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Created March 15, 2010 08:52
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module Matrix (
) where
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
class Matrix m
-- required
fromRows :: [[a]] -> m a
rows :: m a -> Integer
columns :: m a -> Integer
at :: m a -> Integer -> Integer -> a
-- defaults
toList :: m a -> [a]
toListWithPos :: m a -> [(Integer, Integer, a)]
toRows :: m a -> [[a]]
row :: m a -> Integer -> [a]
column :: m a -> Integer -> [a]
vicinityRows :: m a -> Integer -> Integer -> [[Maybe a]]
vicinityMatrix :: m a -> Integer -> Integer -> m (Maybe a)
neighbours :: m a -> Integer -> Integer -> [a]
neighbourMap :: (a -> [a] -> a) -> m a -> m a
toList m = do
y <- [0 .. rows m - 1]
x <- [0 .. columns m - 1]
return $ at m x y
toListWithPos m = do
y <- [0 .. rows m - 1]
x <- [0 .. columns m - 1]
return (x, y, at m x y)
toRows m = do
y <- [0 .. rows m - 1]
return $ do
x <- [0 .. columns m - 1]
return $ at m x y
row m n = [at m x n | x <- [0 .. columns m - 1]]
column m n = [at m n y | y <- [0 .. rows m - 1]]
vicinityRows m x y = do
y' <- [y - 1 .. y + 1]
return $ do
x' <- [x - 1 .. x + 1]
return $ cell x' y' where
cell x y
| x < 0 = Nothing
| y < 0 = Nothing
| x >= columns m = Nothing
| y >= rows m = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ at m x y
vicinityMatrix m x = fromRows . vicinityRows m x
neighbours m x y = catMaybes $ outside $ toList $ vicinityMatrix m x y
outside l = take 4 l ++ drop 5 l
neighbourMap f m = fromRows $ do
y <- [0 .. columns m - 1]
return $ do
x <- [0 .. rows m - 1]
return $ f (at m x y) (neighbours m x y)
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