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this is a utility class for space engineers scripts that can be used to store persistent data. and can also send update events for vars and broadcast vars to other grids
using Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents;
using Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame;
using Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces;
using SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using VRage;
using VRage.Collections;
using VRage.Game;
using VRage.Game.Components;
using VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel;
using VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame;
using VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.Utilities;
using VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Definitions;
using VRageMath;
namespace IngameScript
partial class Program
// Grid Info //
// holds some basic info about the grid and other useful stuff //
// to have globally can also report changes to variables and //
// send them to other grids. //
// add to Program(): //
// GridInfo.Init("Program Name",GridTerminalSystem,IGC,Me,Echo); //
// if(Storage != "") GridInfo.Load(Storage); //
// //
// add to Save(): //
// Storage = GridInfo.Save(); //
// //
// add to Main(): //
// GridInfo.CheckMessages(); //
// //
// usage: //
// GridInfo.SetVar("varname","value"); //
// GridInfo.GetVarAs<T>("varname","optionalDefault"); //
// //
// change listener: //
// GridInfo.AddVarChangedHandler("varname",MyHandler); //
// //
// change broadcasting: //
// GridInfo.AddChangeBroadcaster("program","varname"); //
// GridInfo.AddChangeUnicaster(igcAddress,"varname"); //
// GridInfo.AddBroadcastListener("key"); //
// GridInfo.AddVarBroadcastListener("program"); //
public class GridInfo
public static long RunCount = 0; // to store how many times the script has run since compiling
public static string ProgramName = "Program"; // the name of the program
public static IMyGridTerminalSystem GridTerminalSystem; // so it can be globally available
public static IMyIntergridCommunicationSystem IGC; // so it can be globally available
public static IMyProgrammableBlock Me; // so it can be globally available... lol
public static Action<string> EchoAction; // EchoAction?.Invoke("hello");
private static IMyBroadcastListener broadcastListener; // so it can be globally available
private static List<IMyBroadcastListener> listeners = new List<IMyBroadcastListener>(); // so it can be globally available
private static List<IMyBroadcastListener> varListeners = new List<IMyBroadcastListener>(); // so it can be globally available
private static string bound_vars = ""; // a list of vars that have been bound to the grid
private static Dictionary<string, string> broadcast_vars = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // a list of vars that have been bound to the grid
private static Dictionary<string, long> unicast_vars = new Dictionary<string, long>(); // a list of vars that have been bound to the grid
public static bool handleUnicastMessages = false;
private static Program program;
public static void Echo(string message)
public static Dictionary<string, string> GridVars = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// setup GridInfo //
public static void Init(string name, IMyGridTerminalSystem gts, IMyIntergridCommunicationSystem igc, IMyProgrammableBlock me, Action<string> echo)
ProgramName = name;
GridTerminalSystem = gts;
IGC = igc;
Me = me;
EchoAction = echo;
broadcastListener = IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(ProgramName);
if (name != "") Me.CustomName = "Program: " + ProgramName + " @" + IGC.Me.ToString();
public static void Init(string name, Program program)
GridInfo.program = program;
Init(name, program.GridTerminalSystem, program.IGC, program.Me, program.Echo);
public static void Init(string name, Program program, string storage)
GridInfo.program = program;
Init(name, program.GridTerminalSystem, program.IGC, program.Me, program.Echo);
public static void Init(Program program)
GridInfo.program = program;
Init("", program.GridTerminalSystem, program.IGC, program.Me, program.Echo);
// handle broadcast messages //
public static List<MyIGCMessage> CheckMessages()
List<MyIGCMessage> messages = new List<MyIGCMessage>();
while (broadcastListener.HasPendingMessage)
MyIGCMessage message = broadcastListener.AcceptMessage();
Echo("GridInfo-" + message.Tag + ": " + message.As<string>());
string[] data = message.As<string>().Split('║');
if (data.Length == 2)
SetVar(data[0], data[1]);
else messages.Add(message);
if (!checkForVar(message)) messages.Add(message);
while (IGC.UnicastListener.HasPendingMessage)
foreach (IMyBroadcastListener listener in listeners)
while (listener.HasPendingMessage)
foreach (IMyBroadcastListener listener in varListeners)
while (listener.HasPendingMessage)
MyIGCMessage message = listener.AcceptMessage();
Echo(message.Tag + ": " + message.As<string>());
return messages;
static bool checkForVar(MyIGCMessage message)
string[] data = message.As<string>().Split('║');
if (data.Length == 2)
GridInfo.Echo("GridInfo-VarFound! " + data[0] + ": " + data[1]);
SetVar(data[0], data[1], false);
return true;
return false;
public static IMyBroadcastListener AddBroadcastListener(string name)
IMyBroadcastListener listener = IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(name);
return listener;
public static void AddVarBroadcastListener(string name)
IMyBroadcastListener listener = IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(name);
// Get a var as a specific type of variable //
// //
// key - the id of the variable to get //
// defaultValue - the value to return if //
// the variable doesn't exist //
public static T GetVarAs<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T))
if (!GridVars.ContainsKey(key)) return defaultValue; //(T)Convert.ChangeType(null,typeof(T));
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(GridVars[key], typeof(T));
public static Vector3D GetVarAsVector3D(string key, Vector3D defaultValue = default(Vector3D))
if (!GridVars.ContainsKey(key)) return defaultValue;
string[] data = GridVars[key].Split(',');
if (data.Length == 3)
double x = double.Parse(data[0]);
double y = double.Parse(data[1]);
double z = double.Parse(data[2]);
return new Vector3D(x, y, z);
return defaultValue;
// set a grid info var //
// //
// key - the id of the variable to set //
// value - the value (converted to a string) //
public static void SetVar(string key, string value, bool send = true)
if (GridVars.ContainsKey(key)) GridVars[key] = value;
else GridVars.Add(key, value);
if (bound_vars.Contains(key + "║")) OnVarChanged(key, value);
if (send && broadcast_vars.ContainsKey(key)) IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(broadcast_vars[key], key + "║" + value);
if (send && unicast_vars.ContainsKey(key)) IGC.SendUnicastMessage(unicast_vars[key], key, value);
public static void SetVar(string key, Vector3D value)
SetVar(key, value.X.ToString() + "," + value.Y.ToString() + "," + value.Z.ToString());
// converts the grid info vars to a string to save in Storage //
public static string Save()
StringBuilder storage = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> var in GridVars)
storage.Append(var.Key + "║" + var.Value + "\n");
if (program != null) program.Storage = storage.ToString();
return storage.ToString();
// parse the Storage string into grid info vars //
public static void Load(string storage)
string[] lines = storage.Split('\n');
foreach (string line in lines)
string[] var = line.Split('║');
if (var.Length == 2)
GridVars.Add(var[0], var[1]);
// event for when a var is changed //
public static event Action<string, string> VarChanged;
private static void OnVarChanged(string key, string value)
VarChanged?.Invoke(key, value);
public static void AddChangeListener(string key, Action<string, string> handler)
bound_vars += key + "║";
VarChanged += handler;
public static void AddChangeListener(string key)
bound_vars += key + "║";
// send changes to a prog by its name
public static void AddChangeBroadcaster(string progName, string key)
broadcast_vars.Add(key, progName);
// send changes to a prog by its igc address
public static void AddChangeUnicaster(string key, long id)
unicast_vars.Add(key, id);
handleUnicastMessages = true;
// the world position for the block //
public static Vector3D BlockWorldPosition(IMyFunctionalBlock block, Vector3D offset = new Vector3D())
return Vector3D.Transform(offset, block.WorldMatrix);
// remapped game time //
public static DateTime GameTime
// get the current time since midnight in seconds
double time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds;
// scale the time so that 2 hours real time is 1 day in game so 1am real time is 12pm in game
// if time = 3600 then time = 43200
time = time * 12;
double hour = (time / 3600) % 24;
double minute = (time / 60) % 60;
double second = time % 60;
return new DateTime(1, 1, 1, (int)hour, (int)minute, (int)second);
public static string GameTimeString { get { return GridInfo.GameTime.ToString("h:mm tt"); } }
// main loop //
public static Action<string, UpdateType> MainLoop;
public static Action<string> Command;
public static Dictionary<string, Action<MyIGCMessage>> MessageHandlers = new Dictionary<string, Action<MyIGCMessage>>();
public static Action<List<MyIGCMessage>> MessagesHandler;
public static void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
if(updateSource == UpdateType.IGC){
List<MyIGCMessage> messages = CheckMessages();
for(int i = 0; i < messages.Count; i++)
if (MessageHandlers.ContainsKey(messages[i].Tag))
if (MessagesHandler != null) MessagesHandler(messages);
else if(updateSource == UpdateType.Terminal || updateSource == UpdateType.Trigger)
} else MainLoop?.Invoke(argument, updateSource);
public static void AddMainLoop(Action<string, UpdateType> handler)
MainLoop += handler;
public static void AddMessageHandler(string tag, Action<MyIGCMessage> handler)
MessageHandlers.Add(tag, handler);
public static void AddMessagesHandler(Action<List<MyIGCMessage>> handler)
MessagesHandler += handler;
public static void AddCommandHandler(Action<string> handler)
Command += handler;
// GridInfo End //
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can now handle a bunch of stuff for you. can do a main loop that will check for vars sent to this program from another. (via IGC methods) and can register message listeners to get individual message tags or one for messages that gets any messages that weren't already handled. work same way the on var change listeners work. (untested)

i dunno... i basically have been including this in all my my space engineers scripts anymore.

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