:14.980
They were toxic to cardiac muscle,
30:14.980 --> 30:18.900
and they altered damaged neuronal transmission.
30:18.900 --> 30:22.700
And so not only do we have a technology
30:22.700 --> 30:24.900
that forces your body to make something foreign,
30:24.900 --> 30:27.860
and I told you and no one has told me I'm wrong,
30:27.860 --> 30:31.220
that that will make your immune system think it's invaded
30:31.220 --> 30:33.540
and attack your own tissue and destroy it.
30:33.540 --> 30:35.140
It's the only way your body can save you
30:35.140 --> 30:38.260
from that perceived infection or tumor.
30:38.260 --> 30:40.540
As I say, tumors are the other things
30:40.540 --> 30:41.820
that causes this derangement,
30:41.820 --> 30:45.180
and your body probably saves you from a tumor every other day
30:45.180 --> 30:46.740
so that you never knew you had,
30:46.740 --> 30:49.460
from like a solar gamma ray went through you,
30:49.460 --> 30:52.060
damaged your DNA, your immune system noticed
30:52.060 --> 30:53.820
a deranged cell and killed it.
30:53.820 --> 30:55.500
Good job.
30:55.500 --> 30:59.060
But not only did these materials force your body
30:59.060 --> 31:00.820
to make non-self proteins,
31:00.820 --> 31:03.180
which will lead to this autoimmune attack,
31:03.180 --> 31:05.940
but your body is now making something which I knew
31:06.020 --> 31:07.860
I can point to the literature.
31:07.860 --> 31:11.900
It makes something analogous to things already proven
31:11.900 --> 31:13.380
as toxins.
31:13.380 --> 31:14.660
Or guess what?
31:14.660 --> 31:16.860
My guess is, depending on where it went
31:16.860 --> 31:18.620
in your body after injection,
31:18.620 --> 31:20.380
how well it was taken up,
31:20.380 --> 31:23.220
how efficiently it was converted to protein,
31:23.220 --> 31:25.380
and how long that went on,
31:25.380 --> 31:28.020
which frankly is a, perhaps a lottery
31:28.020 --> 31:30.460
for every single individual.
31:30.460 --> 31:32.980
You could get blood clots, you could get heart injury,
31:32.980 --> 31:35.180
you could get neurological conditions,
31:35.180 --> 31:37.620
and you're all of those, didn't you folks?
31:37.620 --> 31:40.660
And they were predictable because they follow from
31:40.660 --> 31:41.500
the design choice.
31:41.500 --> 31:43.460
And the last one I'm going to mention,
31:43.460 --> 31:44.300
there are many more,
31:44.300 --> 31:46.980
but I think three is powerful because they're different
31:46.980 --> 31:48.500
and so obvious.
31:48.500 --> 31:52.540
The third one, the mRNA products,
31:52.540 --> 31:57.380
Modena and the Pfizer-BioNTech were formulated.
31:57.380 --> 31:58.540
What does that mean?
31:58.540 --> 32:00.500
Usually the drug substance,
32:00.500 --> 32:03.300
the actual active is tiny.
32:03.300 --> 32:04.980
Often so small you can't see it.
32:04.980 --> 32:07.540
It might be milligrams or even micrograms.
32:07.540 --> 32:10.300
You have to bind it up with fillers
32:10.300 --> 32:13.460
and things to sort of bulk it up
32:13.460 --> 32:15.500
so you can make a tablet or a spray or an ointment
32:15.500 --> 32:16.420
or an injection.
32:17.860 --> 32:20.780
And that whole process is called formulation.
32:20.780 --> 32:22.260
So you take the drug substance,
32:22.260 --> 32:23.820
the thing you've invented,
32:23.820 --> 32:26.780
and then clever people in pharmaceutical sciences
32:27.700 --> 32:30.580
work out how to stabilize this molecule,
32:30.580 --> 32:31.900
how to make sure it's pure,
32:31.900 --> 32:34.180
that it's stable, that it'll be released
32:34.220 --> 32:35.940
when it needs to be and so on and so forth.
32:35.940 --> 32:39.780
It's very complicated, not my skill area,
32:39.780 --> 32:42.540
but I learned quite a lot about formulations
32:42.540 --> 32:44.020
in the respiratory side.
32:44.020 --> 32:46.220
So when I looked at this formulation,
32:46.220 --> 32:49.100
the formulation is lipid nanoparticle.
32:49.100 --> 32:51.300
So it's a kind of grease,
32:51.300 --> 32:53.340
but it's a particular kind of grease formulated
32:53.340 --> 32:55.180
in a particular way.
32:55.180 --> 32:56.340
And so I thought, well, yeah,
32:56.340 --> 32:58.460
I can see why you would protect
32:58.460 --> 33:01.980
this vulnerable genetic material in this blob of lipid.
33:01.980 --> 33:03.500
When you inject it,
33:03.580 --> 33:06.060
the lipid will help it just slide through the wall of a cell,
33:06.060 --> 33:07.900
straight through the wall of a,
33:07.900 --> 33:09.020
it'll go all around the body,
33:09.020 --> 33:10.980
it's what it's designed to do.
33:10.980 --> 33:12.220
So when I was looking it up,
33:12.220 --> 33:16.580
when I stumbled upon a 2012 paper,
33:16.580 --> 33:18.500
and I read it with mounting horror,
33:18.500 --> 33:23.380
because lipid nanoparticles is one of a category
33:23.380 --> 33:25.300
of sort of macro molecule,
33:25.300 --> 33:30.260
that means large molecule carriers, transporters, vehicles.
33:30.260 --> 33:32.740
So they've been in use for quite a while,
33:32.740 --> 33:34.140
and it was well known to people
33:34.140 --> 33:37.740
in the pharmaceutical science, the formulation end,
33:37.740 --> 33:41.740
that these particular macro molecules, lipid nanoparticles,
33:41.740 --> 33:45.940
have a propensity that is are inclined to accumulate
33:45.940 --> 33:50.500
in the ovaries of every species tested to date.
33:50.500 --> 33:53.020
And so I thought, well, I'm a toxicologist.
33:53.020 --> 33:55.140
I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen,
33:55.140 --> 33:58.660
that if you have an observation in your toxic studies,
33:58.660 --> 34:01.460
toxicology studies, you're not allowed to ignore it.
34:01.500 --> 34:03.700
You have to assume that that's what's gonna happen
34:03.700 --> 34:07.420
in humans unless you've got data to show it doesn't.
34:07.420 --> 34:11.380
So I am now faced with a formulation of horrible material,
34:11.380 --> 34:13.780
which I think is going to damage people
34:13.780 --> 34:16.860
by an autoimmunity and a direct toxicity
34:16.860 --> 34:19.300
that's gonna accumulate in their ovaries.
34:19.300 --> 34:23.460
Then some enterprising person wrote to the Japanese regulator
34:23.460 --> 34:26.220
and under their Freedom of Information Act
34:26.220 --> 34:31.220
was able to obtain studies, distribution studies
34:31.380 --> 34:35.180
of the Pfizer products, and we translated it
34:35.180 --> 34:36.580
from the Japanese.
34:36.580 --> 34:38.820
They had studied its injection and distribution,
34:38.820 --> 34:41.420
I think it was either in rats or mice.
34:41.420 --> 34:42.260
And guess what?
34:42.260 --> 34:46.180
It accumulated in their ovaries as predicted
34:46.180 --> 34:47.780
from the literature.
34:47.780 --> 34:50.740
So these are not accidental.
34:50.740 --> 34:54.780
The choice of mRNA is dangerous to healthy people.
34:54.780 --> 34:57.660
Its original use was immuno-oncology
34:57.700 --> 35:02.700
for people who are beyond saving by chemo or surgery.
35:02.940 --> 35:05.660
I've got second thoughts about a lot of this stuff.
35:05.660 --> 35:07.380
But then the spike protein,
35:07.380 --> 35:10.660
it's analogous to materials known to be toxic to human cells
35:10.660 --> 35:13.620
and the male in cells and they made your body make it.
35:13.620 --> 35:17.300
Finally, for now, they formulated their material
35:17.300 --> 35:19.740
already known by people in the industry
35:19.740 --> 35:24.140
to lead to accumulation of the payload in the ovaries
35:24.140 --> 35:27.260
where it will do the two things I just mentioned.
35:27.900 --> 35:31.340
So I'll tell you a couple of other things.
35:32.940 --> 35:35.380
The most common reason drugs fail in development.
35:36.340 --> 35:38.140
Two most common reasons.
35:38.140 --> 35:39.740
One is they don't work.
35:39.740 --> 35:41.900
Medical hypothesis was wrong.
35:41.900 --> 35:46.420
You put it in people with itchy red skin
35:46.420 --> 35:48.500
and you put it in the vehicle group and a test group
35:48.500 --> 35:49.780
and it's blinded and so on.
35:49.780 --> 35:50.620
It's all done properly.
35:50.620 --> 35:53.820
That was the thing to experiment we did in my biotech.
35:53.820 --> 35:55.540
You break the blind and damn it,
35:55.540 --> 35:57.140
both the groups are the same.
35:57.140 --> 35:58.500
You drive and done anything.
35:58.500 --> 36:01.620
So that's why it was so miraculous when I did work.
36:01.620 --> 36:03.300
But that's the most common outcome.
36:03.300 --> 36:04.140
You're wrong.
36:04.140 --> 36:07.260
We're not clever enough to work out what's going to happen.
36:07.260 --> 36:09.740
And that's one of the reasons why the industry is
36:09.740 --> 36:11.220
it's not just failing.
36:11.220 --> 36:12.140
It's failed.
36:12.140 --> 36:15.260
It can no longer, it can't make profit anymore.
36:15.260 --> 36:17.180
It's a dead industry.
36:17.180 --> 36:19.620
I don't think there'd been any significant new products
36:19.620 --> 36:23.180
that I personally would have been happy to have got behind.
36:23.180 --> 36:27.700
They're like one million pound of patient cancer
36:27.700 --> 36:29.540
biologicals, which I've looked at the data
36:29.540 --> 36:31.380
and they might give you a month.
36:31.380 --> 36:33.700
I don't even trust the clinical data now.
36:33.700 --> 36:35.060
I think they cheat.
36:35.060 --> 36:38.100
So I think they're now at a point where they've got
36:38.100 --> 36:40.700
enormous financial resources and they can't make money
36:40.700 --> 36:42.820
in the normal way and whatever.
36:42.820 --> 36:45.260
And I think this is one of the motivations
36:45.260 --> 36:48.020
what's happened is it's quite an enormous income
36:48.020 --> 36:49.300
for the pharma companies.
36:49.300 --> 36:52.980
But I was going to say that's one of the two
36:52.980 --> 36:54.220
main reasons why we fail.
36:54.220 --> 36:56.180
One is we're rolling the medical hypothesis
36:56.180 --> 36:58.340
and the drug simply doesn't work.
36:58.340 --> 37:01.100
Now, sometimes you get a chart and other charts
37:01.100 --> 37:04.700
because a different hypothesis comes up and you find a use.
37:04.700 --> 37:07.460
So the classic example is Viagra.
37:07.460 --> 37:10.460
Its original use had been to relieve angina
37:10.460 --> 37:12.180
by relaxing blood vessels in the heart.
37:12.180 --> 37:13.260
And it didn't do that.
37:13.260 --> 37:15.940
People did not report improvements.
37:15.940 --> 37:18.660
But the famous use that eventually was discovered
37:18.660 --> 37:21.460
was it dilates blood vessels into penis
37:21.500 --> 37:23.980
and helps men have bigger erections
37:23.980 --> 37:26.420
and billions of dollars were made out of it.
37:27.660 --> 37:29.940
So they were wrong in the medical hypothesis,
37:29.940 --> 37:32.460
but another medical hypothesis was able to make use
37:32.460 --> 37:36.340
of the drug because it wasn't obviously unsafe.
37:36.340 --> 37:39.500
But the other reason drugs fail is because they're toxic.
37:39.500 --> 37:42.700
Either in people or in multi-dose studies
37:42.700 --> 37:45.460
in rats, dogs, monkeys, whatever is required.
37:45.460 --> 37:48.180
So I'm very sorry if there are people
37:48.180 --> 37:50.660
who are philosophically set against the resection
37:50.660 --> 37:53.940
and I do understand that I grew less and less comfortable
37:53.940 --> 37:55.500
with that as I got older.
37:55.500 --> 37:59.500
Nevertheless, someone has to be, as it were,
37:59.500 --> 38:01.900
the guinea pig and I don't want it to be people.
38:01.900 --> 38:05.180
So the second main reason and it's extremely common,
38:05.180 --> 38:07.620
unfortunately, is that for reasons
38:07.620 --> 38:10.540
we were not able to anticipate the drug
38:10.540 --> 38:13.780
when taking the required dose for long periods of time
38:13.780 --> 38:16.260
if it was a chronic drug produced unacceptable
38:16.260 --> 38:19.140
tops, unacceptable side effects.
38:19.180 --> 38:23.420
So with the first one, medical hypothesis being wrong,
38:23.420 --> 38:25.380
my God, you would be grilled.
38:25.380 --> 38:28.020
It's like, you need to explain your medical hypothesis.
38:28.020 --> 38:29.940
What's the evidence supporting that?
38:29.940 --> 38:31.220
Is the counter evidence?
38:31.220 --> 38:33.180
What were your peers doing?
38:33.180 --> 38:35.140
How quickly could we test the hypothesis?
38:35.140 --> 38:38.780
It was people all over it and rightly so.
38:38.780 --> 38:41.420
The second one, everyone got a shot at it.
38:41.420 --> 38:43.300
What do I mean?
38:43.300 --> 38:45.060
Before you nominated as a compound,
38:45.060 --> 38:48.660
we literally would have like all hands meetings
38:48.660 --> 38:52.260
and your job was if you've been in the industry,
38:52.260 --> 38:54.460
you may have an opinion, you may spot something
38:54.460 --> 38:55.780
about the design of that molecule
38:55.780 --> 38:58.260
that twiggers a thought where you think,
38:58.260 --> 39:01.340
I've seen that before and it led to kidney toxicity
39:01.340 --> 39:03.540
in 1978 or something.
39:03.540 --> 39:06.580
So we would go over these damn things
39:06.580 --> 39:08.940
and it was called like a structural alerts meeting
39:08.940 --> 39:09.940
after something like that.
39:09.940 --> 39:13.020
Each drug company will have its own process
39:13.020 --> 39:15.220
because what you don't want to do
39:15.220 --> 39:17.660
is five years down the road after $50 million
39:17.700 --> 39:20.660
has been spent to find it fails for toxicity
39:20.660 --> 39:22.780
and someone goes, oh yeah, I thought it would do that.
39:22.780 --> 39:25.340
So seriously, that's what used to happen.
39:25.340 --> 39:29.260
So I'm saying these products, if they were proper,
39:29.260 --> 39:31.780
would have gone through like a structural alerts review
39:31.780 --> 39:34.740
or a Tops prospects review
39:34.740 --> 39:39.740
and anyone like me or anyone who'd been hired by me
39:40.100 --> 39:42.180
would have looked at this and thought,
39:42.180 --> 39:44.220
no, you can't make, can't make non-self
39:44.220 --> 39:46.140
it'll cause autoimmune reactions.
39:46.140 --> 39:47.820
No, damn or better not me,
39:47.820 --> 39:49.940
their bodies make that funny spike protein
39:49.940 --> 39:52.500
because that's analogous to lots of venoms.
39:52.500 --> 39:53.940
What the hell are you doing
39:53.940 --> 39:57.420
using this macro molecule lipid nanoparticles?
39:57.420 --> 39:59.660
Do you not know it's going to accumulate in the ovaries?
39:59.660 --> 40:01.300
So I'm promising you,
40:01.300 --> 40:03.520
this would not have got out of the door.
40:04.820 --> 40:06.100
So I'm going to take a long pause
40:06.100 --> 40:11.260
but just to say there are at least two other independent
40:11.260 --> 40:14.860
mechanisms of toxicity built into these molecules.
40:14.860 --> 40:17.140
I can't name them because I'm not a molecular biologist
40:17.140 --> 40:18.980
but they are apparently,
40:18.980 --> 40:22.660
there's a nuclear localization signal in the sequence
40:22.660 --> 40:25.860
which means it's going to traffic to your nucleus
40:25.860 --> 40:27.620
which it doesn't need to be in.
40:27.620 --> 40:29.980
And what was the other one is that there is something called,
40:29.980 --> 40:32.660
I think it's a partial SV40 promoter.
40:32.660 --> 40:35.700
I think that has something that might be bad
40:35.700 --> 40:37.580
for oncological reasons.
40:37.580 --> 40:39.500
And apparently you would not tolerate
40:39.500 --> 40:41.260
either of these two things in the product.
40:41.260 --> 40:42.620
So that's fine.
40:42.620 --> 40:45.300
So I'm going to ask you on the call,
40:46.460 --> 40:50.540
having heard me describe my history in training,
40:50.540 --> 40:52.580
the processes we use,
40:52.580 --> 40:53.900
the most common reasons for failure
40:53.900 --> 40:56.220
and what we tried to do to avoid it
40:56.220 --> 41:00.980
and my description of what I thought would cause harms
41:00.980 --> 41:03.900
and the fact that we wrote them down
41:03.900 --> 41:06.740
before they were launched and then those things happen.
41:07.940 --> 41:09.100
I'm going to ask you,
41:09.100 --> 41:10.700
is there anyone on the call
41:11.660 --> 41:13.740
horrified that you may be
41:13.740 --> 41:16.580
that doesn't think as I do
41:16.580 --> 41:18.700
that these were designed intentionally
41:18.700 --> 41:21.140
injure, kill, and reduce fertility.
41:21.140 --> 41:22.380
So I shall stop.
41:23.500 --> 41:25.860
Mike, thank you so much.
41:25.860 --> 41:27.420
And for those watching the recording
41:27.420 --> 41:28.900
who didn't get the note,
41:28.900 --> 41:32.620
Mike chooses not to have his video showing at the moment
41:32.620 --> 41:35.460
because he's in the holiday mode.
41:35.460 --> 41:38.580
So thank you so much for articulating so beautifully.
41:38.580 --> 41:41.660
You addressed us a couple of years ago
41:41.660 --> 41:43.020
and I've kept your notes
41:43.020 --> 41:45.860
and again, you articulate so well.
41:45.860 --> 41:47.740
And many of us know that someone
41:47.740 --> 41:49.460
who truly understands their craft
41:49.460 --> 41:51.620
can articulate complex ideas
41:51.620 --> 41:54.060
in ways that non-experts can understand.
41:54.060 --> 41:58.620
So I'm very grateful to the way that you have done that.
41:58.620 --> 42:02.420
So Mike, Stephen Frost gets the first 15 minutes
42:02.420 --> 42:05.700
and then we've got lots of hands up, which is wonderful.
42:05.700 --> 42:07.380
So, and Stephen,
42:07.380 --> 42:09.580
Stephen will have far more than 15 minutes,
42:09.580 --> 42:13.460
but anyway, Stephen, are you ready to go?
42:15.820 --> 42:18.980
Yeah, so, yeah.
42:18.980 --> 42:21.660
Charles, sorry, I want to say sorry
42:21.660 --> 42:26.540
for losing my cooler little before the meeting.
42:26.540 --> 42:28.580
I didn't mean to be sharp with people
42:28.580 --> 42:30.300
who were trying to help me,
42:30.300 --> 42:32.900
but I was just trying to concentrate
42:32.900 --> 42:36.380
on what I thought I knew was the correct thing to do
42:36.380 --> 42:40.580
and what you also agreed most of the time at least.
42:40.580 --> 42:44.620
So I didn't mean ill towards whoever I snapped at,
42:44.620 --> 42:47.780
but I was really under pressure in my mind.
42:47.780 --> 42:48.620
42:51.900 --> 42:55.940
As far as your presentation, Mike,
42:55.940 --> 42:57.580
it was just brilliant.
42:57.580 --> 43:01.820
And if there were two people born for this crisis,
43:01.820 --> 43:03.860
I think you are one of them.
43:04.780 --> 43:06.220
Oh, three, maybe.
43:06.220 --> 43:07.940
Succared back to you is another
43:07.940 --> 43:12.660
and Archbishop Vigano is another.
43:12.660 --> 43:17.660
So I agree with you on everything you've said.
43:20.900 --> 43:23.660
You're so, how shall I say,
43:23.660 --> 43:26.500
precise in your use of English?
43:26.500 --> 43:29.700
You're maybe shy, but you're incredibly articulate.
43:29.700 --> 43:31.220
But most of all, what impresses me
43:31.220 --> 43:33.860
is you get your thoughts in order
43:33.860 --> 43:35.660
and you're always logical in your thoughts.
43:35.660 --> 43:38.540
But a lot of people, of course, including me now,
43:38.540 --> 43:42.940
think that what we need to solve this nonsense,
43:42.940 --> 43:46.500
these Trojan horses, totalitarianism,
43:46.500 --> 43:51.060
is a spiritual element and that doesn't always involve logic
43:51.060 --> 43:52.940
as I'm told.
43:52.940 --> 43:54.860
I agree, I absolutely agree.
43:54.860 --> 43:59.820
And I used to be embarrassed in saying what I'm going to say
43:59.860 --> 44:03.100
because I'm a scientist and this isn't science.
44:03.100 --> 44:08.100
But in the summer of 2021, I had an encounter.
44:13.660 --> 44:17.100
And I think obviously I took from this encounter
44:17.100 --> 44:19.940
an instruction to do what I'm doing.
44:21.100 --> 44:22.260
That was it, no promises.
44:22.260 --> 44:24.780
It was like, you have to do this.
44:24.780 --> 44:25.620
Good for you.
44:25.620 --> 44:26.940
I mean, I was already committed,
44:26.940 --> 44:31.060
but it was there and also it had been a terrible time.
44:31.060 --> 44:32.980
In the previous, as I started to discover
44:32.980 --> 44:34.300
what I've described to you,
44:34.300 --> 44:37.100
which I hope I haven't been too cool about,
44:37.100 --> 44:42.100
I fell apart because I'd been a normie until 2020.
44:42.740 --> 44:45.220
I listened to the BBC for 41 years.
44:45.220 --> 44:48.540
I got the Sunday Times every Sunday for about 25 years.
44:48.540 --> 44:51.220
I kind of believe roughly what I was being told,
44:51.220 --> 44:53.100
bits get delivered now and again.
44:53.100 --> 44:57.500
So to follow the data, as I did,
44:57.500 --> 45:01.780
so my head was following and my soul was screaming.
45:01.780 --> 45:05.060
And I described it as psychological whiplash.
45:05.060 --> 45:07.260
I think I probably had a mini breakdown
45:07.260 --> 45:08.820
by the end of the year.
45:08.820 --> 45:11.540
And I was climbing out of it again,
45:11.540 --> 45:13.500
past very, very dark thoughts.
45:13.500 --> 45:17.380
And then one night, something appeared.
45:17.380 --> 45:19.020
And it was like more or less,
45:19.020 --> 45:21.980
here's a handful of courage and just get on with it.
45:21.980 --> 45:24.580
And I've never felt frightened since that moment.
45:24.580 --> 45:27.780
And that was God, that was God.
45:27.780 --> 45:29.380
Good for you, Mike.
45:29.380 --> 45:30.220
45:30.220 --> 45:31.380
I don't know whether you can remember
45:31.380 --> 45:33.380
because at the time, I now realize
45:33.380 --> 45:37.620
you were really psychologically tortured into a corner.
45:37.620 --> 45:38.500
And so was I.
45:38.500 --> 45:40.860
And I didn't, I thought we were immune
45:40.860 --> 45:42.820
from this psychological torture.
45:42.820 --> 45:43.980
And I happen to think like,
45:43.980 --> 45:45.100
and I think you should know this
45:45.100 --> 45:47.100
because you're British as well.
45:47.100 --> 45:49.140
I want to hold these bastards to account.
45:49.140 --> 45:53.180
And I am also giving information to the police.
45:53.180 --> 45:54.060
I wrote to the police.
45:54.060 --> 45:55.300
I haven't published this.
45:55.300 --> 45:57.940
Maybe I should, but I kept it very, very tight
45:57.940 --> 46:01.260
so that they couldn't gainsay what I'd said to them.
46:01.260 --> 46:04.900
But I think your letter is absolutely brilliant.
46:04.900 --> 46:07.180
Someone was saying to me the other day,
46:07.180 --> 46:11.380
trying to draw my attention even more to your letter.
46:11.380 --> 46:13.700
And I will have a look at it again.
46:14.700 --> 46:19.100
So, like the terrible thing in the United Kingdom
46:19.100 --> 46:22.340
is that actually it's appeared to be better
46:22.340 --> 46:26.220
than in France and the other countries, you know,
46:26.220 --> 46:29.020
which had had hard measures,
46:29.020 --> 46:30.180
shall we say, in inverted commas,
46:30.180 --> 46:33.340
which were never just because there was never any pandemic.
46:33.340 --> 46:36.380
There wasn't even a disease called COVID-19, in my opinion.
46:36.380 --> 46:38.700
It wasn't properly diagnosed.
46:38.700 --> 46:42.180
And I'm, and that's one of my strong points to the police
46:42.300 --> 46:45.060
because I am a medical doctor.
46:45.060 --> 46:48.380
And even if no one in the world agrees with me,
46:48.380 --> 46:50.740
I have a right to a medical opinion.
46:50.740 --> 46:51.580
No doctor.
46:51.580 --> 46:52.780
46:52.780 --> 46:55.340
And I don't want to prove it beyond reasonable doubt
46:55.340 --> 46:59.300
or beyond the plans of probabilities as in court of law.
46:59.300 --> 47:01.900
And I don't have to, as a scientist,
47:01.900 --> 47:05.940
do enormous numbers of randomized controlled trials,
47:05.940 --> 47:07.380
double blinded or whatever.
47:08.380 --> 47:10.540
So, but I'm trained as a doctor
47:10.540 --> 47:14.060
and my duty is to diagnose for the patient
47:14.060 --> 47:18.340
in the best way possible using all my experience
47:18.340 --> 47:22.300
and all my hopefully good training.
47:22.300 --> 47:23.140
And somehow or other,
47:23.140 --> 47:24.540
I think I did get a good training
47:24.540 --> 47:29.020
because when I was training, we were told that, you know,
47:29.020 --> 47:30.540
even if you believe in viruses,
47:30.540 --> 47:33.820
which I'm not sure I do now, I'm pretty sure I don't,
47:34.820 --> 47:38.660
you know, a deadly virus cannot kill,
47:38.660 --> 47:41.100
it cannot cause a pandemic.
47:41.100 --> 47:44.580
And I was fascinated by that.
47:44.580 --> 47:48.100
So, and I can't remember the name of the professor
47:48.100 --> 47:51.980
who taught us this, but I remembered it.
47:51.980 --> 47:56.980
And I found out Christmas is a time for me writing an email
47:56.980 --> 47:59.700
to all the people I qualified with and challenging them.
47:59.700 --> 48:00.980
And guess what, Mike?
48:00.980 --> 48:02.660
I can't get a single person.
48:02.660 --> 48:04.780
I qualify at Liverpool University with
48:06.300 --> 48:11.300
to engage with me, even privately, even people I shared
48:12.660 --> 48:15.900
the flats with, they're that terrified of me.
48:16.940 --> 48:19.660
That's the thing that I have to say that's made me,
48:21.580 --> 48:25.940
so I think I've recorded something like 250 interviews,
48:25.940 --> 48:27.300
something like that.
48:27.300 --> 48:28.620
And I would just comment actually,
48:28.620 --> 48:29.940
it's important for me to mention
48:29.940 --> 48:32.060
in case anyone's listening for the first time,
48:33.220 --> 48:35.540
it's no use googling.
48:35.540 --> 48:39.380
Dr. Mike Yead, please don't use Safari,
48:39.380 --> 48:41.780
Google, whatever they are.
48:41.780 --> 48:44.140
Don't use the mainstream search engines,
48:44.140 --> 48:47.100
or at least don't only use them.
48:47.100 --> 48:48.940
In fact, I invite people,
48:48.940 --> 48:50.460
there's a very interesting experiment,
48:50.460 --> 48:53.260
I did it yesterday, so it's still valid.
48:53.260 --> 48:55.380
Most people, including me,
48:55.380 --> 48:58.220
I thought that browsers or search engines
48:58.220 --> 49:01.260
were pretty much a generic function.
49:01.260 --> 49:03.580
You type in what you want to find,
49:03.580 --> 49:05.340
and they find it for you.
49:05.340 --> 49:06.900
I didn't understand how it did it,
49:06.900 --> 49:08.540
but they're all about the same, right?
49:08.540 --> 49:09.860
Well, they're not.
49:09.860 --> 49:13.780
If you type Dr. Mike Yead, into Google,
49:13.780 --> 49:16.300
and then just have a look at the first two or three pages,
49:16.300 --> 49:20.580
you'll find that I'm a very famous anti-vax conspiracy theorist,
49:21.340 --> 49:23.980
and you'll find articles from Reuters
49:23.980 --> 49:27.100
saying how wrong I am about all sorts of things.
49:27.100 --> 49:29.420
If you type Dr. Mike Yead,
49:29.420 --> 49:31.220
into minority search engines,
49:31.220 --> 49:32.780
of which there are dozens,
49:32.780 --> 49:37.460
like something called Mojique, M-O-J-E-E-K,
49:37.460 --> 49:40.500
or Yandex, Y-A-N-D-E-X.
49:40.500 --> 49:43.740
If you put Dr. Mike Yead in any of the small ones,
49:43.740 --> 49:46.620
you get hit with about 50 of my presentations.
49:46.620 --> 49:47.700
How interesting.
49:47.700 --> 49:54.140
Now, that can't happen unless someone has decided to filter
49:54.140 --> 49:57.500
the search results, which most people will get,
49:57.500 --> 49:59.260
because most people, most of the time,
49:59.260 --> 50:02.060
will use mainstream browsers.
50:02.060 --> 50:05.340
And what you find is lies about me.
50:05.340 --> 50:10.020
Why would someone go to the effort of lying about me
50:10.020 --> 50:12.940
and hiding things I have actually done?
50:12.940 --> 50:14.340
And I think the answer is obvious.
50:14.340 --> 50:15.940
They don't want you to hear from me.
50:15.940 --> 50:18.460
Why would they not want you to hear from me?
50:18.460 --> 50:21.220
Is it could be because I'm telling the truth?
50:21.220 --> 50:23.860
It seems to me, an elaborate piece of work
50:25.420 --> 50:27.300
that they would do that.
50:27.340 --> 50:29.620
And of course, they may get rid of it now,
50:29.620 --> 50:30.460
I pointed it out.
50:30.460 --> 50:34.580
But I would say that's sort of thing that's quite useful.
50:34.580 --> 50:37.020
You can show someone on their own phone,
50:37.020 --> 50:38.100
and you ask them beforehand,
50:38.100 --> 50:39.500
what would they expect to happen?
50:39.500 --> 50:42.300
It's like, it should be roughly the same, right?
50:42.300 --> 50:44.380
Because if it's not, what uses a browser
50:44.380 --> 50:46.420
is you're just gonna get a random garbage.
50:46.420 --> 50:48.220
So it should be roughly the same.
50:48.220 --> 50:50.180
It's not even roughly the same.
50:51.500 --> 50:55.300
Anyway, so one of the reasons people have said to me,
50:55.660 --> 50:59.180
my sister in Australia who thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist,
51:00.260 --> 51:02.540
the other day said, well, if any of the stuff you said
51:02.540 --> 51:04.700
is true Mike, why haven't they killed you?
51:04.700 --> 51:06.540
I've got a perfectly good answer.
51:06.540 --> 51:08.940
They didn't need to do this medieval stuff.
51:08.940 --> 51:12.900
If the person lives in the modern technological world,
51:12.900 --> 51:16.900
they have IT tools that serve the same purpose.
51:16.900 --> 51:20.380
They can censor and smear you easily.
51:20.380 --> 51:22.420
And there's very little you can do about it.
51:22.420 --> 51:27.420
So to those listening, I think I cannot reach further
51:28.420 --> 51:29.420
than I have done.
51:31.180 --> 51:33.260
It's not a V-test.
51:33.260 --> 51:34.660
Every now and again, we travel.
51:34.660 --> 51:38.460
So we'll be in, say Heathrow or St. Pancreastation
51:38.460 --> 51:40.540
or somewhere in a busy area in London.
51:40.540 --> 51:42.980
And I'm routinely recognized once.
51:43.780 --> 51:48.180
And I've kind of done like counting the size of crowds.
51:48.180 --> 51:50.740
And my estimate is that I'm recognized
51:50.740 --> 51:53.580
by less than one in a thousand people.
51:53.580 --> 51:55.500
Interestingly, that number is the same
51:55.500 --> 52:00.500
whether I'm in Mexico, Florida, Arizona, France, Spain, London.
52:01.620 --> 52:03.540
So the message is kind of good out there,
52:03.540 --> 52:05.740
but it's a less than 0.1%.
52:05.740 --> 52:07.700
It's not a different number.
52:07.700 --> 52:10.340
I'm not recognized more often now than two years ago.
52:11.900 --> 52:13.460
And that's hard data folks.
52:13.460 --> 52:15.500
That tells me that I've worked and worked and worked
52:15.500 --> 52:19.020
and I'm not reaching more people than I was two years ago.
52:19.260 --> 52:21.300
And I think the reason's obvious.
52:21.300 --> 52:24.180
The alternative to interning me or killing me
52:24.180 --> 52:27.340
is to turn the Tony Kayon censorship.
52:27.340 --> 52:29.140
And so I will not be able to reach people.
52:29.140 --> 52:32.180
So the people on this poor, for example,
52:32.180 --> 52:34.020
the people in your circle, your family,
52:34.020 --> 52:35.860
your workmates, your friends
52:35.860 --> 52:38.100
who perhaps think you're a bit nuts,
52:38.100 --> 52:39.340
I'm never gonna reach them.
52:39.340 --> 52:41.700
You could wait 10 years and they'll never hear from me
52:41.700 --> 52:43.580
because they're not looking for me.
52:43.580 --> 52:46.460
And the mainstream media will never tell them the truth.
52:47.420 --> 52:50.180
And so that the hard thing I have to say to you is,
52:50.180 --> 52:51.900
it's you.
52:51.900 --> 52:56.020
If you do not manage to persuade them, we will lose
52:57.020 --> 52:59.380
because there are very few people
52:59.380 --> 53:01.020
willing and able to do what I'm doing
53:01.020 --> 53:03.460
and they have constrained me very effectively.
53:03.460 --> 53:05.660
And I can see why they've done it.
53:05.660 --> 53:07.300
And frankly, I'd prefer they did this
53:07.300 --> 53:10.420
and the alternative because they would have otherwise killed me.
53:10.420 --> 53:14.140
And so I'm optimistic,
53:14.140 --> 53:15.620
but I have to keep asking people
53:15.620 --> 53:18.660
that you have to do it, please.
53:18.660 --> 53:22.740
I cannot reach further than I have already.
53:22.740 --> 53:25.660
My own empirical evidence says I am not.
53:25.660 --> 53:27.180
And as a consequence,
53:27.180 --> 53:29.020
I don't really want to do a lot more interviews.
53:29.020 --> 53:30.340
It's a waste of my life.
53:30.340 --> 53:32.580
And I can't justify it to my family.
53:32.580 --> 53:34.580
And it has a terrible impact on me.
53:34.580 --> 53:36.500
And it's not useful.
53:36.500 --> 53:38.500
I'm not reaching more people.
53:38.500 --> 53:42.660
But if other people bottle any part of what you've heard
53:42.700 --> 53:46.100
and think, right, I understand that bit.
53:46.100 --> 53:47.980
And then you go forward with it.
53:49.220 --> 53:50.540
That's the way we'll beat them.
53:50.540 --> 53:52.140
That's the way we'll beat them.
53:52.140 --> 53:53.620
Mike is going to save us.
53:53.620 --> 53:56.460
We can save ourselves if we work together.
53:56.460 --> 53:57.420
Yeah, sure.
53:57.420 --> 53:59.700
So there are many others, Mike,
53:59.700 --> 54:01.980
who are less brilliant than you,
54:01.980 --> 54:06.180
who can gain comfort from hearing your words
54:06.180 --> 54:10.220
and be emboldened and do your work for you.
54:10.220 --> 54:12.140
So you do fulfill a function.
54:12.140 --> 54:13.740
So talking to this group,
54:13.740 --> 54:15.380
it may not appear many,
54:15.380 --> 54:18.180
but there are many people who view the videos afterwards.
54:18.180 --> 54:21.620
And I'm going to send the copy of this video to my MP
54:21.620 --> 54:24.460
and also to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner,
54:25.460 --> 54:27.140
accompanied by another letter
54:27.140 --> 54:29.980
to ask why I haven't had even an acknowledgement
54:29.980 --> 54:33.020
from the, I copied in the commissioner,
54:33.020 --> 54:34.900
but I sent it to the PC.
54:34.900 --> 54:36.660
I think you did as well, Mike.
54:36.660 --> 54:38.740
And I also copied in my MP.
54:38.780 --> 54:40.780
So I've learned these tactics
54:40.780 --> 54:45.780
because the bastard state in the UK targeted me in 2013
54:46.660 --> 54:50.740
and took my job away from me by text with no explanation
54:50.740 --> 54:52.340
because I highlighted,
54:52.340 --> 54:53.860
so I was a classic whistleblower,
54:53.860 --> 54:56.340
except I didn't know what whistleblowing was.
54:56.340 --> 55:00.100
I highlighted a criminality in the military
55:00.100 --> 55:04.340
of British military with class A controlled drugs.
55:04.340 --> 55:06.060
And they were trying to cover it up.
55:06.060 --> 55:09.020
And I told them there was no way to cover it up
55:09.020 --> 55:11.020
that they needed to tell the police
55:11.020 --> 55:12.740
and that the police needed to investigate.
55:12.740 --> 55:15.620
I was rather naive, but it was the truth.
55:15.620 --> 55:19.020
And they're terrified of people who tell the truth, Mike.
55:19.020 --> 55:20.860
But you do fulfill the purpose
55:20.860 --> 55:24.020
because you encourage other whistleblowers to speak out
55:24.020 --> 55:27.380
and whistleblowers are absolutely key.
55:27.380 --> 55:31.020
And especially the ones like you and me
55:31.020 --> 55:33.300
who survived the onslaught.
55:33.300 --> 55:36.220
And sure, no, I do think what I've done,
55:36.220 --> 55:37.700
what I am doing is important,
55:37.700 --> 55:41.100
but it won't be enough is what I'm saying.
55:41.100 --> 55:44.860
And I've made this little speech 50 times.
55:44.860 --> 55:48.980
And I hope people do do something.
55:48.980 --> 55:52.700
All I ask people is to do the best you can
55:52.700 --> 55:54.340
with what you've got, where you are.
55:54.340 --> 55:56.740
And keep doing it every day.
55:56.740 --> 56:00.900
I wish I didn't, but I probably do 16 hours a day,
56:00.900 --> 56:01.980
seven days a week.
56:02.980 --> 56:05.540
I can't stop, but I can't do anymore.
56:05.540 --> 56:06.380
If you know what I mean?
56:06.380 --> 56:09.780
I can't make this be more effective,
56:09.780 --> 56:10.860
but I can't stop either.
56:10.860 --> 56:13.340
And so I beg in you, everyone,
56:13.340 --> 56:16.900
if you're not doing 20 hours a week, you're not helping.
56:16.900 --> 56:19.260
Everyone can spare 20 hours a week.
56:19.260 --> 56:20.860
Seriously, even if you're working,
56:20.860 --> 56:23.820
use your evenings to be out active.
56:23.820 --> 56:26.020
We will roll these bastards over.
56:26.020 --> 56:29.140
If you do that, if you don't, we will lose.
56:29.140 --> 56:32.420
Let me just say, let me just say that the people
56:32.420 --> 56:34.060
who have planned this,
56:34.060 --> 56:36.180
and I never would believe I would be saying this,
56:36.180 --> 56:39.420
but if you haven't, if you don't know
56:39.420 --> 56:41.980
of a lady called Catherine Watte,
56:41.980 --> 56:44.500
she's an American paralegal.
56:44.500 --> 56:45.980
And she has researched,
56:45.980 --> 56:50.980
sort of going backwards and found 60 years,
56:51.060 --> 56:55.220
evidence receipts of 60 years of patient,
56:55.220 --> 56:57.660
obviously directed amendments
56:57.700 --> 56:59.740
to public health legislation in the US.
56:59.740 --> 57:02.180
And she and I believe that that has happened
57:02.180 --> 57:03.020
everywhere in the world.
57:03.020 --> 57:07.460
60 years, that's like three generations of politicians
57:07.460 --> 57:11.580
have constantly edited public health laws
57:11.580 --> 57:15.500
to allow what happened to happen in 2020,
57:15.500 --> 57:18.340
because I won't describe it because they're not clever enough.
57:18.340 --> 57:21.940
But it's nothing like you think, and it's all legal.
57:21.940 --> 57:24.940
What they've done is what she calls legal on paper.
57:24.940 --> 57:27.540
It's obviously legal, but it's legal on paper.
57:28.700 --> 57:33.340
And so she has found 10 major amendments
57:33.340 --> 57:36.940
to public health law, which eventually allow this,
57:36.940 --> 57:39.180
that if the health and human services secretary
57:39.180 --> 57:42.300
or the president says, there is a public health emergency,
57:42.300 --> 57:44.100
this needs to say those words,
57:44.100 --> 57:48.500
then a whole bunch of things are then allowed.
57:48.500 --> 57:52.020
The military can impose what are called countermeasures.
57:52.020 --> 57:53.660
These injections are not vaccines,
57:53.660 --> 57:56.100
they're not even medical products,
57:56.100 --> 57:58.100
they're not medical products.
57:58.100 --> 58:02.580
The apparent interaction with the FDA is a pantomime
58:02.580 --> 58:05.940
that they are medical products ordered by the military
58:05.940 --> 58:08.700
under public health emergency as countermeasures.
58:08.700 --> 58:10.940
They do not require informed consent
58:10.940 --> 58:13.140
anymore than they need to give you informed consent
58:13.140 --> 58:16.100
before they put down a barrier and push you off an area
58:16.100 --> 58:20.020
for police, like a police investigation, seriously.
58:20.020 --> 58:23.060
So they are legally countermeasures
58:23.060 --> 58:26.060
and they are treated no different than crime tape.
58:26.060 --> 58:28.900
They can push you away, they can inject you,
58:28.900 --> 58:29.940
they have to do anything.
58:29.940 --> 58:33.260
And as long as every person is following
58:33.260 --> 58:36.740
the then prevailing law of this medical emergency,
58:36.740 --> 58:38.820
of a public health emergency,
58:38.820 --> 58:41.940
they can't even be prosecuted, even if they killed you.
58:41.940 --> 58:45.020
Because the law says you may do all these things
58:45.020 --> 58:47.380
at the discretion of the health and human services secretary
58:47.380 --> 58:49.420
or and all presidents in the event
58:49.420 --> 58:51.180
of a public health emergency.
58:51.180 --> 58:53.420
So that's unbelievable.
58:53.420 --> 58:54.700
But that's not the only one.
58:54.700 --> 58:58.620
So that's Catherine Watt with a KWA double T.
58:58.620 --> 59:00.340
Mike, please let me finish.
59:00.340 --> 59:01.940
Catherine Watt, K with a Catherine
59:01.940 --> 59:04.180
and then WA double T set sub-stack.
59:05.300 --> 59:09.140
Sasha Latipova, she's an American of Ukraine
59:09.140 --> 59:11.140
in extraction, very clever lady.
59:11.140 --> 59:14.820
And she is pieced together how the public health law was used.
59:14.820 --> 59:17.820
So she would combine my skills with Catherine's.
59:17.820 --> 59:20.100
And if you read, no one else, Sasha Latipova
59:20.140 --> 59:21.980
will combine the thing.
59:21.980 --> 59:24.180
So then the third person I would mention
59:25.780 --> 59:29.340
is a retired financial called David Rogers Web,
59:29.340 --> 59:31.780
now living in Sweden.
59:31.780 --> 59:35.820
And he has discovered 60 years of subversion
59:35.820 --> 59:39.260
of private property rights law in every country
59:39.260 --> 59:41.180
around the world, every country.
59:41.180 --> 59:42.980
There are no exceptions.
59:42.980 --> 59:46.820
What has happened is that things that you and I think we own
59:46.820 --> 59:50.380
as owners, we're no longer the owners, we are.
59:50.380 --> 59:53.220
We have a contractual right called beneficial ownership.
59:53.220 --> 59:56.700
They've invented to solve completely, you know,
59:56.700 --> 59:58.260
anyway, you don't own things anymore.
59:58.260 --> 59:59.900
You are the beneficial owners.
59:59.900 --> 01:00:00.980
What does that mean?
01:00:00.980 --> 01:00:04.300
It means if there is a default, which there will be,
01:00:04.300 --> 01:00:06.540
that's why they've broken the economy on purpose
01:00:06.540 --> 01:00:08.940
and printed the enormous amounts of currency,
01:00:08.940 --> 01:00:11.020
they can announce that things are bankrupt,
01:00:11.020 --> 01:00:13.020
they can announce that currencies
01:00:13.020 --> 01:00:15.100
are no good for international trade
01:00:15.100 --> 01:00:17.060
and that will stop trade.
01:00:17.060 --> 01:00:20.300
And then there will substitute a made up currency
01:00:20.300 --> 01:00:22.140
called central bank digital currencies.
01:00:22.140 --> 01:00:24.780
I'm sure they have already prepared
01:00:24.780 --> 01:00:26.700
and you will hear in every country
01:00:26.700 --> 01:00:29.140
every central bank has been experimenting with this.
01:00:29.140 --> 01:00:32.780
So it's not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy
01:00:32.780 --> 01:00:34.860
and there's nothing theoretical about it.
01:00:34.860 --> 01:00:39.100
David Rogers Web has identified the changes in the law
01:00:39.100 --> 01:00:43.300
that means that you and I, everyone on the call
01:00:43.340 --> 01:00:46.900
will be deprived of what we think is our lawful property
01:00:46.900 --> 01:00:49.140
if there's a big enough default
01:00:49.140 --> 01:00:53.980
and the beneficiaries are the senior creditors
01:00:53.980 --> 01:00:56.700
who are the same people who run everything in the world.
01:00:56.700 --> 01:00:59.140
You don't need to name them.
01:00:59.140 --> 01:01:00.340
But so that's what will happen.
01:01:00.340 --> 01:01:04.140
Your houses, your cars, your bank account, your pension,
01:01:04.140 --> 01:01:07.820
your stock investment portfolio will all vanish.
01:01:07.820 --> 01:01:11.300
The computer will go off and even if it comes back on,
01:01:11.300 --> 01:01:13.100
they will have disappeared.
01:01:13.100 --> 01:01:16.020
And you may think that sounds fantastical.
01:01:16.020 --> 01:01:18.820
Go and bloody listen to David Rogers Web.
01:01:18.820 --> 01:01:20.020
That's what's going to happen.
01:01:20.020 --> 01:01:25.020
So public health law, private property rights law
01:01:25.220 --> 01:01:27.220
and then there are numerous others.
01:01:27.220 --> 01:01:31.180
I think we're all of us wise to the global warming scam
01:01:31.180 --> 01:01:33.980
about 60 years, funnily enough.
01:01:33.980 --> 01:01:36.700
It's about 60 years of propaganda and lies
01:01:36.700 --> 01:01:39.860
and payments that have bent the published science
01:01:40.300 --> 01:01:42.300
to a particular narrative.
01:01:42.300 --> 01:01:44.900
Anyone who goes against it loses their position,
01:01:44.900 --> 01:01:48.060
doesn't get grants, can't get published is crossed.
01:01:48.060 --> 01:01:49.820
So that's a lie too.
01:01:49.820 --> 01:01:52.820
I personally, and this is slightly more controversial,
01:01:52.820 --> 01:01:55.820
I think there's 60 years of propaganda
01:01:55.820 --> 01:01:57.860
about overpopulation.
01:01:57.860 --> 01:01:59.820
I personally don't think that's happened.
01:01:59.820 --> 01:02:02.580
I think people talking in those terms,
01:02:02.580 --> 01:02:05.820
it's the most anti-human argument I've ever heard.
01:02:05.820 --> 01:02:08.420
It's like who do you think should go then
01:02:08.420 --> 01:02:09.660
if you think there are too many people
01:02:09.660 --> 01:02:11.420
who is it you're going to kill?
01:02:11.420 --> 01:02:16.420
Because I think they are absolutely determined, organized.
01:02:17.740 --> 01:02:21.340
And I think we're not overpopulated,
01:02:21.340 --> 01:02:24.980
we're not damaging, we're not committing global warming.
01:02:24.980 --> 01:02:29.980
So why are they trapping us and beginning to kill us?
01:02:29.980 --> 01:02:31.940
And I have no explanation.
01:02:31.940 --> 01:02:35.740
There's no rational reason for them to do what they're doing.
01:02:35.740 --> 01:02:37.820
And so I'm looking for an irrational one.
01:02:37.820 --> 01:02:42.140
And I think in the end, it comes down to dark forces.
01:02:42.140 --> 01:02:44.180
I've run out of explanations.
01:02:44.180 --> 01:02:45.860
They're in a cult.
01:02:45.860 --> 01:02:48.700
But it looks to me they are diabolical, literally.
01:02:49.660 --> 01:02:50.500
01:02:50.500 --> 01:02:52.900
They're in a deadly, good and evil.
01:02:52.900 --> 01:02:53.740
It's good and evil.
01:02:53.740 --> 01:02:55.580
It's three people.
01:02:55.580 --> 01:02:57.540
Like we've had all three of those.
01:02:57.540 --> 01:02:59.740
Catherine Watts, Sasha Latipova, David Rogers,
01:02:59.740 --> 01:03:03.580
were honors guests and I'm a friend of fantastic.
01:03:03.580 --> 01:03:04.940
01:03:04.940 --> 01:03:05.900
Yeah, that's great.
01:03:05.900 --> 01:03:09.140
Well, then it means you can, you can glue them together
01:03:09.140 --> 01:03:12.980
and although we'll be shocking, find a way to explain to people.
01:03:12.980 --> 01:03:15.700
So you can't just go in and tell them all this stuff,
01:03:15.700 --> 01:03:18.900
but find, my wife tells me when she is right,
01:03:18.900 --> 01:03:20.420
she says, you can't lecture people.
01:03:20.420 --> 01:03:24.060
They just, they are repells, not because you're not believable.
01:03:24.060 --> 01:03:25.340
You were very believable.
01:03:25.340 --> 01:03:28.100
But because you were believable, it's horrifying.
01:03:28.100 --> 01:03:32.260
She said, I've watched you talk to people and they go pale
01:03:32.260 --> 01:03:34.620
and they, and they shrink and they move away.
01:03:34.620 --> 01:03:37.180
And it's like, they're frightened of what you're telling them.
01:03:37.180 --> 01:03:38.260
She said, you can't do it.
01:03:38.260 --> 01:03:39.260
She said, you can't do it that.
01:03:39.260 --> 01:03:41.700
You can do it with a professional who's trying to help
01:03:41.700 --> 01:03:44.540
because they're kind of, they will steal themselves.
01:03:44.540 --> 01:03:47.100
You know, they used to dealing with difficult things
01:03:47.100 --> 01:03:49.620
like police and army and doctors and so on.
01:03:49.620 --> 01:03:52.020
They're used to dealing with bad news,
01:03:52.020 --> 01:03:54.380
but the average member of the public is not.
01:03:54.380 --> 01:03:56.100
And she said, if you come up them like that,
01:03:56.100 --> 01:03:57.220
they would just run away.
01:03:57.220 --> 01:04:00.020
She said, you've got to ask the rhetorical questions.
01:04:00.020 --> 01:04:02.020
Well, I'm no good at that, ladies and gentlemen.
01:04:02.020 --> 01:04:05.060
So please go and do that because I'm not good at that.
01:04:05.060 --> 01:04:09.340
I'm, I get on my soapbox and I lecture and it repels people.
01:04:09.340 --> 01:04:11.940
But you can do a better job with other people.
01:04:11.940 --> 01:04:12.820
Thank you.
01:04:12.820 --> 01:04:15.820
And the problem, Mike, is this, and maybe you've noticed it
01:04:15.820 --> 01:04:20.340
and that when you talk to people and you frighten them,
01:04:20.340 --> 01:04:23.060
unfortunately, they even know you're a good person
01:04:23.060 --> 01:04:26.380
and you're telling the truth and a bit of them
01:04:26.380 --> 01:04:29.540
doesn't like the person they're hearing the truth from.
01:04:29.580 --> 01:04:30.780
01:04:30.780 --> 01:04:33.340
Yet my own sister, who used to say she loves me
01:04:33.340 --> 01:04:34.700
and how are you, little brother?
01:04:34.700 --> 01:04:36.500
She says, you've lost your mind.
01:04:36.500 --> 01:04:37.900
You are a conspiracy theorist.
01:04:37.900 --> 01:04:39.380
You've been captured.
01:04:39.380 --> 01:04:41.140
Don't ever speak to me again.
01:04:41.140 --> 01:04:42.460
I'm sorry, Mike.
01:04:42.460 --> 01:04:44.980
And that was, that was very upsetting
01:04:44.980 --> 01:04:47.900
because she was, she was my bloody hero when I was a kid.
01:04:47.900 --> 01:04:49.020
She was five years old with me.
01:04:49.020 --> 01:04:51.420
She has a PhD in fungal genetics.
01:04:51.420 --> 01:04:54.660
She's a clever lady, but she thinks I'm crazy.
01:04:54.660 --> 01:04:57.500
And, and I've stopped, I've stopped trying
01:04:57.500 --> 01:04:59.340
because she lives in Australia.
01:04:59.340 --> 01:05:02.060
If I could go and speak to her, it might be different.
01:05:02.060 --> 01:05:04.620
All my family in the UK are absolutely on site
01:05:04.620 --> 01:05:06.140
and they always were.
01:05:06.140 --> 01:05:07.140
So my sister...
01:05:07.140 --> 01:05:09.220
Which would be my kids there, kids?
01:05:09.220 --> 01:05:10.220
What, sorry?
01:05:10.220 --> 01:05:11.420
Which situation?
01:05:11.420 --> 01:05:12.860
She's in Adelaide.
01:05:12.860 --> 01:05:14.380
All right.
01:05:14.380 --> 01:05:17.500
I was thinking if she was in Melbourne, maybe Charles had.
01:05:17.500 --> 01:05:18.340
01:05:18.340 --> 01:05:19.180
There you go.
01:05:19.180 --> 01:05:21.900
Well, people have, people have tried on my behalf
01:05:21.900 --> 01:05:24.060
and she really didn't like it.
01:05:24.060 --> 01:05:24.900
She told us.
01:05:24.900 --> 01:05:25.740
I mean, I understand that.
01:05:25.740 --> 01:05:27.780
She thought I was stalking her.
01:05:27.780 --> 01:05:29.060
It is understandable.
01:05:29.060 --> 01:05:30.780
It didn't go well.
01:05:30.780 --> 01:05:34.100
So I'm not, I was just trying to save her, you know, but...
01:05:34.100 --> 01:05:35.420
Yeah, I understand anyway.
01:05:35.420 --> 01:05:37.620
And so, Michael and Charles, can I just say this?
01:05:37.620 --> 01:05:39.020
There's one thing I want to say.
01:05:39.020 --> 01:05:39.860
01:05:39.860 --> 01:05:43.620
So, Mike, as a medical doctor, I've observed
01:05:43.620 --> 01:05:46.220
that in particular in the United Kingdom,
01:05:46.220 --> 01:05:49.460
our country, where everything was rather soft,
01:05:49.460 --> 01:05:52.620
but these people like Boris Johnson were saying,
01:05:52.620 --> 01:05:56.900
you must say at home, they must have known,
01:05:56.900 --> 01:06:00.740
they must have known, as any doctor should have known,
01:06:00.740 --> 01:06:04.700
that we're highly social animals, human beings,
01:06:04.700 --> 01:06:09.340
and to lock people down, lock people and beings down,
01:06:09.340 --> 01:06:12.900
they must have known, was pure evil.
01:06:12.900 --> 01:06:16.780
And I think the United Kingdom, we had to endure this bloody
01:06:16.780 --> 01:06:18.740
and nudge unit, you know, whatever it's called,
01:06:18.740 --> 01:06:20.660
I can't remember, the able insights team.
01:06:20.660 --> 01:06:21.980
Yeah, yeah.
01:06:21.980 --> 01:06:26.420
And that was the final, final nail for me.
01:06:26.420 --> 01:06:29.020
I just observed this, I thought I was immune
01:06:29.020 --> 01:06:30.860
to the psychological torture that was going on
01:06:30.860 --> 01:06:32.100
in every country in the world,
01:06:32.100 --> 01:06:34.460
but particularly in the United Kingdom.
01:06:34.460 --> 01:06:39.260
And we British men must hold our bastard government
01:06:39.260 --> 01:06:40.700
to account for this.
01:06:40.700 --> 01:06:41.900
They did so. Yeah.
01:06:41.900 --> 01:06:43.780
Which they must have known,
01:06:43.780 --> 01:06:47.140
and if they didn't, they should have known, was evil.
01:06:47.140 --> 01:06:48.300
And why was it evil?
01:06:48.300 --> 01:06:50.180
Because it was anti-human.
01:06:50.180 --> 01:06:53.460
It was not right to lock people down.
01:06:53.460 --> 01:06:55.500
We're highly social animals.
01:06:55.500 --> 01:06:57.660
Every country in the country should have been shouting
01:06:57.660 --> 01:06:59.300
like from the rooftops like I know.
01:06:59.300 --> 01:07:01.060
I know, and that's very depressing.
01:07:01.060 --> 01:07:04.420
And so I know a lot of people get very angry
01:07:04.420 --> 01:07:07.340
with our politicians, and I do too.
01:07:07.340 --> 01:07:11.340
But I never really thought that the elected politicians
01:07:11.340 --> 01:07:14.700
were in charge, even when I was a normie,
01:07:14.700 --> 01:07:15.540
and I believe things.
01:07:15.540 --> 01:07:18.140
I thought, you remember, Blair used,
01:07:18.140 --> 01:07:19.860
I think about Blair's style.
01:07:19.860 --> 01:07:22.940
I think it was called sofa government.
01:07:22.940 --> 01:07:24.780
And I think it really meant government
01:07:24.780 --> 01:07:27.140
by informal conversation.
01:07:27.140 --> 01:07:31.380
And I'd watched enough of the British political comedy
01:07:31.380 --> 01:07:34.340
called Yes Minister and its successor, Yes Prime Minister,
01:07:34.340 --> 01:07:38.140
to understand that White Hall has run
01:07:38.140 --> 01:07:40.380
a significant part of the world
01:07:40.380 --> 01:07:43.700
for, I think, four or 500 years.
01:07:43.700 --> 01:07:46.060
And I doubt they lost any lessons.
01:07:46.060 --> 01:07:50.340
I imagine every lesson learned on the effectiveness
01:07:50.340 --> 01:07:52.860
of controlling people's behavior,
01:07:52.860 --> 01:07:55.060
incentivizing them to do things,
01:07:55.060 --> 01:07:57.340
incentivizing them not to do things.
01:07:57.340 --> 01:08:02.340
I imagine those lessons have been learned and bottled
01:08:03.540 --> 01:08:05.420
and reused and amplified,
01:08:05.420 --> 01:08:08.140
nowhere better than Westminster, you know.
01:08:08.140 --> 01:08:13.140
And so I don't think the 650 MPs
01:08:13.700 --> 01:08:16.900
have any significant power where it comes to things like this.
01:08:16.900 --> 01:08:20.660
They may be able to get a campaign going in their constituency
01:08:20.660 --> 01:08:22.140
for some particular thing.
01:08:22.140 --> 01:08:25.700
But I don't think the government's even faintly interested
01:08:25.700 --> 01:08:28.940
in what any or all of the MPs say.
01:08:28.940 --> 01:08:32.300
And I don't think that they are particularly well briefed.
01:08:32.300 --> 01:08:35.580
They're not selected because they're clever and knowledgeable.
01:08:35.580 --> 01:08:38.100
So, but of course, what they act as,
01:08:38.100 --> 01:08:41.420
there is a bloody barrier between me
01:08:41.420 --> 01:08:45.700
through my constituent, CMP, Rosie Duffield,
01:08:45.700 --> 01:08:49.500
who's stupid, I'm an uvritant and had many conversations
01:08:49.500 --> 01:08:50.340
with our office,
01:08:51.340 --> 01:08:52.940
they don't, they're not interested.
01:08:52.940 --> 01:08:54.340
That's not their job.
01:08:54.340 --> 01:08:56.540
And you won't get to people in Whitehall,
01:08:56.540 --> 01:08:59.820
you know, at closest I've got his couple of visits up there
01:08:59.820 --> 01:09:02.060
with Andrew Bridgion, you know.
01:09:02.060 --> 01:09:03.060
01:09:03.060 --> 01:09:05.300
And he's not in charge either.
01:09:05.300 --> 01:09:08.740
I doubt the Prime Minister,
01:09:08.740 --> 01:09:11.180
I don't think Boris Johnson had anything to do with this.
01:09:11.180 --> 01:09:14.140
I doubt he had any role in the planning.
01:09:14.140 --> 01:09:17.740
I suspect he was told about it at some point.
01:09:18.740 --> 01:09:21.020
And his job was to be the puppet that went out
01:09:21.020 --> 01:09:23.300
and told people what to do.
01:09:23.300 --> 01:09:24.060
That's my guess.
01:09:24.060 --> 01:09:27.140
I think there are a few people who my,
01:09:27.140 --> 01:09:29.820
my instincts tell me were centrally involved.
01:09:29.820 --> 01:09:33.260
I think I think Blair is centrally involved.
01:09:33.260 --> 01:09:36.820
I think he has made it be the major criminal.
01:09:36.820 --> 01:09:39.380
And people who run the Wellcome Trust,
01:09:39.380 --> 01:09:42.940
he said, Jeremy, for our and his successors, I'm pretty sure.
01:09:42.940 --> 01:09:45.140
I've written this down, by the way, in the past.
01:09:45.140 --> 01:09:48.100
And usually what happens when you sander people
01:09:48.100 --> 01:09:52.700
is you get injuncted or prosecuted and it's not happened.
01:09:52.700 --> 01:09:56.460
So it is a matter of fact that the Wellcome Trust,
01:09:56.460 --> 01:09:59.620
the National Institute of Health under Fauci,
01:09:59.620 --> 01:10:04.460
and the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation under Christopher Elias,
01:10:04.460 --> 01:10:06.060
who's the science guy for Gates,
01:10:06.060 --> 01:10:11.380
those three people for our Fauci and Eliza,
01:10:11.380 --> 01:10:14.460
were known to have met on and off for, I think, 30 years.
01:10:14.460 --> 01:10:18.340
And between them, they controlled roughly two thirds
01:10:18.340 --> 01:10:23.420
of the private biomedical research budget outside of drug companies.
01:10:23.420 --> 01:10:26.100
And I think that means they have been able to shape
01:10:26.100 --> 01:10:29.980
the entire environment in human biology for 30 years.
01:10:29.980 --> 01:10:33.260
And so the literature says what they decided it to say,
01:10:33.260 --> 01:10:36.060
because if you're a professor or a graduate student
01:10:36.060 --> 01:10:37.780
and you apply for a grant,
01:10:37.780 --> 01:10:41.140
you'll get one if you are tiered to whatever the lines to take on
01:10:41.140 --> 01:10:43.980
and you'll know that from your, you know, your provost
01:10:43.980 --> 01:10:46.540
and then from the minister in Whitehall.
01:10:46.540 --> 01:10:50.540
And your research needs to conclude with manuscripts that say
01:10:50.540 --> 01:10:52.620
this kind of thing or it won't get published
01:10:52.620 --> 01:10:54.820
or only in a low impact journal.
01:10:54.820 --> 01:10:57.780
And you just keep repeating the process over decades.
01:10:57.780 --> 01:11:01.540
And the literature says what the controllers wanted to say.
01:11:01.540 --> 01:11:03.060
It's as simple as that.
01:11:03.060 --> 01:11:05.060
I always knew I hated academia.
01:11:05.060 --> 01:11:07.060
Now I know why I hated academia
01:11:07.060 --> 01:11:08.100
because it's got worse and worse.
01:11:08.100 --> 01:11:10.300
And everyone, I know professors of immunology
01:11:10.300 --> 01:11:12.180
and they say, oh, it's terrible.
01:11:12.180 --> 01:11:14.660
I say, well, how can you tolerate being in this environment?
01:11:14.660 --> 01:11:16.860
Where you, you're not even really doing research.
01:11:16.860 --> 01:11:20.860
You're helping to shape an agenda and an environment
01:11:20.860 --> 01:11:22.420
that other people have created for you.
01:11:22.420 --> 01:11:24.020
And it's like, they shrug.
01:11:24.020 --> 01:11:25.500
It's like, you ever get a company car
01:11:25.500 --> 01:11:26.860
and I'll get full pension in two years.
01:11:26.860 --> 01:11:28.460
It's like, oh, yeah.
01:11:28.460 --> 01:11:30.740
So I say to say this to people,
01:11:30.740 --> 01:11:33.020
if you're frightened of what will happen,
01:11:33.020 --> 01:11:36.660
if you speak out, imagine what's going to happen.
01:11:36.660 --> 01:11:38.300
If you don't speak out,
01:11:38.300 --> 01:11:40.900
do you think these people are going to go away
01:11:40.980 --> 01:11:42.420
having done what they've done?
01:11:43.580 --> 01:11:45.220
Do you think this is over?
01:11:45.220 --> 01:11:48.900
No, they will do either other things
01:11:48.900 --> 01:11:51.700
or this kind of thing again.
01:11:51.700 --> 01:11:54.620
And just very briefly, given you've heard from
01:11:54.620 --> 01:11:58.060
Catherine or Sashilazepova and David Rogers' web and me,
01:11:58.060 --> 01:12:00.220
I think the four things that are going to occur,
01:12:00.220 --> 01:12:01.700
we don't stop them.
01:12:01.700 --> 01:12:03.740
Let me tell you what I think will happen.
01:12:03.740 --> 01:12:07.100
I think number one, a new event will trigger
01:12:07.100 --> 01:12:08.860
obligatory digital ID.
01:12:08.900 --> 01:12:11.660
At some point, you'll have to have it, for example,
01:12:11.660 --> 01:12:13.940
to get rations, they'll make you have it.
01:12:14.860 --> 01:12:19.460
Second, if the triggering event for this digital ID
01:12:19.460 --> 01:12:21.660
isn't a financial crisis,
01:12:21.660 --> 01:12:25.900
then there'll be a financial crisis as I described earlier.
01:12:25.900 --> 01:12:27.980
It will destroy all sovereign currencies
01:12:27.980 --> 01:12:29.980
and steal all private wealth.
01:12:29.980 --> 01:12:31.740
Then you'll have total dependence on the state
01:12:31.740 --> 01:12:34.340
if you haven't got your own resources
01:12:34.340 --> 01:12:37.740
and they will introduce central bank digital currencies.
01:12:37.740 --> 01:12:40.020
Then the media will continue to lie
01:12:40.020 --> 01:12:44.060
about things like waves of pandemics.
01:12:44.060 --> 01:12:46.980
There'll be a, that WHO will tell you there's a pandemic,
01:12:46.980 --> 01:12:50.300
farmer will pretend to make mRNA quotes, vaccines,
01:12:50.300 --> 01:12:52.060
governments will mandate them
01:12:52.060 --> 01:12:54.460
if the WHO hasn't already done so.
01:12:54.460 --> 01:12:57.940
Your digital ID that instead one you're made to take
01:12:58.940 --> 01:13:02.260
will depend, its validity will depend on you being jabbed.
01:13:02.260 --> 01:13:05.620
No jab, no food, no jab, no money, no jab, no job,
01:13:05.620 --> 01:13:07.700
no jab, no travel.
01:13:07.700 --> 01:13:10.340
Your CDBDC will simply not work.
01:13:10.340 --> 01:13:12.620
And then for rinse and repeat until the population
01:13:12.620 --> 01:13:14.580
reaches the desired levels,
01:13:14.580 --> 01:13:17.220
I think they're going to empty whole countries.
01:13:17.220 --> 01:13:18.780
That's what I would do.
01:13:18.780 --> 01:13:22.900
So what I'm saying is we have to stop
01:13:22.900 --> 01:13:25.300
at the step of obligatory digital ID.
01:13:25.300 --> 01:13:30.300
I think that's the last thing they need us to choose to do.
01:13:30.500 --> 01:13:35.020
If they make us successfully adopt digital ID,
01:13:35.020 --> 01:13:36.140
they don't need our consent
01:13:36.140 --> 01:13:39.380
but any of the other steps I mentioned, right?
01:13:39.380 --> 01:13:42.620
If you concede that you have to have a digital ID
01:13:42.620 --> 01:13:46.100
in order to enter or leave a facility,
01:13:46.100 --> 01:13:50.940
make a transaction, buy food, get on a plane, fill your car.
01:13:50.940 --> 01:13:53.060
If you accept that principle,
01:13:53.060 --> 01:13:54.780
they can do the things I've just said
01:13:54.780 --> 01:13:56.020
and they will do those things.
01:13:56.020 --> 01:13:57.500
Of course they will.
01:13:57.500 --> 01:14:01.020
I would, if I was as diabolical as them,
01:14:01.020 --> 01:14:02.140
that's what I would do.
01:14:02.140 --> 01:14:06.420
And so I say now to the people on this call,
01:14:06.420 --> 01:14:09.660
my wife and I are not going to take a digital ID.
01:14:09.660 --> 01:14:12.020
If it means we lose all our money,
01:14:12.020 --> 01:14:13.340
we will lose all our money.
01:14:13.340 --> 01:14:15.700
We're not fucking taking a digital ID.
01:14:16.540 --> 01:14:20.340
I would rather go to my grave as an analog man
01:14:20.340 --> 01:14:21.620
than take digital ID.
01:14:21.620 --> 01:14:24.020
Because if you gain a digital ID,
01:14:24.020 --> 01:14:25.860
you don't gain a digital ID.
01:14:25.860 --> 01:14:29.460
You lose your humanity and you become a QR code.
01:14:29.460 --> 01:14:31.140
And you're controlled like a,
01:14:31.140 --> 01:14:35.460
you become an avatar and you will be controlled
01:14:35.460 --> 01:14:37.620
and you'll be taken to your death.
01:14:37.620 --> 01:14:38.620
So don't take it.
01:14:38.620 --> 01:14:40.380
You don't need digital ID.
01:14:40.380 --> 01:14:43.700
They need you to take it in order to control you.
01:14:43.700 --> 01:14:44.980
So don't concede it.
01:14:44.980 --> 01:14:47.740
And the worst the punishment that they threaten you with
01:14:47.740 --> 01:14:50.620
are not taking it and what you'll know I'm right.
01:14:50.620 --> 01:14:53.620
So please say to each other,
01:14:53.620 --> 01:14:56.380
say to other people, tell your boss,
01:14:56.380 --> 01:14:57.860
I think it's like giving up smoking.
01:14:57.860 --> 01:14:59.900
Tell everybody what you're going to do.
01:15:01.100 --> 01:15:03.180
And I think if we can stop them
01:15:03.180 --> 01:15:08.180
and tell people digital ID will provide total control.
01:15:08.180 --> 01:15:10.580
If not now, if you think no, they wouldn't do that.
01:15:10.580 --> 01:15:12.300
Well, what about in the future?
01:15:12.300 --> 01:15:15.220
You're so sure that at no point in the future
01:15:15.220 --> 01:15:17.820
anyone ever wants to control you
01:15:17.820 --> 01:15:20.980
because they will be able to if you have to present it
01:15:20.980 --> 01:15:24.540
to any transactions like the mark in Revelation.
01:15:24.540 --> 01:15:26.060
So don't take it.
01:15:26.060 --> 01:15:29.820
That's about the most as I'm saying this to you,
01:15:29.820 --> 01:15:31.980
I'm feeling my power, bro.
01:15:31.980 --> 01:15:34.620
I'm not taking it in a matter of the consequences.
01:15:35.860 --> 01:15:37.060
Good for you, Mike.
01:15:37.060 --> 01:15:39.940
So Mike, if you want to rest from all your work,
01:15:39.940 --> 01:15:41.900
we live by the sea.
01:15:41.900 --> 01:15:44.580
And you won't hear any time with your family.
01:15:44.580 --> 01:15:45.420
01:15:45.420 --> 01:15:46.460
We definitely should meet.
01:15:46.460 --> 01:15:47.780
Are you in England?
01:15:47.780 --> 01:15:48.620
01:15:48.620 --> 01:15:50.580
Oh, well, when it actually depends with you.
01:15:50.580 --> 01:15:51.860
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:15:51.860 --> 01:15:52.700
Yeah, of course.
01:15:52.700 --> 01:15:53.700
United Kingdom, yeah.
01:15:53.700 --> 01:15:55.100
In the UK.
01:15:55.540 --> 01:15:56.900
Thank you, Stephen.
01:15:56.900 --> 01:15:59.740
Thank you, it's absolutely brilliant, Michael.
01:15:59.740 --> 01:16:00.900
Thank you so much.
01:16:00.900 --> 01:16:01.740
Thank you very much.
01:16:01.740 --> 01:16:03.300
Is there any other...
01:16:03.300 --> 01:16:05.300
Is there like a really horrible...
01:16:05.300 --> 01:16:08.140
Oh, there are 11 people in the handbook.
01:16:08.140 --> 01:16:09.180
Yeah, 11 people, go on it.
01:16:09.180 --> 01:16:11.540
Hands up, Mike, are you on your phone, Mike?
01:16:12.700 --> 01:16:14.860
No, I'm on a laptop.
01:16:14.860 --> 01:16:17.220
Yeah, so if you, maybe if you stroke the screen,
01:16:17.220 --> 01:16:18.660
you'll see there's 11 hands up.
01:16:18.660 --> 01:16:19.980
So we've got lots of questions for you.
01:16:19.980 --> 01:16:22.220
So the speed with which you get through them
01:16:22.220 --> 01:16:24.060
will depend on the speed of your answers.
01:16:24.060 --> 01:16:24.900
So there you are.
01:16:24.900 --> 01:16:26.780
But wonderful, wonderful material.
01:16:26.780 --> 01:16:29.100
And Stephen, you didn't take more time
01:16:29.100 --> 01:16:31.020
because Mike was speaking.
01:16:31.020 --> 01:16:32.860
So I absolutely get that.
01:16:33.860 --> 01:16:35.180
Yeah, some Charles.
01:16:35.180 --> 01:16:39.260
I think that Mike doesn't maybe know how to get the view up
01:16:39.260 --> 01:16:41.060
so he can see the gallery, you know,
01:16:41.060 --> 01:16:41.900
so he can see...
01:16:41.900 --> 01:16:42.740
Oh, here we go.
01:16:43.820 --> 01:16:44.660
So if you...
01:16:44.660 --> 01:16:45.500
I can now.
01:16:45.500 --> 01:16:46.500
I can now.
01:16:46.500 --> 01:16:48.420
So you know how to do it, do you, Mike?
01:16:48.420 --> 01:16:51.620
I can see, yes, I can see a whole fluster of...
01:16:51.620 --> 01:16:53.580
I thought they were like little gold stars,
01:16:53.580 --> 01:16:56.020
but yeah, that's because my glasses aren't very good.
01:16:56.020 --> 01:16:56.860
They're hands.
01:16:56.860 --> 01:16:57.860
I see they are hands.
01:16:57.860 --> 01:17:00.500
OK, well, let's get through those colored hands.
01:17:00.500 --> 01:17:01.420
Let's get through the mic.
01:17:01.420 --> 01:17:03.900
We've only got 50 minutes before we have to go.
01:17:03.900 --> 01:17:04.900
01:17:04.900 --> 01:17:07.060
So Theresa, you were first.
01:17:07.060 --> 01:17:09.540
Did you drop out accidentally or deliberately?
01:17:10.540 --> 01:17:11.540
No, mate.
01:17:11.540 --> 01:17:13.140
I lost my signal.
01:17:13.140 --> 01:17:14.740
I dropped my signal.
01:17:14.740 --> 01:17:15.780
You go first and...
01:17:15.780 --> 01:17:17.260
01:17:17.260 --> 01:17:18.500
OK, thank you.
01:17:18.500 --> 01:17:20.060
Thank you.
01:17:20.060 --> 01:17:21.620
It's just a quick one, Mike.
01:17:24.140 --> 01:17:28.540
In 2021 and 2022 and 2023,
01:17:28.540 --> 01:17:30.620
I've been saying to the various medical groups
01:17:30.620 --> 01:17:32.580
that I'm a hanger on to,
01:17:33.620 --> 01:17:37.700
that we have to write a kind of sucker punch letter
01:17:37.700 --> 01:17:42.740
where you write not just to one police chief constable in the UK,
01:17:42.740 --> 01:17:46.620
but to all of them, the same letter.
01:17:46.620 --> 01:17:48.220
On balance of probabilities,
01:17:48.220 --> 01:17:51.500
there are 49 chief constables in the UK.
01:17:51.500 --> 01:17:53.100
On balance of probabilities,
01:17:53.100 --> 01:17:55.300
you'll probably have five chief constables
01:17:55.300 --> 01:17:57.700
that are not vaccinated
01:17:57.700 --> 01:18:01.140
or that have serious doubts about what's going on.
01:18:01.140 --> 01:18:04.260
There are 32, or there were the last time I looked,
01:18:04.260 --> 01:18:06.860
full-time coroners
01:18:06.860 --> 01:18:09.540
and part-time coroners that supplement their work.
01:18:11.060 --> 01:18:13.700
On balance of probability, you might have three coroners.
01:18:13.700 --> 01:18:17.460
Now, it's no good writing to one,
01:18:17.460 --> 01:18:20.140
you know, like the Metropolitan Police
01:18:20.140 --> 01:18:23.380
and expecting him to sort of stand up
01:18:23.380 --> 01:18:27.620
when, you know, there's 48 other chief constables who aren't.
01:18:27.620 --> 01:18:30.260
But if we've broke all of them at the same time,
01:18:30.260 --> 01:18:30.780
I agree.
01:18:30.780 --> 01:18:32.420
You might.
01:18:32.420 --> 01:18:36.420
The ones that, you know, five chief constables is a coalition.
01:18:36.420 --> 01:18:39.340
Five chief constables can do anything, Mike.
01:18:39.340 --> 01:18:40.500
Yeah, no, I agree with you.
01:18:40.500 --> 01:18:42.220
I think that's great.
01:18:42.220 --> 01:18:45.140
So I say to people, you know,
01:18:45.140 --> 01:18:48.460
somebody please use that stance.
01:18:48.460 --> 01:18:50.140
So I tell you what, what happened,
01:18:50.140 --> 01:18:52.300
what has happened over the last four years is I get lots
01:18:52.300 --> 01:18:55.020
of good suggestions of more work for me to do.
01:18:55.020 --> 01:18:56.940
And I'm knackered, right?
01:18:56.940 --> 01:18:59.100
So I want someone to say,
01:18:59.100 --> 01:19:02.420
I'm going to take your letter and put 49 addresses on it.
01:19:02.420 --> 01:19:04.180
And then you can just check it's okay.
01:19:04.180 --> 01:19:05.100
And then I will send it.
01:19:05.100 --> 01:19:06.660
That will be a great idea.
01:19:06.660 --> 01:19:09.100
Because the idea that I will do it
01:19:09.100 --> 01:19:10.860
is that I just won't get to do it.
01:19:10.860 --> 01:19:14.020
I'm just so, I'm at a point where I recognise
01:19:14.020 --> 01:19:15.740
clinical depression, right?
01:19:15.740 --> 01:19:17.500
I sometimes can't do anything.
01:19:17.500 --> 01:19:19.340
And I analyse why I can't do it.
01:19:19.340 --> 01:19:20.500
And I've got the conclusion.
01:19:20.500 --> 01:19:22.340
It's like you're probably suffering
01:19:22.340 --> 01:19:25.900
from either trauma or depression.
01:19:25.900 --> 01:19:28.260
So I'm sure there are lots of great ideas.
01:19:28.260 --> 01:19:30.980
I'm telling you, I'm a wounded soldier.
01:19:30.980 --> 01:19:32.500
So use me.
01:19:32.500 --> 01:19:35.100
Please then expect me to do more now.
01:19:36.620 --> 01:19:40.420
Well, with the help of a couple of the doctors in the group
01:19:40.420 --> 01:19:42.500
and by cribbing from Ryan Coles notes here,
01:19:42.500 --> 01:19:44.180
I hope you're still on the call, Mike.
01:19:44.180 --> 01:19:45.180
Yeah, it's a great suggestion.
01:19:45.180 --> 01:19:46.580
I think it's a really, really good,
01:19:46.580 --> 01:19:49.180
really important idea, really important idea.
01:19:49.180 --> 01:19:51.660
I'm happy for somebody to take that idea of a letter
01:19:51.660 --> 01:19:54.260
and just whittle it down to two pages,
01:19:54.260 --> 01:19:56.020
send it to all of the fuck, please.
01:19:56.020 --> 01:19:59.740
I think really, it's the like the arrangement
01:19:59.740 --> 01:20:01.380
at the top of the letter, as it were.
01:20:01.380 --> 01:20:03.220
It's like, who the hell are we writing to?
01:20:03.220 --> 01:20:06.060
So if that was made clear, that would be,
01:20:06.060 --> 01:20:07.460
that's the same that would probably take
01:20:07.460 --> 01:20:10.660
a little bit of research, but it's a really good project.
01:20:10.660 --> 01:20:12.580
Basically, it's like saying, I am writing
01:20:12.580 --> 01:20:14.740
to all of these named individuals.
01:20:14.740 --> 01:20:16.300
So it's like a page.
01:20:16.300 --> 01:20:19.060
And then we can bum my letters the easy bit.
01:20:20.060 --> 01:20:22.780
But I think it's a really important idea
01:20:22.780 --> 01:20:25.220
and we should bloody well do it within the next few weeks.
01:20:26.740 --> 01:20:30.380
And to take it further Theresa, to the DPPs, okay?
01:20:30.380 --> 01:20:31.660
So the police, yes.
01:20:31.660 --> 01:20:32.500
Yeah, yeah.
01:20:33.780 --> 01:20:36.740
I just think that if you can, in confidence,
01:20:36.740 --> 01:20:40.100
go to each of them and say, look,
01:20:40.100 --> 01:20:44.460
that you're not alone, we will unite you in confidence.
01:20:44.460 --> 01:20:47.300
We will help you form a coalition,
01:20:47.300 --> 01:20:49.420
that they can take down one chief constable,
01:20:49.420 --> 01:20:51.660
but they can't take down five or six.
01:20:51.660 --> 01:20:52.820
No, I agree.
01:20:52.820 --> 01:20:53.900
Yeah, not all at once.
01:20:53.900 --> 01:20:57.180
So they were basically, I think, what you're saying,
01:20:57.180 --> 01:20:58.180
and I have thought of this.
01:20:58.180 --> 01:21:00.340
I've thought, if we are effective,
01:21:00.340 --> 01:21:02.380
we'll force them to change tack.
01:21:02.380 --> 01:21:05.100
It won't be easy for them.
01:21:05.100 --> 01:21:06.620
I don't know that they'd be able to stop,
01:21:06.620 --> 01:21:09.460
but they will be forced to change tack.
01:21:09.460 --> 01:21:11.500
And I think if they're forced to change tack,
01:21:11.500 --> 01:21:13.300
it will wake a lot more people up.
01:21:13.300 --> 01:21:16.940
So I think that's the catalyst.
01:21:16.940 --> 01:21:20.140
We must do something to put them off their stroke, really.
01:21:20.140 --> 01:21:23.180
Otherwise, they'll just keep going,
01:21:23.180 --> 01:21:25.780
and they may well be on track, I have no idea.
01:21:25.780 --> 01:21:27.340
I haven't got a copy of the script.
01:21:27.340 --> 01:21:29.660
I think it's a great idea, Theresa.
01:21:29.660 --> 01:21:30.500
01:21:30.500 --> 01:21:31.620
Okay, well done.
01:21:31.620 --> 01:21:32.460
01:21:32.460 --> 01:21:33.300
01:21:33.300 --> 01:21:34.940
Thank you, Theresa, Daria.
01:21:36.260 --> 01:21:38.180
Hi, hi, my name's Daria Schuller.
01:21:38.180 --> 01:21:40.500
I'm a retired neurosurgeon and pharmacist,
01:21:40.500 --> 01:21:42.300
and I've worked in the pharmaceutical industry
01:21:42.300 --> 01:21:44.300
when I was moonlighting during college.
01:21:44.300 --> 01:21:47.660
So, and I'm still involved with the United States pharmacopeia,
01:21:47.660 --> 01:21:50.300
my state of Indiana level is a delegate.
01:21:50.300 --> 01:21:55.180
So I did share one handout in the chat.
01:21:55.180 --> 01:21:57.060
So hopefully somebody, if you need it,
01:21:57.060 --> 01:21:58.940
I can get it to you if you're interested.
01:21:58.940 --> 01:22:00.340
But they're not stopping.
01:22:00.340 --> 01:22:04.660
This whole mRNA is going on full steam ahead.
01:22:04.660 --> 01:22:06.980
And that's probably the most important message
01:22:06.980 --> 01:22:08.980
I have to get to everybody here today,
01:22:08.980 --> 01:22:13.980
that in the hopper is something close to over 300 drug products,
01:22:14.700 --> 01:22:16.740
the vast majority of which are vaccines.
01:22:16.740 --> 01:22:18.100
01:22:18.100 --> 01:22:20.180
And then fewer for the orphan drugs
01:22:20.180 --> 01:22:22.460
and genetic disorders and cancer.
01:22:22.460 --> 01:22:24.820
So this isn't stopping.
01:22:24.820 --> 01:22:26.980
The only way it stops is when people say no.
01:22:26.980 --> 01:22:30.740
And say if they hear mRNA, it should run, run screaming.
01:22:30.740 --> 01:22:33.620
You know, this is not been a good technology for cancer.
01:22:33.620 --> 01:22:35.620
I was dealing with this when I was at the Cleveland Clinic
01:22:35.620 --> 01:22:37.100
and after with my patients,
01:22:37.100 --> 01:22:41.180
they had malignant brain tumors in the early neuroimmuno therapies
01:22:41.180 --> 01:22:42.020
that were tried.
01:22:42.020 --> 01:22:44.940
I remember referring a patient back to the Cleveland Clinic
01:22:44.940 --> 01:22:47.260
and didn't do well at all, didn't do well at all.
01:22:47.260 --> 01:22:51.100
It's just like didn't even come close to stopping this disease.
01:22:51.100 --> 01:22:53.660
But the thing that struck me,
01:22:53.660 --> 01:22:55.660
and I want to use the word resonance
01:22:55.660 --> 01:22:58.820
because it resonates back to us now that you're still here.
01:22:58.820 --> 01:23:02.380
And the things you said four years ago, three years ago,
01:23:02.380 --> 01:23:03.740
you're still saying now.
01:23:03.740 --> 01:23:05.500
And that rings a really loud bell
01:23:05.500 --> 01:23:08.980
because you've been consistent the entire time.
01:23:08.980 --> 01:23:11.940
And I understand that pharmaceutical side of it.
01:23:11.940 --> 01:23:15.220
And that's why I was very concerned about mRNA as well.
01:23:15.220 --> 01:23:18.780
I saw the Reuters did one of the first hit pieces on you,
01:23:18.780 --> 01:23:21.020
I think in March of 2021.
01:23:21.020 --> 01:23:23.620
But I remember hearing an interview with you
01:23:23.620 --> 01:23:25.340
and I can't remember who the host was,
01:23:25.340 --> 01:23:27.540
but you were talking about,
01:23:27.540 --> 01:23:29.740
and I think Dr. Bender's,
01:23:29.740 --> 01:23:31.420
I've seen this on his Twitter as well,
01:23:31.460 --> 01:23:35.540
how you don't go vaccinating people during a pandemic,
01:23:35.540 --> 01:23:37.620
because if there's active infection
01:23:37.620 --> 01:23:41.900
and then you introduce an injected antigen
01:23:43.340 --> 01:23:46.100
that it could be catastrophic, which it was.
01:23:46.100 --> 01:23:49.220
And I just wonder, you know,
01:23:49.220 --> 01:23:51.100
if you recall making that comment,
01:23:51.100 --> 01:23:51.940
but that was-
01:23:51.940 --> 01:23:52.940
I think it was-
01:23:52.940 --> 01:23:55.660
I can't remember his name,
01:23:55.660 --> 01:23:58.420
but there's a guy, others will remember,
01:23:58.420 --> 01:24:00.820
but yeah, that may or may not be true.
01:24:00.820 --> 01:24:03.500
Personally, I don't think there was a pandemic.
01:24:03.500 --> 01:24:05.740
I'm not even sure pandemics are possible.
01:24:07.300 --> 01:24:09.180
The Spanish flu, for example,
01:24:09.180 --> 01:24:11.300
this is not my research, unbelievable.
01:24:11.300 --> 01:24:15.020
There are a couple of descendants of Yorkshire farmers
01:24:15.020 --> 01:24:19.020
who run a podcast called the Sheep Farm Podcast.
01:24:19.020 --> 01:24:20.700
And they are unbelievable.
01:24:20.700 --> 01:24:23.260
These guys do, you know,
01:24:23.260 --> 01:24:26.940
family tree research going back to the 1700s.
01:24:26.940 --> 01:24:30.260
I'm sorry, the people who are doing this,
01:24:30.260 --> 01:24:33.460
their descendants go back to that sort of period.
01:24:33.460 --> 01:24:35.740
I mean, in fact, they may go back much further,
01:24:35.740 --> 01:24:39.980
but we can find the receipts of all the influencers,
01:24:39.980 --> 01:24:41.500
definitely back to there.
01:24:42.980 --> 01:24:45.340
I've forgotten the trend of thinking there,
01:24:45.340 --> 01:24:48.180
but yeah, the pandemic stuff.
01:24:48.180 --> 01:24:50.500
So the Spanish flu stuff is,
01:24:50.500 --> 01:24:52.180
there wasn't a pandemic then.
01:24:52.180 --> 01:24:55.220
There was nothing like what we've been told.
01:24:55.220 --> 01:24:57.180
Something happened.
01:24:57.180 --> 01:24:58.660
I don't know what something was.
01:24:58.660 --> 01:25:02.940
And then the inserted information into the literature afterwards,
01:25:02.940 --> 01:25:04.620
which makes it look like there was a pandemic.
01:25:04.620 --> 01:25:06.780
In other words, I am saying,
01:25:06.780 --> 01:25:09.180
there's at least a hundred years of rehearsal.
01:25:09.180 --> 01:25:12.100
Now, people who understand formation
01:25:12.100 --> 01:25:14.220
around the Federal Reserve are not surprised.
01:25:14.220 --> 01:25:15.780
They go, well, we knew that.
01:25:15.780 --> 01:25:17.180
I think it goes back,
01:25:17.180 --> 01:25:18.180
it goes back honestly,
01:25:18.180 --> 01:25:20.180
it goes back further than we can imagine.
01:25:20.180 --> 01:25:23.900
I know some people who think it goes back to ancient Egypt,
01:25:23.900 --> 01:25:26.820
but it definitely goes back to, you know,
01:25:26.820 --> 01:25:28.420
more than a hundred years.
01:25:28.420 --> 01:25:29.700
So you're absolutely right.
01:25:29.700 --> 01:25:31.820
Now they're, so I personally don't,
01:25:31.820 --> 01:25:33.500
the reason I wanted to intervene is,
01:25:33.500 --> 01:25:35.540
I don't think there are pandemics.
01:25:35.540 --> 01:25:37.900
I think they're immunologically implausible.
01:25:37.900 --> 01:25:40.860
I also think if they were possible,
01:25:40.860 --> 01:25:44.700
we'd probably have gone from the planet repeatedly,
01:25:44.700 --> 01:25:46.140
as would other species,
01:25:46.140 --> 01:25:48.300
because wouldn't it also follow
01:25:48.300 --> 01:25:50.740
that they could suffer from pandemics?
01:25:50.740 --> 01:25:54.020
And yet they don't, but anyway,
01:25:54.020 --> 01:25:55.860
that's something that's not really provable, I don't think.
01:25:55.860 --> 01:26:00.860
But the fact is, there's so much fakery around it.
01:26:01.060 --> 01:26:03.620
It makes me think, well, if it was real,
01:26:03.620 --> 01:26:05.900
why wouldn't it just bloody do it?
01:26:05.900 --> 01:26:07.740
The fact they have to fake it suggests to me
01:26:07.740 --> 01:26:09.220
that it isn't real,
01:26:09.220 --> 01:26:11.180
but what is real is the fear
01:26:11.180 --> 01:26:13.980
that if people believe it, then they're frightened.
01:26:13.980 --> 01:26:15.940
Yeah, you need the fake science to prop up the fear too.
01:26:15.940 --> 01:26:17.060
Yeah, you need the fake science.
01:26:17.060 --> 01:26:19.900
Perhaps you do need the fake science to go with the fake news.
01:26:19.900 --> 01:26:23.820
So believing in pandemics, believing in contagion,
01:26:24.540 --> 01:26:27.980
believing in bloody vaccines, you need all of this stuff.
01:26:27.980 --> 01:26:28.980
And then here's the thing,
01:26:28.980 --> 01:26:33.980
I think partly why all the long drawn out lies about climate change,
01:26:34.580 --> 01:26:38.300
the long drawn out emphasis about the world's overpopulated
01:26:38.300 --> 01:26:39.580
beyond its carrying capacity.
01:26:39.580 --> 01:26:41.260
I don't think that's true.
01:26:41.260 --> 01:26:42.860
I think I've got an answer to that,
01:26:42.860 --> 01:26:47.860
because three people have written to me on full by hand,
01:26:49.820 --> 01:26:50.740
they've said something,
01:26:50.740 --> 01:26:54.780
they'll say something like, I think you're right,
01:26:54.780 --> 01:26:57.700
but I think I understand why they are doing it.
01:26:57.700 --> 01:27:01.460
It's like we're destroying the world and we've deserved it.
01:27:01.460 --> 01:27:03.380
So I've been written to by three people.
01:27:03.380 --> 01:27:04.220
They're not happy.
01:27:04.220 --> 01:27:07.420
They're saying, this is what I've come to the conclusion
01:27:07.420 --> 01:27:09.420
that we've destroyed this world
01:27:09.420 --> 01:27:12.180
and they are culling us in order to save it.
01:27:12.180 --> 01:27:14.300
Well, it's not true, folks.
01:27:14.300 --> 01:27:16.540
We are not warming up by them.
01:27:16.540 --> 01:27:20.500
We're not overpopulated and so on.
01:27:20.500 --> 01:27:23.740
And so why are they doing this?
01:27:23.740 --> 01:27:27.420
I've got to look like, we're going to get a lot of people.
01:27:27.420 --> 01:27:31.020
I think a lot of people will give in
01:27:31.020 --> 01:27:33.300
because they think we deserve it.
01:27:33.300 --> 01:27:35.540
That's, isn't that a terrible thing?
01:27:35.540 --> 01:27:37.900
I think I've heard people say, well,
01:27:37.900 --> 01:27:39.340
dirty jobs, someone's got to do it.
01:27:39.340 --> 01:27:41.780
When they finally got to realizing,
01:27:41.780 --> 01:27:44.060
I'm probably right, they literally shrugged and said,
01:27:44.060 --> 01:27:47.060
well, we brought it upon ourselves, folks.
01:27:47.060 --> 01:27:49.940
I think it's diabolical, it's not true,
01:27:49.940 --> 01:27:52.660
but I think it was designed years ago
01:27:52.660 --> 01:27:55.020
to bring about capitulation.
01:27:55.020 --> 01:27:58.020
So don't give way on these other lies either.
01:27:58.020 --> 01:27:59.420
I mean, I'm not an expert in those.
01:27:59.420 --> 01:28:00.900
I don't claim to be.
01:28:00.900 --> 01:28:02.540
So my arrival.
01:28:02.540 --> 01:28:03.700
Absolutely. Thank you.
01:28:03.700 --> 01:28:07.260
You and I have come to the same conclusion
01:28:07.260 --> 01:28:10.060
that no pandemic has ever occurred,
01:28:10.060 --> 01:28:11.940
no pandemic can occur,
01:28:11.940 --> 01:28:14.300
and no pandemic will occur in the future.
01:28:14.300 --> 01:28:16.740
We therefore don't need the WHO,
01:28:16.740 --> 01:28:18.260
even though the pastors,
01:28:18.260 --> 01:28:20.580
we don't need them,
01:28:20.580 --> 01:28:23.140
not, so we need to get rid of the WHO
01:28:23.140 --> 01:28:26.340
because it's evil, because it is evil,
01:28:26.340 --> 01:28:27.940
but because we don't need them.
01:28:27.940 --> 01:28:29.620
And that would be the ultimate humiliation.
01:28:29.620 --> 01:28:31.380
I think the whole of virology
01:28:31.380 --> 01:28:33.780
and evidence-based medicine was a construct
01:28:33.780 --> 01:28:36.820
to allow what happened in 2020.
01:28:36.820 --> 01:28:38.540
Yeah, I agree.
01:28:38.540 --> 01:28:39.380
All right, yeah.
01:28:39.380 --> 01:28:40.820
And we come to it by different means
01:28:40.820 --> 01:28:42.940
without influencing Jaron.
01:28:42.940 --> 01:28:45.700
So very good, both united in that conclusion.
01:28:45.700 --> 01:28:49.100
And, Michael, just point out that Vera Shahrav is here.
01:28:49.100 --> 01:28:51.500
She's presented to us on the Spanish flu site.
01:28:51.500 --> 01:28:54.180
So if you speed up the answers to your questions, Vera,
01:28:54.180 --> 01:28:56.740
I'm sure we'll touch on her wonderful research
01:28:56.740 --> 01:28:58.900
on the alleged Spanish flu.
01:29:00.100 --> 01:29:02.260
So let's be quick, everybody, with the questions
01:29:02.260 --> 01:29:03.100
rather than too many,
01:29:03.100 --> 01:29:05.380
because we're only got 40 minutes left,
01:29:05.380 --> 01:29:06.300
and there's 12 hands up.
01:29:06.300 --> 01:29:07.580
Go, Glenn.
01:29:07.580 --> 01:29:09.860
So Charles, no statements, questions, please.
01:29:12.140 --> 01:29:15.500
I'm so glad to be speaking with you again.
01:29:16.700 --> 01:29:19.140
In the call from God, I think that's tremendous,
01:29:19.140 --> 01:29:21.700
and I'm in the same place with you there.
01:29:21.700 --> 01:29:24.820
I also believe that we can save ourselves,
01:29:24.820 --> 01:29:27.260
but I think it's a lot bigger count of people
01:29:27.260 --> 01:29:28.780
that we need to be participating
01:29:28.780 --> 01:29:31.340
and that need to get at least into the tens of millions
01:29:31.340 --> 01:29:33.860
to hundreds of millions to be participating.
01:29:35.260 --> 01:29:39.740
Now, you've done an excellent crime scene investigation
01:29:39.740 --> 01:29:43.340
of going through the what's of and the house,
01:29:43.380 --> 01:29:46.700
namely the what being a eugenics foundation theme
01:29:46.700 --> 01:29:48.540
of we need to call the earth,
01:29:48.540 --> 01:29:51.020
and that goes back to the early 1900s,
01:29:51.020 --> 01:29:52.940
even the late 1800s,
01:29:52.940 --> 01:29:55.060
when there was a formal international body
01:29:55.060 --> 01:29:56.940
that was pushing that.
01:29:56.940 --> 01:29:59.580
And with that, we're now seeing the outcome
01:29:59.580 --> 01:30:01.660
of murder and infertility.
01:30:01.660 --> 01:30:05.300
You're seeing the how by using poison
01:30:05.300 --> 01:30:08.020
and mental disease to despair
01:30:08.020 --> 01:30:10.860
as a way of eliminating the population.
01:30:11.860 --> 01:30:14.260
What I'd like to call out is that too often
01:30:14.260 --> 01:30:17.940
we have a tendency to say this is big mob out there
01:30:17.940 --> 01:30:19.700
and it's a giant syndicate,
01:30:19.700 --> 01:30:22.260
but it's being driven at the very top
01:30:22.260 --> 01:30:24.820
by a very small number of elites.
01:30:24.820 --> 01:30:27.580
Those elites do not include the WF,
01:30:27.580 --> 01:30:31.220
the WHO, the farmer CEOs, the head of Hamas
01:30:31.220 --> 01:30:32.540
or the Rothschild family.
01:30:32.540 --> 01:30:35.980
Those are all side players in much lower tiers
01:30:35.980 --> 01:30:38.700
or not even actually involved to any degree.
01:30:38.700 --> 01:30:40.940
This is all being done at the top
01:30:40.940 --> 01:30:45.020
and the team I'm working with has been spending
01:30:45.020 --> 01:30:47.500
an enormous amount of time of documenting that.
01:30:47.500 --> 01:30:51.260
And if you look under my, you'll see the rumble.
01:30:51.260 --> 01:30:53.340
We have a channel, L4A, TV1.
01:30:53.340 --> 01:30:57.500
We have produced two to four hour videos
01:30:57.500 --> 01:31:01.460
for the last 15 weeks to document all of this.
01:31:02.380 --> 01:31:03.940
I haven't been doing much marketing
01:31:03.940 --> 01:31:05.700
because we've been spending all the time
01:31:05.700 --> 01:31:08.140
of getting information.
01:31:08.180 --> 01:31:12.540
So I just, as part of partnering,
01:31:12.540 --> 01:31:15.580
I wanted to make sure that you're aware
01:31:15.580 --> 01:31:17.580
or if you haven't been aware that you are
01:31:17.580 --> 01:31:22.220
that the significant contract out right now beyond
01:31:22.220 --> 01:31:24.940
the David Rockefeller, Alex Rockefeller,
01:31:24.940 --> 01:31:27.660
George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,
01:31:29.260 --> 01:31:31.580
President Joe Biden is a key element
01:31:31.580 --> 01:31:35.660
of their attempt to attack and eliminate people.
01:31:35.660 --> 01:31:39.500
And there is a contract that he has entered
01:31:39.500 --> 01:31:43.220
into with George Soros and the Barack fellas to be paid.
01:31:43.220 --> 01:31:48.220
This is President Biden to be paid $100 million per year
01:31:48.380 --> 01:31:50.940
as part of opening up the borders
01:31:50.940 --> 01:31:54.020
and allowing all of the international effects
01:31:54.020 --> 01:31:57.220
to happen to the US at their will.
01:31:57.220 --> 01:32:01.660
So I'm simply saying that your theme
01:32:01.660 --> 01:32:05.060
around joining together and working as a unit
01:32:05.060 --> 01:32:08.580
and doing that locally, do you have other ideas
01:32:08.580 --> 01:32:10.420
of how we could form that group,
01:32:10.420 --> 01:32:12.620
how we could manage that team
01:32:12.620 --> 01:32:15.460
and do it on a regular basis at least once a week.
01:32:16.380 --> 01:32:19.420
Okay, so thank you, Glenn, there was a comment,
01:32:19.420 --> 01:32:21.900
not interested in comments, questions were tied for time.
01:32:21.900 --> 01:32:25.580
It was a question around organizing a response effort.
01:32:25.580 --> 01:32:26.540
Please let him answer.
01:32:26.540 --> 01:32:27.980
Come on, you took time.
01:32:27.980 --> 01:32:31.780
I'm not, I'm gonna shut up questions, help it.
01:32:31.780 --> 01:32:32.940
All right.
01:32:32.940 --> 01:32:35.500
No, Charles, I did ask a question at the end.
01:32:35.500 --> 01:32:38.460
Okay, is it, I honestly, I'm sure you're right.
01:32:38.460 --> 01:32:42.660
I'm well aware that a very few people are involved.
01:32:42.660 --> 01:32:44.460
Some people have asked me, well,
01:32:44.460 --> 01:32:46.380
if what you're saying is true, half a advisor
01:32:46.380 --> 01:32:47.220
would all know about it.
01:32:47.220 --> 01:32:49.540
I've said, I think at minimum,
01:32:49.540 --> 01:32:51.500
you'd only have to have two people involved.
01:32:51.500 --> 01:32:54.340
The actual person who would do the designing of the mRNA
01:32:54.340 --> 01:32:56.500
and probably the CEO or head of R&D,
01:32:56.500 --> 01:32:58.140
you don't need anybody else.
01:32:58.140 --> 01:33:00.300
So I'm sure most people in Pfizer think
01:33:00.300 --> 01:33:02.660
they've done great work and have saved the world,
01:33:02.660 --> 01:33:05.020
except for the few people who are following me.
01:33:06.020 --> 01:33:09.340
Unfortunately, I haven't been contacted
01:33:09.340 --> 01:33:13.620
by large numbers of former colleagues, which is disappointing.
01:33:13.620 --> 01:33:16.580
In the first year I was written to by 30 colleagues
01:33:16.580 --> 01:33:18.940
who said, can you more or less shut up?
01:33:18.940 --> 01:33:22.260
And I, just very briefly, because it's quite funny.
01:33:22.260 --> 01:33:24.780
And I thought for a day or two and I turned their letter
01:33:24.780 --> 01:33:27.660
because they sent me a physical letter and it all signed it.
01:33:27.660 --> 01:33:31.220
And I wrote back and I said, I thought I'd hired
01:33:31.220 --> 01:33:33.620
cleverly people with stiffer spines.
01:33:33.620 --> 01:33:36.380
Yours sincerely, Dr. Mike Heathen sent it back.
01:33:37.660 --> 01:33:40.140
So, and no one has contacted me since.
01:33:40.140 --> 01:33:42.740
So actually one guy, one guy I work within the biotech
01:33:42.740 --> 01:33:45.300
after leaving Pfizer contacted me to say,
01:33:45.300 --> 01:33:47.220
oh shit, you're absolutely right.
01:33:47.220 --> 01:33:50.060
So I've no idea, Blair and I,
01:33:51.100 --> 01:33:54.900
I've no skills or resources to train me
01:33:54.900 --> 01:33:56.100
to do any of such things.
01:33:56.100 --> 01:33:58.700
We'd be a bit rough getting people who are X-forces
01:33:58.700 --> 01:34:00.940
and I can brief those people.
01:34:00.940 --> 01:34:02.180
I can't do this stuff.
01:34:03.260 --> 01:34:06.180
I can brief those people, but I can't do this stuff.
01:34:07.420 --> 01:34:10.060
So, there's basically two things I can do,
01:34:10.940 --> 01:34:13.020
but I, because I've had the opinion
01:34:13.020 --> 01:34:15.420
that it doesn't much matter who's the who is.
01:34:15.420 --> 01:34:17.540
Sorry, it doesn't matter who's a perpetrator.
01:34:17.540 --> 01:34:19.300
Because I, I'm gonna do something different
01:34:19.300 --> 01:34:21.020
if I learn it is or isn't.
01:34:21.020 --> 01:34:23.100
Person X and the answer is no.
01:34:23.100 --> 01:34:26.860
I can't do anything to the quant family
01:34:26.860 --> 01:34:28.500
if they're involved, I hope they aren't,
01:34:28.500 --> 01:34:30.220
but if they are or aren't,
01:34:30.220 --> 01:34:31.660
I can't do anything different.
01:34:31.660 --> 01:34:33.980
I don't know anyone who could do anything different.
01:34:33.980 --> 01:34:35.300
If I tried to do anything
01:34:35.300 --> 01:34:37.740
that would even smack of doing something different,
01:34:37.740 --> 01:34:39.740
I would be legally arrested.
01:34:39.740 --> 01:34:42.380
So, I don't really know what to do
01:34:42.380 --> 01:34:44.420
with the information you provided me with.
01:34:44.420 --> 01:34:47.140
I'm not the person who can do anything with that.
01:34:47.140 --> 01:34:50.380
I'm a retired, broken, bladded scientist,
01:34:50.380 --> 01:34:52.460
partly living in England and Spain.
01:34:52.460 --> 01:34:54.820
What can I do on that front?
01:34:54.820 --> 01:34:55.780
Someone else can.
01:34:55.780 --> 01:34:58.020
I think there'd be a different group
01:34:58.020 --> 01:35:00.580
of fairly gritty elderly guys.
01:35:00.580 --> 01:35:03.180
You probably could do something, but I'm not it.
01:35:03.180 --> 01:35:06.700
I'm happy to speak to those people at the right time.
01:35:06.700 --> 01:35:07.540
01:35:07.540 --> 01:35:08.380
That's the answer.
01:35:08.380 --> 01:35:09.820
To be next to the witness, Mike.
01:35:09.820 --> 01:35:10.660
01:35:12.380 --> 01:35:14.340
Yeah, hi, Mike.
01:35:14.340 --> 01:35:17.140
Big fan, tremendous honors, nice to meet you.
01:35:18.460 --> 01:35:20.780
I was wondering what your thoughts were
01:35:20.780 --> 01:35:24.660
on this monoclonal quasi vaccine
01:35:24.660 --> 01:35:28.300
that they're pushing on the newborns.
01:35:28.300 --> 01:35:33.300
The Bay Fortis, it's a monoclonal called Nursibimab.
01:35:33.340 --> 01:35:35.500
And since you're a respiratory guy, have you ever?
01:35:35.500 --> 01:35:37.140
I've never heard of it.
01:35:37.140 --> 01:35:38.620
I've never heard of it.
01:35:38.620 --> 01:35:40.780
And before, without even looking at it,
01:35:40.780 --> 01:35:44.220
the answer is no, that's my answer.
01:35:45.100 --> 01:35:45.940
01:35:45.940 --> 01:35:48.660
Well, hey, God bless you, Mike.
01:35:48.660 --> 01:35:50.140
And you are, thank you.
01:35:50.140 --> 01:35:53.860
Protection, a hedge of protection can continue on you.
01:35:53.860 --> 01:35:54.580
Thank you so much.
01:35:54.580 --> 01:35:55.420
God bless you.
01:35:55.420 --> 01:35:56.780
Great, thank you too.
01:35:56.780 --> 01:35:57.620
Thank you.
01:35:57.620 --> 01:35:59.940
Albert is an expert on theirs.
01:35:59.940 --> 01:36:00.460
I know.
01:36:00.460 --> 01:36:01.620
I've seen you work.
01:36:01.620 --> 01:36:02.980
Yeah, okay, thank you.
01:36:02.980 --> 01:36:04.820
Thank you, Albert Anders.
01:36:04.820 --> 01:36:05.580
Keep it short.
01:36:05.580 --> 01:36:06.900
No statements, question.
01:36:08.740 --> 01:36:09.460
Hello, Mike.
01:36:09.460 --> 01:36:10.620
Nice to talk to you.
01:36:10.620 --> 01:36:11.620
And you too.
01:36:13.460 --> 01:36:14.380
Can you hear me?
01:36:14.380 --> 01:36:15.420
Yes, I can.
01:36:15.420 --> 01:36:15.700
01:36:15.700 --> 01:36:16.020
Thank you.
01:36:16.020 --> 01:36:17.180
And everyone.
01:36:17.180 --> 01:36:18.620
Nice to talk to you.
01:36:18.620 --> 01:36:21.020
So I don't want to say a lot.
01:36:21.100 --> 01:36:25.060
I just say that in my research, as you know,
01:36:25.060 --> 01:36:28.860
we have been in contact, there is quite likely
01:36:28.860 --> 01:36:32.380
that we have been all deceived to believe
01:36:32.380 --> 01:36:39.860
that this am RNA and this lipid nanoparticle is what it's,
01:36:39.860 --> 01:36:42.620
but they say it is, and I'm not saying it is not,
01:36:42.620 --> 01:36:46.940
but there is something magnetic in these jobs.
01:36:46.940 --> 01:36:51.580
And we have found that there is graphene metals
01:36:51.580 --> 01:36:56.420
and these LNP transforms to become hydrogel.
01:36:56.420 --> 01:36:59.940
And these kind of goes together and they crystallize this.
01:36:59.940 --> 01:37:05.180
And you have antennas and you have an EMF event in the body.
01:37:05.180 --> 01:37:07.060
And I don't need to preach on that,
01:37:07.060 --> 01:37:09.780
but let's say I will just say you are most likely aware
01:37:09.780 --> 01:37:16.900
of Dr. Ana Mihalsia, who has been doing a good blog
01:37:17.060 --> 01:37:21.020
analysis to confirm that this is the case.
01:37:21.020 --> 01:37:28.620
So I think I will just say I don't know anything
01:37:28.620 --> 01:37:30.740
about the sort of EMF side.
01:37:30.740 --> 01:37:34.020
And I'm not going to dismiss it, but I'm
01:37:34.020 --> 01:37:36.780
going to tell you right now, I don't even
01:37:36.780 --> 01:37:41.180
have school level knowledge of the kind of physics involved.
01:37:41.180 --> 01:37:44.220
So I'm not going to be the right person to work through.
01:37:44.220 --> 01:37:46.220
I do not have.
01:37:46.220 --> 01:37:49.340
And what does it have that Clint Eastwood said,
01:37:49.340 --> 01:37:51.620
man's got to know his limitations.
01:37:51.620 --> 01:37:53.380
I'm not against you.
01:37:53.380 --> 01:37:54.900
I don't know anything about it.
01:37:54.900 --> 01:37:56.980
And there's no chance that I'm going
01:37:56.980 --> 01:38:00.340
to become sufficiently knowledgeable to be an advocate.
01:38:00.340 --> 01:38:01.780
So I'm not your enemy.
01:38:01.780 --> 01:38:03.260
I cannot be an advocate.
01:38:03.260 --> 01:38:05.660
I'm just way off the pace.
01:38:05.660 --> 01:38:09.020
That's my honest opinion of myself.
01:38:09.020 --> 01:38:11.900
OK, so I fully understand your decisions.
01:38:11.900 --> 01:38:13.900
So I'm saying anything against it.
01:38:14.380 --> 01:38:16.340
I'm not saying anything against it.
01:38:16.340 --> 01:38:19.060
I just know so little.
01:38:19.060 --> 01:38:21.420
I'm just massively off the pace.
01:38:21.420 --> 01:38:24.500
Really, it's I'm very narrow.
01:38:24.500 --> 01:38:26.060
I know all about a spider's behind,
01:38:26.060 --> 01:38:28.020
but nothing about butterflies.
01:38:28.020 --> 01:38:31.700
So that's my problem.
01:38:31.700 --> 01:38:36.380
OK, no, I will just say that it would be very good for all
01:38:36.380 --> 01:38:40.580
of you to see the research of the doctor
01:38:40.580 --> 01:38:44.220
on Maria Mihathea, because she has really found something
01:38:44.220 --> 01:38:46.060
outside the box.
01:38:46.060 --> 01:38:48.660
And that will reveal something.
01:38:48.660 --> 01:38:50.980
So I don't need to ask questions.
01:38:50.980 --> 01:38:52.780
My questions are about IV.
01:38:52.780 --> 01:38:54.500
So I will stop it there.
01:38:54.500 --> 01:38:54.980
Thank you.
01:38:54.980 --> 01:38:55.580
Thank you, Anders.
01:38:55.580 --> 01:38:58.540
And Edna Mihathea has presented to this group as well, Anders.
01:38:58.540 --> 01:39:01.300
01:39:01.300 --> 01:39:02.060
Thank you very much.
01:39:02.060 --> 01:39:05.580
Great presentation.
01:39:05.580 --> 01:39:07.900
Plausible deniability, making sure
01:39:07.900 --> 01:39:12.420
that these bad actors don't have plausible deniability.
01:39:12.420 --> 01:39:17.340
We brought this information about our medications being
01:39:17.340 --> 01:39:20.020
made in China to our Department of Defense.
01:39:20.020 --> 01:39:24.340
They were all very interested in June of 2019.
01:39:24.340 --> 01:39:28.540
In January of 2020, and March of 2020,
01:39:28.540 --> 01:39:31.420
when we told them the antidote might be hydroxychloroquine
01:39:31.420 --> 01:39:34.620
or chloroquine, they may not have been as interested.
01:39:34.620 --> 01:39:37.340
And we have documentation that shows
01:39:37.340 --> 01:39:41.660
that we brought this to as high a level as the joint chiefs,
01:39:41.660 --> 01:39:44.900
notifying them that it was likely that hydroxychloroquine
01:39:44.900 --> 01:39:49.100
or chloroquine would provide tea cell immunity
01:39:49.100 --> 01:39:51.420
because it would prevent the initial binding of the ACE2
01:39:51.420 --> 01:39:51.940
01:39:54.740 --> 01:39:57.380
There has now been a movie of broken truth
01:39:57.380 --> 01:40:00.940
or epidemic of fraud is put out showing
01:40:00.940 --> 01:40:05.700
that hydroxychloroquine was meaningfully withheld.
01:40:05.740 --> 01:40:09.260
Not only this year, but not only in this pandemic,
01:40:09.260 --> 01:40:13.300
but since 1600 as a weapon of war.
01:40:13.300 --> 01:40:17.420
Can you provide, and I'll give you that evidence if you have it,
01:40:17.420 --> 01:40:19.420
if you haven't already seen epidemic of fraud,
01:40:19.420 --> 01:40:24.740
Didier Raul is promoting the movie now.
01:40:24.740 --> 01:40:28.180
Do you have evidence that shows that if we had all
01:40:28.180 --> 01:40:31.540
been able to get hydroxychloroquine as a preventative
01:40:31.540 --> 01:40:36.580
or low dose before this pandemic was started,
01:40:36.580 --> 01:40:40.220
like in 2020 or 2019, that we could have
01:40:40.220 --> 01:40:43.860
all developed tea cell immunity and not had this immunocompromise
01:40:43.860 --> 01:40:47.500
and immunogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,
01:40:47.500 --> 01:40:50.620
whether it be an original virus form or vaccine form.
01:40:50.620 --> 01:40:51.300
Thank you.
01:40:51.300 --> 01:40:55.580
So Jim, yes, there definitely was manipulation
01:40:55.580 --> 01:40:57.780
of availability of certain drugs.
01:40:57.780 --> 01:41:02.140
And early in 2020, I thought, as most people did,
01:41:02.140 --> 01:41:05.740
that the authorities were doing their best
01:41:05.740 --> 01:41:12.380
to make sure that there were not alternatives to the vaccines.
01:41:12.380 --> 01:41:15.020
Now, personally, you've heard Stephen Frost
01:41:15.020 --> 01:41:18.020
and I had an exchange.
01:41:18.020 --> 01:41:21.180
The male may not have been, I don't think it was a virus,
01:41:21.180 --> 01:41:22.740
but I don't want to die in a ditch over it.
01:41:22.740 --> 01:41:24.300
There wasn't a public health emergency.
01:41:24.300 --> 01:41:26.100
There was not a pandemic.
01:41:26.100 --> 01:41:30.180
So in a sense, I don't think I can answer your question
01:41:30.180 --> 01:41:32.140
because I don't think there was a pandemic.
01:41:32.140 --> 01:41:34.780
What's their spike protein?
01:41:34.780 --> 01:41:36.780
I don't know.
01:41:36.780 --> 01:41:40.020
I don't think it's necessary that there was something,
01:41:40.020 --> 01:41:43.500
but I know some of my colleagues think
01:41:43.500 --> 01:41:46.580
that there was a locally released poison of some kind.
01:41:46.580 --> 01:41:48.660
The problem with these things is that they're not
01:41:48.660 --> 01:41:50.660
provable or false or viable.
01:41:50.660 --> 01:41:53.820
That is, you reach a position where you realise
01:41:53.820 --> 01:41:58.300
that you dig and dig and dig and you can't reach your conclusion.
01:41:58.300 --> 01:42:01.380
And I have to say, folks, if you get to that position
01:42:01.380 --> 01:42:04.580
where logically you can't get to a defensive position,
01:42:04.580 --> 01:42:05.860
please stop.
01:42:05.860 --> 01:42:08.020
You're just going to weigh yourself out.
01:42:08.020 --> 01:42:10.740
Or for example, if people on either side of a debate
01:42:10.740 --> 01:42:14.100
don't agree the terms of debate, you must stop
01:42:14.100 --> 01:42:16.300
because you're just going to bash each other's death
01:42:16.300 --> 01:42:19.220
whilst allowing the perpetrators to win.
01:42:19.220 --> 01:42:20.140
Pick a different path.
01:42:20.140 --> 01:42:23.460
So Jim, I don't think it was a pandemic.
01:42:23.460 --> 01:42:27.300
They definitely did meaningfully withhold drugs
01:42:27.300 --> 01:42:29.020
that have been in use for a long period of time.
01:42:29.020 --> 01:42:30.500
And I think that was bad.
01:42:30.500 --> 01:42:34.340
I don't know how meaningful that was in terms of people's illness,
01:42:34.340 --> 01:42:36.620
but it definitely was a strong,
01:42:36.620 --> 01:42:38.820
defensive force in terms of bringing out
01:42:38.820 --> 01:42:42.900
the these, I think, intentional poisons the so-called vaccine.
01:42:42.900 --> 01:42:46.940
So, you know, for whatever reason they did it,
01:42:46.940 --> 01:42:50.540
whether it was because it would have allowed people to treat themselves
01:42:50.540 --> 01:42:54.540
or it was just to create their fear, I don't know.
01:42:54.540 --> 01:42:56.820
And they did do it.
01:42:56.820 --> 01:43:01.020
So what I'm saying, I don't think there's a solution to say,
01:43:01.020 --> 01:43:03.620
ah, if we could have had this, it would have all been no problem
01:43:03.620 --> 01:43:05.700
because I think if we hadn't done any bloody testing,
01:43:05.700 --> 01:43:07.420
there wouldn't have been a pandemic.
01:43:07.420 --> 01:43:08.540
So I don't think there was one.
01:43:08.540 --> 01:43:11.500
I think it was, I think it was lies, propaganda,
01:43:11.500 --> 01:43:13.940
and a rotten piece, you know, a useless,
01:43:13.940 --> 01:43:16.740
bad use of Kerry Mullis' technique
01:43:16.740 --> 01:43:19.700
to make people think that there were infections where there weren't.
01:43:19.700 --> 01:43:21.900
That's my opinion. I can't prove it.
01:43:21.900 --> 01:43:23.460
And that's why I didn't talk about it.
01:43:23.460 --> 01:43:26.020
I said, there wasn't a public health emergency
01:43:26.020 --> 01:43:30.620
and people have been jabbed with things that are definitely designed to injure and kill.
01:43:30.620 --> 01:43:33.380
Then I don't need to be in dispute with anybody.
01:43:33.380 --> 01:43:34.660
I don't think, anyway.
01:43:34.660 --> 01:43:36.940
So I probably didn't give you a great answer,
01:43:36.940 --> 01:43:40.740
but it's because I've got a slightly different perspective on what happened.
01:43:40.740 --> 01:43:42.020
So, OK, thank you very much.
01:43:42.020 --> 01:43:44.780
And can you tell what would people were dying up in the hospitals
01:43:44.780 --> 01:43:46.700
or was it just a recognition like that?
01:43:46.700 --> 01:43:50.020
No, I think they're being killed.
01:43:50.020 --> 01:43:55.220
Honestly, just in one minute,
01:43:55.220 --> 01:43:59.340
in hospitals, there were internationally, a change in medical procedure.
01:43:59.340 --> 01:44:01.700
You do not ventilate people.
01:44:01.700 --> 01:44:04.340
You've not saved sedate, intubate, and ventilate people
01:44:04.340 --> 01:44:07.620
with an open airway that's not obstructed,
01:44:07.620 --> 01:44:09.300
and they do not have an injured chest wall.
01:44:09.300 --> 01:44:10.300
Correct, Stephen?
01:44:10.300 --> 01:44:11.180
Why would you do that?
01:44:11.180 --> 01:44:13.460
These people can ventilate on their own.
01:44:13.460 --> 01:44:15.620
If they need an oxygen, you give them an oxygen mask.
01:44:15.620 --> 01:44:19.180
You do not sedate, intubate, and ventilate.
01:44:19.180 --> 01:44:22.220
That's a great procedure if you can't breathe.
01:44:22.220 --> 01:44:25.380
It's a terrible procedure if you were a vulnerable person.
01:44:25.380 --> 01:44:26.980
That will lead rapidly to death.
01:44:26.980 --> 01:44:28.460
I do know a lot about that.
01:44:28.460 --> 01:44:31.260
That is something we did in my form of research.
01:44:31.260 --> 01:44:33.420
They were murdered in the hospital, Jim,
01:44:33.420 --> 01:44:35.700
and then people were given rendizivia.
01:44:35.700 --> 01:44:37.180
They were now sedated.
01:44:37.180 --> 01:44:39.220
They were not given treatments, and they just died.
01:44:39.220 --> 01:44:42.460
They were murdered by bloody doctors and hospitals.
01:44:42.460 --> 01:44:44.660
In the care homes, they were given
01:44:44.660 --> 01:44:46.660
my dasalam and morphine,
01:44:46.660 --> 01:44:49.300
designed to help them pass without suffering.
01:44:49.300 --> 01:44:52.340
Those are two components of the lethal injection
01:44:52.340 --> 01:44:53.980
used in some of the U.S. states.
01:44:53.980 --> 01:44:58.900
My PhD was in the effect of opiates on respiratory reflexes.
01:44:58.900 --> 01:45:01.980
Opiates depressed the respiratory drive,
01:45:01.980 --> 01:45:03.500
as does my dasalam.
01:45:03.500 --> 01:45:05.340
In fact, they are synergistic.
01:45:05.340 --> 01:45:08.620
So in care homes, in my country,
01:45:08.620 --> 01:45:12.340
people not even qualified to put a plaster on people,
01:45:12.380 --> 01:45:16.100
were invited and some did pick up syringes
01:45:16.100 --> 01:45:18.860
and jabbed to their elderly charges
01:45:18.860 --> 01:45:21.580
with high doses of my dasalam and morphine
01:45:21.580 --> 01:45:24.660
and came back later and put them in a body bag.
01:45:24.660 --> 01:45:27.220
They were murdered on mass, Jim,
01:45:27.220 --> 01:45:29.740
and in the community,
01:45:29.740 --> 01:45:33.060
doctors like my runny family doctor,
01:45:34.060 --> 01:45:36.220
I want to say rude words at this point.
01:45:36.220 --> 01:45:38.980
She was told, oh, we were told this is a virus
01:45:38.980 --> 01:45:41.180
and not to prescribe antibiotics.
01:45:41.220 --> 01:45:43.460
Huge numbers of people died in the community,
01:45:43.460 --> 01:45:46.340
even young people of bacterial pneumonia
01:45:46.340 --> 01:45:48.580
or whatever that was.
01:45:48.580 --> 01:45:50.500
So they were murdered, Jim.
01:45:50.500 --> 01:45:53.300
You don't need to, if there wasn't a new disease,
01:45:53.300 --> 01:45:55.660
they were just murdered in hospitals,
01:45:55.660 --> 01:45:58.700
care homes and the community in the ways I've just described.
01:45:58.700 --> 01:46:00.420
That's not in dispute.
01:46:00.420 --> 01:46:02.140
That was solved in 2020.
01:46:03.180 --> 01:46:04.020
That's horrifying.
01:46:04.020 --> 01:46:07.620
If you didn't know that, you're probably absolutely horrified.
01:46:07.660 --> 01:46:11.340
I met my wife's family doctor in the supermarket
01:46:11.340 --> 01:46:13.020
just before Christmas,
01:46:13.020 --> 01:46:14.860
and I veered away from her.
01:46:14.860 --> 01:46:16.300
My wife says, come and have a word.
01:46:16.300 --> 01:46:18.540
I said, don't dare speak to her.
01:46:18.540 --> 01:46:20.300
Anyway, I spoke to her and she said,
01:46:20.300 --> 01:46:22.420
she said to me, oh, Mike Eden,
01:46:22.420 --> 01:46:23.820
I've been following your work.
01:46:23.820 --> 01:46:25.620
I nearly bloody strangled her.
01:46:25.620 --> 01:46:28.500
And I've said, are you still injecting people
01:46:28.500 --> 01:46:29.340
with that stuff?
01:46:29.340 --> 01:46:31.460
She said, I'm only one of five people in the practice.
01:46:31.460 --> 01:46:33.540
My voice doesn't count for anything.
01:46:33.540 --> 01:46:35.500
I said, you're murdering people.
01:46:35.500 --> 01:46:38.180
I just kind of just looked wincing and walked off
01:46:38.180 --> 01:46:40.340
and got in her brand new German car.
01:46:40.340 --> 01:46:43.180
It's like, there are people in our community
01:46:43.180 --> 01:46:45.820
who are as bad as the good Germans in Germany.
01:46:45.820 --> 01:46:46.940
I've just met one.
01:46:48.020 --> 01:46:49.180
Well, that's what happened, Jim.
01:46:49.180 --> 01:46:50.700
There wasn't an illness.
01:46:50.700 --> 01:46:52.020
There was not a new illness.
01:46:52.020 --> 01:46:53.860
In my, they minded poisons
01:46:53.860 --> 01:46:55.580
and people in New York and Bergamo.
01:46:55.580 --> 01:46:57.300
I'm not even persuaded of that,
01:46:57.300 --> 01:46:59.140
but if that's true, then it's true.
01:46:59.140 --> 01:47:00.500
But anywhere, everywhere else,
01:47:00.500 --> 01:47:03.180
nothing happened except propaganda,
01:47:03.180 --> 01:47:07.860
lies, rotten tests, and then murderous procedures.
01:47:07.860 --> 01:47:08.940
That's what happened.
01:47:08.940 --> 01:47:10.700
That's a pandemic.
01:47:10.700 --> 01:47:15.300
Our doctors murdered our colleagues and our parents
01:47:15.300 --> 01:47:16.740
and they're still doing it.
01:47:18.180 --> 01:47:20.100
Beautifully said. Thank you, Jim.
01:47:20.100 --> 01:47:21.900
They're still doing it.
01:47:21.900 --> 01:47:22.980
They are.
01:47:22.980 --> 01:47:24.900
Okay, you're doing very well, Mike.
01:47:24.900 --> 01:47:25.900
We've got four hands up
01:47:25.900 --> 01:47:27.300
and then Steven, last couple of questions.
01:47:27.300 --> 01:47:28.300
We've got 20 minutes to go.
01:47:28.300 --> 01:47:29.740
You okay for 20 minutes, Mike?
01:47:30.820 --> 01:47:31.660
I can just do it.
01:47:31.660 --> 01:47:33.140
I'm starting to get in pain.
01:47:33.140 --> 01:47:34.100
Yeah, good. Okay.
01:47:34.100 --> 01:47:35.260
We'll be quick.
01:47:35.260 --> 01:47:37.460
Okay, everyone, questions and Mike's answers.
01:47:37.460 --> 01:47:38.300
01:47:43.460 --> 01:47:45.420
Janet is trying to unmute, I hope.
01:47:47.700 --> 01:47:48.740
We'll come back to Janet.
01:47:48.740 --> 01:47:50.580
Keep, don't keep you waiting.
01:47:50.580 --> 01:47:53.060
Emmanuel, who presented to us last week, Mike.
01:47:53.060 --> 01:47:53.580
I hear she answered.
01:47:53.580 --> 01:47:58.220
Hello, I found myself.
01:47:58.220 --> 01:47:59.380
Okay, come on.
01:47:59.380 --> 01:48:00.380
Okay, yeah.
01:48:00.380 --> 01:48:02.140
Just a couple of
01:48:02.140 --> 01:48:04.340
fairly short questions.
01:48:04.340 --> 01:48:07.940
Going back to toxicology,
01:48:07.940 --> 01:48:10.420
I understand that the toxicity of remdesivir
01:48:10.420 --> 01:48:12.260
was already known before COVID,
01:48:12.260 --> 01:48:14.260
yet it was still recommended.
01:48:14.260 --> 01:48:15.180
01:48:15.180 --> 01:48:17.220
So my question is, what is the mechanism
01:48:17.220 --> 01:48:18.940
of its toxicity
01:48:18.940 --> 01:48:21.780
and was it also deliberately used to damage people?
01:48:22.980 --> 01:48:26.700
And my second question is about the AstraZeneca.
01:48:26.700 --> 01:48:28.500
I understand that the AstraZeneca vaccine
01:48:28.500 --> 01:48:30.900
was stopped from being used.
01:48:30.900 --> 01:48:31.860
Is that correct?
01:48:31.860 --> 01:48:33.260
And why did that happen?
01:48:33.260 --> 01:48:35.620
Yeah, so remdesivir,
01:48:35.620 --> 01:48:39.780
my understanding is that it lowers renal function.
01:48:39.780 --> 01:48:42.620
I don't actually know how it does that.
01:48:42.620 --> 01:48:43.740
I haven't looked, to be honest.
01:48:43.740 --> 01:48:45.140
It might be known.
01:48:45.140 --> 01:48:47.820
And so here's my ghastly thought.
01:48:47.820 --> 01:48:50.980
And this came to mind after John Oluni,
01:48:53.980 --> 01:48:56.460
a funeral director in England.
01:48:56.500 --> 01:48:59.700
And he told me that he was receiving
01:48:59.700 --> 01:49:01.900
the deceased from hospital.
01:49:01.900 --> 01:49:04.060
And they were in body bags.
01:49:04.060 --> 01:49:06.540
And he said, when I opened the body bags,
01:49:06.540 --> 01:49:07.780
it's full of fluid.
01:49:07.780 --> 01:49:09.860
And I've never seen this before.
01:49:09.860 --> 01:49:11.820
And I said, what about people from care homes?
01:49:11.820 --> 01:49:12.660
He said, no.
01:49:13.580 --> 01:49:15.340
And so here's my thought.
01:49:15.340 --> 01:49:16.820
They were given remdesivir
01:49:16.820 --> 01:49:20.500
intravenously in hospital or equivalent drugs,
01:49:20.500 --> 01:49:24.220
which lowered their ability to clear fluid from their body
01:49:24.260 --> 01:49:27.260
because it reduced bomerular filtration rate.
01:49:27.260 --> 01:49:29.380
And they maintained them on drips.
01:49:29.380 --> 01:49:33.380
And they just died from hyperthalemic shock.
01:49:33.380 --> 01:49:37.140
And then remember, they were already sedated and ventilated.
01:49:37.140 --> 01:49:41.580
So if I was murderous fauci,
01:49:41.580 --> 01:49:43.180
that's all I would need.
01:49:43.180 --> 01:49:45.700
I'll get them in hospital.
01:49:45.700 --> 01:49:47.140
They're sedated and ventilated.
01:49:47.140 --> 01:49:48.460
Be on a drip.
01:49:48.460 --> 01:49:50.940
Okay, what do I need to do is knock them out of kilter.
01:49:50.940 --> 01:49:52.540
It's like reduced GFR.
01:49:52.580 --> 01:49:54.020
That'll do.
01:49:54.020 --> 01:49:55.660
Stick them on remdesivir.
01:49:55.660 --> 01:49:57.580
They'll be dead in a week.
01:49:57.580 --> 01:49:59.340
So I think that's what they did.
01:49:59.340 --> 01:50:00.500
Yes, it was known.
01:50:00.500 --> 01:50:02.060
There might be other toxicities.
01:50:02.060 --> 01:50:05.140
It looks a horribly toxic drug, be honest.
01:50:05.140 --> 01:50:06.980
The AstraZeneca drug,
01:50:06.980 --> 01:50:07.820
I always thought,
01:50:07.820 --> 01:50:09.380
even before it was approved,
01:50:09.380 --> 01:50:13.100
I had this instinct that it was a sacrificial offering
01:50:13.100 --> 01:50:14.420
along with the J&J.
01:50:15.540 --> 01:50:16.620
I have a reason for that,
01:50:16.620 --> 01:50:19.020
but I think they were particularly nasty.
01:50:19.020 --> 01:50:22.020
These are allegedly DNA vaccines
01:50:22.020 --> 01:50:25.020
that were not delivered on lipid nanoparticles.
01:50:25.020 --> 01:50:26.740
And I don't know.
01:50:26.740 --> 01:50:27.940
I probably could think of it,
01:50:27.940 --> 01:50:29.220
but I can't think of it right now.
01:50:29.220 --> 01:50:30.540
But I remember saying to my wife,
01:50:30.540 --> 01:50:33.300
then those things are so horrible
01:50:33.300 --> 01:50:34.740
that they're going to get withdrawn
01:50:34.740 --> 01:50:38.780
and it's going to create an open field
01:50:38.780 --> 01:50:40.180
for the mRNA products,
01:50:40.180 --> 01:50:42.980
which in my opinion are all Pfizer.
01:50:42.980 --> 01:50:45.820
I think Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna.
01:50:45.820 --> 01:50:49.900
I think they're all funded by military,
01:50:49.900 --> 01:50:51.980
basically DARPA,
01:50:51.980 --> 01:50:55.740
which I think is like CIA, Black Ops money,
01:50:55.740 --> 01:51:00.100
DARPA, Defense, Project Research, whatever it is.
01:51:00.100 --> 01:51:02.140
I vaguely began aware
01:51:02.140 --> 01:51:03.580
during my 10 years of consulting,
01:51:03.580 --> 01:51:06.060
most of which was in the Boston area.
01:51:06.060 --> 01:51:07.820
Boston is the biggest concentration
01:51:07.820 --> 01:51:10.180
of private biomedical funding.
01:51:10.180 --> 01:51:14.460
So venture capitalists spend money on people
01:51:14.460 --> 01:51:16.780
who turn up and pitch a good story.
01:51:16.780 --> 01:51:19.660
I got most of my next round of funding from there,
01:51:19.660 --> 01:51:21.660
but there's loads of funny-looking biotechs
01:51:21.660 --> 01:51:23.780
that just set back from the road.
01:51:23.780 --> 01:51:25.420
You write the names down and do some good.
01:51:25.420 --> 01:51:26.660
You nearly always find out
01:51:26.660 --> 01:51:29.180
that their principal funder is DARPA.
01:51:29.180 --> 01:51:32.700
And I think they are CIA labs.
01:51:32.700 --> 01:51:34.100
I think that's what they are.
01:51:36.900 --> 01:51:38.740
And so I think this,
01:51:38.740 --> 01:51:43.740
I think the drug companies are clearly guilty as hell.
01:51:44.900 --> 01:51:47.260
I think their main role in this crime
01:51:47.260 --> 01:51:50.980
has been to white label products made by other people.
01:51:50.980 --> 01:51:55.980
I think they've probably been made in deep state labs
01:51:56.340 --> 01:51:59.060
and then they've been rubber stamped by a couple of companies.
01:51:59.060 --> 01:52:01.700
And I think AstraZeneca and J&J were used as,
01:52:03.340 --> 01:52:05.180
I think they were used to provide evidence
01:52:05.180 --> 01:52:06.620
that others have used against me.
01:52:06.620 --> 01:52:09.140
They've said, the regulators are very good, you know.
01:52:09.140 --> 01:52:11.260
They remove the dangerous products.
01:52:11.260 --> 01:52:13.660
The AstraZeneca was withdrawn.
01:52:13.660 --> 01:52:16.820
That shows that they are able to withdraw dangerous products.
01:52:16.820 --> 01:52:18.900
It's like, yeah, but I knew they were going to do that
01:52:18.900 --> 01:52:21.540
because it was obviously more toxic.
01:52:21.540 --> 01:52:24.860
The other reason I thought that is the stupid woman
01:52:24.860 --> 01:52:28.500
that was allegedly its inventor who got a dame hook
01:52:28.500 --> 01:52:33.220
and was given a round of applause at Wimbledon in 2021.
01:52:33.220 --> 01:52:34.420
I did a bit of research on her,
01:52:34.420 --> 01:52:36.900
and she's a really stupid person.
01:52:36.900 --> 01:52:38.340
And everyone hates her.
01:52:38.340 --> 01:52:41.060
She never hires clever people because she's so insecure.
01:52:42.020 --> 01:52:45.820
Anyway, so I thought it was a sacrificial product
01:52:45.820 --> 01:52:48.260
and then it went with J&J,
01:52:48.260 --> 01:52:50.340
I don't know how it came about,
01:52:50.340 --> 01:52:51.860
but by amazing coincidence,
01:52:51.860 --> 01:52:54.860
the person who was notionally in charge of it
01:52:54.860 --> 01:52:58.140
was a man I had worked with 10 years previously.
01:52:58.140 --> 01:53:01.340
And when his company, Johnson Johnson launched the product,
01:53:01.340 --> 01:53:04.700
I wrote to him to say, methan, methanaman,
01:53:04.700 --> 01:53:08.540
you are standing astrider product that's going to kill people.
01:53:08.540 --> 01:53:13.540
And we had a conversation by email and then he went dark
01:53:13.860 --> 01:53:16.380
and about three months later resigned
01:53:16.380 --> 01:53:18.180
with no reason given.
01:53:18.180 --> 01:53:21.620
No one ever leaves an executive vice president position
01:53:21.620 --> 01:53:23.820
from a big drug company without a reason
01:53:23.820 --> 01:53:26.060
because most of their payment,
01:53:26.060 --> 01:53:28.900
most of their compensation is deferred.
01:53:28.900 --> 01:53:32.140
Stock options restricted stock units and cash.
01:53:32.140 --> 01:53:34.580
And I think he left $10 million behind.
01:53:35.740 --> 01:53:38.220
And I think he left because I drew his attention
01:53:38.220 --> 01:53:39.980
to something he did not realize.
01:53:41.140 --> 01:53:43.380
And that drug was withdrawn from the market.
01:53:43.380 --> 01:53:46.820
Both of the DNA products came and went.
01:53:46.820 --> 01:53:50.500
Anyway, I can't prove any of this stuff
01:53:50.500 --> 01:53:52.140
and it doesn't matter if I'm right or not.
01:53:52.140 --> 01:53:56.020
The design of them is to injure and kill.
01:53:56.020 --> 01:54:01.020
But I've come to believe that they've just been shopfronts
01:54:01.020 --> 01:54:03.500
for stuff that was going on in the background.
01:54:03.500 --> 01:54:06.140
So, because they're bad people,
01:54:07.100 --> 01:54:09.140
those enterprises,
01:54:09.140 --> 01:54:13.300
that the money, if you've got guns, money, intelligence,
01:54:13.300 --> 01:54:17.180
it's just the most powerful force which you've used for bad,
01:54:17.180 --> 01:54:22.180
which it is, it creates this nexus which is foul.
01:54:23.260 --> 01:54:27.300
There's no need to widen the net further
01:54:27.300 --> 01:54:30.620
and say get some bad actors in four drug companies.
01:54:30.620 --> 01:54:34.380
You just need them to put their labels on it and shut up.
01:54:34.380 --> 01:54:36.660
And I think that's probably what they've done.
01:54:36.660 --> 01:54:39.260
Michael, what was the name of the woman?
01:54:40.940 --> 01:54:43.620
I will be able to find it because she got a dame hood.
01:54:43.620 --> 01:54:45.620
And so she's the AstraZeneca woman.
01:54:45.620 --> 01:54:48.580
I know someone who knows her and she's not very clever.
01:54:49.740 --> 01:54:50.900
But that doesn't really matter.
01:54:50.900 --> 01:54:55.580
I don't think her product was ever intended to be important
01:54:55.580 --> 01:54:56.940
and I don't think it has been.
01:54:56.940 --> 01:54:59.220
I think if you look at the five,
01:54:59.220 --> 01:55:02.900
I think it's 5.4 billion humans have been injected.
01:55:04.540 --> 01:55:07.340
I think of the gene-based vaccines
01:55:07.340 --> 01:55:08.900
because I have no idea really what's happening
01:55:08.900 --> 01:55:10.060
in the other parts of the world.
01:55:10.060 --> 01:55:12.020
In fact, don't really know anything, remember.
01:55:12.020 --> 01:55:13.380
They're lying to us.
01:55:13.380 --> 01:55:15.020
Everything is unknown.
01:55:15.020 --> 01:55:17.460
Everything's untrustworthy unless you can verify it.
01:55:17.460 --> 01:55:19.340
But I think the vast majority of people
01:55:19.340 --> 01:55:21.140
have been injected with the mRNA products
01:55:21.140 --> 01:55:23.740
and I think that was always the intention.
01:55:23.740 --> 01:55:26.820
And furthermore, when you look around the world now,
01:55:28.340 --> 01:55:30.900
you find announcement after announcement in country
01:55:30.900 --> 01:55:34.820
after country of Pfizer and Moderna opening
01:55:34.820 --> 01:55:39.820
new factories to make mRNA vaccines, they say,
01:55:40.180 --> 01:55:42.980
well, I've just told you that all of them
01:55:42.980 --> 01:55:45.420
will be automatically toxic
01:55:45.420 --> 01:55:48.500
because they will induce autoimmune response
01:55:48.500 --> 01:55:52.620
to your body making non-self, non-human protein.
01:55:52.620 --> 01:55:54.820
Why are all these countries doing it?
01:55:54.820 --> 01:55:57.540
Because they're all part of it that they probably
01:55:57.540 --> 01:55:59.220
don't know what they're doing, most of them.
01:55:59.220 --> 01:56:02.860
But I'm saying that the whoever is forcing this is now,
01:56:02.860 --> 01:56:06.580
what do you think is going to happen to all the vaccines
01:56:06.580 --> 01:56:08.540
that they're making is my question?
01:56:08.540 --> 01:56:10.460
And so they're going to be put into people's arms
01:56:10.460 --> 01:56:11.540
if we don't stop them.
01:56:12.580 --> 01:56:14.780
They're going to be put into people's arms
01:56:14.780 --> 01:56:16.620
if we don't stop them.
01:56:16.620 --> 01:56:18.940
And if you have multiple doses, you will die.
01:56:20.060 --> 01:56:20.900
01:56:20.900 --> 01:56:22.540
And so that's what I think will happen.
01:56:22.540 --> 01:56:24.100
So we need to stop them.
01:56:24.100 --> 01:56:24.940
We do.
01:56:24.940 --> 01:56:25.780
Thank you, Janet.
01:56:25.780 --> 01:56:27.060
We've got three questions to go then,
01:56:27.060 --> 01:56:28.300
Stephen, to finish.
01:56:28.300 --> 01:56:30.820
Emmanuel, who spoke to us last week, Mike.
01:56:31.900 --> 01:56:32.940
Yeah, thank you.
01:56:32.940 --> 01:56:35.420
Thank you, Dr. Aiden, for a superb presentation.
01:56:35.420 --> 01:56:38.420
It's really a privilege to hear you.
01:56:38.420 --> 01:56:40.020
I have two questions.
01:56:40.020 --> 01:56:44.380
One, how dependent was the Pfizer jab
01:56:44.380 --> 01:56:49.180
on being kept at subfreezing temperatures to be dangerous?
01:56:49.180 --> 01:56:52.260
And then second, you know, there was an agreement
01:56:52.260 --> 01:56:54.580
between Pfizer and New Zealand,
01:56:54.580 --> 01:56:56.580
which was one of the most difficult countries
01:56:56.580 --> 01:57:00.340
to be in during the COVID operation,
01:57:00.340 --> 01:57:02.380
the lockdowns, et cetera.
01:57:02.380 --> 01:57:05.620
And yet, and the government will not release
01:57:05.620 --> 01:57:09.340
that agreement made with Pfizer.
01:57:09.340 --> 01:57:11.860
Do you think there's anything in that agreement
01:57:11.860 --> 01:57:16.860
that would help to galvanize the normies, as it were,
01:57:17.500 --> 01:57:20.620
who can't really contend with this tremendous...
01:57:20.620 --> 01:57:24.420
Yeah, so the second part first,
01:57:25.300 --> 01:57:27.980
I can't remember who it is.
01:57:27.980 --> 01:57:29.820
There were so many people rising.
01:57:29.820 --> 01:57:32.460
But I know some people have got hold of,
01:57:32.460 --> 01:57:33.980
oh, yes, it's my friend,
01:57:33.980 --> 01:57:37.060
retired policeman from England, Mark Sexton.
01:57:37.060 --> 01:57:42.060
I think he's got three country contracts
01:57:43.540 --> 01:57:47.860
between country X, Y and Z, and Pfizer, I think.
01:57:47.860 --> 01:57:50.380
And he said that he's not a legal scholar,
01:57:50.380 --> 01:57:53.100
but he said reading, they look fundamentally the same.
01:57:54.100 --> 01:57:56.660
And so, you know, I don't know, it was the answer,
01:57:56.660 --> 01:58:00.220
by definition, I don't know what's in what we haven't seen,
01:58:00.220 --> 01:58:02.820
but they're definitely abusive contracts.
01:58:02.820 --> 01:58:07.740
I mean, I did have nothing to do with selling vaccines,
01:58:07.740 --> 01:58:11.140
but I know what a Pfizer, what boilerplate language,
01:58:11.140 --> 01:58:12.820
boilerplate in standard,
01:58:12.820 --> 01:58:16.220
I know the kind of way they construct contracts.
01:58:16.220 --> 01:58:18.300
You know, they're pretty aggressive.
01:58:18.300 --> 01:58:21.220
And for example, you would always have
01:58:21.300 --> 01:58:23.380
what's called an entire agreement clause,
01:58:23.380 --> 01:58:25.980
which means any agreement pre-existing
01:58:25.980 --> 01:58:28.260
between the parties written or verbal
01:58:28.260 --> 01:58:31.620
is hereby avoided and replaced by this one.
01:58:31.620 --> 01:58:33.740
You'll always find an entire agreement for X,
01:58:33.740 --> 01:58:35.620
Pfizer always puts it in there,
01:58:35.620 --> 01:58:38.340
in case anyone ever claims, oh, well, we had to scream.
01:58:38.340 --> 01:58:42.340
So I know certain, you know, the sort of anatomy
01:58:42.340 --> 01:58:47.340
of these things, but I think it's so difficult.
01:58:47.500 --> 01:58:49.860
It'd be like 150 pages, probably.
01:58:50.820 --> 01:58:54.660
Imagine trying to explain something in that contract
01:58:54.660 --> 01:58:57.140
to a normie, they won't get it.
01:58:57.140 --> 01:59:00.580
They're not, most of us are not lawyers, and I'm not,
01:59:00.580 --> 01:59:03.580
but I learned a little bit because I was very interested
01:59:03.580 --> 01:59:06.940
when we were negotiating one particular contract.
01:59:06.940 --> 01:59:08.700
And I'm like that, I just, I love working
01:59:08.700 --> 01:59:09.780
with people who are good at things.
01:59:09.780 --> 01:59:12.340
I keep asking them questions and they keep speaking.
01:59:12.340 --> 01:59:14.580
So I picked up a little, just a little knowledge
01:59:14.580 --> 01:59:15.740
to be dangerous.
01:59:15.740 --> 01:59:18.220
I think if we saw the contract,
01:59:18.940 --> 01:59:21.380
we would know these bloody things were abusive.
01:59:21.380 --> 01:59:24.580
I'm not sure that we would find it particularly helpful.
01:59:25.500 --> 01:59:28.420
If we explain that in subsection five, two,
01:59:28.420 --> 01:59:33.420
it said, the purchaser agrees to hold Pfizer harmless.
01:59:34.020 --> 01:59:37.860
It'll probably say that, it'll probably say Pfizer,
01:59:37.860 --> 01:59:40.380
partial agrees to hold Pfizer harmless.
01:59:40.380 --> 01:59:41.940
That's normal.
01:59:41.940 --> 01:59:43.980
If you're selling something,
01:59:43.980 --> 01:59:45.620
you always write the contract to say,
01:59:45.620 --> 01:59:47.540
if you've got to buy from me,
01:59:47.540 --> 01:59:50.260
then provided we've done all the things we said we should do,
01:59:50.260 --> 01:59:52.020
you will hold me legally harmless.
01:59:52.020 --> 01:59:54.820
You won't, you can't sue me for having met
01:59:54.820 --> 01:59:56.380
the terms of the contract.
01:59:56.380 --> 01:59:57.820
So you've had to find I've done something
01:59:57.820 --> 01:59:59.740
not in the contract.
01:59:59.740 --> 02:00:01.700
That's just the way legal agreements are.
02:00:01.700 --> 02:00:04.860
So it'll, it'll look horrifying, but I don't know,
02:00:04.860 --> 02:00:06.260
I don't know that I would honestly be able
02:00:06.260 --> 02:00:08.940
to persuade the man in the pub to get excited about it.
02:00:08.940 --> 02:00:11.100
Even if I found a clause like that,
02:00:11.100 --> 02:00:14.260
it says, purchase agrees to hold Pfizer harmless.
02:00:14.300 --> 02:00:15.460
So I would say, yeah, for that,
02:00:15.460 --> 02:00:17.700
I probably would have expected him to say that.
02:00:17.700 --> 02:00:19.460
They did in the contract I looked at.
02:00:20.900 --> 02:00:22.740
Seriously, they all look,
02:00:22.740 --> 02:00:24.140
all these contracts look abusive
02:00:24.140 --> 02:00:25.980
and both parties fight backs and forwards
02:00:25.980 --> 02:00:28.060
and they get something they can both agree.
02:00:28.060 --> 02:00:30.540
In fact, the only reason you have a contract
02:00:30.540 --> 02:00:32.820
is not when you're friendly.
02:00:32.820 --> 02:00:34.860
When you're friendly, you don't need to contract.
02:00:34.860 --> 02:00:36.820
You know, you supply, they give you the money
02:00:36.820 --> 02:00:39.780
or whatever it is, you supply, they inject people.
02:00:39.780 --> 02:00:42.620
You only need to contract when you fall out.
02:00:42.620 --> 02:00:44.140
That's the only time you need it.
02:00:44.140 --> 02:00:46.460
And so this lawyer told me,
02:00:46.460 --> 02:00:48.420
the only time you're ever going to be looking at this again
02:00:48.420 --> 02:00:49.860
is when we're facing court.
02:00:49.860 --> 02:00:52.700
So don't, don't give them an inch
02:00:52.700 --> 02:00:55.060
because the time you'll be opening this page again
02:00:55.060 --> 02:00:57.500
is when they're suing us for each.
02:00:57.500 --> 02:01:00.100
So we have to write it in such a way that we'll win.
02:01:00.100 --> 02:01:02.780
And I realized I thought I'd hate to be a lawyer.
02:01:02.780 --> 02:01:04.820
I'm glad he's my lawyer.
02:01:04.820 --> 02:01:06.780
So I've gone a long way around the house.
02:01:06.780 --> 02:01:11.940
I don't know it's possible, but legal contracts,
02:01:11.940 --> 02:01:16.180
I think, will be a difficult thing to use
02:01:16.180 --> 02:01:18.900
because they're nasty even when they're normal.
02:01:19.940 --> 02:01:20.780
And then what else?
02:01:20.780 --> 02:01:21.740
I need to say something else.
02:01:21.740 --> 02:01:22.580
02:01:22.580 --> 02:01:23.500
That's a true thing.
02:01:23.500 --> 02:01:26.540
Just an honesty thing here.
02:01:26.540 --> 02:01:29.340
This bit about freezing and then not freezing.
02:01:29.340 --> 02:01:32.220
Initially, we were told they had to be at minus 80.
02:01:32.220 --> 02:01:37.220
Now minus 80 is as cold as you can commercially reasonably get.
02:01:37.220 --> 02:01:41.780
Though they're research grade freezers
02:01:41.780 --> 02:01:44.100
that you don't get them in the supermarket
02:01:44.100 --> 02:01:46.060
or even in a wholesaler.
02:01:46.060 --> 02:01:47.820
You'll get them in research labs in hospitals
02:01:47.820 --> 02:01:49.220
and universities.
02:01:49.220 --> 02:01:50.940
They're difficult things.
02:01:50.940 --> 02:01:53.700
And I remember thinking when they said,
02:01:53.700 --> 02:01:55.540
oh, you don't need to put them in the mind to say,
02:01:55.540 --> 02:01:58.300
you can just keep them in a domestic freezer.
02:01:58.300 --> 02:02:00.300
So I don't know is the answer,
02:02:00.300 --> 02:02:03.580
but the one possible explanation would be,
02:02:03.580 --> 02:02:05.660
this is pretending that they've made a real product
02:02:05.660 --> 02:02:06.980
because they haven't.
02:02:06.980 --> 02:02:07.900
They say they really haven't.
02:02:07.900 --> 02:02:09.220
It's all kind to mine.
02:02:09.220 --> 02:02:12.100
But if I pretend for a moment they've made a real product,
02:02:12.100 --> 02:02:13.420
it would be something like this,
02:02:13.420 --> 02:02:16.300
that they were so rushed on doing what's called
02:02:16.300 --> 02:02:18.540
the forced instability testing.
02:02:18.540 --> 02:02:22.340
That is, you try and degrade something.
02:02:22.340 --> 02:02:24.700
In order to work out what its shelf life is,
02:02:24.700 --> 02:02:25.620
you could do two things.
02:02:25.620 --> 02:02:29.300
One is you can stick it in the storage condition
02:02:29.300 --> 02:02:32.780
and come back in a year and see if it's still all right.
02:02:32.780 --> 02:02:34.460
And if it is, you come back in three years
02:02:34.460 --> 02:02:35.900
and see if it's still all right.
02:02:35.900 --> 02:02:38.460
Now, I think I'm only half joking.
02:02:38.460 --> 02:02:41.620
You can see that's not a good way of getting a shelf life
02:02:41.620 --> 02:02:43.140
in a new product.
02:02:43.140 --> 02:02:45.180
It's a very good way for one that you've been producing
02:02:45.180 --> 02:02:47.980
for 10 years because you've got the in-life data.
02:02:47.980 --> 02:02:49.980
But with a new product,
02:02:49.980 --> 02:02:52.540
you still need to provide the pharmacy wholesalers
02:02:52.540 --> 02:02:55.180
with some kind of storage, half life.
02:02:55.180 --> 02:02:58.460
And so what you do is you do something called forced degradation.
02:02:58.460 --> 02:03:00.780
You deliberately stress the products and see.
02:03:02.340 --> 02:03:04.020
I could talk rages on this.
02:03:04.020 --> 02:03:08.020
And it could be that they started using a rigorous condition
02:03:08.020 --> 02:03:10.780
and then as they got the results of their forced, you know,
02:03:10.780 --> 02:03:13.940
degradation data, you don't need to keep it at minus 80.
02:03:13.940 --> 02:03:16.140
So it could be innocent.
02:03:16.140 --> 02:03:17.660
Now, I don't think it's innocent,
02:03:17.660 --> 02:03:20.500
but they would be able to come back.
02:03:20.500 --> 02:03:22.700
See, they would be able to come back with an answer.
02:03:22.700 --> 02:03:25.380
I'm not batting for these people,
02:03:25.380 --> 02:03:28.700
but I think I could come up with a half decent answer,
02:03:28.700 --> 02:03:31.380
which would mean people that we were talking to again.
02:03:31.380 --> 02:03:33.620
Yeah, that's not relevant.
02:03:33.620 --> 02:03:36.260
But I have to admit something at this point.
02:03:36.260 --> 02:03:38.580
My friend, Sasha Latipova,
02:03:38.580 --> 02:03:43.820
is not convinced that people are even being injected with much mRNA.
02:03:47.180 --> 02:03:51.340
She says, I'm not convinced that they've actually made
02:03:51.340 --> 02:03:53.500
what they have told us they've made.
02:03:53.500 --> 02:03:54.980
And this is back to Andrew's point.
02:03:54.980 --> 02:03:56.980
That's why I'm not his enemy.
02:03:56.980 --> 02:03:59.060
I don't know enough to know if he's right.
02:03:59.060 --> 02:04:02.180
But so Sasha says there's been analyses done,
02:04:02.180 --> 02:04:05.500
and they do find some mRNA in the vial.
02:04:05.500 --> 02:04:08.460
But they find mostly broken fragments.
02:04:08.460 --> 02:04:13.380
And I think, see, I cannot distinguish now at this point
02:04:13.380 --> 02:04:17.500
between whole thing is a faint,
02:04:17.500 --> 02:04:19.420
which is what Anders, I think, is saying.
02:04:19.420 --> 02:04:22.500
Or if these are just degradation products of,
02:04:22.500 --> 02:04:25.580
because all we've ever got is used vials.
02:04:25.580 --> 02:04:27.700
They could have been left out on a death for an hour,
02:04:27.700 --> 02:04:29.740
because by the time the vials empty,
02:04:29.740 --> 02:04:31.500
no one needs to take care of it anymore.
02:04:31.500 --> 02:04:33.100
It's going in the bin.
02:04:33.100 --> 02:04:35.460
So you can see the problem here.
02:04:35.460 --> 02:04:38.540
We've got so little information,
02:04:38.540 --> 02:04:41.700
and we're probably not going to get better information.
02:04:41.700 --> 02:04:43.500
So that's where I am.
02:04:43.500 --> 02:04:45.260
As I said earlier, when I reach,
02:04:45.260 --> 02:04:48.740
when I realize my shovel is not going to go into productive earth,
02:04:48.740 --> 02:04:52.220
I stop, because it's just going to wear me out.
02:04:52.220 --> 02:04:56.740
Follow the trail where the evidence said,
02:04:56.740 --> 02:04:59.540
even if it's not true, you see the mRNA stuff,
02:04:59.540 --> 02:05:01.900
they've told us that's what they're doing.
02:05:01.900 --> 02:05:03.740
And as a subject matter expert,
02:05:03.740 --> 02:05:08.540
I've described how that's definitely intentionally dangerous.
02:05:08.540 --> 02:05:10.220
So even if that's not what they're doing,
02:05:10.220 --> 02:05:11.900
they can't get out of it.
02:05:11.900 --> 02:05:14.300
I'll modify my story if I get enough data.
02:05:14.300 --> 02:05:16.540
But meanwhile, they said this,
02:05:16.540 --> 02:05:18.300
I'm telling you that's dangerous.
02:05:18.300 --> 02:05:19.580
No question.
02:05:19.580 --> 02:05:20.660
All right, we'll take it.
02:05:20.660 --> 02:05:21.820
No's on the Bible.
02:05:21.820 --> 02:05:24.140
I've filed multiple affidavits saying exactly
02:05:24.140 --> 02:05:25.940
what I've said today.
02:05:25.940 --> 02:05:26.780
02:05:26.780 --> 02:05:28.380
Anyway, thanks, Emmanuel.
02:05:28.380 --> 02:05:29.900
Celia, we're not going to have time for you,
02:05:29.900 --> 02:05:31.940
because we're tight for time, sadly.
02:05:31.940 --> 02:05:32.780
Put it in the chat.
02:05:32.780 --> 02:05:33.780
We'll pass it on to Mike.
02:05:33.780 --> 02:05:35.620
We've got Peter, Vera, and then Stephen to...
02:05:35.620 --> 02:05:37.260
Charles, we need to hear Celia.
02:05:37.260 --> 02:05:39.060
We need to hear what her question is.
02:05:39.060 --> 02:05:40.580
But anyway, she's last.
02:05:41.660 --> 02:05:42.660
All right, go, Peter.
02:05:45.020 --> 02:05:47.220
Hi, thank you very much for having me.
02:05:47.220 --> 02:05:50.620
And thanks a lot, Michael, for your presentation.
02:05:50.620 --> 02:05:52.620
It's always extremely interesting.
02:05:52.620 --> 02:05:55.060
I've been following you for the last four years,
02:05:55.060 --> 02:05:57.220
and I fully agree with you.
02:05:57.220 --> 02:05:58.100
I'm not a doctor.
02:05:58.100 --> 02:06:01.660
I'm an economist, and I have had the privilege,
02:06:01.660 --> 02:06:06.660
if you want, to work for at least 10 years with WHO inside,
02:06:06.940 --> 02:06:09.620
and have seen a little bit how this organization,
02:06:09.620 --> 02:06:11.380
which is not really, as you know,
02:06:11.380 --> 02:06:14.820
probably a UN agency, how it works.
02:06:14.820 --> 02:06:19.820
And what is now going on with the pandemic treating
02:06:20.300 --> 02:06:23.500
and the international health regulation modification,
02:06:23.500 --> 02:06:25.180
is just horrifying.
02:06:25.180 --> 02:06:27.380
And what I was wondering is,
02:06:27.380 --> 02:06:29.140
whether you know anything about it,
02:06:29.140 --> 02:06:32.300
and you know whether this may have a chance to go through,
02:06:32.300 --> 02:06:33.140
or not.
02:06:34.940 --> 02:06:36.700
I only know what...
02:06:36.700 --> 02:06:39.180
There's a guy who's made his life's work.
02:06:39.180 --> 02:06:41.900
Everybody will tell me what his name is.
02:06:41.900 --> 02:06:45.460
Like, every day, somebody puts out international health
02:06:45.460 --> 02:06:48.700
regulations and WHO pandemic tweets related.
02:06:48.700 --> 02:06:52.340
James Roguski, James Roguski, you know,
02:06:52.340 --> 02:06:54.020
gives the man a medal.
02:06:54.540 --> 02:06:58.980
So, honestly, you can only follow a small number of things
02:06:58.980 --> 02:07:01.820
at a time, and I think James has got this.
02:07:01.820 --> 02:07:05.460
So I always share it on my channel,
02:07:05.460 --> 02:07:07.060
but I have not had time to look at it.
02:07:07.060 --> 02:07:10.540
But what I would say is, and I think Stephen said,
02:07:10.540 --> 02:07:12.700
these bloody things, pandemics are not possible.
02:07:12.700 --> 02:07:14.700
They're immunologically implausible.
02:07:14.700 --> 02:07:17.380
Everyone knows, even if it's not true,
02:07:17.380 --> 02:07:19.900
everyone has understood the model to be
02:07:19.900 --> 02:07:22.460
that very infectious things aren't very dangerous,
02:07:22.460 --> 02:07:25.540
and very dangerous things don't travel very well.
02:07:25.540 --> 02:07:27.500
Because if that wasn't true,
02:07:27.500 --> 02:07:29.780
as soon as something really nasty
02:07:29.780 --> 02:07:34.020
that was both highly transmissible and lethal
02:07:34.020 --> 02:07:35.940
arrived in the world, everyone, you know,
02:07:35.940 --> 02:07:39.180
would want people out, or if not the population back,
02:07:39.180 --> 02:07:40.100
you know, 90%.
02:07:40.100 --> 02:07:41.820
I think that isn't what seems to happen.
02:07:41.820 --> 02:07:44.740
At least not in the last millennium.
02:07:44.740 --> 02:07:48.300
So I think it's just, I think it's e-logical,
02:07:48.300 --> 02:07:51.300
and here's the other thing, just very quickly,
02:07:51.300 --> 02:07:55.540
I can explain why, even in their own terms, it's mad,
02:07:55.540 --> 02:07:58.260
and that's why you can tell the person in the public.
02:07:59.500 --> 02:08:02.980
WHO wants to take to itself the power
02:08:02.980 --> 02:08:06.540
to call public health emergencies of international concern,
02:08:06.540 --> 02:08:09.380
and then, as it were, orchestrate the response,
02:08:09.380 --> 02:08:11.580
including giving instructions to countries,
02:08:11.580 --> 02:08:14.900
and lock down here, take these chaps.
02:08:14.900 --> 02:08:19.900
My objection, to get the principle on just the practice,
02:08:20.420 --> 02:08:23.580
something new has arrived, some new emergency
02:08:23.580 --> 02:08:26.340
we allegedly have arisen in the world.
02:08:26.340 --> 02:08:31.260
WHO doesn't know what the best thing to do is.
02:08:31.260 --> 02:08:33.540
I don't know what the best thing to do is,
02:08:33.540 --> 02:08:36.660
neither do you or anyone else on this call,
02:08:36.660 --> 02:08:39.140
but I tell you what, we'd probably all have
02:08:39.140 --> 02:08:40.620
very good ideas.
02:08:40.620 --> 02:08:43.980
Humans are brilliant at solving this kind of problem.
02:08:43.980 --> 02:08:48.380
We solve it, we do the best we can in our local area
02:08:48.380 --> 02:08:50.660
and communicate with each other.
02:08:50.660 --> 02:08:54.500
That gives you autonomy, no one's doing it to you,
02:08:54.500 --> 02:08:56.660
it allows you experimentally to determine
02:08:56.660 --> 02:08:59.180
what is the best thing to do rapidly,
02:08:59.180 --> 02:09:01.100
and then you can share that information.
02:09:01.100 --> 02:09:03.500
It also, by the way, fits with the idea
02:09:03.500 --> 02:09:05.780
of autonomy of countries.
02:09:05.780 --> 02:09:08.220
If you take that part of the centre,
02:09:08.220 --> 02:09:12.900
they won't know what to do, that's the problem.
02:09:12.900 --> 02:09:17.220
If a new situation arrived arose by definition,
02:09:17.220 --> 02:09:19.100
they don't know what to do.
02:09:19.100 --> 02:09:22.300
How can they possibly give the best instructions?
02:09:22.300 --> 02:09:25.820
How will we know that that was the right thing to do?
02:09:25.820 --> 02:09:30.060
How will we learn from the normal diversity of responses
02:09:30.060 --> 02:09:33.420
that will teach us away from or towards
02:09:33.420 --> 02:09:35.060
a particular course of action?
02:09:35.060 --> 02:09:37.260
So straight away it will fail,
02:09:37.260 --> 02:09:40.980
even if they were nice people, it will go wrong,
02:09:40.980 --> 02:09:44.020
the first time you use it for the reasons I've explained
02:09:44.020 --> 02:09:45.780
and I'm not wrong.
02:09:45.780 --> 02:09:48.500
So, and of course they are nasty people
02:09:48.500 --> 02:09:50.820
and they plan to kill us, like I keep saying,
02:09:50.820 --> 02:09:54.340
but you can see that you don't need to be a lawyer,
02:09:54.340 --> 02:09:56.100
you don't need to be a scientist,
02:09:56.100 --> 02:09:58.860
you just need to think logically for two minutes
02:09:58.860 --> 02:10:01.820
and you realise that it's a novel situation,
02:10:01.820 --> 02:10:04.500
why would you have one guy in Switzerland
02:10:04.500 --> 02:10:06.220
who doesn't know the best thing to do
02:10:06.220 --> 02:10:08.860
to tell 192 countries what to do?
02:10:08.860 --> 02:10:11.940
And how will you ever know it was the right thing to do
02:10:11.940 --> 02:10:15.020
if you don't have quite a lot of autonomy
02:10:15.020 --> 02:10:16.980
in variation and good communication,
02:10:16.980 --> 02:10:19.700
which is what humans have done since the dawn of time.
02:10:19.700 --> 02:10:22.820
So, by the way, then once you can draw the powers
02:10:22.820 --> 02:10:25.500
to the centre are highly consistent with mine
02:10:25.500 --> 02:10:29.020
and others concerns that they want to take away your freedom
02:10:29.020 --> 02:10:32.460
and compel you to receive injections that are dangerous,
02:10:32.460 --> 02:10:34.460
that's what they're going to do with it.
02:10:34.460 --> 02:10:35.820
So there you go.
02:10:35.820 --> 02:10:36.660
All right.
02:10:36.660 --> 02:10:37.500
Anyway, that's that movement.
02:10:37.500 --> 02:10:38.500
I think we should move on.
02:10:38.500 --> 02:10:39.940
Moving, thank you Peter.
02:10:39.940 --> 02:10:42.980
Vera, Celia, who do you quick announcement?
02:10:42.980 --> 02:10:43.820
Let's go.
02:10:44.820 --> 02:10:48.260
First of all, okay, thank you Michael.
02:10:48.260 --> 02:10:50.860
I have a question to you, but that's,
02:10:50.860 --> 02:10:52.260
you know what the question is
02:10:52.260 --> 02:10:54.740
and you know what the answer is actually.
02:10:54.740 --> 02:10:57.180
But in terms of this, one of the things
02:10:57.180 --> 02:10:59.300
that I've observed right from the beginning
02:10:59.300 --> 02:11:02.820
is that local people, ordinary people,
02:11:02.820 --> 02:11:06.220
not lawyers, not doctors, not scientists,
02:11:06.220 --> 02:11:10.020
many more of them have gotten it
02:11:10.020 --> 02:11:13.220
and they are marching toward us.
02:11:13.220 --> 02:11:14.460
It's not a stampede.
02:11:14.460 --> 02:11:16.820
God damn, I wish it was.
02:11:16.820 --> 02:11:20.100
And don't say that, you know, you're tired.
02:11:20.100 --> 02:11:23.860
I know you are, but you are being heard.
02:11:23.860 --> 02:11:27.380
And sometimes even a portion of what you say
02:11:27.380 --> 02:11:30.500
gets into people, you know?
02:11:30.500 --> 02:11:32.700
To get you more out there,
02:11:32.700 --> 02:11:35.540
not just talking to the ones that you are,
02:11:35.540 --> 02:11:39.260
which of course is one of the projects of my book.
02:11:39.260 --> 02:11:40.980
Books get to some people.
02:11:40.980 --> 02:11:42.580
And the book that I'm working on,
02:11:42.580 --> 02:11:45.980
which Mike is part of, and so are Sasha
02:11:45.980 --> 02:11:47.940
and David Webb and a whole lot.
02:11:47.940 --> 02:11:49.220
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:11:49.220 --> 02:11:50.460
Everybody's in.
02:11:50.460 --> 02:11:51.420
No, I'm.
02:11:51.420 --> 02:11:52.260
It is.
02:11:52.260 --> 02:11:53.100
I don't disagree.
02:11:53.100 --> 02:11:56.100
I just, we, it's not, that's not enough,
02:11:56.100 --> 02:11:56.940
is what I'm saying.
02:11:56.940 --> 02:11:57.780
Oh, nothing is enough.
02:11:57.780 --> 02:11:59.660
Absolutely, you should absolutely do it.
02:11:59.660 --> 02:12:02.380
But if people think, oh, that's great, they've got it.
02:12:02.380 --> 02:12:04.260
That will be a fatal error.
02:12:04.260 --> 02:12:06.900
We, you know, got to demand people
02:12:06.900 --> 02:12:09.860
pick up the bloody baton and run as well.
02:12:09.860 --> 02:12:10.700
02:12:10.700 --> 02:12:12.260
That's why I say, yeah.
02:12:12.260 --> 02:12:15.060
Look, and my floor, I've got a neurologist
02:12:15.060 --> 02:12:16.500
at Columbia University.
02:12:16.500 --> 02:12:19.100
Do you know that he's still in masks?
02:12:19.100 --> 02:12:21.940
Now that is a real crime.
02:12:21.940 --> 02:12:23.660
We're talking neurology.
02:12:23.660 --> 02:12:26.020
He never picked up a real.
02:12:26.020 --> 02:12:26.860
I know.
02:12:26.860 --> 02:12:27.860
02:12:27.860 --> 02:12:29.260
Yeah, it's very depressing.
02:12:29.260 --> 02:12:34.100
I know, I know a doctor who, who's met specialists
02:12:34.100 --> 02:12:35.740
when he was still allowed to practice,
02:12:35.740 --> 02:12:37.060
he's a foot surgeon.
02:12:37.060 --> 02:12:39.140
And the person would say, oh, I'm really busy
02:12:39.140 --> 02:12:41.660
and he would say, my friend would say, well, you're busy.
02:12:41.660 --> 02:12:43.220
And he said, yeah, I've got really unusual
02:12:43.220 --> 02:12:45.300
a whole bunch of neurological conditions.
02:12:45.300 --> 02:12:47.780
And he would say, do you know why that's happening?
02:12:47.780 --> 02:12:49.820
And the guy would like, look at him slightly
02:12:49.820 --> 02:12:52.180
and say, well, obviously, the vaccines.
02:12:52.180 --> 02:12:54.820
And then my friend said, you can say anything about it?
02:12:54.820 --> 02:12:55.740
He went, no.
02:12:58.020 --> 02:12:58.860
02:12:58.860 --> 02:12:59.700
They're good Germans.
02:12:59.700 --> 02:13:00.540
And you know what I mean?
02:13:00.540 --> 02:13:01.380
That either.
02:13:01.380 --> 02:13:02.700
They're really good Germans.
02:13:02.700 --> 02:13:03.540
Oh, yeah.
02:13:03.540 --> 02:13:04.940
They're all over the place.
02:13:04.940 --> 02:13:06.580
But I take your point.
02:13:06.580 --> 02:13:13.180
In England, the self-employed, we call them white van man.
02:13:13.180 --> 02:13:15.820
They often drive around and are like a battered van.
02:13:15.820 --> 02:13:16.940
And they fix stuff.
02:13:16.940 --> 02:13:17.980
They fix the electrics.
02:13:17.980 --> 02:13:19.860
They put fix your plumbing.
02:13:19.860 --> 02:13:21.060
They mend your car.
02:13:21.060 --> 02:13:22.100
Do your drive.
02:13:22.100 --> 02:13:26.300
Those people, when most of them were never fooled,
02:13:26.300 --> 02:13:27.500
I don't know why it is.
02:13:27.500 --> 02:13:29.540
Well, some psychologists just gave me an explanation,
02:13:29.540 --> 02:13:30.540
but I went for us.
02:13:30.540 --> 02:13:31.860
So I agree with you.
02:13:31.860 --> 02:13:36.100
I think what they don't know is they don't know how bad this is.
02:13:36.100 --> 02:13:39.900
They know that they're being lied to, but they used to that.
02:13:39.900 --> 02:13:42.500
Some of them have told me, we're always lied to you, Mike.
02:13:42.500 --> 02:13:43.540
I'm used to it.
02:13:43.540 --> 02:13:45.540
It's like they never tell us to.
02:13:45.540 --> 02:13:46.620
That's one of them.
02:13:46.620 --> 02:13:49.860
Yeah, they don't trust authority.
02:13:49.860 --> 02:13:51.940
They don't trust authority.
02:13:51.940 --> 02:13:58.220
But so how to get them beyond the points of not trusting the man.
02:13:58.220 --> 02:14:00.540
And I'll just give you one tiny example.
02:14:00.540 --> 02:14:11.100
In London, the mayor, Sidicarn, has greatly restricted the flow of ordinary people driving
02:14:11.100 --> 02:14:16.500
their cars in London by imposing what's called the ultra low emission zone and then expanding
02:14:16.500 --> 02:14:18.260
it, which is what they'll do.
02:14:18.260 --> 02:14:21.940
They'll eventually stop you moving around in your own privately owned powered car.
02:14:21.940 --> 02:14:24.700
That's what they will do.
02:14:24.700 --> 02:14:31.820
And the system operates on a series of automatic number plate recognition, AMPR cameras.
02:14:31.820 --> 02:14:39.300
And they've been put up on hundreds of poles around expanded London.
02:14:39.300 --> 02:14:47.700
At night, what I think are probably working class men in vans, go out, put on a balaclava,
02:14:47.700 --> 02:14:52.380
get out their battery powered angle grinder, take the bloody things down.
02:14:52.380 --> 02:14:56.140
And they're called blade runners, these people, and they have taken down hundreds
02:14:56.140 --> 02:14:58.100
and hundreds and hundreds.
02:14:58.100 --> 02:14:59.100
So it's good news, right?
02:14:59.100 --> 02:15:00.100
That's good news.
02:15:00.100 --> 02:15:03.780
These people know they've got to do something.
02:15:03.780 --> 02:15:04.780
This wasn't me.
02:15:04.780 --> 02:15:09.340
I was on March in London a few months ago with someone who understood what we were talking
02:15:09.340 --> 02:15:15.940
about, you know, the concerns that person reached out to the head of the blade runners.
02:15:15.940 --> 02:15:18.940
Because we thought, wouldn't it be good if we could combine them together?
02:15:18.940 --> 02:15:23.380
And unfortunately, their disappointing answer was we are not marching with a bunch of lunatic
02:15:23.380 --> 02:15:24.380
02:15:24.380 --> 02:15:27.580
So it just gives you this information.
02:15:27.580 --> 02:15:32.980
So the working class guys who are taking down the Eulis cameras think I'm mad.
02:15:32.980 --> 02:15:37.980
They're not about to be my, I want them to be my allies, but at the moment, they're just
02:15:37.980 --> 02:15:39.620
concerned about car regulation.
02:15:39.620 --> 02:15:43.100
They're not interested in jobs and WHO and Bill Gates.
02:15:43.100 --> 02:15:46.820
Sorry to say that at the end, but that's the reality.
02:15:47.820 --> 02:15:50.300
All right, Mike, we're going to keep moving.
02:15:50.300 --> 02:15:57.820
So Vera addressed us two years ago this month and Vera posted the recording and the Q&A
02:15:57.820 --> 02:15:58.820
into the chat.
02:15:58.820 --> 02:16:01.540
And it was a masterful presentation on the Spanish flu mic.
02:16:01.540 --> 02:16:04.620
So if you ever want some entertainment, what's the beautiful present day?
02:16:04.620 --> 02:16:05.620
I'd love to.
02:16:05.620 --> 02:16:06.620
Yeah, I'd love to.
02:16:06.620 --> 02:16:07.620
That'd be great.
02:16:07.620 --> 02:16:08.620
Thank you, Vera.
02:16:08.620 --> 02:16:11.620
Okay, Celia, then Hoodie's going to give us a quick report and then Stephen will say a
02:16:12.620 --> 02:16:13.620
quick thing.
02:16:13.620 --> 02:16:14.620
Well, come on Celia.
02:16:14.620 --> 02:16:15.620
We're a big fan of Celia.
02:16:15.620 --> 02:16:16.620
Everybody here.
02:16:16.620 --> 02:16:17.620
Unmute yourself.
02:16:17.620 --> 02:16:18.620
Mike, tremendous presentation.
02:16:18.620 --> 02:16:19.620
Thank you.
02:16:19.620 --> 02:16:20.620
I'm a big admire of yours.
02:16:20.620 --> 02:16:33.620
And I especially appreciate your clarity of language so important for breaking the spells.
02:16:33.620 --> 02:16:36.620
I wanted to go to something you said in the beginning.
02:16:36.620 --> 02:16:42.620
I wrote down your choice of words, the super natural.
02:16:42.620 --> 02:16:44.620
Did you say force that super?
02:16:44.620 --> 02:16:46.620
Yeah, super national force.
02:16:46.620 --> 02:16:47.620
02:16:47.620 --> 02:16:53.420
Sorry, super national force that had all the countries marching in lock step, which was
02:16:53.420 --> 02:16:54.420
so terrifying.
02:16:54.420 --> 02:17:00.220
Now, I'm sure it grew up in Sweden, but one doesn't have to be have Swedish to have watched
02:17:00.220 --> 02:17:05.860
with great interest what Anders Tignel did in Sweden, and he did he did his own thing.
02:17:05.860 --> 02:17:09.860
And then there was Magafulli in Tanzania did not end well for him.
02:17:09.860 --> 02:17:15.500
So one did see at least two countries, maybe there were a few more step aside.
02:17:15.500 --> 02:17:19.420
I don't want to really take time to try to figure out why they might have done that.
02:17:19.420 --> 02:17:27.300
But what I do want to ask you is this, given that there was this super national perfect
02:17:27.300 --> 02:17:33.060
near perfect coordination of nations in the beginning, doesn't that sort of indicate that
02:17:33.060 --> 02:17:39.820
the WHO pandemic treaty that we are all dreading May 24th was already in force.
02:17:39.820 --> 02:17:44.100
And if so, what do you think about that?
02:17:44.100 --> 02:17:52.860
And lastly, in other words, are they about to kick in with yet another degree of super
02:17:52.860 --> 02:17:56.460
national force, or has it already been in place?
02:17:56.460 --> 02:17:59.820
You make it you make a very good point that that's a very, very good point.
02:17:59.820 --> 02:18:05.220
I think you're saying just to summarise back that already seemed to be the levers
02:18:05.220 --> 02:18:10.780
of power, the networks of influence, the being able to dole out the orders and have them
02:18:10.780 --> 02:18:13.140
followed, that was already in place.
02:18:13.140 --> 02:18:17.540
So in a way, I think you're saying to what extent would it really make any difference
02:18:17.540 --> 02:18:19.860
if there was or wasn't this treaty in place?
02:18:19.860 --> 02:18:20.860
I think that's one thing.
02:18:20.860 --> 02:18:21.860
That's right.
02:18:21.860 --> 02:18:22.860
That's right.
02:18:22.860 --> 02:18:23.860
That's a good point.
02:18:23.860 --> 02:18:24.860
That's a good point.
02:18:24.860 --> 02:18:25.860
Do we have a chance?
02:18:25.860 --> 02:18:28.700
Do we have a fighting chance?
02:18:28.700 --> 02:18:29.700
Do you know?
02:18:29.700 --> 02:18:34.380
Well, we definitely always have a chance.
02:18:34.380 --> 02:18:35.380
You know that.
02:18:35.380 --> 02:18:36.380
It's over.
02:18:36.380 --> 02:18:37.380
It's over.
02:18:37.380 --> 02:18:39.380
That's for sure.
02:18:39.380 --> 02:18:44.860
My first line in the sand will be when they try and make us have a digital idea and I'm
02:18:44.860 --> 02:18:45.860
not having it.
02:18:45.860 --> 02:18:54.260
I know there will be very bad consequences, but I'm just saying it will come and I want
02:18:54.260 --> 02:18:58.780
the people on this call to rehearse in front of the mirror that they're not going
02:18:58.780 --> 02:18:59.780
to take it.
02:18:59.780 --> 02:19:03.940
Because if 89, if you take it, I think, well, I won't do the next step.
02:19:03.940 --> 02:19:06.180
It's like you've stepped into a killing machine.
02:19:06.180 --> 02:19:12.700
Sorry, Vera, to use that particular phrase is very deliberate because what people need
02:19:12.700 --> 02:19:17.380
to hear right now is where have they failed?
02:19:17.380 --> 02:19:18.900
Where have the wheels come off?
02:19:18.900 --> 02:19:21.700
Where is their Achilles heel?
02:19:21.700 --> 02:19:22.900
You mean as an individual?
02:19:23.260 --> 02:19:25.220
No, I mean, the bigger apparatus.
02:19:25.220 --> 02:19:26.220
Oh, right.
02:19:26.220 --> 02:19:27.220
No, the perpetrators.
02:19:27.220 --> 02:19:28.220
02:19:28.220 --> 02:19:29.220
No, it's a great, it's a great point.
02:19:29.220 --> 02:19:30.220
That's a very good point.
02:19:30.220 --> 02:19:37.340
I mean, I think that if you're able, lots of people have been able to suspect that things
02:19:37.340 --> 02:19:41.220
were wrong from different perspectives.
02:19:41.220 --> 02:19:44.820
For example, I'm a massive fan of a singer called Ian Brown.
02:19:44.820 --> 02:19:49.580
He was the lead singer of Stone Roses and then had a long solo career and in the summer
02:19:49.620 --> 02:19:54.220
of 2020, he wrote a song called Little Seed Big Tree.
02:19:54.220 --> 02:20:02.060
And when you read the lyrics, it's like he worked out all the stuff I've told you.
02:20:02.060 --> 02:20:07.420
And because of the time it takes you to arrange, rehearse, get recordings and so on, he probably
02:20:07.420 --> 02:20:10.740
have written those lyrics in the spring of 2020.
02:20:10.740 --> 02:20:15.460
Now, how did an uneducated man from Manchester work it out?
02:20:15.460 --> 02:20:16.780
I don't know.
02:20:16.780 --> 02:20:17.780
But he did.
02:20:17.780 --> 02:20:23.180
If you look at the lyrics of Little Seed Big Tree, tell yourself that the author didn't
02:20:23.180 --> 02:20:24.540
know what was happening.
02:20:24.540 --> 02:20:29.140
And I promise you that the explanation isn't because he's one of the perpetrators.
02:20:29.140 --> 02:20:34.380
He's someone whose career was badly restricted because I think he turned down the deal that
02:20:34.380 --> 02:20:35.780
lots of other people took.
02:20:35.780 --> 02:20:36.780
All right.
02:20:36.780 --> 02:20:37.780
All right.
02:20:37.780 --> 02:20:38.780
So, yeah.
02:20:38.780 --> 02:20:45.660
So they made what I'm in brief, lots of people spotted that it was mad and fraudulent.
02:20:45.660 --> 02:20:47.660
And I think it's a great question.
02:20:47.660 --> 02:20:53.460
It's a really good prompt to us to think about what's the sharpest thing for each of us that
02:20:53.460 --> 02:20:54.460
made it obvious.
02:20:54.460 --> 02:20:59.060
Because the fact you're on this call, you didn't drift here, you came here.
02:20:59.060 --> 02:21:02.340
So I think that's worth building on, Celia.
02:21:02.340 --> 02:21:03.340
Thank you.
02:21:03.340 --> 02:21:04.340
02:21:04.340 --> 02:21:05.340
Thank you.
02:21:05.340 --> 02:21:09.220
And many people from different angles, Mike well said an important question.
02:21:09.220 --> 02:21:10.220
All right.
02:21:10.220 --> 02:21:11.580
Woody, quick announcement by you.
02:21:11.580 --> 02:21:13.260
Mike will be interested in this as well.
02:21:13.260 --> 02:21:18.300
Woody presented to us in January, I put the recording into the chat, Graham.
02:21:18.300 --> 02:21:19.300
You go.
02:21:19.300 --> 02:21:21.300
What is, say what he is, Charles.
02:21:21.300 --> 02:21:22.740
So he's a second pilot.
02:21:22.740 --> 02:21:26.300
Yeah, he's a sect, Pontus pilot who refused to be jabbed.
02:21:26.300 --> 02:21:27.300
And Woody, he's recording.
02:21:27.300 --> 02:21:28.300
I'll put it in the chat.
02:21:28.300 --> 02:21:29.300
02:21:29.300 --> 02:21:30.300
02:21:30.300 --> 02:21:31.300
Woody, give us a quick Senate.
02:21:31.300 --> 02:21:32.300
He resigned.
02:21:32.300 --> 02:21:33.300
He resigned.
02:21:33.300 --> 02:21:34.300
Good man.
02:21:34.300 --> 02:21:35.300
02:21:35.300 --> 02:21:39.260
I've heard of him from a friend in Australia already as a great man.
02:21:39.260 --> 02:21:40.260
So thank you.
02:21:40.260 --> 02:21:41.260
It's an honor to hear from you.
02:21:41.260 --> 02:21:42.260
If he's here.
02:21:42.260 --> 02:21:43.260
He's here.
02:21:43.260 --> 02:21:44.260
He's here.
02:21:44.260 --> 02:21:45.260
Speak up.
02:21:45.260 --> 02:21:46.260
Unmute yourself.
02:21:46.260 --> 02:21:51.260
He's not on my, on my panel.
02:21:51.260 --> 02:21:52.260
He's here.
02:21:52.260 --> 02:21:54.260
He should be, Mike.
02:21:54.260 --> 02:21:55.260
He's there.
02:21:55.260 --> 02:21:56.260
02:21:56.260 --> 02:22:00.500
Well, first of all, thank you for allowing me to speak up at the last minute.
02:22:00.500 --> 02:22:04.420
And Dr. Michael, you, I have great admiration for you.
02:22:04.420 --> 02:22:06.660
And our mutual friend is trying to tee something up.
02:22:06.660 --> 02:22:11.420
And when you're ready, if you're prepared, I understand you're tired because I'm exhausted
02:22:11.420 --> 02:22:12.420
as well.
02:22:12.420 --> 02:22:17.380
Look, I don't want to touch quickly on what happened in the Senate Royal Commission hearings
02:22:17.380 --> 02:22:20.420
in Australia and Canberra last Wednesday.
02:22:20.420 --> 02:22:25.180
John Lard of the SAC paramedic and I attended to give evidence in the, in the Royal Commission
02:22:25.180 --> 02:22:31.340
towards the, the, the structure of the Royal Commission.
02:22:31.340 --> 02:22:35.980
And what, before I went in there, I had nothing really prepared, but I sat in the car and
02:22:35.980 --> 02:22:40.460
I prayed and I asked for guidance on which way to take this.
02:22:40.460 --> 02:22:44.020
Now what I've realized in the last three or four years as you would have, Michael, as
02:22:44.020 --> 02:22:50.260
well, is that a lot of, a lot of people involved in handing down these mandates and rules and
02:22:50.260 --> 02:22:56.060
regulations, they're corrupted, but they're not just corrupted from a financial perspective.
02:22:56.060 --> 02:22:57.420
They're intellectually corrupted.
02:22:57.420 --> 02:23:02.220
A lot of them, a lot of them, a lot of them really can't string a solid argument together
02:23:02.220 --> 02:23:05.700
and sadly some of those are our elected representatives.
02:23:05.700 --> 02:23:08.660
So we have to look at them from a different angle.
02:23:08.660 --> 02:23:13.580
In my life as an airline pilot, I was also a human factors facilitator or instructor.
02:23:13.580 --> 02:23:19.700
I used to teach cabin crew in Peru, how to solve a problem, that a critical problem by
02:23:19.700 --> 02:23:21.460
critical thinking and teamwork.
02:23:21.460 --> 02:23:26.500
Now this came about after an accident in the Everglades in Florida back in the 70s when
02:23:26.500 --> 02:23:31.660
a United Airlines DC team crashed into the Everglades because all the pilots and the
02:23:31.660 --> 02:23:36.020
flight engineer were concentrating on changing a light bulb in the landing gear.
02:23:36.020 --> 02:23:40.460
I remember, I remember reading it, yeah, I remember reading.
02:23:40.460 --> 02:23:45.700
As a result of accidents like that, human factors was a genre that was formed to make
02:23:45.700 --> 02:23:47.580
airline flying safer.
02:23:47.580 --> 02:23:53.460
And in that capacity, I also taught medical surgical teams and Air Force crews that were
02:23:53.460 --> 02:23:57.740
sent to us on a subcontract basis to participate in our course.
02:23:57.740 --> 02:24:03.260
What I realized in all of this was before I went into the Senate hearing, I have to appeal
02:24:03.260 --> 02:24:08.660
to those people who don't have the common sense to listen to arguments from us because
02:24:08.660 --> 02:24:12.380
they just want to follow a narrative that's been pre-prepared for them.
02:24:12.380 --> 02:24:19.180
I talked about Apollo 13 and whether people believe in the Apollo missions are not irrelevant.
02:24:19.180 --> 02:24:25.140
But the scenario is this, there was an accident on the spacecraft on the way to the moon.
02:24:25.140 --> 02:24:27.540
And as a result, Houston, we have a problem.
02:24:27.540 --> 02:24:32.000
And as a result of that call, a whole lot of people got together to work out some solutions
02:24:32.000 --> 02:24:34.040
to get those astronauts home.
02:24:34.040 --> 02:24:38.960
Now according to the story, they took tape and cardboard basically to get a square peg
02:24:38.960 --> 02:24:42.720
to fit into a round hole and they got them home.
02:24:42.720 --> 02:24:46.800
When I spoke to the Senate, I said that we're in a similar situation.
02:24:46.800 --> 02:24:51.360
When this so-called pandemic was released upon the world, a whole bunch of people in
02:24:51.360 --> 02:24:56.560
the scientific arena raced to find a solution which was a vaccine.
02:24:56.560 --> 02:25:02.000
And while they were all in mass, racing defined some kind of a solution, a whole bunch of
02:25:02.000 --> 02:25:07.160
other people like you, Mike Eden and Dr Peter McCullough and Pierre Corry and others were
02:25:07.160 --> 02:25:11.520
saying, all right, they're looking after this that far ahead of a solution.
02:25:11.520 --> 02:25:15.720
What have we got in the cupboard that we can use now to save lives while they're developing
02:25:15.720 --> 02:25:16.920
02:25:16.920 --> 02:25:21.680
And so a whole bunch of you got together and you said, hey, Dr Tess Lorry looked at Ivermectin
02:25:21.680 --> 02:25:26.200
and all these other people came together with a whole bunch of solutions.
02:25:26.200 --> 02:25:30.520
And they went back to the authorities and said, hey, while you're working on a vaccine,
02:25:30.520 --> 02:25:34.200
we've got solutions for you, let's implement these.
02:25:34.200 --> 02:25:39.440
Now in the Apollo 13 scenario, the mission controller said, yep, that's great.
02:25:39.440 --> 02:25:40.440
Let's do that.
02:25:40.440 --> 02:25:45.000
But when it came to this COVID madness, not only were the doctors who were working on
02:25:45.000 --> 02:25:50.640
what we had in the cupboard that was already available, censored, so were their solutions.
02:25:50.640 --> 02:25:57.920
And led me to say in the Senate that we are at the pointy end of the worst human factors
02:25:57.920 --> 02:26:04.880
disaster in global history, because the solutions that are readily available now have been canceled.
02:26:04.880 --> 02:26:09.840
And my urgency message to the Senate was government, you must listen.
02:26:09.840 --> 02:26:14.360
When I used to fly aeroplanes, if ever there was an emergency situation I was involved
02:26:14.360 --> 02:26:18.480
in, and I wasn't ticking all the boxes to get the aeroplane on the ground like the crew
02:26:18.480 --> 02:26:24.440
did in the Everglades, I was trying to respond to a message from a copilot, Captain, you must
02:26:24.440 --> 02:26:25.440
02:26:25.440 --> 02:26:28.120
And that's working to the Senate.
02:26:28.120 --> 02:26:32.480
And there were two senators in the chamber, but several on the call that weren't available
02:26:32.480 --> 02:26:38.480
to be there to present those people, none of them asked a question after that.
02:26:38.480 --> 02:26:40.240
They couldn't argue with it.
02:26:40.280 --> 02:26:44.640
Now, if we go in with the science and all the other stuff, they would argue they would
02:26:44.640 --> 02:26:46.800
come out and ridicule or whatever.
02:26:46.800 --> 02:26:50.880
They could not get over that, because that's the real truth of what's going on.
02:26:50.880 --> 02:26:52.800
There are solutions readily available.
02:26:52.800 --> 02:26:57.760
They have been ignored, and those who were proposing them through pragmatism and reason
02:26:57.760 --> 02:27:00.080
have been canceled like yourself.
02:27:00.080 --> 02:27:05.920
And we have to appeal to these intellectually handicapped politicians and bureaucrats that
02:27:05.920 --> 02:27:09.880
there are solutions, and the people who have those solutions should be brought out
02:27:09.880 --> 02:27:14.840
of the cupboard and into the light where they can participate in the debate and get people
02:27:14.840 --> 02:27:17.720
well and get our countries back on their feet again.
02:27:17.720 --> 02:27:23.800
And I can honestly say that the video of that presentation to the Senate is going viral,
02:27:23.800 --> 02:27:27.240
and I believe we need to look at different ways of waking people up.
02:27:27.240 --> 02:27:30.240
And I believe that's one way of doing it.
02:27:30.240 --> 02:27:34.920
We have to stop saying people have got to go to jail, people have got to hang.
02:27:34.920 --> 02:27:38.880
They've got to look at the intellectually handicapped, stop running down rabbit holes
02:27:38.880 --> 02:27:41.640
in different directions and focus on the target.
02:27:41.640 --> 02:27:42.760
And I think we can do it.
02:27:42.760 --> 02:27:47.320
And Michael, you have done so much work, and I congratulate you for that.
02:27:47.320 --> 02:27:53.320
And I'm really concerned about you personally, because you're much more than most other people,
02:27:53.320 --> 02:27:54.920
and I thank you for it, sir.
02:27:54.920 --> 02:27:55.920
Oh, thank you.
02:27:55.920 --> 02:27:56.920
Thank you for saying that.
02:27:56.920 --> 02:28:02.600
And I think we're all doing what we are, as it were, dropped into this moment in space
02:28:02.600 --> 02:28:09.120
to do, including your thing, you just said that the such powerful word is like, Captain,
02:28:09.120 --> 02:28:11.480
you must listen.
02:28:11.480 --> 02:28:12.480
That's great.
02:28:12.480 --> 02:28:19.280
I mean, because, yeah, I'm sure that that has saved lives repeatedly as an end of crisis.
02:28:19.280 --> 02:28:24.440
So yeah, maybe it's Mike, you must listen, or whoever it is.
02:28:24.440 --> 02:28:30.080
I think you're talking about, can we find ways to get additional, or can we find ways
02:28:30.080 --> 02:28:31.080
to get allies?
02:28:31.080 --> 02:28:37.800
At the moment, in the past, I've tried to inform them, and I think they don't really
02:28:37.800 --> 02:28:38.800
know what's going on.
02:28:38.800 --> 02:28:44.560
The 650 elected members of Parliament in Westminster, I think most of them do not know what's going
02:28:44.560 --> 02:28:45.720
02:28:45.720 --> 02:28:52.360
I don't think they've all been, you know, shown the script and told, you know, this is your
02:28:52.360 --> 02:28:53.360
reward if you go.
02:28:53.360 --> 02:28:54.840
I don't think they know what's going on.
02:28:54.840 --> 02:29:01.080
I think they're not expected to really participate, but to turn up, I think they call them lobby
02:29:01.080 --> 02:29:02.080
for that.
02:29:02.080 --> 02:29:04.280
You'd expect it to turn up and go over to the bloody lobby.
02:29:04.280 --> 02:29:08.000
If you're told to go through the eye lobby or the no lobby, that's what you do.
02:29:08.000 --> 02:29:12.160
And certain people get selected to get, you know, government positions, and then they
02:29:12.160 --> 02:29:16.760
get more senior government positions, and so they're willing to be very accommodating
02:29:16.760 --> 02:29:19.000
off their party.
02:29:19.000 --> 02:29:23.920
And so if someone like me points out, your government, your party is doing the wrong
02:29:23.920 --> 02:29:24.920
02:29:24.920 --> 02:29:31.080
It's just, you know, I know they know before they even hear me that if it sets them against
02:29:31.080 --> 02:29:35.400
their party, it doesn't matter what I tell them, they're not going to do it.
02:29:35.400 --> 02:29:42.400
All right, that's, and I think they also deselect people like you and me.
02:29:42.400 --> 02:29:47.640
So when people like you and me never get elected, even if we wanted to stand, they'd have removed
02:29:47.640 --> 02:29:52.920
us because it's like that hoodie guy sounds like he's going to be clever and trouble.
02:29:52.920 --> 02:29:56.320
So we've ended up with a whole bunch of bloody drones.
02:29:56.320 --> 02:30:01.040
I've noticed in your saying that you seem to have at least two people who have got their
02:30:01.040 --> 02:30:05.480
head screwed on and are brave enough to speak about it.
02:30:05.480 --> 02:30:07.880
And tick is one of them and there's another guy.
02:30:07.880 --> 02:30:10.880
So I'm not looking at, I'm not looking at politics.
02:30:10.880 --> 02:30:18.440
So really, Renik and Michael Roberts, I'm sorry, what's the name, Josh?
02:30:18.440 --> 02:30:26.520
You've got some very well informed people who weren't shut up and they are being heard.
02:30:26.520 --> 02:30:27.920
I'm not looking at politics.
02:30:27.920 --> 02:30:29.800
I don't watch any mainstream media.
02:30:29.800 --> 02:30:31.200
I've seen them.
02:30:31.200 --> 02:30:34.360
So whatever, they've managed to get around the world.
02:30:34.360 --> 02:30:35.360
And that's good.
02:30:35.360 --> 02:30:36.360
All right.
02:30:36.360 --> 02:30:37.360
We're 20 minutes over.
02:30:37.360 --> 02:30:38.360
Yeah, no way over.
02:30:38.360 --> 02:30:45.400
But there's some who said all three in the end, Stephen, you must listen, just momentarily.
02:30:45.400 --> 02:30:46.400
Very good.
02:30:46.400 --> 02:30:54.160
So seriously, I think what something about what Celia said, there's already some vulnerabilities
02:30:54.160 --> 02:30:58.160
there, rather than what me worrying about, they have got awesome power.
02:30:58.160 --> 02:31:02.160
And if we're not bloody lucky and determined, they will roll us over.
02:31:02.160 --> 02:31:04.240
But I'm not over.
02:31:04.240 --> 02:31:08.440
And that's why I'm thinking there's probably they've made some mistakes which we need to
02:31:08.440 --> 02:31:09.440
capitalize on.
02:31:09.440 --> 02:31:14.720
And I think Graham has hit on some points, which is in every legislature, there's a
02:31:14.720 --> 02:31:17.400
handful of people who are brave and clever.
02:31:17.400 --> 02:31:21.520
You imagine if we could get them all together and let's say we had three from every one
02:31:21.520 --> 02:31:27.520
of a hundred and 92 countries who are articulate and brave and plugged in, you'd have whatever
02:31:27.520 --> 02:31:28.520
that would be.
02:31:28.520 --> 02:31:31.320
You probably have a thousand people.
02:31:31.320 --> 02:31:32.320
I don't know.
02:31:32.320 --> 02:31:33.320
Can we do something?
02:31:33.320 --> 02:31:38.440
I don't want to form a one world team, one that's ever said Macabre and frightening and
02:31:38.440 --> 02:31:41.720
also we provide an opportunity result to be wiped out at one time.
02:31:42.720 --> 02:31:47.280
There seem to be too small a number in any one country to get a breakthrough in any
02:31:47.280 --> 02:31:48.280
one country.
02:31:48.280 --> 02:31:53.120
There's no point in us getting with the bronze medal in every country, we've got to get
02:31:53.120 --> 02:31:54.120
gold somewhere.
02:31:54.120 --> 02:31:59.320
I don't know how to do it, but I feel we've got to get gold somewhere.
02:31:59.320 --> 02:32:02.480
Charles, you must listen.
02:32:02.480 --> 02:32:05.120
We can't let Michael go without a twenty second prayer.
02:32:05.120 --> 02:32:07.120
Please don't let us do that.
02:32:07.120 --> 02:32:08.120
I know.
02:32:08.120 --> 02:32:09.120
What are you doing?
02:32:09.120 --> 02:32:11.560
Graeme is a wonderful communicator.
02:32:11.560 --> 02:32:18.920
He's an airline captain or was and I think he was the most senior in Australia at the
02:32:18.920 --> 02:32:19.920
time he resigned.
02:32:19.920 --> 02:32:24.800
I don't know whether that's true, but anyway, the point is that he's a wonderful communicator.
02:32:24.800 --> 02:32:30.080
He's incredibly trustworthy, he's very sensible and I think he's exactly the kind of guy who
02:32:30.080 --> 02:32:34.640
is able to put these messages out to the public in language that they understand because
02:32:34.640 --> 02:32:38.480
he needed to do it when he was an airline pilot.
02:32:38.480 --> 02:32:39.480
Thank you, Stephen.
02:32:39.480 --> 02:32:40.480
02:32:40.480 --> 02:32:41.480
Hoodie, go for it.
02:32:41.480 --> 02:32:42.480
And now, Charles, come here.
02:32:42.480 --> 02:32:43.480
I have a question.
02:32:43.480 --> 02:32:44.480
Stephen, we'll do it.
02:32:44.480 --> 02:32:45.480
We'll do the prayer.
02:32:45.480 --> 02:32:46.480
And then your last question, Stephen.
02:32:46.480 --> 02:32:47.480
02:32:47.480 --> 02:32:48.480
So, or Hoodie.
02:32:48.480 --> 02:32:49.480
Thomas Binder as well.
02:32:49.480 --> 02:32:52.480
He had his hander before and the last day of the year.
02:32:52.480 --> 02:32:53.480
Wait a minute.
02:32:53.480 --> 02:32:54.480
Thomas, quick question.
02:32:54.480 --> 02:32:55.480
02:32:55.480 --> 02:32:56.480
I haven't.
02:32:56.480 --> 02:32:58.880
I haven't got people of leaving, Stephen.
02:32:58.880 --> 02:32:59.880
Come on.
02:32:59.880 --> 02:33:00.880
Thomas, go.
02:33:00.880 --> 02:33:04.680
Stephen asked me whether I wanted to say something, so I rose my hand.
02:33:04.680 --> 02:33:05.680
Hi, Mike.
02:33:05.680 --> 02:33:06.680
Great to hear you.
02:33:06.680 --> 02:33:07.680
Hi, Thomas.
02:33:07.680 --> 02:33:09.960
It's time to meet you in person once.
02:33:09.960 --> 02:33:12.440
I hope we can do this.
02:33:12.440 --> 02:33:15.280
I fully agree with everything you said.
02:33:15.280 --> 02:33:22.760
I think the most important things we have to inform the public are three first.
02:33:22.760 --> 02:33:24.800
There was no pandemic of a killer virus.
02:33:24.800 --> 02:33:33.680
There was mainly, if not completely, an RTPCR testing pandemic second, the whole mRNA vaccine
02:33:33.680 --> 02:33:39.040
platform is basically flawed, so it must be banned.
02:33:39.040 --> 02:33:46.280
And the third is refused to accept anything that contains digital in its name.
02:33:46.280 --> 02:33:47.280
02:33:47.280 --> 02:33:49.080
These are my two cents.
02:33:49.080 --> 02:33:50.080
02:33:50.080 --> 02:33:53.560
I absolutely wholeheartedly endorse all three of those things.
02:33:53.560 --> 02:33:54.560
Thank you.
02:33:54.560 --> 02:33:55.560
Thank you, Thomas.
02:33:55.560 --> 02:33:56.560
Thank you, Stephen.
02:33:56.560 --> 02:33:57.560
Okay, Stephen.
02:33:57.560 --> 02:34:01.760
One question because then we'll have a closing prayer from Hoodie and then we're going to
02:34:01.760 --> 02:34:02.760
02:34:02.760 --> 02:34:08.000
Mike, I noticed that you say that there was no pandemic, but you also say the formulation
02:34:08.000 --> 02:34:12.480
was such that actually, you know that it was a complete fraud.
02:34:12.480 --> 02:34:17.280
They used three different methods to kill people, and in fact, I think you went on to
02:34:17.280 --> 02:34:20.160
say there were two more which you had limited knowledge of.
02:34:20.160 --> 02:34:26.920
I think it's extremely important from you to that the people around the world hear that
02:34:26.920 --> 02:34:32.240
message, that, yeah, installation, if you like, and then if they want to know more, you
02:34:32.240 --> 02:34:34.640
can provide all the evidence.
02:34:34.640 --> 02:34:35.640
02:34:35.640 --> 02:34:36.640
I am.
02:34:36.640 --> 02:34:42.560
I am right now in a process where someone reached out to me to say, we need to get what
02:34:42.560 --> 02:34:47.000
you've said down in writing, you need to speak to me, and I will write the bloody article.
02:34:47.000 --> 02:34:50.720
So I've actually had someone do exactly what I needed.
02:34:50.720 --> 02:34:55.040
They threw me the life for us to say, grab all of that, I'll pull you to the shore, and
02:34:55.040 --> 02:34:57.400
then I'll record you speaking, I will write the article.
02:34:57.400 --> 02:35:01.560
So it'll be me, it'll be me and the author.
02:35:01.560 --> 02:35:04.080
So we are going to do this in the next couple of weeks.
02:35:04.080 --> 02:35:09.640
So we need wordsmiths, and we need people like Celia Farber, who's a brilliant, insightful
02:35:09.640 --> 02:35:16.360
author, expert on the AIDS virus, and she was thrown into that at a very tender age.
02:35:16.360 --> 02:35:20.840
But I think that we need to play to our strengths, and so I'm talking from a medical doctors
02:35:20.840 --> 02:35:22.040
point of view.
02:35:22.040 --> 02:35:28.840
In my view, there was not only no pandemic, but there was no disease called COVID-19.
02:35:28.840 --> 02:35:30.880
It was a fake disease.
02:35:30.880 --> 02:35:33.000
The PCR test we know was fraudulent.
02:35:33.000 --> 02:35:39.200
You wrote with Wolfgang Woodard, I'll go think about that to the European message.
02:35:39.200 --> 02:35:42.520
So you understand that, but I understand that the medical doctor and all doctors in the
02:35:42.520 --> 02:35:47.320
world should have understood that it wasn't properly diagnosed, this so-called disease.
02:35:47.320 --> 02:35:51.560
So the whole thing was a fraud, it was a fake.
02:35:51.560 --> 02:35:58.320
And so there was no, and why was it, so they tried to say, oh, but you know, so it wasn't
02:35:58.320 --> 02:36:04.040
even clinically possible, it wasn't possible to diagnose it clinically, that's the point.
02:36:04.040 --> 02:36:09.400
So there was nothing that a medical doctor could hang his hat on and say, that's COVID-19.
02:36:09.400 --> 02:36:13.120
They tried to say, oh, loss of taste, loss of smell, and all this nonsense.
02:36:13.120 --> 02:36:17.600
And it seemed everybody in the world seemed to forget that when they had a cold previously,
02:36:17.600 --> 02:36:19.720
they lost their sense of taste and smell.
02:36:19.720 --> 02:36:24.960
And the same with, and then they say, oh, it lasted longer with COVID, no, sorry.
02:36:24.960 --> 02:36:30.360
There was no symptom that was pathognomonic for COVID-19.
02:36:30.360 --> 02:36:34.760
So the whole thing was a fraud, and it's been done before.
02:36:34.760 --> 02:36:43.000
They did it with the swine flu, and Wolfgang Woodard, the German hero, he forced an investigation
02:36:43.000 --> 02:36:50.320
at the Council of Europe, which is a constituent part of the European Union.
02:36:50.320 --> 02:36:55.280
And the investigation is on the end, the report of that investigation is on the internet.
02:36:55.280 --> 02:36:56.560
It was a fraud.
02:36:56.560 --> 02:37:01.120
They did the same thing in 2020, and we're still living through that nonsense.
02:37:01.120 --> 02:37:02.560
We need to expose these.
02:37:02.560 --> 02:37:03.560
Come on.
02:37:03.560 --> 02:37:04.560
But how do I have any trials?
02:37:04.560 --> 02:37:06.760
No, we're some half an hour over.
02:37:06.760 --> 02:37:08.880
People are leaving in drive, Stephen.
02:37:08.880 --> 02:37:09.880
You don't care.
02:37:09.880 --> 02:37:10.880
I do.
02:37:10.880 --> 02:37:13.800
I don't care about the people who leave, because if they leave, they shouldn't have left.
02:37:13.800 --> 02:37:14.800
Come on.
02:37:14.800 --> 02:37:15.800
Come on.
02:37:15.800 --> 02:37:16.800
And it's not the fault.
02:37:16.800 --> 02:37:18.200
I just nearly finished.
02:37:18.200 --> 02:37:19.200
02:37:20.200 --> 02:37:25.240
So there was no COVID-19, there was no pandemic, there never was a pandemic.
02:37:25.240 --> 02:37:28.920
Pandemics are not possible in the future, and no fear is necessary, because they used
02:37:28.920 --> 02:37:34.480
fear propaganda against all the population around the world to promote this nonsense,
02:37:34.480 --> 02:37:36.920
this Trojan horse for totalitarianism.
02:37:36.920 --> 02:37:38.880
We need to expose them.
02:37:38.880 --> 02:37:39.880
02:37:39.880 --> 02:37:40.880
Thank you, Stephen.
02:37:40.880 --> 02:37:44.160
Hoodie, closing prayer, please, for Mike and the group.
02:37:44.160 --> 02:37:49.120
Dear Lord, Father in Heaven, we just call on your Holy Spirit, Father God, to know
02:37:49.120 --> 02:37:54.000
that we nurture the heart of Michael Yudin, a man who has given so much to bring so much
02:37:54.000 --> 02:37:56.000
truth at such great cost.
02:37:56.000 --> 02:38:00.880
Father, we know this is taking a toll on him, and we're all paying a price, but he is paying
02:38:00.880 --> 02:38:02.840
a very, very high price.
02:38:02.840 --> 02:38:04.840
Lord, we need to be called to action.
02:38:04.840 --> 02:38:09.680
We need to find ways to penetrate the truth into the houses that make the differences.
02:38:09.680 --> 02:38:14.320
So Lord, as we proceed further, we ask you to guide our every step, but most of all,
02:38:14.320 --> 02:38:18.520
our prayer at this moment is that you would surround Michael Yudin, with angel sword
02:38:18.520 --> 02:38:23.040
drawn to protect him, to watch over him and to cover him.
02:38:23.040 --> 02:38:26.000
And this is our prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.
02:38:26.000 --> 02:38:27.000
02:38:27.000 --> 02:38:28.000
Well said.
02:38:28.000 --> 02:38:29.000
Thank you, Graham.
02:38:29.000 --> 02:38:30.000
02:38:30.000 --> 02:38:34.560
So for those with the time, Tom Rodman has put the link into the video group for those
02:38:34.560 --> 02:38:36.880
who have endless amounts of time to do that.
02:38:36.880 --> 02:38:37.880
Well done.
02:38:37.880 --> 02:38:42.560
If you do, there's the link, Mike, thank you so much for being with us, Stephen.
02:38:42.560 --> 02:38:46.280
Thank you for organizing, Mike, to be with us.
02:38:46.280 --> 02:38:50.880
And some very important information, please, what's the recording for those of you who
02:38:50.880 --> 02:38:52.280
are alive?
02:38:52.280 --> 02:38:55.880
And we will see you again on Sunday night, Monday.
02:38:55.880 --> 02:38:57.160
Big round of applause to Mike.
02:38:57.160 --> 02:38:59.920
Hopefully you can see us, Mike, that we're all clapping.
02:38:59.920 --> 02:39:00.920
02:39:00.920 --> 02:39:01.920
02:39:01.920 --> 02:39:05.960
Thank you very much for inviting me and then putting up with me, because as you can tell,
02:39:05.960 --> 02:39:10.000
I can not only talk for England, but I can talk for anybody and not stop.
02:39:10.000 --> 02:39:11.480
But thank you very much.
02:39:11.480 --> 02:39:13.480
I've enjoyed the interaction.
02:39:13.480 --> 02:39:14.480
Thank you, Mike.
02:39:14.480 --> 02:39:15.480
02:39:15.480 --> 02:39:16.480
Thank you, Mike.
02:39:16.480 --> 02:39:17.480
Enjoy the rest.
02:39:17.480 --> 02:39:18.480
02:39:18.480 --> 02:39:19.480
Thank you.
02:39:19.480 --> 02:39:20.480
Thank you.
02:39:20.480 --> 02:39:21.480
Thank you.
02:39:21.480 --> 02:39:22.480
Bye-bye then.
02:39:22.480 --> 02:39:23.480
Thank you.
02:39:23.480 --> 02:39:24.480
02:39:24.480 --> 02:39:26.480
Thank you so much.
02:39:26.480 --> 02:39:27.480
Thanks, Charles.
02:39:27.480 --> 02:39:28.480
Thank you, Stephen.
02:39:28.480 --> 02:39:29.480
Great job.
02:39:29.480 --> 02:39:30.480
We got there.
02:39:30.480 --> 02:39:31.480
What do you say, Mike?
02:39:31.480 --> 02:39:32.480
I'm sorry.
02:39:32.480 --> 02:39:34.480
I just felt that it was such an important presentation.
02:39:34.480 --> 02:39:35.480
02:39:35.480 --> 02:39:36.480
No, it's OK.
02:39:36.480 --> 02:39:37.480
I wouldn't get another.
02:39:37.480 --> 02:39:40.480
Well, we would get another chance, but you know, you can't recreate the atmosphere.
02:39:40.480 --> 02:39:45.480
The evening and I think we should all feel that that was well spent.
02:39:45.480 --> 02:39:47.480
That was time well spent.
02:39:47.480 --> 02:39:48.480
Yeah, it was.
02:39:48.480 --> 02:39:49.480
Thanks for being here, guys.
02:39:49.480 --> 02:39:50.480
Thank you.
02:39:50.480 --> 02:39:51.480
02:39:51.480 --> 02:39:52.480
Thank you.
02:39:52.480 --> 02:39:53.480
02:39:53.480 --> 02:39:54.480
Thank you so much to you as well for that, Fred.
02:39:54.480 --> 02:39:55.480
Thank you.
02:39:55.480 --> 02:39:56.480
All right.
02:39:56.480 --> 02:39:57.480
Bye, everybody.
02:39:57.480 --> 02:39:58.480
And to everybody who asked questions.
02:39:58.480 --> 02:39:59.480
Thank you.
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