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Created June 7, 2011 13:33
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#! /usr/bin/env Python2.6
# coding: utf-8
# by sora
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, math
argvs = sys.argv
topodir = "dat/"
peers = open(argvs[1]).readlines()
geo = open(topodir + "asngeo.txt").readlines()
geo2 = open(topodir + "asngeo-skitter.txt").readlines()
asdb = open(topodir + "asinfo_20110406.list").readlines()
asnlng = asname = ascc = peer = adjacent = nodes = dict()
allnode = result = []
maxd = 0
rank = 1
for g in geo:
asn, name, addr, lng, lat = g.rstrip("\n").split('|')
if lng != '':
asnlng[asn] = lng
for g in geo2:
asn, name, addr, lng, lat = g.rstrip("\n").split('|')
if lng != '':
asnlng[asn] = lng
for g in asdb:
asn, cc, radb, date, name = g.rstrip("\n").split('|')
if name != '':
asname[asn] = name
if cc != '':
ascc[asn] = cc
for p in peers:
src, _, dst, _ = p.rstrip("\n").split('|')
if src != '' or dst != '':
peer[src] = dst
if src not in adjacent:
adjacent[src] = []
for i in adjacent.keys():
adjacent[i] = list(set(adjacent[i]))
if len(adjacent[i]) > maxd:
maxd = len(adjacent[i])
for i in adjacent.keys():
if not i in allnode:
for j in adjacent[i]:
if not j in allnode:
for a in allnode:
if a in asnlng.keys():
d = float(asnlng[a])
d = 0.0
if a in adjacent.keys():
le = len(adjacent[a])
le = 0
r = float("%.3f" % (1 - math.log( ((le + 1.0) / (maxd * 1.3) * 10.0 + 1.0), 10 )))
rr = float("%.3f" % (math.log( ((le + 1.0) / (maxd * 1.3) * 10.0 + 1.0), 10 )))
rad = float("%.3f" % math.radians(-d))
x = round((r * math.cos(rad)), 3)
y = round((r * math.sin(rad)), 3)
nodes[a] = [x, y, rr, le]
for i in nodes.keys():
name = ""
count = 0
if not i in asname.keys():
asname[i] = "unknown"
if not i in ascc.keys():
ascc[i] = "XX"
name = asname[i].split(' ')[0]
result.append([nodes[i][3], i, nodes[i][0], nodes[i][1], nodes[i][2], name, ascc[i]])
for line in sorted(result, reverse=True):
print rank, " ".join([str(x) for x in line])
rank = rank + 1
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