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Created February 19, 2019 05:18
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pragma solidity 0.5.0;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
* @title Equation
* @dev Equation library abstracts the representation of mathematics equation.
* As of current, an equation is basically an expression tree of constants,
* one variable (X), and operators.
library Equation {
using SafeMath for uint256;
* @dev An expression tree is encoded as a set of nodes, with root node having
* index zero. Each node consists of 3 values:
* 1. opcode: the expression that the node represents. See table below.
* +--------+----------------------------------------+------+------------+
* | Opcode | Description | i.e. | # children |
* +--------+----------------------------------------+------+------------+
* | 00 | Integer Constant | c | 0 |
* | 01 | Variable | X | 0 |
* | 02 | Arithmetic Square Root | √ | 1 |
* | 03 | Boolean Not Condition | ! | 1 |
* | 04 | Arithmetic Addition | + | 2 |
* | 05 | Arithmetic Subtraction | - | 2 |
* | 06 | Arithmetic Multiplication | * | 2 |
* | 07 | Arithmetic Division | / | 2 |
* | 08 | Arithmetic Exponentiation | ** | 2 |
* | 09 | Arithmetic Equal Comparison | == | 2 |
* | 10 | Arithmetic Non-Equal Comparison | != | 2 |
* | 11 | Arithmetic Less-Than Comparison | < | 2 |
* | 12 | Arithmetic Greater-Than Comparison | > | 2 |
* | 13 | Arithmetic Non-Greater-Than Comparison | <= | 2 |
* | 14 | Arithmetic Non-Less-Than Comparison | >= | 2 |
* | 15 | Boolean And Condition | && | 2 |
* | 16 | Boolean Or Condition | || | 2 |
* | 17 | Ternary Operation | ?: | 3 |
* +--------+----------------------------------------+------+------------+
* 2. children: the list of node indices of this node's sub-expressions.
* Different opcode nodes will have different number of children.
* 3. value: the value inside the node. Currently this is only relevant for
* Integer Constant (Opcode 00).
* An equation's data is a list of nodes. The nodes will link against
* each other using index as pointer. The root node of the expression tree
* is the first node in the list
struct Node {
uint8 opcode;
uint8 child0;
uint8 child1;
uint8 child2;
uint256 value;
* @dev An internal struct to keep track of expression type. This is to make
* sure than the given equation type-checks.
enum ExprType {
uint8 constant OPCODE_CONST = 0;
uint8 constant OPCODE_VAR = 1;
uint8 constant OPCODE_SQRT = 2;
uint8 constant OPCODE_NOT = 3;
uint8 constant OPCODE_ADD = 4;
uint8 constant OPCODE_SUB = 5;
uint8 constant OPCODE_MUL = 6;
uint8 constant OPCODE_DIV = 7;
uint8 constant OPCODE_EXP = 8;
uint8 constant OPCODE_EQ = 9;
uint8 constant OPCODE_NE = 10;
uint8 constant OPCODE_LT = 11;
uint8 constant OPCODE_GT = 12;
uint8 constant OPCODE_LE = 13;
uint8 constant OPCODE_GE = 14;
uint8 constant OPCODE_AND = 15;
uint8 constant OPCODE_OR = 16;
uint8 constant OPCODE_IF = 17;
uint8 constant OPCODE_INVALID = 18;
* @dev Initialize equation by array of opcodes/values in prefix order. Array
* is read as if it is the *pre-order* traversal of the expression tree.
* For instance, expression x^2 - 3 is encoded as: [5, 8, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3]
* 5 (Opcode -)
* / \
* / \
* / \
* 8 (Opcode **) \
* / \ \
* / \ \
* / \ \
* 1 (Opcode X) 0 (Opcode c) 0 (Opcode c)
* | |
* | |
* 2 (Value) 3 (Value)
* @param self storage pointer to equation data to initialize.
* @param _expressions array of opcodes/values to initialize.
function init(Node[] storage self, uint256[] memory _expressions) internal {
// Init should only be called when the equation is not yet initialized.
assert(self.length == 0);
// Limit expression length to < 256 to make sure gas cost is managable.
require(_expressions.length < 256);
for (uint8 idx = 0; idx < _expressions.length; ++idx) {
// Get the next opcode. Obviously it must be within the opcode range.
uint256 opcode = _expressions[idx];
require(opcode < OPCODE_INVALID);
Node memory node;
node.opcode = uint8(opcode);
// Get the node's value. Only applicable on Integer Constant case.
if (opcode == OPCODE_CONST) {
node.value = _expressions[++idx];
// Actual code to create the tree. We also assert and the end that all
// of the provided expressions are exhausted.
(uint8 lastNodeIndex,) = populateTree(self, 0);
require(lastNodeIndex == self.length - 1);
* @dev Clear the existing equation. Must be called prior to init of the tree
* has already been initialized.
function clear(Node[] storage self) internal {
assert(self.length < 256);
for (uint8 idx = 0; idx < self.length; ++idx) {
delete self[idx];
self.length = 0;
* @dev Calculate the Y position from the X position for this equation.
function calculate(Node[] storage self, uint256 xValue)
returns (uint256)
return solveMath(self, 0, xValue);
* @dev Return the number of children the given opcode node has.
function getChildrenCount(uint8 opcode) private pure returns (uint8) {
if (opcode <= OPCODE_VAR) {
return 0;
} else if (opcode <= OPCODE_NOT) {
return 1;
} else if (opcode <= OPCODE_OR) {
return 2;
} else if (opcode <= OPCODE_IF) {
return 3;
} else {
* @dev Check whether the given opcode and list of expression types match.
* Execute revert EVM opcode on failure.
* @return The type of this expression itself.
function checkExprType(uint8 opcode, ExprType[] memory types)
returns (ExprType)
if (opcode <= OPCODE_VAR) {
return ExprType.Math;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_SQRT) {
require(types[0] == ExprType.Math);
return ExprType.Math;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_NOT) {
require(types[0] == ExprType.Boolean);
return ExprType.Boolean;
} else if (opcode >= OPCODE_ADD && opcode <= OPCODE_EXP) {
require(types[0] == ExprType.Math);
require(types[1] == ExprType.Math);
return ExprType.Math;
} else if (opcode >= OPCODE_EQ && opcode <= OPCODE_GE) {
require(types[0] == ExprType.Math);
require(types[1] == ExprType.Math);
return ExprType.Boolean;
} else if (opcode >= OPCODE_AND && opcode <= OPCODE_OR) {
require(types[0] == ExprType.Boolean);
require(types[1] == ExprType.Boolean);
return ExprType.Boolean;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_IF) {
require(types[0] == ExprType.Boolean);
require(types[1] != ExprType.Invalid);
require(types[1] == types[2]);
return types[1];
* @dev Helper function to recursively populate node information following
* the given pre-order node list. It inspects the opcode and recursively
* call populateTree(s) accordingly.
* @param self storage pointer to equation data to build tree.
* @param currentNodeIndex the index of the current node to populate info.
* @return An (uint8, bool). The first value represents the last
* (highest/rightmost) node ndex of the current subtree. The second value
* indicates the type that one would get from evaluating this subtree.
function populateTree(Node[] storage self, uint8 currentNodeIndex)
returns (uint8, ExprType)
require(currentNodeIndex < self.length);
Node storage node = self[currentNodeIndex];
uint8 opcode = node.opcode;
uint8 childrenCount = getChildrenCount(opcode);
ExprType[] memory childrenTypes = new ExprType[](childrenCount);
uint8 lastNodeIndex = currentNodeIndex;
for (uint8 idx = 0; idx < childrenCount; ++idx) {
if (idx == 0) {
node.child0 = lastNodeIndex + 1;
} else if (idx == 1) {
node.child1 = lastNodeIndex + 1;
} else if (idx == 2) {
node.child2 = lastNodeIndex + 1;
} else {
(lastNodeIndex, childrenTypes[idx]) = populateTree(self, lastNodeIndex + 1);
ExprType exprType = checkExprType(opcode, childrenTypes);
return (lastNodeIndex, exprType);
* @dev Calculate the arithmetic value of this sub-expression at the given
* X position.
function solveMath(Node[] storage self, uint8 nodeIdx, uint256 xValue)
returns (uint256)
Node storage node = self[nodeIdx];
uint8 opcode = node.opcode;
if (opcode == OPCODE_CONST) {
return node.value;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_VAR) {
return xValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_SQRT) {
uint256 childValue = solveMath(self, node.child0, xValue);
uint256 temp = childValue.add(1).div(2);
uint256 result = childValue;
while (temp < result) {
result = temp;
temp = childValue.div(temp).add(temp).div(2);
return result;
} else if (opcode >= OPCODE_ADD && opcode <= OPCODE_EXP) {
uint256 leftValue = solveMath(self, node.child0, xValue);
uint256 rightValue = solveMath(self, node.child1, xValue);
if (opcode == OPCODE_ADD) {
return leftValue.add(rightValue);
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_SUB) {
return leftValue.sub(rightValue);
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_MUL) {
return leftValue.mul(rightValue);
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_DIV) {
return leftValue.div(rightValue);
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_EXP) {
uint256 power = rightValue;
uint256 expResult = 1;
for (uint256 idx = 0; idx < power; ++idx) {
expResult = expResult.mul(leftValue);
return expResult;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_IF) {
bool condValue = solveBool(self, node.child0, xValue);
if (condValue) {
return solveMath(self, node.child1, xValue);
} else {
return solveMath(self, node.child2, xValue);
* @dev Calculate the arithmetic value of this sub-expression.
function solveBool(Node[] storage self, uint8 nodeIdx, uint256 xValue)
returns (bool)
Node storage node = self[nodeIdx];
uint8 opcode = node.opcode;
if (opcode == OPCODE_NOT) {
return !solveBool(self, node.child0, xValue);
} else if (opcode >= OPCODE_EQ && opcode <= OPCODE_GE) {
uint256 leftValue = solveMath(self, node.child0, xValue);
uint256 rightValue = solveMath(self, node.child1, xValue);
if (opcode == OPCODE_EQ) {
return leftValue == rightValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_NE) {
return leftValue != rightValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_LT) {
return leftValue < rightValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_GT) {
return leftValue > rightValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_LE) {
return leftValue <= rightValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_GE) {
return leftValue >= rightValue;
} else if (opcode >= OPCODE_AND && opcode <= OPCODE_OR) {
bool leftBoolValue = solveBool(self, node.child0, xValue);
bool rightBoolValue = solveBool(self, node.child1, xValue);
if (opcode == OPCODE_AND) {
return leftBoolValue && rightBoolValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_OR) {
return leftBoolValue || rightBoolValue;
} else if (opcode == OPCODE_IF) {
bool condValue = solveBool(self, node.child0, xValue);
if (condValue) {
return solveBool(self, node.child1, xValue);
} else {
return solveBool(self, node.child2, xValue);
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