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Last active February 10, 2023 17:27
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hash table pattern
#lang racket/base
(provide hash hash*)
(require racket/match
(only-in racket/base [hash racket:hash])
(for-syntax racket/base
(define undef (gensym))
(define user-def (gensym))
(define (undef? v)
(eq? undef v))
(define (user-def? v)
(eq? user-def v))
(define (hash-remove-safe h k)
(if (hash-has-key? h k)
(hash-remove h k)
(define (hash-remove-safe! h k)
(when (hash-has-key? h k)
(hash-remove! h k)))
;; get-full-mode :: syntax?
;; (listof identifier?)
;; (listof identifier?)
;; -> (listof syntax?)
(define-for-syntax (get-full-mode mode k-ids ref-ids)
[(eq? mode #t)
(list #`(λ ()
(define seen (hash-copy-clear e #:kind 'mutable))
(define cnt
(+ #,@(for/list ([k-id (in-list k-ids)]
[ref-id (in-list ref-ids)])
[(or (hash-has-key? seen #,k-id)
(user-def? #,ref-id))
(hash-set! seen #,k-id #t)
(= (hash-count e) cnt)))]
[else '()]))
;; do-hash :: syntax? stx-list? (or/c #t #f syntax?) -> syntax?
(define-for-syntax (do-hash stx kvps mode)
(define kvp-list (syntax->list kvps))
(define-values (k-exprs v-pats def-exprs def-ids)
(for/fold ([k-exprs '()]
[v-pats '()]
[def-exprs '()]
[def-ids '()]
#:result (values (reverse k-exprs)
(reverse v-pats)
(reverse def-exprs)
(reverse def-ids)))
([kvp (in-list kvp-list)])
(syntax-case kvp ()
[(k-expr v-pat #:default def-expr)
(values (cons #'k-expr k-exprs)
(cons #'v-pat v-pats)
(cons #'def-expr def-exprs)
(cons #'user-def def-ids))]
[(k-expr v-pat)
(values (cons #'k-expr k-exprs)
(cons #'v-pat v-pats)
(cons #'undef def-exprs)
(cons #'undef def-ids))]
[_ (raise-syntax-error #f "expect a key-value group" stx kvp)])))
(define k-ids (generate-temporaries k-exprs))
(define ref-ids (generate-temporaries k-exprs))
(with-syntax ([(k-id ...) k-ids]
[(ref-id ...) ref-ids]
[(k-expr ...) k-exprs]
[(v-pat ...) v-pats]
[(def-expr ...) def-exprs]
[(def-id ...) def-ids])
#`(? hash?
;; we use let explicitly to prevent macro expander from nesting too much
(app (λ (e)
;; initially assign k-ids and ref-ids to #f, so that
;; if section 1 short-circuits, there's no need to
;; evaluate all k-exprs and hash-refs
(let ([k-id #f] ...
[ref-id #f] ...)
;; SECTION 1: predicate
(or (undef? (begin
(set! k-id k-expr)
(set! ref-id (hash-ref e k-id def-id))
;; henceforth, we can assume ref-ids are not undef
;; SECTION 2: full mode predicate
#,@(get-full-mode mode k-ids ref-ids)
;; SECTION 3: values
ref-id ...
;; SECTION 4: rest
[(syntax? mode)
;; TODO: we are inlining heavily here, which could
;; blow up the program size quite a bit.
;; Should this instead be a run-time computation?
(list #`(λ ()
[(immutable? e)
#,(for/fold ([stx #'e])
([k (in-list k-ids)])
#`(hash-remove-safe #,stx #,k))]
(define e* (hash-copy e))
#,@(for/list ([k (in-list k-ids)])
#`(hash-remove-safe! e* #,k))
[else '()]))))
[(eq? mode #t) (list #'(app (λ (p) (p)) #t))]
[else '()])
(app (λ (ref-id)
(if (user-def? ref-id)
v-pat) ...
[(syntax? mode)
(list #`(app (λ (p) (p)) #,mode))]
[else '()])))))
(define-match-expander hash*
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ kvp ... #:rest rest-pat)
(eq? (syntax-e #'rest-pat) '_)
(do-hash stx #'(kvp ...) #f)]
[(_ kvp ... #:rest rest-pat) (do-hash stx #'(kvp ...) #'rest-pat)]
[(_ kvp ... #:full) (do-hash stx #'(kvp ...) #t)]
[(_ kvp ... #:partial) (do-hash stx #'(kvp ...) #f)]
[(_ kvp ...) (do-hash stx #'(kvp ...) #f)])))
(define-for-syntax (make-pairs stx xs)
(let loop ([xs (syntax->list xs)] [acc '()])
[(empty? xs) (reverse acc)]
[(empty? (rest xs))
(raise-syntax-error #f "key does not have a value" stx)]
[else (loop (rest (rest xs)) (cons (list (first xs) (second xs)) acc))])))
(define-match-expander hash
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ stuff ... #:rest rest-pat)
(with-syntax ([(kvp ...) (make-pairs stx #'(stuff ...))])
#'(hash* kvp ... #:rest rest-pat))]
[(_ stuff ... #:full)
(with-syntax ([(kvp ...) (make-pairs stx #'(stuff ...))])
#'(hash* kvp ... #:full))]
[(_ stuff ... #:partial)
(with-syntax ([(kvp ...) (make-pairs stx #'(stuff ...))])
#'(hash* kvp ... #:partial))]
[(_ stuff ...)
(with-syntax ([(kvp ...) (make-pairs stx #'(stuff ...))])
#'(hash* kvp ... #:full))]))
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ stuff ...) #'(racket:hash stuff ...)])))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(test-case "non hash"
(check-equal? (match 1
[(hash* [3 x]) x]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "missing key"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 5 4)
[(hash* [3 x]) x]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "value pattern matching"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [1 (? odd? x)]) x]
[_ 'failed])
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [1 (? even? x)]) x]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "key expression"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [(+ 1 2) x]) x]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "duplicate"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [1 x] [1 y]) (list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 2))
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [1 x] [1 y] #:full) (list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [1 x] [1 y] [3 z] #:full) (list x y z)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 2 4)))
(test-case "partial matching"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [1 x]) x]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "partial matching (multiple)"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [1 x] [5 z]) (list x z)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 6)))
(test-case "full matching"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [1 x] [3 y] [5 z] #:full) (list x y z)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 4 6)))
(test-case "full matching failure"
;; extra keys
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [1 x] [5 z] #:full) (list x z)]
[_ 'failed])
;; missing keys
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [1 x] [4 y] [5 z] #:full) (list x y z)]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "rest matching"
;; single
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [1 x] [5 z] #:rest (? hash? h)) (list x z h)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 6 (hash 3 4)))
;; multiple
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [5 z] #:rest (? hash? h)) (list z h)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 6 (hash 1 2 3 4)))
;; nested
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [5 z] #:rest (hash* [1 x])) (list x z)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 6)))
(test-case "rest matching failure"
;; rest-pat
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [1 x] [5 z] #:rest (? number? h)) (list x z h)]
[_ 'failed])
;; extra keys
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4 5 6)
[(hash* [4 z] #:rest (? hash? h)) (list z h)]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "evaluate only once (at least when hash* is the top-level pattern)"
;; partial mode
(let ([var 0])
(check-equal? (match (hash -5 -6 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [(begin (set! var (+ var 1))
[(begin (set! var (+ var 2))
(list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 4))
(check-equal? var 3))
;; full mode
(let ([var 0])
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [(begin (set! var (+ var 1))
[(begin (set! var (+ var 2))
(list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 4))
(check-equal? var 3))
;; rest mode
(let ([var 0])
(check-equal? (match (hash -5 -6 1 2 3 4)
[(hash* [(begin (set! var (+ var 1))
[(begin (set! var (+ var 2))
#:rest (? (λ (h) (= 1 (hash-count h))) h))
(list x y h)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 4 (hash -5 -6)))
(check-equal? var 3)))
(test-case "default value"
;; mismatch
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2
3 4
5 6)
[(hash* [1 (list x) #:default (list 42)]) (list x)]
[_ 'failed])
;; partial
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 (list 2)
3 (list 4)
5 (list 6))
[(hash* [2 (list x) #:default (list 42)]
[5 (list z) #:default (list -42)])
(list x z)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 42 6))
(check-equal? (match (hash 0 2)
[(hash* [1 x #:default 3] [1 y #:default 4])
(list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 3 4))
;; full
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 (list 2)
3 (list 4)
5 (list 6))
[(hash* [2 w #:default (list 42)]
[1 x]
[3 y]
[5 z #:default (list -42)]
(list w x y z)]
[_ 'failed])
(list (list 42) (list 2) (list 4) (list 6)))
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2)
[(hash* [1 x #:default 3] [1 y #:default 4] #:full)
(list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 2))
;; full failure
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 (list 2)
3 (list 4)
5 (list 6))
;; 1 is not matched here
[(hash* [2 w #:default (list 42)]
[3 y]
[5 z #:default (list -42)]
(list w y z)]
[_ 'failed])
;; rest
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 (list 2)
3 (list 4)
5 (list 6))
[(hash* [2 w #:default (list 42)]
[3 y]
[5 z #:default (list -42)]
#:rest h)
(list w y z h)]
[_ 'failed])
(list (list 42) (list 4) (list 6) (hash 1 (list 2)))))
(test-case "key comparator"
(let ([b-1 (box 1)]
[b-2 (box 3)])
(check-equal? (match (hasheq b-1 2 b-2 4)
[(hash* [b-1 x] [b-2 y]) (list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 4))
(check-equal? (match (hasheq b-1 2 b-2 4)
[(hash* [(box 1) x] [(box 3) y]) (list x y)]
[_ 'failed])
(test-case "mutability/weakness"
(check-equal? (match (make-immutable-hash (list (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))
[(hash* [1 x] #:rest h) (list x h (immutable? h) (hash-strong? h))]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 (make-immutable-hash (list (cons 3 4))) #t #t))
(check-equal? (match (make-hash (list (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))
[(hash* [1 x] #:rest h) (list x h (immutable? h) (hash-strong? h))]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 (make-hash (list (cons 3 4))) #f #t))
(check-equal? (match (make-weak-hash (list (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))
[(hash* [1 x] #:rest h) (list x h (immutable? h) (hash-strong? h))]
[_ 'failed])
(list 2 (make-weak-hash (list (cons 3 4))) #f #f)))
(test-case "hash"
(check-equal? (match (hash 1 2 3 4)
[(hash 1 x 3 y) (list x y)])
(list 2 4))))
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