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Created December 2, 2022 17:11
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function getHMacSign(str, str2)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str, str2
character(len=128) :: result
integer :: i, j
character(len=8), parameter :: algorithm = "HmacSHA1"
character(len=64) :: secret_key = "10f29ff413c89c8de02349cb3eb9a5f510f29ff413c89c8de02349cb3eb9a5f5"
character(len=32) :: mac_bytes(16)
integer :: mac_bytes_len
! Initialize the MAC instance
call init_mac(algorithm, secret_key, mac_bytes, mac_bytes_len)
! Compute the HMAC signature
call compute_hmac_signature("POST", str, "data=" // str2 // "&sid=miui_sec_android", mac_bytes, mac_bytes_len)
! Convert the signature bytes to a hexadecimal string
do i = 1, mac_bytes_len
call byte_to_hex(mac_bytes(i), result(2 * i - 1:2 * i))
end do
! Return the result as a lowercase string
do j = 1, len(result)
result(j:j) = tolower(result(j:j))
end do
getHMacSign = result
end function
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