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Last active September 14, 2020 00:48
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- | Small demonstration of GraphQL subscriptions over websockets as per
-- * Intended to be a convention over configuration approach.
-- * Retries subscription on failures.
-- * Provides callbacks for success and errors.
-- TODO:
-- * [ ] Support secure sockets
-- * [ ] Support recieving entire response
-- * [ ] Allow passing options to client
-- * [ ] Allow passing options to request
-- * [ ] Allow configuring retry interval
-- * [ ] Allow multiplexing requests over connection
-- * [ ] Allow terminating subscription somehow
-- * [ ] Allow using a URL instead of host, port, endpoint
-- * [ ] Tidy up ClientError type
-- * [ ] Create datatype to better represent GraphQL requests
-- * [ ] Create convenience quasiquoter
-- * [ ] Create mocking capability
-- * [ ] Create tests
module GraphqlWebsockets where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens (traverseOf, traverseOf_, traversed, (^?))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Text hiding (null)
import Network.WebSockets
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
main :: IO ()
main = runClientImmortal "localhost" 8888 "/v1/graphql" print (subscribe query rescue callback)
-- Uses the chinook schema for testing:
query :: Value
query =
[ "variables" .= object ["limit" .= Number 11]
, "query" .= String "subscription S($limit: Int) { artists(limit: $limit, where: {id: {_eq: 1}}) { name albums { id } id }}" ]
callback :: Value -> IO ()
callback v = do
Prelude.putStrLn "\n\nUpdated Artists:\n"
traverseOf_ (key "artists" . _Array . traverse) (B.putStrLn . encode) v
rescue :: Value -> IO ()
rescue = B.putStrLn . encode
-- Recovers from typical exceptions
type ClientError = Either HandshakeException (Either IOException (Either ConnectionException ()))
runClientImmortal :: String -> Int -> String -> (ClientError -> IO ()) -> ClientApp () -> IO b
runClientImmortal host port endpoint rescue callback = do
forever do
outcome <- try @HandshakeException
$ try @IOException
$ try @ConnectionException
$ runClient host port endpoint callback
print outcome
case outcome of
Right (Right (Right ())) -> return ()
ex -> rescue ex >> threadDelay 1000000
subscribe :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, ToJSON v) => v -> (Value -> IO ()) -> (a -> IO ()) -> ClientApp ()
subscribe payload rescue callback connection = do
-- The lazy option determines when to establish connection:
let establish = object [ t "lazy" "false", "headers" .= object [ t "content-type" "application/json" ] ]
subscribe' establish payload connection \(message :: B.ByteString) -> do
case eitherDecode @Value message of
Left e -> throwIO $ userError e -- IOException
Right response -> do
traverse_ callback $ response ^? key "payload" . key "data" . _JSON
traverse_ rescue $ response ^? key "payload" . key "errors" . _Array . traverse
subscribe' :: (WebSocketsData t, ToJSON v1, ToJSON v2) => v2 -> v1 -> Connection -> (t -> IO a) -> IO b
subscribe' establishPayload queryPayload connection callback = do
establish = object [ t "type" "connection_init", "payload" .= establishPayload ]
query = object [ t "type" "start", "payload" .= queryPayload, t "id" "1" ]
sendBinaryData connection (encode establish)
sendBinaryData connection (encode query)
forever do receiveData connection >>= callback
t :: KeyValue kv => Text -> Text -> kv
t k v = k .= String v
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