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v3tkf7p (2023-11-16) - Were NYC COVID 2020 Deaths False? [DailyClout]
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Hey, everyone. Welcome. It's Dr. Naomi Wolf, and I'm honored to be joined today by Jessica
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Hawkett and Jonathan Angler of the Distinguished Group, Pandata. Welcome, Ms. Hawkett and
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Mr. Angler. Yeah, so excited to have you. So we've got some bios. Mr. Angler started
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life as a medical doctor. I'm sorry, I should've said Dr. Angler before moving into the clinical
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industry where he gained experience in designing, running, and reporting clinical trials to regulatory
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standards. After a few years, he set up a business using automation to streamline clinical trials,
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and this was sold to you as corporation a decade later. He retrained as a lawyer because why,
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you know, why not make your Jewish mother incredibly happy?
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Yeah. Practice for a short period before re-entering the health care business world,
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and he is the co-chair with Claire Craig, whom I adore, by the way. I've never met her, but I've
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admired her forever, of the UK-based heart group, which opposes UK government policies of the last
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few years. He is also on the executive committee of the International Research Group, Panda,
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where he works closely with Jessica. Now, Jessica Hawkett lives in the Chicago area and worked in
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the K-12 education sector for more than 20 years, versus a teacher, and then as a consultant to
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schools and agencies and policy organizations. She's published many publications, including
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numerous articles and three books. Since 2020, she has used her research skills to push against
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government mandates, censorship, and false claims of COVID-19. She publishes her investigative work
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on New York City's mass fatality event on Twitter at Wood underscore House 76, and her
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sub-stack,, and is proud to be associated with the international group Panda,
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through which she collaborates with Jonathan, Engler, and others. And so, such distinguished
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guests for today, again, welcome, welcome. The reason that we're speaking with Dr. Engler and Ms. Hawkett
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today is that Panda, Panda, their group, reached out to let us know that they had
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reviewed the 2020 New York City fatality statistics, and they had some questions,
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serious questions. So, over to you, please tell us what you found in your own research. And again,
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I just want to underscore this is their independent research. Daily Cloud has not evaluated. Our
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group has not evaluated it. It's their finding, so over to you to tell us what you found.
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Yeah, so, I mean, my first suspicions about the story that we were being told arose in
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a few years ago, actually, 2020-2021, when it looked like, basically, the COVID deaths, which
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were claimed, shot up in a peak, as well as the whole United Kingdom at the same time,
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with a few days in between.
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Okay, we're looking in, Dr. Engler, around what month was that?
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That's March 2020, yeah. And I thought that's a slightly strange thing for a spreading pathogen
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to do. And of course, the alternative theory to that, which I developed in Panda with a very
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genius evolutionary biologist who was in Panda there, was maybe it wasn't actually a spreading
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virus. Maybe it was the response to the idea that there might be a spreading virus. In other
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words, the dystopian healthcare response and how it affected the particularly elderly people at
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the time. And sort of fast forward to 2022, when we discovered that we could download some
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information from fine-grade information from Northern Italy, basically daily death information
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for a long time. What was the source of work data?
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This was the Italian Statistics Institute. So the official government stats statistic
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institute in Italy actually publishes a very fine-grained death data for going right down into relatively
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small towns and villages in Northern Italy. And so we actually analyzed that data, trying to find
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the evidence of spread. The whole critical part of the narrative is that something spread.
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So if something spreads, you should see evidence of it mathematically, because what you get is
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you get clusterings, and then you get things taking off in a small little fire somewhere,
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imagine it's a forest fire, and then that dies out and another one starts off somewhere else.
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What you wouldn't expect to see would be the simultaneous destruction
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of the whole forest at the same time. And that's a powerful analogy.
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So can we just jump in there? I know you want to set the stage and I appreciate it, but that's
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really a thought worth processing. You're saying and do epidemiologists agree with you that the
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normal way a pathogen spreads is here, and then here, and then here, rather than everywhere all
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at once? Well, that is the narrative as claimed, that it spread. That was the whole basis upon
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lockdowns, restrictions of movement. I'm asking kind of a different question,
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and I really want to get this right, so please bear with me. And again,
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I'm not a medical doctor, so my frame of reference is 400 years of English and American
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memoirs and novels and so on. And what you're saying really resonates with like accounts of
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the bubonic plague. It wasn't everywhere all at once. It was in this town, and then it was in that
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town, and then it was coming in the harbor. Are you saying that epidemiologists agree with you
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that pathogens do not spread everywhere all at once? They spread here in a cluster and then
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to there in a cluster and to there in a cluster. Is that what you're saying? Well, they should,
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that's what they should do. But of course, what they've been trying to do with the data we've
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been presenting is remake all their assumptions so that their perception of what happened, which was
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as a novel deadly virus spread from Wuhan across the world. So that fits that. But the more
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assumptions they have to change to make that model fit, the less credible it basically looks.
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Sorry, just want to dig in here, because what you're saying is kind of incredible. So you're
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saying that epidemiologists in the past agreed that pathogens spread the way you just described
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from this place to this place to this place in clusters, but that currently
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epidemiologists, I'm assuming you mean kind of institutional epidemiologists as opposed to our
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dissident friends who are epidemiologists, are now remaking their assumptions about how
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pathogens spread in order to align the expectations with the COVID narrative that everything spread
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all at once. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, so for example, they might have thought a few years
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ago, it's a classical spread of a pathogen from person to person. If you isolate somebody,
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it will reduce its spread and we can model this using complex modeling and so on. Now,
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they're having to introduce the idea of triggers that they don't really understand to explain why
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why did it take off simultaneously in these different areas? Oh, it must be a trigger that
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we don't understand. Now, we would say that is not a virus. The trigger is the spread of
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fear, panic and dystopia. But I should point out that there is a somewhat of an omerta
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over the whole story about what happened in 2020 is even people who have worked out
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that the whole vaccine programme is of dubious efficacy of safety and justification are unwilling
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to look deeply into what actually happened in spring 2020. Right, we're out on a limb both within
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the skeptical and the non-skeptical community. Well, let's bracket that. Okay, and move right
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into what do you say you've found? I get your theory that the mass deaths may not have been a
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virus in this case, behaving kind of anomalously and being everywhere all at once and killing
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people everywhere all at once. And you're right, moving country by country, right? That's not,
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I mean, I've studied the history of plagues, you know, back to Justinian and it wasn't like that.
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It was this core, this town, right? It wasn't now it's the Roman Empire, right? Now it stopped at
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this border now it's left over to, you know. Well, I mean, that is really a very unusual thing
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about this virus is that it seems to know where all the national boundaries are. Right, right,
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exactly. I'm not buying that. But anyway, I'm going to hand over to Jessica in a minute,
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but just as a sort of segue into that, just to point out our Italy analysis, which is one of
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Canada's most commented papers, actually, is the paper that I wrote in I think the September
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October last year, which raised the question of whether there was actually evidence of spread,
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or rather the simultaneous imposition of a set of conditions on the population.
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There was only so far we could go in terms of the Italy analysis, mainly for language reasons.
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It's quite difficult as an outsider to dig into the what data you need, where you might get it,
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make FOI requests for you as you call them for your requests and so on. This is where
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I'm going to hand over to Jessica because what we've basically done is we've repeated that analysis
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or part of that analysis for New York City. Okay, because one thing in just wanting to
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just make sure I understand everything you're saying, your thesis is that it's not,
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it may not be COVID that killed all those people simultaneously all at once in Italy. And now
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you're about to explain in New York City, it might have been the lockdown conditions,
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meaning isolation, these horrible protocols and hospitals, fear, multi-generational households,
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but how did you get there? Do I have that correct? You do, yeah. There's an additional twist in the
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New York situation, which may also pertain to the northern Italy situation, but we don't have enough
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information to interrogate it properly. And the additional twist is that we are putting the
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authorities to prove to us that the people actually died, the numbers being claimed actually died.
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I love that and we'll get to that. I just need to ask one question. Forgive me for stopping you
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so often. It's very important and I want to make, if you're right, it's very important and I want
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to make sure everyone watching fully understands what you're saying. How could, if you're right
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hypothetically, that it was the conditions of lockdown rather than the virus that suddenly
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killed all these people in Italy and now we're going to talk about New York City in March of
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2020, how could that happen so fast because lockdowns only started in New York on March 8th
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of 2020? Well, I mean, a lot of the Jessica will expand on this, but there are various different
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mechanisms. I mean, we've got two scenarios. One is that people died quickly and that is explainable
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in some places, although maybe not to the total extent of the number of deaths claimed. That is
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explainable by some of the policies implemented. I mean, first of all, what do you mean? Like,
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how could lockdowns are not going to kill people in three weeks? Remdesivir and ventilators can kill.
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Correct. So I was going to come on to say there are a variety of things that could well have claimed
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people's lives prematurely. I mean, you've got to remember that within any system where,
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particularly when you have elderly people who are basically maintained by quite a complex social
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care and health care environment, it doesn't take much to tip those people over the edge and you
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generate a peak of deaths. I mean, we see it with heatwaves. You see it with heatwaves.
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So people are, if you view the whole social care apparatus around elderly people, including
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their relatives, if you view that as their life support system, disrupt that, who will die.
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Oh my gosh. And so immediately, what I'm thinking about being a New Yorker is that our governor,
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I believe in March and April, moved people with code infections into nursing care homes, which
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we call older care homes, which is totally unheard of. And then there was a rash of deaths in nursing
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care homes. So your hypothesis is that, and this makes human sense, it makes intuitive sense,
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that very elderly people are kept alive by networks of people that making sure they're being looked
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after, making sure they're getting their medication, keeping their spirits up. And if you look,
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hydrating them, if you look very elderly people away in isolation, you don't even need to ventilate
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or remdesivir them necessarily for a lot of them to simply give up. And I will just chime in
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with a data point that I'm sure you've taken into account. But one of our colleagues
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analyzed the death state of four Massachusetts and found that the average COVID death was two
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years older than the average death. So they're counting people who are already dying from COVID,
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who are already at the end of their life spans, whereas I take your point, they may be hanging on
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by a thread, the thread will be extended if people love them and take care of them and come see them
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and keep them going. And it may be cut together if you remove their support system.
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Yeah, I mean, as I say, have a saying that everything was COVID and COVID was everything
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in the sense that, you know, it's the every man's virus COVID. So it's both sneaky and stealthy,
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but then it explodes like a bomb. It apparently is completely unique, but then it causes every
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single symptom anybody can ever think of. Brilliant. Sorry. It's completely mad.
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That is okay. I'm getting a clearer picture now. Thank you so much.
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Ms. Hawkett, please pick up and tell us what you found specifically about when you looked at the
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shirt. So the New York City's spring 2020 mass casualty event, even though I live in Chicago,
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I don't live in New York, has troubled me deeply since 2021, for sure. The data from New York and
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the casualty sustained in New York in 11 weeks, 27,000 extra people died. The equivalent mortality
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wise of about 10, 911 events is many, many magnitudes higher. According to whom,
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what were these? According to data, the federal mortality database, CDC wonder,
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and according to data that I obtained directly from the New York City Department of Health and
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Mental Hygiene, their 2020 vital statistics report. I've obtained a lot of data from them
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and other New York City agencies, especially on a daily basis. But yeah, about 26, 27,000
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extra deaths in 11 weeks. Huge mortality event. We do not have the names of the dead. In fact,
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journalistic efforts have only uncovered about 2,500 or so names from that event. There are no
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death certificates. There's no way in New York state to get death certificates so that we can
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simply verify that this event occurred. And I want to be clear about that too. My contention
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or my suspicion is that we have a major fraud event at work with New York City. And not just
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in terms of cause of death with noise, it's a COVID death, which is not a COVID death, but in
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so far as what the city and the federal government are claiming about the number of people who actually
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died each day on the ground in real time, in the settings that they are claimed to have occurred.
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All right. Wow. Strong words. So let me again try to understand exactly what you're saying.
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You looked at data for New York City from two government sources. One was federal, a CDC managed
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database, and one was municipal, a New York City health and mental health data. So that's
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where the all cause mortality. But then we have multiple, what I've been doing, especially over
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the past year and a half or so in earnest, is gathering multiple and different kinds of data,
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not just death data, but ambulance dispatch data, hospital occupancy data, emergency room data, 911
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call data, to really try to understand what the heck happened here. Why doesn't anybody want to
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talk about it and do all these data points fit together. Right. We have this massive spike that
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happened nowhere else in magnitude or speed. When you say this massive spike, you're talking about
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the 27,000 extra deaths higher than expected in what time period in the time period of mid-March
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2020 to the end of May 2020. Most of that, most of that mortality occurred within about four to five
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weeks, though, use that last week period as the spring 2020 event. Okay. So jumping in, do the
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municipal data about these 27,000 purported extra deaths match the CDC data about the
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purported extra deaths? No, not exactly. It's a little complicated to explain, but there are
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discrepancies. I've written about them on my on my sub stack on the order of maybe 1000 or so deaths.
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So it's not, it's a significant number, but it's not an explanation for the 27,000.
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That important. All right. Moving on, you're saying that you're trying to identify these
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individuals by death certificate. Is that correct? Well, no, I'm saying these individuals have not
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been identified. Who hasn't identified them? Nobody has identified them. We don't have to do
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isn't that due to medical privacy laws? No, not necessarily. A vital record is different from
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a medical record. In many states, you can obtain that certificates via FOIA, even with names on
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them. That's not the case with the names in every state, but with some people like Minnesota,
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I think somebody obtained every death certificate, just the basics, right? Someone so died on this
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day. These really attributed causes. And this is where they die. You can't even get that in New
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York City. And when it comes to jumping in, what is this an anomaly? Would you have been in the past
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able to make? Let me make a connection with you. This is the largest mass casualty event in New York
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City ever. And I would say almost in any in any city in US history ever. And there is no
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proof of these deaths. We have to jump in. I've got to jump in. I'm sorry. I have to ask.
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I'm asking if that's an anomaly, meaning if you were to FOIA, the 3000 people who were said to
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have died in the Twin Towers on 9-11, would Jessica Pocket have been able to FOIA proof of
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all those individual's deaths? So for 9-11, 9-11, they released the names.
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But no one verified them to my knowledge the way you are wanting. I'm asking if
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we need either names of all these people who are alleged to have died during this event,
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and or death certificates, preferably both. So I've looked at the databases for these
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purported deaths for my book, The Bodies of Others. I saw what you saw, which is totally
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unverifiable because they are strings of numbers rather than any individual names. What I'm saying
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is, is that a departure? Isn't that standard practice? And I run a tech company. So I'm asking
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this from a nerdy point of view, for data stats, where you have to conceal people's identity for
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privacy reasons, you would as a coder assign them a number. So I'm asking you... In Illinois,
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I could get every death certificate if I submitted a FOIA. So I'm saying it varies from state to
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state. And in New York state, current law does not permit me to get death certificates
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in the same way that John Bodwin did for Massachusetts. But I think more broadly,
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and this is really important, is that the government should not be able to claim that an event occurred
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without especially one of this magnitude, especially one that was used to scare the world,
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lock up children, and hurt people, force them to take a vaccine, and not have to prove the event.
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It's true as 11 that the death certificates to my knowledge have not been attempted to be
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obtained. But we have a list of names at the very least. All right. So now I understand.
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So you are balked by the fact that these data sets, which is indeed frustrating,
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are strings of numbers rather than names. And you don't know if these are real people.
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You're saying that this death pattern departs from what you'd expect to see.
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I understand that due to privacy laws in New York state, they don't have to release the names of
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these individuals to you, right? Even with, even with a FOIA. So I guess what I'm trying to understand
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is, therefore, this is the point you've reached where you're saying this is an anomaly. We can't
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confirm these people. Now we're asking New York City authorities to verify that these people are
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real people who actually die. Is that correct? Sure. Yeah. That's a big piece of it. And the
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different data sets and data points don't fit together. One example is that New York City hospitals
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claimed and the media claimed that New York City hospitals were overrun with patients.
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Data are clear. They were not overrun with patients. ED visits, visits to the emergency department,
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plummeted 60% and at the same time, we have an extra 20,000 or we had not extra 20,000, excuse me,
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extra maybe 16 or 17,000. I'm pulling the number from my head of people who died during that period
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in New York City hospitals to put it differently. New York City senior shows an occupancy,
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so that means, you know, how many patients were in beds. They show a peak occupancy in that period
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of 20,000 in patients. Their data shows about 20,000 inpatient died. It would be the biggest mass
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casualty event by far in a hospital system anywhere. Imagine you can just picture that.
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Yeah. No, I am scared to tingle bed. By the way, just to correct something that you said,
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if you don't mind, Naomi, you gave the impression that we had access to kind of anonymized roles,
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role calls of the people who died. We don't even have that. It's not like you said strings of
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numbers, replacing names. We don't have even that. All we have are totals on spreadsheet.
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Yeah. That's not okay. No, it's not okay. The New York Times has more than that, right? I mean,
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at a state level, they have data sets where each individual purportedly has a line. So you really,
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so that that's really a smoking gun there because you really can't check line by line, right? You
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can't check that this individual who was said to have died in Queens on March 22nd
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matches an individual, matches a death in Queens, right? So interesting. So is that the case for
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both sources of data that that both the CDC and the municipal authorities are just giving totals
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and not individualized spreadsheets? Is that correct? Yeah. By individualized spreadsheets,
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you mean like line by line death? Right. I mean, CDC wonder you cannot search individual. CDC
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wonders the federal databases like where all the death certificates go or the data from them,
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and you can't search necessarily individual deaths, right? To see what a death certificate
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says. And to be clear, we're not talking about releasing autopsies for everybody who had an
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autopsy. That's not what I'm asking. Just ask if every individual death has a line on a spreadsheet
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and what you're getting at. We do not have that for New York State or New York City,
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and it's not obtainable under state law. All right. So let thank you for explaining. So
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devil's advocate, people I knew who worked in pharmacies in high-death areas said that
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a lot of people were being found dead at home and never meet at the hospital. Could that help
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explain the anomalies that you're seeing? Yep. And I'm going to be writing about that further in
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the coming weeks, but really high percentage or really high increase in deaths occurring at home
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very quickly in New York City. And what I've what I found is that people did call 911. 911 calls
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were they spiked crazy and immediately with the 15 days to slow the spread. Ambulance
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dispatch data, we have some anomalies in that data that another associate and I are exploring.
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We're getting a lot of run around from the fire department of New York on the anomalies that we see,
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but ambulances were dispatched, but dispatches transporting patients from the point of pickup
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to somewhere else, like to the hospital. We're down. Whoa. Down. Ambulances per not dispatches
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per now patient dead. Yeah. Holy cow. So I mean, arguably people would choose not to go into a
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hospital in New York at that time. Trust me, I lived in New York. Yeah. Well, and they were told
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to stay home. They were told to stay home. But that doesn't explain. Would that explain
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deaths at home? Would those be people who would have died anyway, but chose not to go to the hospital?
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Yeah. And I think there's some of that. And I used to think that that was almost entirely
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the next explanation. I mean, you think about a guy, even who lives in a rent control department
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on the upper east side, you know, and you tell him to stay home and suddenly he's not going out,
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he's petrified, right? Like, could he have a health event? Yes, absolutely. But through our
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research, we found that ambulances and EMS was given, they were given orders that directed them
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away from bringing people to the hospital. No. Under two auspices, one under the, and we have
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the orders themselves. Two auspices were hospitals are overrun and we don't want the
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hospitals to be overrun. We want to control and we want to control spread. So the specific
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directive that was given about a cardiac arrest, patients in cardiac arrest, was basically, and
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I'm summarizing here, don't administer whole life saving measures. It was basically what
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EMS were told. And the orders that were given, you have to administer them even in the person's
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home. Right. So not, not don't administer it all. That's not quite what the orders say. But there's,
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the directives are written in such a way where there's discouragement on administering full life
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saving procedures to cardiac arrest patients, almost a kind of DNR really. In the home or in
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or say, in the home and at the point of pickup, correct. So arguably, EMT workers are being
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instructed not to do everything possible to help save someone dying of a heart, very sick with
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heart attack in your home. The person dies, then is that classified as a COVID death? Like,
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how does this relate to COVID? Well, yeah, we have, we have that data to suggest that
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that some people who made who died of cardiac arrest or heart deaths in their home,
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if they were tested, if they tested positive, if the body tested positive,
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then it was counted as a COVID death. And if not, it wasn't. But the biggest increase in those
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weeks in home death is, is heart deaths. Oh my gosh. Heart deaths.
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Right. So this is so scary. So you're, this, now you've really got another smoking guy.
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He's explaining and no wonder you're getting the run around from a department,
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pardon me, people were given who, who ordinarily would have saved people's lives who are having
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cardiac symptoms and or brought them to the hospital, were being told essentially not to do
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everything possible to save their lives and not to bring them to the hospital. Then these people
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died and that's part of the 27,000 spike anomaly of spike in death. By the way, it's worth pointing
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out that there are studies that show that during periods of high stress and war. So for example,
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post 9 11, there are some, as there are some studies showing that there were spike, there are
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definite spikes in acute cardiac episodes, myocardial interactions. And that's just for a,
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you know, a relatively short sort of period of fear and dystopia. This went on for weeks
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and was relentless, the stress on people, absolutely relentless.
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Yeah, for sure. Okay. Well, that's a huge chunk, a huge question that needs to be answered.
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And one more piece to that that I did not know and discovered only within the past six weeks or
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so, there were, I'll call them reimbursements that the federal government gave to ambulances
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for not, I'll say for not coming to the hospital. So normally an ambulance company would get certain
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reimbursements or payments when you transport a patient to the hospital, right? But these ambulances
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were being directed or encouraged to not bring people to the hospital, but they were still
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reimbursed as though they did. Right. So that incentivizes them not really to make that's exactly
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right. If you subsidize something, you get more of it. Right, of course. So, so hospitals, I mean,
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an interesting question is were hospitals making more visits than usual, because they would have
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had the chance to go here, this person dead, go here, this person's dead, go here, rather than
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spending two or three hours getting someone to the hospital and going back out.
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Can you read, can you say that again? It's another question. It's just if hospital,
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I'm wondering if EMT visits in a given day and up because they did not have to
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bring the patient to the hospital in order to make the same amount of money.
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You mean the dispatches? The dispatches, yeah. In other words, you can see 15 people in
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their homes in a day, if you're not bringing them to the hospital, maybe seven in a day,
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if you're going back and forth to the hospital. Sure. I mean, and from the hospital end,
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like we know that the ER visits were down. Well, ambulance dispatches transporting patients
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will give you a certain percentage. I think in New York, we figured out it was like at least
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25%, if you just do the ratios, you know, would be people brought by an ambulance.
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Well, I understand. I have no doubt that people were staying away from the hospital,
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but again, when you look at the 911 call data, it goes way up. So people were calling for help,
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it was coming, but help was not helping. That's what I said.
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And help was incentivized not to help. That's really scary and disturbing.
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All right. Do you have anything else that suggests that this anomalous spike has something fishy
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about it? You know, I think one thing, and this is feedback that Jonathan and I get a lot,
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I think one thing that sort of wakes people up when they finally realize it, when I'm showing
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them different things on Twitter or wherever, is the number of young adult deaths during this time.
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Very quickly, and the number of young adult or younger, I should say, adult by 50 ages, what,
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25 to 54, the number of younger adult deaths in hospitals, nearly all of which were attributed
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to COVID, which doesn't make sense because this is not even a generous definition or thought about
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how deadly COVID was or wasn't in this time period, you would not have seen a very high
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proportion of young deaths. I mean, just go ahead. You know, as you say, a quick stat on that,
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which I find extraordinary, is that 25% of all the COVID attributed deaths in the USA
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occurred in New York City when, in fact, only 3% of the people in that age group, we're talking
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about 25 to 45 years old, something 25 to 45, I think, 25% happened in New York City, only 3%
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of the age group of Americans live in New York. So something is either false in the data or there
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is some big problem with treatment. Okay, so you're saying a disproportionate number of younger
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adults died in New York than you'd expect to see given that only 3% of the US population
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of that age group lives in New York. Okay, theory there, or what evidence do you have
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supporting, is it just an anomaly in the data? It's an anomaly, which is just yet another data
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point which we're putting the authorities to prove. How does that happen? I mean, it can't be
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explained by social factors because New York is not a poor city. It can't be explained by
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obesity. New York is not particularly obese compared to some other places. You know, there's no
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rational explanation for it. Was it claimed that these were COVID deaths, like it was?
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Well, I know that the media was desperate to produce young healthy COVID. So let's go now,
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unless there's anything else you want to make sure to bring forward. We're running long time
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in the last couple of minutes. Let's highlight how you're putting the authorities on notice because
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given HIPAA protections, it's going to be hard to drag them into the light of day to account for
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these anomalies. What are your plans or what's underway? I think the first thing that we're
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trying to do is to continue. I have a lot of data. I have a lot of correspondence with different
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New York City agencies that I'm trying to put out a little bit at a time. I'm fighting a New York
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Health and hospital on data that they refused to release, but should. So, you know, I'm sort of
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simultaneously keep investigating and trying to get exposure through the channels that I can.
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It can be difficult when, you know, even fellow anti-mandate people don't seem to want to talk
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about New York City 2020 or early 2020 at all and say, what the heck happened? You brought up
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Remdesivir and ventilators, and I don't dispute that, but we don't even have data on how many
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New York City hospital patients were given Remdesivir. I've done several articles on the ventilators.
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I'm sorry to say, we don't have the data that we need to say even how many people were put on
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ventilators. I guess I certainly understand and empathize with the hurdles facing you, and I
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admire your persistence. I'm asking, you know, a practical question, right? Given HIPAA law,
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which they're going to say keeps them from telling you exactly who died, and the mechanism
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of FOIA, which I'm not sure you're using, right? What mechanism are you, like, apart from badgering
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people and trying to get exposure for this anomaly, which I applaud, and that'll move
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dial a little bit, but you really need more data, right? They're keeping.
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Well, we need more data, and we need more people who care about this. This shouldn't be just a
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hockey Jonathan angler thing. This should enrage, really.
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Well, we're on your show. You know, I'll go on and talk to anybody. I'll debate anyone. I'll
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talk to anybody. I'll put a graph to anyone. You know, I'm not a media strategist. You tell me,
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I really don't know how to get people to care about this. If there's a mass casual, the biggest
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mass casualty event in New York City history, and we don't have proof of it, that's unfortunate.
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But I think all the questions you're asking are legitimate for what it's worth in the body's
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others. I found that the New York Times was able falsely to claim that there were so many dead
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people that we needed refrigerated morgue trucks by not reporting the fact that there had been
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a stoppage from the governor on barriers, right? So I'm entirely rolling. I think these are very
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important questions. You know, I want to see you succeed in getting answers because they
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affect all of us. They were critical to the whole narrative. And, you know, again, I'm in
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New York or this was a very painful, awful time. And if people were doing bad things like not
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resuscitating people having heart attacks in their homes, that is, you know, really, really, really
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important. I guess what I'm saying is we can certainly spread the word. You're missing
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some critical piece of information that the authorities are not going to give you, right,
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voluntarily. So I think Panta needs to sue for the rest of the information, right? We can certainly
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put you in touch with lawyers who will do that if you don't have your lawyers in house. But
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apart from that, I can't really think of what else you can do except exhaust yourselves,
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asking these people who may have committed a giant fraud to produce more information. Am I
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missing something? No, you're not saying I just I wish I wish more people cared about what happened
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in 2020 since it was used to coerce, you know, forced medical treatments on, you know, millions
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of people. What the heck happened? I totally agree with you. I guess what what I'm trying to
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try to share with love, you know, as someone who's who's been in the trenches a long exhausting
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time, you know, as you have no doubt as Panta has is everyone listening, especially New Yorkers,
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cares about what you just said. But there are missing pieces before it can be news, right,
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before it can enter the new stream. And before there can be hearings, for instance, or lawsuits,
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right? And so to get those missing pieces, right, we need to find out if you're asking a provocative
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question, did 27,000 people really die? And COVID, and the answer is yes.
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I'm asking if 27,000 people extra people actually die.
42:05.200 --> 42:13.280
Right. Okay. Totally provocative question. From what I understand, you've battled your way
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to the end of that question, right? You're expecting more FOIA results. But I don't know that you have
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answered it with yes, for sure, it's fraud, or yes, for sure, they died, or yes, it was
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fraud and murder. We don't have those answers yet, right? So that's where the next step in my view
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needs to come in, which is, you know, legal, right, so that you said people are forced to
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hand over those records. At least that's what I'm hearing. I mean, I'm not sure. I can promote
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this and everyone will say what an interesting question, how alarming. But I, as a, as a, you know,
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someone who cares about this issue and wants to get to the heart of it, as a reporter,
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I'm in a standstill because I can't now go to the rest of the world and say, I know what happened.
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There was malfeasance here. I know there was fraud. What we've got are some very big important
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questions, right? If I can summarize what you're basically saying, I think, is that we're in a
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position where we've thrown the story out there and we're expecting the baton to be picked up by
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people who are enraged and who then apply political pressure to political people to pass executive
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orders or whatever, so that this is thoroughly investigated. And I think what you're saying is,
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no, that's not going to happen. You have to go more onto the front foot. That's what I'm saying.
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Basically, in terms of, and yeah, I mean, just to, Panda is not a big organization with huge
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resources. So we would struggle to sort of prosecute a legal case, but we possibly could do so with
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the assistance of, you know, some public funding for it from, you know, all right, well, let's end
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it there. That's a great action step. That's a great call to action. Everyone, Dr. Engler and
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Ms. Hockett have battled valiantly. And I hope you understand when I was pushing you, it's just like
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to drag this corpse into the light of day so people can see exactly what you've got.
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You know, they didn't work in raising really important questions and finding what I think are
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several smoking guns, right, that require investigation, certainly the directives to EMTs.
44:38.480 --> 44:42.800
That's like terrifying. I mean, I say this as someone who nearly died in a New York State
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Hospital recently. We don't know if those directives have been rescinded, right? We don't know if it's
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safe to put your left one in a New York State Hospital at all, right? This is the state that wants
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quarantine camps. They still want quarantine camps. So I think what you've done to date is
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incredibly important. I would like to think that people, especially New Yorkers listening,
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will hear you and go, this is madness. We need to oblige these agencies to turn over what they're
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withholding. As you know, I don't think that will happen even because, you know, Mayor Adams,
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who's himself under investigation, doesn't have the power probably to compel some of these agencies,
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certainly not at the federal level, but even, you know, even different fiefdoms in New York State
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have their own lawyers, right, and can resist even Mayor Adams' call. I mean, I don't know all the
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mechanisms of municipal secrecy in New York City, but it's a very not transparent city in a not
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transparent state run by, like, I guess what I'm trying to say is the agencies who have the data
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you're asking for were directed by the chief murderers or fraudsters, right, whether it's
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Andrew Cuomo or, you know, now Governor Hochl, and so they have an incentive to not turn it over
46:01.040 --> 46:07.680
and to wait out the furor. So now I'll stop there. I don't mean to be a downer, but I think that this
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absolutely requires more investigation. And I would say a lawsuit is critical, you know, so that you
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can have discovery. And so I would say if people want to send you money to fund a lawsuit, should
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they send it to Panda, does Panda want to think about it? What's, do you want to come back to me
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later and tell me what come back to you, back to you later on that? Yeah, there's a fund for that,
46:36.720 --> 46:45.760
I think. Yeah, right. So let's stop there. You've shaken me to the core. I think this is definitely
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an important thing to investigate further. I want to thank you both for the tireless work you've done
46:50.480 --> 46:56.640
to this point. We're proud to bring your work to the forefront. We also are going to bring this
46:56.640 --> 47:02.160
to our data scientists who may have some ideas about how to mine the data you have in order to
47:02.160 --> 47:09.760
see if there's any more that can be served as to. And, you know, we love Panda, we love, you know,
47:09.760 --> 47:14.400
your leadership on this issue, where can people find you otherwise? And then we should probably sign
47:15.200 --> 47:20.720
up. So they can find me. I mean, I write for both Panda's substack and heart substack,
47:20.720 --> 47:25.520
and also where are the numbers, which is Professor Norman Fenton and Martin Neil's substack. On
47:25.520 --> 47:34.000
Twitter, they can find me at, my Twitter handle is at Jay Engler UK. One word. Fantastic. Thank
47:34.000 --> 47:40.880
you, Dr. Engler. And how about you, Ms. Hockett? I'm at and at Wood Underscore
47:40.880 --> 47:46.720
House76. My former Twitter name was Emma Woodhouse, which, you know, back back in the day,
47:46.720 --> 47:52.640
people might remember me when I was under that eponym fighting command date. So yeah, delighted
47:52.640 --> 47:59.040
to be on your program. Thank you so much for having us. Thank you both. And if there's a wealthy
47:59.040 --> 48:04.880
patron or two out there listening who wants to get to the heart of whether 27 extra people died
48:04.880 --> 48:14.800
in New York in spring, 20,000 extra died in the spring of 2020, thus allowing the whole narrative
48:14.800 --> 48:21.200
to unfold, please contact them or us. And if they contact us, we'll send them to help you with this
48:21.200 --> 48:25.440
critical, in my view, important lawsuit and further investigation. And let's also throw it out to
48:25.440 --> 48:30.160
all the independent media to look into it further as well. Thank you so much for all you're doing.
48:30.960 --> 48:38.400
Hey, everyone, it's Naomi Wolf of Daily Cloud. And I just want to give a thank you to our sponsor,
48:38.400 --> 48:43.920
the Wellness Company, whose chief medical team includes some of our most respected colleagues,
48:43.920 --> 48:49.840
including Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Rich. So the Wellness Company offers COVID and
48:49.840 --> 48:56.240
vaccine injury treatments, including Ivermectin, as well as dietary supplements based on the guidance
48:56.240 --> 49:02.720
of these noted physicians and epidemiologists, such as spike support, which is designed to help
49:02.720 --> 49:09.840
combat a spike protein. So click on the link below or head to to purchase their
49:09.840 --> 49:14.800
products. You can also gift healthcare to your loved ones, which is something I've been doing.
49:15.600 --> 49:22.160
I'm excited about the Wellness Company being able to offer medical advice without the pressure
49:22.160 --> 49:29.680
of big pharma. Please use the code dailycloud for 10% off. Thank you again to the Wellness Company,
49:29.680 --> 49:31.200
our sponsor. Bye bye.
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