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Last active June 15, 2016 17:01
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function convertToRoman(num) {
// create an ES6-map
const romanNumbers = new Map()
.set(1000, 'M')
.set(900, 'CM')
.set(500, 'D')
.set(400, 'CD')
.set(100, 'C')
.set(90, 'XC')
.set(50, 'L')
.set(40, 'XL')
.set(10, 'X')
.set(9, 'IX')
.set(5, 'V')
.set(4, 'IV')
.set(1, 'I');
let romanNum ='';
// loop over the romanNumbers map and substitute the input number with the roman equivalent
for (const [arabicLetter, romanLetter] of romanNumbers) { // destructuring the key value pairs from the map
while (num >= arabicLetter) {
romanNum += romanLetter;
num -= arabicLetter;
return romanNum;
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