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Last active August 24, 2016 01:23
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RSS Downloader
<Query Kind="Program">
void Main()
var sites = new[] {
XNamespace contentNamespace = "";
var links = from xdoc in sites
.Select(rss => XDocument.Load(rss))
from feedItem in xdoc.Descendants("item")
let postTitle = feedItem.Element("title").Value
let postLink = feedItem.Element("link").Value
let postDoc = ToHtmlDocument(feedItem.Element(contentNamespace + "encoded").Value)
from linkNode in postDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a")
let linkTitle = linkNode.InnerText
let linkHref = linkNode.Attributes["href"]?.Value
where linkHref != null
select new { postTitle, postLink, linkTitle, linkHref };
/*links.Where(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Azure"))
.Dump("Example 1");*/
/*links.First(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Azure"))
.Dump("Example 2");*/
/*var list = links.ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Got {0} links", list);
list.First(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Azure")).Dump("Example 3");*/
links.Where(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Azure")).Dump("Example 4a");
links.Where(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Angular")).Dump("Example 4b");
/*links.Where(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Angular") ||
.GroupBy(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Angular") ? "Angular":"Azure")
.Dump("Example 5");*/
var list = links.ToList();
list.Where(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Azure")).Dump("Example 6a");
list.Where(l => l.linkTitle.Contains("Angular")).Dump("Example 6b");
private static string GetRssFeed(HtmlDocument htmlDoc)
return htmlDoc.DocumentNode
.SelectNodes("//link[(@type='application/rss+xml' or @type='application/atom+xml') and @rel='alternate']")
.Select(n => n.Attributes["href"].Value)
private static HtmlDocument ToHtmlDocument(string html)
var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
return htmlDoc;
private static string DownloadHtml(string uri)
Console.WriteLine($"Downloading: {uri}");
using (var wc = new WebClient())
return wc.DownloadString(uri);
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