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00:00.000 --> 00:07.140
Hello friends, Shannon Joy here for Connecta Mobile in a world where every message could
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be watched and every move tracked.
00:09.920 --> 00:13.160
Your privacy is not just a preference, it's a necessity.
00:13.160 --> 00:18.400
Introducing the ultimate guardian of your digital life, Connecta Mobile, with Connecta
00:18.400 --> 00:24.600
experience the safety of military grade encrypted messages, where your conversations are yours
00:24.600 --> 00:26.280
and yours alone.
00:26.280 --> 00:31.960
No data tracking, no eyes on your information, just pure unreachable privacy.
00:31.960 --> 00:37.160
For total phone security and privacy, check out our new sponsors over at Connecta.
00:37.160 --> 00:47.200
Visit slash joy or call them today at 941-246-2156.
00:47.200 --> 00:52.920
Guys, this is military grade technology in the palm of your hands because privacy isn't
00:52.920 --> 00:54.920
a feature, it's your right.
00:54.920 --> 00:58.600
Go to slash joy today.
00:58.600 --> 01:07.400
That's slash joy and take back control with Connecta Mobile.
01:07.400 --> 01:13.320
Well, hello world and welcome to the Shannon Joy Show.
01:13.320 --> 01:17.480
We're broadcasting from the Joy Virtual Studio right here in the beautiful Finger Lakes region
01:17.480 --> 01:18.480
of New York State.
01:18.480 --> 01:21.680
It is so good to be with all of you today.
01:21.680 --> 01:28.120
We are broadcasting live on rumble, live on Twitter, Sprely TV, Roku TV, Apple TV.
01:28.120 --> 01:36.000
We're on every podcast platform imaginable, iHeart, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora,
01:36.000 --> 01:37.000
you name it.
01:37.000 --> 01:43.680
And of course, huge thank you to our 50,000 watt powerhouse AM news talk radio station
01:43.680 --> 01:44.680
news radio.
01:44.680 --> 01:45.680
I'm 1180.
01:45.680 --> 01:50.400
It's the flagship station of the Shannon Joy Show.
01:50.400 --> 01:55.640
Let's get right to our very, very special guest today, Dr. Pierre Corey, once again
01:55.640 --> 02:03.600
in the Joy Virtual Studio, looking tan, healthy, vindicated, happy, I love this staging behind
02:03.600 --> 02:04.600
02:04.600 --> 02:05.600
It looks fantastic.
02:05.600 --> 02:08.400
I might have to poach that because we're going to be redoing the background here.
02:08.400 --> 02:09.400
You look great.
02:09.400 --> 02:10.400
Thank you so much.
02:10.400 --> 02:13.160
Warrior Doc on the front lines, FLCCC.
02:13.160 --> 02:18.280
We're going to get into all of his credentials and everything he's been doing, but welcome
02:18.280 --> 02:19.280
once again.
02:19.280 --> 02:20.280
Glad to have you.
02:20.280 --> 02:21.280
Woo hoo.
02:21.280 --> 02:22.280
You got me like all pumped up.
02:22.280 --> 02:23.280
That was a really great introduction.
02:23.280 --> 02:24.280
Thanks, Shannon.
02:24.280 --> 02:25.280
It's good to see you again.
02:25.280 --> 02:30.000
Well, listen, it is going to be the medical doctors, the warrior doctors who save America.
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I am convinced it is those of you who stood up in the dark days of 2020 against all of
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the lies you were persecuted, you were maligned, you were taken out.
02:42.200 --> 02:43.800
Many lost their licenses.
02:43.800 --> 02:48.400
Many were had their reputations besmirched across the medical community.
02:48.400 --> 02:52.760
People lost their jobs, but you stood up and you continued to stand up.
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If you guys don't know, Dr. Pierre Corey, you must.
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He is the president and chief medical officer over at FLCCC Alliance.
03:01.280 --> 03:06.920
This is an amazing organization that is treating Americans and citizens across the world who
03:06.920 --> 03:11.260
are suffering from long COVID, from COVID-19 vaccine injury, and they've been treating
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patients since day one with their amazing protocols.
03:15.880 --> 03:18.000
He is also active on Twitter.
03:18.000 --> 03:19.440
He is active in lawsuits.
03:19.440 --> 03:23.920
He is among the medical freedom warriors, this community of warriors standing up.
03:23.920 --> 03:25.720
We're still in the midst of this.
03:25.720 --> 03:31.120
He is the best-selling author of the war on Ivermectin, which you can get in the show
03:31.120 --> 03:32.120
03:32.120 --> 03:33.200
I have the link for you right there.
03:33.200 --> 03:34.440
You can follow him on Twitter.
03:34.440 --> 03:39.880
His handle is at Pierre Corey, and you must, must, must follow his sub stack, Pierre Corey
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Medical Musings dot com.
03:43.240 --> 03:45.880
That is his personal sub stack.
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And let's get right into it.
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You deserve a great introduction because you are doing just unbelievable work, servant
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leaders in the medical community.
03:55.080 --> 03:58.720
You wrote the book, the war on Ivermectin.
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And recently you've had a huge victory landmark case in the settlement.
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The judge has now ordered the FDA to take down all the misdiss and mal information about
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Ivermectin, that disgusting horse paste, add all of the propaganda.
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They have to remove it from their website, all social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
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You name it.
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It was a huge victory along with your colleagues, Mary, Dr. Mary, Tally Bowden and Dr. Paul
04:30.480 --> 04:31.480
04:31.480 --> 04:32.720
How does it feel?
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First question, how terrible does it feel actually to be right about this all along and
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be vindicated after such character assassination?
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I mean, it is, we haven't had many victories in terms of medical resistance movement, which
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you know, from this totalitarian oppression.
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But we busted them here, Shannon, you know that we busted them.
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So, you know, that core case, basically, they had to admit that they had unfairly inserted
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themselves in the practice of medicine.
05:05.320 --> 05:09.880
They overstep their statutory authority and they have the settle.
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And like you said, they have to remove everything I've said about I've met, but here's the
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important thing.
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This is why I don't know if happy is what it makes me, but it's important because what
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are we trying to do here?
05:20.280 --> 05:25.640
We're trying to expose the truth and, you know, they had to admit what they did.
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And the problem there though, Shannon, is that so many people die.
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This is more of like an exposure victory than a real victory for patients' health because
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people die to the result of their actions.
05:36.080 --> 05:41.200
And the more important thing that I try to bring up about this FDA thing is there's a
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chapter in my book called the Horsti Worm or PR campaign.
05:44.640 --> 05:50.360
And I just want to point out that in a span of 10 days in August of 2021, starting with
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the FDA tweet, August 21st, 2021, they say, you're not a horse, you're not a cow, stop
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at y'all, right?
05:56.560 --> 06:00.920
So this snarky little tweet goes out from the FDA, which is outside of their authority.
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A few days later, the CDC sends a memo on every state medical board, every licensed
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physician in the country gets this memo saying that's a rise in calls to poison control
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06:13.320 --> 06:14.320
06:14.320 --> 06:15.320
So now they're scaring.
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Now the CDC gets in.
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So this is important, right?
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FDA and the 21st, the 26th, the CDC steps in, sends out this memo, which is absolutely
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misrepresented the data.
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There's like a 70% rise in calls to poison control centers.
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Two journalists found out it was like two calls.
06:29.720 --> 06:30.720
06:31.720 --> 06:37.520
So FDA, CDC, then three days later, CDC probably can't poison control themselves, by the way.
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Oh, this guy's the voice.
06:39.880 --> 06:40.880
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I would not put it past them.
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And then Anthony Fauci out into national television with Jake Tapper.
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And he says, there's no clinical evidence that this works, you know, and a national
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06:55.160 --> 06:57.200
So you have this coordinated series of actions.
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And then right after that starts the media firestorm, right?
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So boom, every single late night show host, I mean, they all got the memos, right?
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Right jokes about Ivermectin.
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There's a horse deworm and there's nothing but a horse dewormer joke.
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News broadcasters, newspapers, horse dewormer, horse dewormer, horse dewormer, horse dewormer.
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So so you have this coordinated series of our public health agencies attacking a drug,
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which at that time on the day of Fauci's CNN appearance, I think there was 63 controlled
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studies, like 30 random, I mean, the amount of evidence for Ivermectin is overwhelming.
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07:31.160 --> 07:35.440
And then this media firestorm, I was like to point out two days after Fauci and when the
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media's going nuts on horse dewormer, Joe Rogan gets COVID, right?
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And then he turns into the whipping post, you know, the whipping boy and so, yeah, I've
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tried the message Joe to say, Hey, man, you picked the wrong time to get COVID, but you
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know, it was fierce and like, you know, we were talking about, you know, I don't have
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evidence for this, but I suspect, you know, Webber Share with this massive PR firm that
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has simultaneously clients of Pfizer, Moderna and CDC, I think they executed it.
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They used all of their media fire power and they just sent out, I mean, that was a wicked
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vicious campaign.
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And let me just finish on at the end of that campaign, because I was working at that time
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in an ICU in Wisconsin, retailers, so retail pharmacies just absolutely stop filling hospital
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08:25.360 --> 08:26.840
They stopped stocking Ivermectin.
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I mean, that memo got out somewhere also and that message got sent out and you could see
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what everyone was doing.
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They were stopping to fill Ivermectin and going back to the case, the case was brought
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literally the people that standing like Mary Talley Bowden, because she had audio recordings
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and video recordings of pharmacists arrogantly refusing to fill valid prescriptions citing
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the FDA's opinion.
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And the last thing I want to say about this, because it's subtle, it's not that subtle,
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but the FDA, every time they communicated Ivermectin, they always included the following
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The FDA has not approved or authorized COVID for Ivermectin for COVID.
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But Chad, as you know, and many people know, we don't need the stinking FDA to approve
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it for COVID.
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We don't need approval.
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We don't need, so it's like, they're literally manipulating us into thinking that because
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they haven't approved it.
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What gets even worse is they even set on their page on their website that they haven't
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reviewed the evidence for Ivermectin.
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So why are you going after a drug that you haven't performed a review and you haven't
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approved or authorized?
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I mean, we don't need this off-label prescribing and they know off-label prescribing is not
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only legal, but it's championed by the FDA.
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So I would want any of your listeners who are still unconvinced of the corruption around
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Ivermectin and the attacks around Ivermectin, ask yourself, why is a major regulatory agency
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behaving in this fashion?
09:51.400 --> 09:53.080
Thanks for listening to The Shannon Joy Show.
09:53.080 --> 09:55.520
We'll be right back.
09:55.520 --> 09:58.280
Shannon Joy here for PCM and Associates.
09:58.280 --> 10:02.440
Financial independence is your foundation to pursue a life of freedom.
10:02.440 --> 10:06.440
Smart investing helps you generate your own income, reduce taxes, and allows you to make
10:06.440 --> 10:09.520
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10:09.520 --> 10:14.000
Most importantly, it builds your legacy so you can support your family and the institutions
10:14.000 --> 10:15.560
you care about.
10:15.560 --> 10:20.880
Your asset allocation is the way to start and Don Polano of PCM and Associates has guided
10:20.880 --> 10:24.280
his clients to this goal for decades.
10:24.280 --> 10:27.720
Call him today at 271-8540.
10:27.720 --> 10:30.320
That's 271-8540.
10:30.320 --> 10:39.000
Well, and it does scream PR campaign.
10:39.000 --> 10:43.640
If you've been in media and you watch media and I have, I was in marketing and advertising
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and radio television billboard for 13 years prior to starting my show, I ran campaigns.
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I know a campaign when I see a campaign, you know, a 10-day time period, every single
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angle you have, you know, messaging going out to government officials, messaging going
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out to healthcare officials, messaging going out to the general public via the late night
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shows, shows and the social media accounts, the morning banter, you name it.
11:10.960 --> 11:17.640
And then obviously this horse-paced, you know, ad that they put out.
11:17.640 --> 11:23.720
The question I have, I have two questions for you, actually, how many lives do you think?
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I mean, this truly is, this is tragic in so many ways because so many people could have
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so easily been treated and cured and gone on to live healthy lives if they had access
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or knowledge to not only Ivermectin, but hydroxychloroquine and, you know, some of
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the other monoclonal antibodies and some of the other things that we were seeing, how
11:53.680 --> 11:58.880
many people do you think could have been saved if the government hadn't pursued this course
11:58.880 --> 11:59.880
of action?
11:59.880 --> 12:02.000
I mean, I think it's the vast majority.
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I mean, in this country, you're talking in the many, many hundreds of thousands.
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I mean, it's hard even to save that number because you're talking about lives that died
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And the thing is, you kind of brought it up in your question, which I appreciate because
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it's hard to blame all the deaths on the war on Ivermectin without considering the war
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on hydroxychloroquine.
12:21.680 --> 12:24.240
That was the same war, same tactics, same results.
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And hydroxychloroquine was on the radar way earlier than I've imagined.
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So if you go back all the way to 2020 and we had had a national campaign with hydroxychloroquine,
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this pandemic would have been completely different, even more so with Ivermectin.
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And they both work.
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Ivermectin is more potent, but it's, you know, it's really hard to talk about that.
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I mean, our world would have been different without these wars, a completely different
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We would not have, not everything would have been cratered and all the vaccine mandate.
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I mean, that's part of why they conducted this war, right?
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I mean, they needed to disappear early effective repurpose drugs.
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And so they could funnel everyone into the force and coerce vaccination.
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Dr. Pierre Corey, when you, you add into that the government protocol of isolation, dehydration,
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remdesivir ventilation and death that was deployed in major hospitals across the country
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and world unnecessarily, we're looking at just an absolute tragedy, just an absolute
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And we're still in the midst of it, which is, which is crazy.
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This is where I want, this is where I want what I want to ask you now.
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I would guess that you have never in your life seen anything near this type of massive
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campaign against a single drug, right?
13:43.240 --> 13:47.760
To your point, they didn't like hydroxychloroquine, but they didn't really go after it.
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They didn't like some of the other treatments, but they didn't attack it in the way they
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have attacked Ivermectin.
13:55.280 --> 14:02.640
And I'm wondering if it's because Ivermectin was bigger, even than COVID-19 and even then
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even bigger than the vaccine.
14:05.040 --> 14:10.280
As we now move into the late stages of vaccine injury and death, and we're seeing the explosion
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in cancers, we're seeing the explosion in auto immune disorders that are essentially suppressing
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people's immune systems chronically.
14:20.120 --> 14:23.800
So they can't fight off new infections.
14:23.800 --> 14:29.120
As we are now in the later stage where, you know, Gert Vandenbosch just sent out a sub-stack
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yesterday talking about he thinks we're the calm before the storm, that we are going to
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see a new wave of illness and death, COVID-19 vaccine related.
14:40.160 --> 14:46.240
Do you think that the war on Ivermectin could have been bigger than just COVID-19 in the
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vaccine and the capacity that it can fix and potentially treat these other types of
14:51.760 --> 14:53.240
14:53.240 --> 15:02.400
You know, I do think that's certainly possible because Ivermectin is anti-viral, anti-inflammatory
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and it even has some antibacterial activity as well as anti-tumor.
15:06.720 --> 15:12.960
So it is a wonder drug as the Nobel Prize discoverer called it in his acceptance speech.
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But so it is true, you know, just like they're terrified of vitamin D and that's why they
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polluted vitamin D signs for three decades.
15:19.200 --> 15:23.560
Ivermectin would be like another one because it's such an amazing medication because it's
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so safe too.
15:25.080 --> 15:26.080
15:26.080 --> 15:30.920
But the thing is, going back to my point earlier, you know, they attacked Ivermectin just like
15:30.920 --> 15:31.920
15:31.920 --> 15:33.800
Hydroxychloroquine doesn't have all those properties.
15:33.800 --> 15:38.640
So it's still literally, I think their objective was just getting it out of the COVID conversation
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for sure.
15:39.640 --> 15:40.640
15:40.720 --> 15:46.760
Yeah, I definitely, they had many, many reasons to go after it for sure, but they only needed
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15:47.760 --> 15:48.760
Absolutely terrible.
15:48.760 --> 15:49.760
Absolutely terrible.
15:49.760 --> 15:53.400
We're talking today to Dr. Pierre Corey, we're going to go to break really quick.
15:53.400 --> 15:58.200
We're going to, when we come back, we're going to talk about the surge enhancers, the surge
15:58.200 --> 16:02.240
in autoimmune disorders, what he's seeing, he's continuing to practice.
16:02.240 --> 16:08.520
But before we go to break, I do want to quickly give a shout out to one of our amazing sponsors,
16:08.520 --> 16:15.320
the folks over at Colonial Metals Group, one of the ways that you can prepare for the
16:15.320 --> 16:21.800
future and prepare your family against, you know, stock market collapse, financial collapse.
16:21.800 --> 16:25.200
All of the things that people are talking about could be coming in the next couple of
16:25.200 --> 16:28.240
months is to diversify into gold.
16:28.240 --> 16:31.680
As you guys know, I purchase gold, physical gold, physical silver.
16:31.680 --> 16:36.760
I've been buying physical gold and silver for a very, very long time, but I also have
16:36.760 --> 16:41.480
paper gold as well, or as many people say, you know, setting up those safe and secure
16:41.480 --> 16:43.320
self-directed IRAs.
16:43.320 --> 16:47.640
So this is something that Colonial Metals Group specializes in.
16:47.640 --> 16:48.640
They're amazing.
16:48.640 --> 16:50.480
They're sponsors of the Shannon Joy Show.
16:50.480 --> 16:52.520
And I want you to write down this number right now.
16:52.520 --> 16:55.920
I'm going to put the link in the show notes and also give you the number.
16:55.920 --> 16:59.240
It's 888-705-0950.
16:59.240 --> 17:04.800
That's 888-705-0950.
17:04.800 --> 17:11.680
You can see if you qualify for a free safe to store your precious metals and also $10,000
17:11.680 --> 17:13.000
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17:13.000 --> 17:17.320
So they have a great offer just for Shannon Joy Show viewers and listeners, but you've
17:17.320 --> 17:23.320
got to call this number 888-705-0950.
17:23.320 --> 17:30.640
We'll be back in a moment to continue this discussion with Dr. Pierre Foury.
17:30.640 --> 17:35.000
If you all know me, you know that I have been investing in precious metals for many,
17:35.000 --> 17:36.000
many years.
17:36.000 --> 17:40.800
Once I realized that the private banking cartels could drastically manipulate currencies, putting
17:40.800 --> 17:45.960
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17:45.960 --> 17:47.920
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17:47.920 --> 17:54.760
That's why I buy physical gold and silver and invest in metals through our Roth and 401K.
17:54.760 --> 18:00.120
So I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you all to Colonial Metals Group.
18:00.120 --> 18:06.200
CMG is the exclusive gold sponsor of the SJ Show and they're helping me set up a safe
18:06.200 --> 18:12.120
and secure, self-directed IRA where I have access to my assets no matter what the stock
18:12.120 --> 18:15.880
market or the government for that matter is doing.
18:15.880 --> 18:20.200
Let the team of experts at Colonial help you protect your family's future with an extra
18:20.200 --> 18:22.920
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18:47.360 --> 18:55.600
Welcome back everyone to the Shannon Joy Show today.
18:55.600 --> 18:58.760
We are joined by the amazing Dr. Pierre Quarry.
18:58.760 --> 19:03.360
Please follow him on his substack, Pierre Quarry,
19:03.360 --> 19:06.200
That's Pierre Quarry Medical
19:06.200 --> 19:11.920
You can follow him on Twitter at Pierre Quarry and grab his book, The War on Ivermectin.
19:11.920 --> 19:17.320
You can get it on Amazon and this is going to be very important as we move forward in
19:17.320 --> 19:26.800
to what is tragically or what tragically looks to be more illness and death.
19:26.800 --> 19:31.760
Dr. Quarry, there's been slight disagreements here and there within the medical freedom
19:31.760 --> 19:36.600
community, the scientific community and the community of doctors on all sorts of things.
19:36.600 --> 19:39.000
The nature of COVID, what is it?
19:39.000 --> 19:44.520
The origin of COVID-19, did it happen naturally or was it a lab leak?
19:44.520 --> 19:45.520
How to treat it?
19:45.520 --> 19:51.160
There are many gentlemen's disagreements on some of those topics, which is fine.
19:51.160 --> 19:58.320
One of the areas though that I seem to see a consensus among most of the docs, there
19:58.320 --> 19:59.320
are actually two areas.
19:59.320 --> 20:04.840
The first is that it's become very clear, I believe, and you tell me if you think I'm
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wrong on this, that the vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine, whatever it is, whatever was in those
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vials, is far more lethal than the virus than the COVID-19 virus that we dealt with in 2020.
20:21.720 --> 20:27.720
And the second area that I'm seeing more consensus is that instead of seeing injuries
20:27.720 --> 20:34.800
and chronic illness decline as the uptake of the vaccine goes down, we are actually
20:34.800 --> 20:40.480
beginning to see, or it seems like we are beginning to see an acceleration in number
20:40.480 --> 20:48.520
and severity of chronic illnesses and disease as in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout,
20:48.520 --> 20:56.160
meaning that there might be latent impact or down the road, long-term impacts of massive
20:56.160 --> 20:58.680
multiple vaccine uptake.
20:58.680 --> 21:04.520
So I wanted to ask you about those two things, the first one, the virus versus the vaccine.
21:04.520 --> 21:06.360
What are your thoughts on that?
21:06.360 --> 21:14.640
So if you look at excess mortality, it was elevated in 2020 as well as 2021.
21:14.640 --> 21:20.040
It was more elevated in 2021, so I would say you can make an argument that the vaccine
21:20.040 --> 21:22.400
is more deadly than the virus.
21:22.400 --> 21:27.680
And I would say that for sure in terms of young people, that that is inarguable.
21:27.680 --> 21:32.840
I mean, vaccine, I mean, if you know, I've written a number of op-eds on excess mortality
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actually in USA Today, Newsweek, and the Hill, you know, and you're right, it's late.
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I mean, in 2023, the first nine months of 2023, 158,000 Americans died more than predicted,
21:46.000 --> 21:47.000
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So we're still seeing huge amounts of excess death while COVID severity is way, way lower.
21:52.960 --> 21:54.840
I mean, it's very mild.
21:54.840 --> 22:00.760
And so maybe that first wave, like particularly in New York where I was, was really bad.
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Yeah, the vaccines are causing just untold medical carnage.
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I mean, it's ending lives of massive amounts of young people.
22:09.840 --> 22:12.840
The most telling is the US Society of Actuaries report.
22:12.840 --> 22:15.480
So they're made 2023 report.
22:15.480 --> 22:18.040
They showed the data for 2021.
22:18.040 --> 22:25.160
And all of a sudden, in the third quarter of 2021, you saw like 187% rise in life insurance
22:25.160 --> 22:27.320
claims amongst young people.
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You're talking about like 15 to 35 or something like 25 to 44.
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And it's an explosion because you see the rates that were increasing.
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So it was high, high, high, and then also boom.
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So you have to ask yourself, what happened?
22:41.960 --> 22:43.000
What terrorist inventor?
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What war did we start in the third quarter of 2021 where we're losing all these young people?
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And the only answer I can come up with societal is that was the proliferation of vaccine mandates,
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health care institutions, governments, corporations, schools, universities.
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And you see this just massive explosion of deaths of young people.
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And you know that you can't argue with that data.
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We know medical journals are corrupted.
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We know that for every study that's so something's harmful, they can put out five that says it's safe,
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but nobody can explain why they're dying like that.
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And then sorry, Shana, what was your question?
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Can I just ask you one more question on that topic?
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Because I was in New York during 2020 when there were all of the excess deaths.
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And what I remember, there are two things in particular.
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First and foremost, the protocols that were sent by the government in terms of determination
23:35.800 --> 23:39.720
of a COVID death were very broad, right?
23:39.720 --> 23:41.640
You could get hit by a bus.
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And if they were able to get a positive COVID-19 test, then that would be deemed a COVID-19 death.
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And I think in addition to that, when you consider the lack of treatment, right,
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what if we had a bad flu season or another virus and everyone got on the vitamin D,
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a little bit of Ivermectin or whatever, you actually treated it.
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But the government was telling people to stay home until they couldn't breathe.
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And then they were going in and getting the government mandated COVID protocol,
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which then exacerbated their situation.
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So could you make the argument that even though that uptick in 2020 wasn't really that great,
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an uptick or it was preventable if there were just common sense,
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basic treatment programs available and not the very, very generous description of what it
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meant to be a COVID death?
24:37.320 --> 24:43.560
Yeah. So true, oh, so one point, absolutely COVID cases and deaths were inflated.
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That that's been throughout.
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We know that through massive testing and then dying with or from all that nonsense.
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So for sure, those numbers can't be trusted.
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But I left the University of Wisconsin where I was the critical care,
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the chief of the critical care service.
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I was the head of their main ICU.
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I actually resigned in April of 2020 because they were really advocating for supportive care only.
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And if your listeners don't know what that means,
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supportive care only is just nutrition, hydration, maybe fever control,
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oxygen, those aren't treatments.
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That's just support.
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And when I was trying to be more aggressive using critical steroids and blood thinners,
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we would get in pushback from above.
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And I said, I refuse to be a clinical leader if this is how you're going to approach this.
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These patients are dying because they're not being treated.
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And we're getting the usual clap trap about, oh, you don't have any randomized control trials to
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support what you're doing.
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You might hurt them.
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Anyway, so I resigned there, but going back to New York,
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that was that March, April, and early May of 2020 were just insane.
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I mean, I went back to my old hospital where I'd been attending there for almost 10 years.
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I went that volunteer because we were getting emails,
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us intensivists.
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We're getting emails every day, come to New York now, intensivists need New York now.
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And I get there and the hospitals were transformed.
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First of all, they shut down all surgeries.
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They were cranking out ICU beds, making more intensive care units.
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So many more nurses were working in ICUs who hadn't had ICU training.
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I mean, it was really wicked.
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And we had a floor of patients that were like catering on non-invasive ventilators,
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full on 100%, breathing at 35.
26:31.160 --> 26:34.200
And there were two or three of them would get intubated every day.
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And they all had the same x-rays.
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It was wicked back then.
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But what's weird is what happened in New York didn't happen in all the cities.
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It's very odd the distribution of where it became-
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Didn't happen in Rochester.
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Yeah, everything was empty.
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They were furloughing nurses.
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They were furloughing nurses.
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They were dropping their hours.
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And I had people in every urgent care every hospital.
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And for the first six months, it was basically empty.
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You had a slightly busy COVID floor because people were nervous and they would go in.
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But other than that, so it's very strange.
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The whole thing is very strange.
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I don't want to get too tinfoil hat.
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This is not tinfoil hat.
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But if you read Bobby Kennedy's book that's recently, I think it's called Escape from Wuhan.
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It's a really disturbing book to read because it's a long book.
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He goes over the most atrocious history of bio-weapons research in this country.
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It was particularly the US.
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They've been the lead of the Japanese who are the first bio-weapons experts.
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Then, of course, the Germans.
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But the United States have been messing with bio-weapons for 100 years.
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And when you hear about how they've tested so many different bio-weapons,
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they literally have intentionally released them in areas where soldiers were in different
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communities to do these tests.
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I mean, it's truly astounding.
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And so when you read that book, you're like,
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because I've heard other people hypothesize that these were focused releases.
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Oh, sure.
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In areas harder than others.
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If you look at the epidemiology of that first initial wave,
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not saying it was, but it certainly fits that hypothesis.
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Well, and I will tell you, Dr. Corey, there were different experiences.
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In my corner of the world, Delta was nasty.
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Delta was particularly nasty.
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And I'll tell you who it hit because we were hanging out with all kinds of medical freedom
28:25.160 --> 28:25.880
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So you couldn't swing a dead cat without finding me on a street corner somewhere with a sign.
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Get things open or get the nurses their jobs back because they were all getting fired
28:37.160 --> 28:38.760
for not taking the COVID vaccine.
28:39.320 --> 28:46.120
And it was in our community of relatively unvaccinated populations of people.
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And it just hit some of our people really, really hard.
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And I'll never forget that two or three month period,
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but I feel like I was on my phone all day long with people calling.
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Wait, Janet, I got to say something.
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It's so interesting, everything you just said, because you're not a physician, right?
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No, but I have said what you have said so many times, I, for me, in my entire career of treating
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COVID, right, which is now, I guess, getting up to four years, it wasn't just Delta.
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It was late phase Delta.
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So Delta was June of 2021.
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Yeah, Delta was June of 2021.
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And it lasted until December, when all Macron took over.
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But September through November, I will never forget it.
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I mean, I remember acting at the standard dose that was not enough in a lot of patients.
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I was using, we had at that time, we had first line, second line, and third line.
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I was using first, second, and third line.
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And I was actually, I saved a good friend of mine who's a cardiologist,
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one of the experts at using an Ivermectin in the United States.
29:45.640 --> 29:47.880
He was trying to treat himself, ran into trouble.
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His wife had to call me.
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And I really, because you're not supposed to doctor yourself because your judgment's not very good.
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And he's a true doctor.
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And I literally came in, I had him on like six or seven meds to get him through.
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Now, none of my patients, only one, actually, I'm sorry, only two patients went to hospital
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in my entire COVID career.
30:04.280 --> 30:05.560
One was actually Omicron.
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But, and then the other one was actually a cousin who got to me on day 10, you know,
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breathless, but she didn't die.
30:13.160 --> 30:13.640
She didn't die.
30:13.640 --> 30:18.520
I only had one death, but I've said what you just said, so often that that late phase Delta,
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I mean, I was throwing everything at Delta.
30:21.560 --> 30:24.680
And I was successful, but I had to be really aggressive and I'm an ICU doctor.
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I'm like, I'm pretty aggressive guy when I have to.
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When I see sickness and especially that severe, I was pointing out all the stops.
30:31.960 --> 30:32.360
30:32.360 --> 30:37.640
I mean, so I wouldn't discount any type of speculation that in certain geographies,
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certain locations, certain times that they wouldn't deploy certain bio-weapons,
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if this is part of a larger plan.
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And I think a lot of people are very open to this concept that we might be in some type
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of biological warfare situation right now.
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I think that that's just, the evidence bears out.
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Yeah, I mean, I don't even, I mean, again, I guess there are differences of opinion,
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but I don't think you can question that, right?
31:00.040 --> 31:03.640
So we all know that this was a came out of a lab.
31:03.640 --> 31:05.160
This is genetically engineered number one.
31:05.160 --> 31:09.880
Number two, gain on function research is a euphemism for bio-weapons research.
31:09.880 --> 31:10.840
Right, right, right.
31:10.840 --> 31:11.480
It's the same thing.
31:11.480 --> 31:12.280
31:12.280 --> 31:15.800
So I don't even like that name gain of function because I think it's bio-weapons research.
31:15.800 --> 31:20.440
So you're basically talking about a weaponized virus that got out of a lab, right?
31:20.520 --> 31:26.200
And so, I mean, this, you know, and I sometimes joke with my, my chronically ill patients,
31:26.200 --> 31:30.440
like my long backs, long COVID patients, I say, because it's so complex.
31:30.440 --> 31:31.240
What happens to these patients?
31:31.240 --> 31:32.840
There's so sick so many of them.
31:32.840 --> 31:34.440
I say, you know, I'm learning as I go.
31:34.440 --> 31:36.040
This is my first bio-weapon disease.
31:38.200 --> 31:38.760
I shouldn't laugh.
31:38.760 --> 31:40.040
Why am I laughing?
31:40.040 --> 31:41.560
There's nothing funny about this at all.
31:42.600 --> 31:43.240
Literally, I'm trying to explain that.
31:43.240 --> 31:45.880
Yes, you have to laugh or all she'd stick your head in the oven though, right?
31:45.880 --> 31:47.720
I mean, because what are we going to do with this?
31:47.720 --> 31:48.840
I mean, right?
31:49.480 --> 31:51.400
My patients generally laugh at that joke.
31:51.400 --> 31:53.640
So, you know, it depends how they're feeling.
31:53.640 --> 31:54.840
Not feeling that well that day.
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You know, I go easy on them with the humor, but anyway.
31:57.240 --> 32:00.120
Then I don't feel like a total asshole for laughing at them.
32:00.120 --> 32:01.000
No, not at all.
32:01.800 --> 32:03.160
All right, we got to go to break.
32:03.160 --> 32:03.720
Save me.
32:03.720 --> 32:11.240
We're talking to Dr. Pierre Corey today on the Shannon Joy show about dealing with bio-weapons,
32:11.240 --> 32:16.040
gain of function research and what went down in the dark days of 2020
32:16.040 --> 32:20.760
and what we can see and what we can expect moving forward.
32:22.120 --> 32:28.360
When we come back, we're going to talk about the continued persecution of medical doctors
32:28.360 --> 32:30.440
who are saving patients and treating patients.
32:30.440 --> 32:35.880
You'd think that this was over, especially after the Smackdown of the FDA and their war on
32:35.880 --> 32:41.560
Ivermectin, but we're still continuing to see doctors silenced, persecuted,
32:41.560 --> 32:45.720
hauled before medical boards to defend their licenses and their practices.
32:46.200 --> 32:51.960
And it's very, very concerning given where we are at in the emergence of this truth.
32:51.960 --> 33:00.200
And then also, I would like to talk about what appears to be a new round of vaccine
33:00.200 --> 33:06.200
injury and death, the headlines about the turbo cancers and the increased cancers,
33:06.200 --> 33:08.680
and then also these autoimmune disorders are very concerning.
33:08.680 --> 33:10.760
So, we're going to ask him about all of that.
33:10.760 --> 33:13.880
When we come back right here on the Shannon Joy show.
33:16.280 --> 33:19.080
I'm a nurse and don't have a lot of time for proper meals.
33:19.080 --> 33:23.160
Since taking field of greens, I have more energy and a slimmer waist,
33:23.160 --> 33:26.040
which I was not expecting, but I'm very happy about.
33:26.040 --> 33:28.200
Being a firefighter demands being healthy.
33:28.200 --> 33:32.600
Broken meal plans and selling for fast food aren't a worry since I started taking field of greens.
33:32.600 --> 33:38.200
I get better sleep, I have more energy, I recover faster, and I definitely have better digestion.
33:38.200 --> 33:40.600
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33:40.600 --> 33:46.280
Get 15% off plus free shipping with this Calcode TV 15 at
33:49.800 --> 33:53.240
Well, hello everyone. Welcome back to the Shannon Joy show today.
33:53.240 --> 33:57.560
We are joined by our good friend, Dr. Pierre Corey.
33:57.560 --> 34:02.040
He is seeing patients, treating patients, actually practicing.
34:02.040 --> 34:07.640
You can go to,
34:07.640 --> 34:13.240
That's to see everything that he has to offer there.
34:13.240 --> 34:15.000
Also, please follow him on Substack.
34:15.000 --> 34:19.000
His Substack is
34:19.000 --> 34:20.680
You can also follow him on Twitter.
34:20.680 --> 34:22.680
His handle is at pheercory.
34:22.680 --> 34:25.320
I'm going to have to make sure that you follow me, Dr. Corey,
34:25.320 --> 34:27.640
because I was looking to promote everything.
34:27.640 --> 34:30.920
I'm like, oh, she's not following me on Twitter.
34:30.920 --> 34:34.200
Don't say anything so, Shannon.
34:34.200 --> 34:35.640
So come on now.
34:36.120 --> 34:37.800
All right, at Shannon Joy.
34:37.800 --> 34:39.320
Yeah, at Shannon Joy radio.
34:40.120 --> 34:41.160
Radio, Shannon.
34:41.160 --> 34:43.640
We only just started doing video on the show.
34:43.640 --> 34:46.520
This is, we're now in, I want to say the 18th.
34:46.520 --> 34:49.560
We started the fall of last year with video.
34:49.560 --> 34:52.760
But the first 10 years of my program was all A.M.
34:52.760 --> 34:53.960
Trustful radio.
34:53.960 --> 34:54.600
34:54.600 --> 34:57.880
And in the dark days of COVID, let me tell you,
34:57.880 --> 35:03.400
I was basically in my bedroom talking to a wall monologuing for 15 minutes,
35:03.400 --> 35:07.240
because they kicked me out of the studio at iHeart and sent me home.
35:07.240 --> 35:08.120
It was awful.
35:08.120 --> 35:09.640
It was the worst thing ever.
35:09.640 --> 35:14.040
I will cry before my show sometimes because I did not know what's going on.
35:14.040 --> 35:17.640
And I didn't have any bumper music or banter, no producer, nothing.
35:17.640 --> 35:20.360
It was just like me and the mic.
35:20.360 --> 35:21.160
It was awful.
35:21.160 --> 35:21.720
That's funny.
35:22.680 --> 35:23.640
I'm a follower now.
35:23.640 --> 35:24.440
So yay.
35:26.120 --> 35:28.360
Nothing like a little public shaming on the show.
35:28.360 --> 35:28.760
That's right.
35:28.760 --> 35:30.600
I'm just messing around.
35:30.600 --> 35:32.600
Dr. Pierre Corey is with us today.
35:33.000 --> 35:39.800
I want to move on to what is very distressing to many people within the medical freedom
35:39.800 --> 35:40.520
35:40.520 --> 35:49.400
I think among the docs and the scientists, there was a genuine hope that as vaccine uptake declined,
35:49.400 --> 35:49.640
35:49.640 --> 35:54.600
We are down in probably single digits right now, at least in the United States of America,
35:54.600 --> 35:57.560
in terms of vaccine uptake, which is a miracle.
35:57.560 --> 36:03.800
It's a huge win against the PR firms and the campaigns of misinformation and disinformation.
36:04.360 --> 36:10.520
However, tragically, instead of seeing the rates of myocarditis, pericarditis, neurological
36:10.520 --> 36:19.560
disorders, all cause mortality, cancers, autoimmune disorders, it seems as if not only
36:19.560 --> 36:24.680
are they accelerating in number, but also in severity.
36:24.760 --> 36:26.440
And so I'm looking at all the metadata.
36:26.440 --> 36:28.360
I'm looking at all the different studies coming out.
36:28.360 --> 36:34.120
There's a mountain of research now at our fingertips about the mechanisms of vaccine
36:34.120 --> 36:35.320
injury and death.
36:35.320 --> 36:41.400
We're seeing the reports on the white fibrous blood clots, which are very concerning, right?
36:41.400 --> 36:45.000
And it just seems all very dystopian.
36:45.000 --> 36:49.880
So what I try to do is I read all the best scientists and docs out there.
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I'm looking at the metadata.
36:51.320 --> 36:55.800
And then I match it with what I see in my own community.
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What's being talked about at my dinner table, at the Easter dinner table, with my family,
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within my community?
37:02.520 --> 37:10.600
And I will tell you the chronic sickness and illness, people who cannot stop getting sick,
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young people, friends of my children, right?
37:13.480 --> 37:20.040
15 year old girls, 16 year old boys who are out every four weeks with something that completely
37:20.040 --> 37:21.320
lays them out.
37:21.320 --> 37:24.040
They're testing negative on everything, okay?
37:24.040 --> 37:28.360
Flu, strep, COVID, you name it, but they're so sick they can't get out of bed.
37:28.360 --> 37:29.720
It's completely knocking them out.
37:30.200 --> 37:35.560
The cancers, the aggressive stage three cancers out of nowhere that seem to have metastasized
37:35.560 --> 37:38.520
in like hyper speed, right?
37:38.520 --> 37:41.400
And this seems to be accelerating to me.
37:41.400 --> 37:42.760
That's the sense that I'm getting.
37:43.560 --> 37:47.800
You are in the field, you're treating patients, you're connected to all the best
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thinkers, scientists and doctors in the world.
37:50.680 --> 37:53.800
What is your sense of what is happening right now?
37:53.800 --> 38:00.120
And are you concerned that we might be entering a new wave of a very severe illness,
38:00.120 --> 38:02.360
post COVID vaccine because of those vaccines?
38:03.000 --> 38:03.320
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So what I'm seeing, I can speak mostly about cancer because that's what I've been studying
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mostly and we've just published an op-ed in Washington Times last week about
38:13.880 --> 38:16.760
cancers in young people and their aggressiveness, right?
38:16.760 --> 38:21.800
So we guess in this movement, we'll use the term turbo cancer, the system docs will
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say that's not a defined term.
38:23.640 --> 38:28.520
But you're right, they're aggressive, less sensitive to treatment and they move fast
38:28.520 --> 38:30.680
and people are dying quicker than you've ever seen.
38:30.680 --> 38:37.000
And one of the things, one of the really scary data points that we have covered is
38:37.000 --> 38:40.600
Mike, me and my writing partner, Mary, about the fight for she's an investigative journalist.
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One of the really scary data points is the rise in
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cancers of it's kind of unknown primary.
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And that's cancers that we interpret that as cancers that are
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occurring and going so fast that they don't even get a biopsy before death.
38:59.160 --> 39:01.560
So you're getting these undiagnosed metastatic cancers.
39:01.560 --> 39:03.640
So that's another signal that turbo's happening.
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And so it's so much concentrated in the young people.
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But the data right now, it'll fill in over months to the next couple of years,
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the data right now is like certain cancers in certain age groups and not others.
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But year to year rises we've never seen before.
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Like I think it was uterine cancer in 2023 or it was 2021, 37% increase in this one age group.
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Like these young people, I think it was 25 to 44.
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I mean that is a shocking year to year rise.
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If you're following cancer rates, yes, they do change, but this was massive.
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And we have others like for pancreatic and then liver disease.
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So you're right, we, you know, not to hammer this drum.
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But when you think about what we talked about, you know,
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this is a bioweapon and it's literally caught, you know,
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it's not just the, you know, the virus that then you have literally the most pathogenic
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part of the virus, which is the spike protein, is what, you know,
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we've injected genetic material telling bodies to make spike.
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And you know, my practice is solely focused on long COVID and long facts.
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Same disease, same disease, two different triggers.
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But my practice is 70% long facts.
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Most of the majority of my practices, they've been vaccinated.
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And we do stuff like we check these, there's a really interesting test
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called a semi quantitative spike antibody level.
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Now it's not the amount of spike.
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We think it's a proxy for the amount of spike the patients are producing.
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But it has this reference, I'm not to get too geeky shine, but it has this reference
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reference range of zero to 25,000.
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And warm haulers, they'll come in in the hundreds to low thousands, like two, three,
40:38.920 --> 40:39.480
four thousand.
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The vaccine injured, they'll come in with seven, 10, 15,000.
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Then we have a cohort of patients that are reported as greater than 25,000.
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So massive amount of spike antibody that they're making.
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And it, you know, and you wonder why they're so sick.
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Yeah, have you seen any studies that have linked these cancers, these aggressive,
41:02.120 --> 41:08.760
fast moving cancers to vaccine uptake or number of doses, number of boosters?
41:10.040 --> 41:11.560
You know, is there anything out there yet?
41:11.560 --> 41:13.000
Have they begun to study that?
41:13.720 --> 41:17.640
So I don't know that that's the most of the data, the most of the studies that we're doing
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that we're seeing, it's temporarily associated with the campaign.
41:20.920 --> 41:23.240
So you're asking for like another layer of granularity.
41:23.240 --> 41:27.080
But I will tell you, one of the most outspoken oncologists in the world,
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I mean, this guy is like a veteran senior on college in the U.K.
41:30.600 --> 41:32.680
You might have heard of Angus Dalglish.
41:32.680 --> 41:33.960
I've had the pleasure of meeting him.
41:33.960 --> 41:35.320
We've had him on our webinar.
41:36.360 --> 41:38.520
You know, he's an expert at melanoma.
41:38.520 --> 41:41.800
And he started seeing his patients and he talks very clearly.
41:41.800 --> 41:44.520
He actually, I can't do it for him because I'd have to let him do it.
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But he goes in immunology of like, it's not the dose one.
41:47.880 --> 41:48.760
It's not the dose two.
41:48.760 --> 41:52.680
It's literally the boosters where his melanoma patients stable
41:52.680 --> 41:54.920
in admission for your all relapsing.
41:54.920 --> 41:58.920
And he really thinks that the booster is the one that does that.
41:59.640 --> 42:03.880
Do you think the cancers could be related to the suppressed immune system?
42:03.880 --> 42:09.240
So this is something that Garrett Vanden Bosch has been writing a lot about essentially.
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And Ed Dowd has talked about this.
42:11.080 --> 42:14.680
And we've heard it referred to as a vase type of syndrome.
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So a vaccine induced autoimmune deficiency or disorder.
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And this is where your body's immune system is just completely degraded,
42:25.960 --> 42:32.280
attacking itself and unable to protect the body from any of the incoming viruses.
42:32.280 --> 42:36.200
Could that be a contributing factor to some of these cancers as well?
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That their immune systems just are so wrecked by the spike that they're just falling prey?
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I think it's that's one of the three things that I think are driving it.
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So one is definitely the immune suppression.
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Our immune system is what surveils and keeps ourselves and our genetic divisions in control.
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And when you have that surveillance protector system, that gets decreased.
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That's going to cause a rise in cancers.
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But the other two that are as deeply concerning as that is that universal DNA contamination.
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So having all of that DNA has possibility of actually triggering and integrating and causing
43:14.040 --> 43:18.120
crancers. And then when you have to look at what is in the DNA contaminants,
43:18.120 --> 43:21.880
there's the SV40 promoter sequence, which is part of how they manufacture.
43:21.880 --> 43:25.400
And so that has been known to accelerate or trigger cancer.
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So you have a three worrisome mechanisms, but we live in a really dark world here.
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I mean, the vaccines are safe and effective, Shannon.
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And now you try to bring out science showing that toxicity and lethality.
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And there's just strings of retractions.
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Every time you have a devastating paper that manages to get through peer review,
43:44.760 --> 43:46.360
retracted, retracted, retracted.
43:46.360 --> 43:49.000
And so it's really sad trying to get the message out.
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But I will tell you, I'll finish with this, is in our publication of op-eds,
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we have seen a shift in what those editors will tolerate.
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You know, if you look at my series on excess mortality,
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so US today, August, we gave devastating numbers, did not mention the vaccine.
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We just said, hey, what's causing this, right?
44:08.760 --> 44:09.720
Like stupidly.
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But we talked about the timing of it.
44:11.480 --> 44:12.040
And there we go.
44:12.040 --> 44:12.440
44:12.440 --> 44:12.840
44:12.840 --> 44:18.040
In the news week, a few months later, this is, I think, November 2023,
44:18.040 --> 44:23.800
we slipped in, like, maybe the vaccine, we had it in there.
44:23.800 --> 44:27.560
And then the third one in the hill, we had it much more prominently.
44:27.560 --> 44:32.680
And, you know, the op-ed last week in Washington Times on cancer,
44:32.680 --> 44:35.480
we definitely put in vaccine as a possibility.
44:35.480 --> 44:40.520
And right now, a Mary Beth has a draft going where we go right after the vaccines
44:40.520 --> 44:42.200
as the most likely enhancement caused.
44:42.200 --> 44:44.600
Now, we haven't pitched it to editors yet.
44:44.600 --> 44:49.400
So I'll let you know what their, you know, what their kind of comfort
44:49.400 --> 44:51.480
feeling with that information is.
44:51.480 --> 44:54.120
So just so you all know what's going on here, Dr. Pierre,
44:54.120 --> 44:57.800
Corey, and Mary Beth Pfeiffer are grooming the mainstream media,
44:57.800 --> 45:00.120
getting them, giving them a little-
45:00.120 --> 45:01.880
Don't say grooming, Shannon, don't say grooming.
45:02.600 --> 45:06.760
Just feeding them a little bit of truth at the time.
45:06.760 --> 45:08.280
Just a little drop, little truth.
45:08.280 --> 45:11.080
Every, you go through news week, the hill, Washington Times.
45:11.080 --> 45:17.480
Mary Beth Pfeiffer, by the way, is a rock star, a rock star, man.
45:17.480 --> 45:18.120
I love her.
45:18.120 --> 45:22.760
She came to our summit for truth and wellness last year,
45:22.760 --> 45:27.080
covered it beautifully, wrote it up for Children's Health Defense and other outlets.
45:27.080 --> 45:30.520
And she, she's relentless, an amazing writer.
45:30.520 --> 45:31.560
And congratulations.
45:31.640 --> 45:33.080
No, I'm very serious though.
45:33.080 --> 45:38.760
Dr. Pierre Corey has been really the only voice from the medical freedom community
45:38.760 --> 45:42.840
that has been able to penetrate some of these mainstream news media outlets.
45:42.840 --> 45:46.840
Like USA Today, Newsweek, The Hill, Washington Times, as you just mentioned.
45:46.840 --> 45:52.200
So this is the way that you get this type of discussion and you open people's minds
45:52.200 --> 45:54.440
and you move into the mainstream news media.
45:54.440 --> 45:55.480
That's great news.
45:55.480 --> 45:57.240
That really is fantastic news.
45:57.240 --> 45:58.360
So thank you for doing that.
45:58.360 --> 46:01.000
We're going to go to break very quickly.
46:01.000 --> 46:06.120
And when we come back, we're going to talk about treatments and what you're seeing.
46:06.120 --> 46:06.600
Let's go back.
46:06.600 --> 46:15.240
Let's go full circle back to Ivermectin and other drugs as people as we face a period
46:15.240 --> 46:28.040
in time of great sickness and increasing rates of cancer and myocarditis and pericarditis
46:28.040 --> 46:29.160
and all these terrible things.
46:30.040 --> 46:32.760
What can we do to protect ourselves?
46:32.760 --> 46:34.600
What can we do to protect our families?
46:34.600 --> 46:36.280
What do we like in terms of treatments?
46:36.280 --> 46:37.000
What are you seeing?
46:37.000 --> 46:37.960
What are you hearing?
46:37.960 --> 46:44.440
What are some of the newest treatments out there that maybe are showing some promise?
46:44.440 --> 46:48.840
We're going to talk about that when we come back right here on The Shannon Joy Show.
46:50.280 --> 46:54.840
Has the dust settled from the COVID policy response far from it?
46:54.840 --> 46:56.440
The storms are many.
46:56.440 --> 47:01.480
Inflation, learning losses, ill health, high crime, broken government services,
47:01.480 --> 47:06.600
displaced workers, substance abuse, mass loneliness, discredited science,
47:06.600 --> 47:11.000
real estate crisis, censorship, and overweening state power.
47:11.000 --> 47:17.000
The world is on fire with war, mass killings, crime, hunger, revolution.
47:17.000 --> 47:21.400
The lack of accountability or even so much as an apology is a foreshadowing.
47:21.400 --> 47:24.920
They'll keep their newfound powers and try it all again.
47:24.920 --> 47:30.920
Brownstone Institute is seeking answers, undertaking important research and publishing the results
47:30.920 --> 47:35.480
while providing fellowships for dissident scholars who have been professionally displaced.
47:35.480 --> 47:37.480
It's not about this one crisis.
47:37.480 --> 47:43.880
We urgently need to restore peace, prosperity and integrity in science and journalism.
47:43.880 --> 47:46.200
Visit for more.
47:46.200 --> 47:49.640
We may never get to the truth, but we can get closer to the truth.
47:49.640 --> 47:52.440
There will be no stopping the efforts.
47:52.440 --> 47:53.800
Doctors are like you.
47:53.800 --> 47:57.560
Too much stress, too much fast food, and not enough exercise.
47:57.560 --> 48:01.080
And we don't have time for five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
48:01.080 --> 48:03.320
That's why I take Field of Greens.
48:03.320 --> 48:08.440
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48:08.440 --> 48:12.040
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48:12.040 --> 48:15.400
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48:15.400 --> 48:18.760
Unlike others, Field of Greens uses the whole fruit and vegetable,
48:18.760 --> 48:21.240
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48:21.240 --> 48:25.480
So if you're busy, don't get enough exercise and eat too much fast food,
48:25.480 --> 48:26.520
take Field of Greens.
48:27.240 --> 48:29.640
How will you know if Field of Greens is working?
48:29.640 --> 48:34.200
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48:34.200 --> 48:44.040
I trust Field of Greens for my health and you can too.
48:48.760 --> 48:59.480
Welcome back, everyone, to the final segment of the Shannon Joy Show.
48:59.480 --> 49:05.880
Big shout out to one of our favorite advertisers and sponsors, the folks over at Connecta Mobile.
49:06.440 --> 49:10.200
One of the things that you can do, again, we are not waiting for a politician to save us.
49:10.200 --> 49:11.800
We're not waiting for a political party.
49:11.800 --> 49:15.640
There's a lot we need to do in the next seven months to expose the truth.
49:15.720 --> 49:20.040
A lot of it is emancipating ourselves, becoming free and independent thinkers,
49:20.040 --> 49:23.560
engaging in civics, connecting with our local communities
49:23.560 --> 49:29.720
and holding these politicians' feet to the fire about what went down in 2020.
49:29.720 --> 49:32.440
We will not let them erase this from discussion,
49:32.440 --> 49:36.440
especially in this 2024 political electoral season.
49:36.440 --> 49:41.800
But one of the things that we can do is secure our own households and our own information.
49:41.800 --> 49:45.960
And that's what they do over at Connecta Mobile, completely secure,
49:45.960 --> 49:51.960
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49:51.960 --> 49:56.120
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49:56.120 --> 50:00.360
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50:00.360 --> 50:06.440
You name it. The Fourth Amendment has really gone out the window in terms of privacy
50:06.440 --> 50:08.920
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50:08.920 --> 50:14.600
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50:14.600 --> 50:20.120
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50:24.440 --> 50:29.160
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50:29.160 --> 50:34.120
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50:34.120 --> 50:41.640
Or call them at 941-246-2156. The number is 941-246-2156.
50:41.640 --> 50:47.880
And as with our friends over at Colonial Metals Group, Field of Greens, and also Connecta Mobile,
50:47.880 --> 50:52.920
you can get all of their information. There are links, my promo codes in the show notes
50:52.920 --> 50:57.240
for the Shannon Joy Show right here on Rumble on Twitter and on our podcasts.
50:57.240 --> 51:01.080
So just scroll down. You can find all of that information. Please support the sponsors that
51:01.080 --> 51:05.080
support the Shannon Joy Show. I could not do it. We couldn't bring you these amazing guests like
51:05.080 --> 51:11.240
Pierre Corey and Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Malone and Naomi Wolf and Ed Dowd and all of the amazing
51:11.240 --> 51:15.560
people. Dr. Paul Merrick, by the way, has been on the Shannon Joy Show. We got to work him into
51:15.560 --> 51:20.440
the repertoire again, of course, Dr. Corey. But we couldn't do it if it weren't for all of you,
51:20.440 --> 51:25.320
those of you who support the show and for our sponsors. So you really have to take care of
51:25.400 --> 51:31.800
our sponsors. Let them know that the Shannon Joy audience is out there and you are active.
51:31.800 --> 51:39.080
Dr. Pierre Corey, final segment of the Shannon Joy Show. Let's talk to everyone about what we
51:39.080 --> 51:48.600
can do, right? People are sick. The cancers, the immune disorders, the myocarditis, pericarditis,
51:48.600 --> 51:56.040
the long COVID, long haul COVID, you name it. What are you seeing in terms of solutions,
51:56.040 --> 52:03.480
treatments, lifestyle changes? What areas are causing you to be optimistic in treating some of
52:03.480 --> 52:09.320
these cancers? I'm devastated today, Dr. Corey, because over the weekend, over the Easter weekend,
52:10.200 --> 52:16.440
we were having Easter dinner and I found out that a very, very close dear, dear family friend has
52:16.440 --> 52:25.160
been diagnosed with stage three lung cancer out of nowhere. She's young, 42, super healthy,
52:25.160 --> 52:32.520
a mother. And the conversation was tragic. You know, like, what to do, where to go, she doesn't
52:32.520 --> 52:37.160
trust her oncologist, you know, they're going doing, you know, the same typical, you should make
52:37.160 --> 52:44.040
sure you go get vaccinated so that you're protected. I mean, it's just insane, right? But these are
52:44.040 --> 52:50.120
like real souls and real people, real stories and real children who are losing their parents.
52:50.920 --> 52:57.720
Yeah, she's the same age as Princess Catherine. I mean, 42, right? And so, so here's the interesting
52:57.720 --> 53:02.600
thing. And I just texted Paul to come in and say hello, Paul America is my house guest this one.
53:04.120 --> 53:08.600
But he's out of here. Oh, he better pop in. Oh, he better pop in the audience.
53:09.400 --> 53:17.160
Because, you know, he, he this year got did a deep dive on cancer and the metabolic treatment
53:17.160 --> 53:22.200
approach to cancer, which is very different than standard oncologic practice, like conventional
53:22.200 --> 53:27.160
care, which is, you know, cytotoxic therapy, chemo and radiation. And there are a number of
53:27.160 --> 53:32.760
different repurpose meds that work on a different pathway to treating cancer. And he has a cancer
53:32.760 --> 53:39.080
care document on the FLCCC dot net website, which has a number. It has like the top 20
53:39.720 --> 53:43.800
most evidence based therapy. So it's not everything that works for cancer. Because there's other
53:43.800 --> 53:47.560
things that people say work for cancer, but we just don't have good evidence for it. But these are
53:47.560 --> 53:51.800
the top 20 with the with the highest evidence. And so there's a number of stuff that we use for
53:51.800 --> 53:56.840
cancer. We have an observational study using these approaches, which you can read about on the FLCC
53:57.240 --> 54:03.160
net website. And we're not, we're not recommending that you replace standard or conventional care,
54:03.160 --> 54:08.200
but we believe that this is complimentary. And we can do put people on multiple repurpose
54:08.200 --> 54:13.880
combination therapy protocols. And, and you know, I've gotten to meet integrative oncologists over
54:13.880 --> 54:16.760
the last couple of years who've been doing this kind of stuff for years. And they're patients
54:16.760 --> 54:24.040
all outperform prognostic predictions. So, so that's one solution. Go into the vaccine injury.
54:24.600 --> 54:30.280
Long COVID long vacs. So I call it long vast, because it's the same thing as long COVID. The
54:30.280 --> 54:34.200
patients that see me, although it's a new name long COVID, it's an old disease. It's called,
54:34.200 --> 54:38.840
it used to be called myalgic encephalitis chronic fatigue syndrome. Almost all patients who see me
54:38.840 --> 54:43.960
meet those criteria. It's very simple. They, it's a, it's a pillar of three symptoms,
54:43.960 --> 54:47.640
plus a whole bunch more, but the three symptoms are new and an exerable fatigue.
54:47.640 --> 54:51.480
Post exerts some ways where if they do something, their flares, their other symptoms are their
54:51.560 --> 54:55.400
fatigue. Sometimes they can't exert themselves very much at all. So I have patients who are
54:55.400 --> 54:59.640
housebound effectively. And then some amount of brain fog, which is cognitive deficits. But then
54:59.640 --> 55:05.480
they have sensory neuropathies and dysautonomia and lots of different pain and some motor neuropathies
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with movement disorders. And it's just wickedly complex. But in terms of treatment, Shannon,
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just like in the literature around ME CFS, there is no single treatment that works in
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effort. We're not even close. And even when some medicines work, like, so for instance,
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my first line therapy is a medication called low dose naltrexone on there isn't a data support that,
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as well as ivermectin. I would say ivermectin is effective in about 70% of my patients,
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but those responses vary. Sometimes it's modest, sometimes it's large,
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but you know, you have to keep trying things. So now trexone, and then there's just a whole
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host of other things that we do. We check spike antibody levels. We try to reduce those.
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We address micro clotting, which is a new term in medicine. I never used before COVID or before
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the vaccine. What's micro clotting? Yeah, so it's the development, the aggregation of these
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fibrinoloid. Fibrin is one of the proteins that form clots. But these are different than just
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fibrin. We call it fibrinoloid because they have some amyloid qualities. Amyloid is an odd protein
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that can actually trigger more and more amyloid proteins being formed. And we're seeing that in
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the blood and it takes a specialized test. One of my colleagues does that. And you know, we're
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seeing like almost everyone is abnormal. But in my patient population, they're quite the degree
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of abnormalities high. We also see clumping of like platelets and red cells. And ivermectin is
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very good at breaking up the red cell aggregation. And we use a fair amount of different blood
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thinning strategies to very good effects. So that's like that's like one category of therapeutics.
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Then there's something called mast cell activation syndrome. So we're using things like antihistamines
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and mast cell stabilizers. And then then we use kind of systemic therapies. I've been
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gotten a lot of experience now using something called microcurrent therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen
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has a trial and support of it in this disease. Actually, that's that one is hard with my patients
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because it's not all are financially strapped. But you know, for them to go to a hyperbaric
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center, you know, five days a week, you know, for eight weeks and the amount of money that costs,
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it's it's not really something that I can do with everybody. But we definitely see people
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responding to that. And then there's just a whole bunch of the different supplements and
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nutraceuticals that I use. But like the my the quiver, you know, the arrows in my quiver are
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many. And it's kind of hard to practice with 30 things that might work. So I just work with
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patients, we try things, we try other things. And I will say, nearly all of my patients get
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better to some extent, but it's very hard to get them back to where they were. They're very happy
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with the care and the improvements like you take someone who comes to you disabled at 20%
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functioning, bringing them to 40%. They are thrilled as a physician. I'm like, what? You're
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still getting in the house? I know you feeling better. But you know, so it's it's again, going
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back to the my first bio weapon disease, and we're still trying to figure it out. But I will say
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this, me and my partner are getting better every day. We're learning more tricks with sharing
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tricks and insight things that work. And so, you know, we're just going to keep doing that.
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I love it. I love it. You are really servant leaders. And we're really thankful for everything
58:17.000 --> 58:22.920
that you are doing. You can find everything that Dr. Corey is talking about, and you can connect
58:22.920 --> 58:28.680
at Dr. Pierre, So you are seeing patients. Oh, yes, Shannon, not only my practice,
58:28.680 --> 58:35.800
but it's important. FLCCC that and that go to the treatment guides. We have one on, it's called
58:35.800 --> 58:42.360
I recover for a vaccine injury. And I think I remember position for some people are sick and
58:42.440 --> 58:46.840
they want to try some of the, you know, say full to the camera things. It's reason. But to be
58:46.840 --> 58:51.080
honest, if you're really sick, it's really needs a physician with experience or a provider with
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experience. Yeah, you need to. Well, and we're thankful that you that you're there. So
58:57.720 --> 59:05.160
absolutely. We love the folks over at the flcc alliance, really from the very beginning. You guys
59:05.160 --> 59:12.360
were there. You were treating patients. And it is an amazing organization. And then Dr. Pierre
59:12.360 --> 59:21.560 is is your actual private practice or your practice. Thank you so much. I'm going to
59:21.560 --> 59:25.720
let you go because I know what Dr. What are we not going to be? We're not going to be able to see
59:26.360 --> 59:32.600
Dr. Mary. You say hello real quick. Come on, get over here, Paul.
59:32.760 --> 59:37.480
I heard him yelling at someone on the phone in the background. Well, yeah, he's he's in a meeting
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with our executive director. But I said, come over and say a quick hello.
59:41.160 --> 59:51.640
The last time I had Dr. Merrick on, we did feature the, it was a big document on cancer protocols.
59:51.640 --> 59:57.640
Hello, how are you? Hey, you remember, Sharon? Enjoy. You did an interview.
59:58.520 --> 01:00:00.760
A few months ago. I remember.
01:00:01.960 --> 01:00:07.480
So good to see you. And we're going to have to get you one again because of the cancers. And
01:00:07.480 --> 01:00:12.840
it's just devastating. But I was just saying, um, that pro, what was the name of that protocol
01:00:12.840 --> 01:00:17.640
or that it was a document that you created? It was a cancer care is what we were discussing that he
01:00:17.640 --> 01:00:23.480
it's up on the flcc website. Yeah. Amazing. I've shared that with many, many, many people. So
01:00:24.440 --> 01:00:31.960
thank you. And as you know, there's a pandemic, you know, we had COVID now we have a pandemic of
01:00:31.960 --> 01:00:38.600
cancer. I know it's going to be it's going to affect almost every family in one way or another.
01:00:38.600 --> 01:00:45.080
And the tragedy is that standard chemotherapy just doesn't work. And we just doesn't work.
01:00:45.640 --> 01:00:52.360
Yeah. And so there is an effective alternative that patients can, you know, embrace. And so that's
01:00:52.360 --> 01:00:57.720
what people want to do. And you know, we need people like you to spread the message so that
01:00:57.720 --> 01:01:05.480
people know that the oncologists are not telling them the truth. They are alternative methods that
01:01:05.480 --> 01:01:11.640
are proven by science. You know, this is science based. Yeah. Well, we're going to get you on,
01:01:11.640 --> 01:01:15.000
we'll get you on next week or the week after as soon as you're ready to come on, we'll do an
01:01:15.000 --> 01:01:21.000
entire hour on that because you know what you can bring peer on to because, you know, he's treating
01:01:21.080 --> 01:01:26.120
the patients. So it works well as a team. Yeah. Well, we we scratched the surface today
01:01:26.760 --> 01:01:30.680
in our discussion and we're going to we're going to continue this because to your point, Dr.
01:01:30.680 --> 01:01:37.320
America, it is impacted my life with my family, friends, very dear friends who are just being
01:01:37.320 --> 01:01:42.120
diagnosed with cancer left and right. And it's just tragic. And so we got to do something about this.
01:01:42.120 --> 01:01:47.720
And I'm so thankful for both of you who are on the front line. So thank you. Thanks.
01:01:48.200 --> 01:01:52.040
You guys are amazing. Okay. So make sure that you follow Dr. Pierre Corey,
01:01:52.040 --> 01:01:58.520
sub stack Pierre Corey Medical Musings dot com. Follow him on Twitter. His handle is at
01:01:58.520 --> 01:02:04.680
Pierre Corey. And of course, his practice, Dr. Pierre Corey dot com. And the amazing organization,
01:02:04.680 --> 01:02:12.600
FLCC, one of the best, the best you guys will be featured on my must follow page. We're about to
01:02:12.680 --> 01:02:19.160
relaunch my brand new website. And so I'm going to have a page of like my favorites. And FLCC
01:02:19.160 --> 01:02:22.920
is going to have a prominent place right there because you guys are an amazing resource,
01:02:23.480 --> 01:02:27.640
absolutely trusted, and I'm really thankful for you. So I'll give you another minute to
01:02:27.640 --> 01:02:31.000
get anything else off your chest that you want to tell the audience and then we'll let you go.
01:02:31.960 --> 01:02:38.520
Oh, you know what? I think my message is we're in an information war and I just want people to be
01:02:38.520 --> 01:02:44.760
skeptical. Unfortunately, our major media and many of our institutions have been captured. And
01:02:44.760 --> 01:02:48.760
I'd want to celebrate people like you independent alternative media that without conflicts of
01:02:48.760 --> 01:02:54.520
interest. And I can openly discuss some critical issues. And so I guess if someone's hearing
01:02:54.520 --> 01:02:59.000
that message, they already know that message. They're listening to you, Shannon, but for anyone who's
01:02:59.000 --> 01:03:05.880
done convinced, I would say, you know, keep sticking with, you know, alternative sources of media.
01:03:05.960 --> 01:03:10.360
Yeah, well, and even the medical freedom community, you know, our political parties now are kind
01:03:10.360 --> 01:03:16.680
of walking us through this campaign season, not talking about this. So even people who agree on
01:03:16.680 --> 01:03:20.760
these things are getting distracted by other electoral issues. Like we got to stay focused.
01:03:20.760 --> 01:03:25.880
And that's what we're trying to do here on the show. So thank you so, so very much for being with
01:03:25.880 --> 01:03:31.560
us today, Dr. Pierre Corey. Thank you to our sponsors, Connect DeMobile, Field of Greens,
01:03:31.560 --> 01:03:37.800
and our amazing friends over at Colonial Metals Group and get all of their information in the
01:03:37.800 --> 01:03:42.280
show notes. Keep it tuned right here, guys. We'll be back tomorrow to do it all again right here on
01:03:42.280 --> 01:03:51.160
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