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Created October 6, 2019 16:45
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#lang racket
(require racket/generator)
(define (M input)
(define (q0 input)
(match input
[(list) #f]
[(list 0 xs ...) (q1 xs)]
[(list 1 xs ...) (q0 xs)]))
(define (q1 input)
(match input
[(list) #f]
[(list 0 xs ...) (q0 xs)]
[(list 1 xs ...) (q2 xs)]))
(define (q2 input)
(match input
[(list) #f]
[(list 0 xs ...) (q3 xs)]
[(list 1 xs ...) (q0 xs)]))
(define (q3 input)
(match input
[(list) #f]
[(list 0 xs ...) (q1 xs)]
[(list 1 xs ...) (q4 xs)]))
(define (q4 input)
(match input
[(list) #f]
[(list 0 xs ...) (q1 xs)]
[(list 1 xs ...) (q5 xs)]))
(define (q5 input)
(match input
[(list) #t]
[(list 0 xs ...) (q1 xs)]
[(list 1 xs ...) (q0 xs)]))
(q0 input))
(define rx #px"^[01]*01011$")
(define (check input)
(printf "Checking ~a\n" input)
(define s (string-append* (map number->string input)))
(when (xor (regexp-match rx s) (M input))
(yield input)))
(define failures
(let loop ([input '()] [depth 10])
(when (> depth 0)
(check input)
(loop (cons 0 input) (sub1 depth))
(loop (cons 1 input) (sub1 depth))))))
(define the-failures (sequence->list failures))
(printf "Inputs where DFA disagrees with regex\n")
(for ([failure the-failures])
(printf "~a\n" failure))
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