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Created April 28, 2020 01:50
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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Main where
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base
{- Inspiration:
withProgArgv :: [String] -> IO a -> IO a
withProgArgv new_args act = do
pName <- System.Environment.getProgName
existing_args <- System.Environment.getArgs
bracket_ (setProgArgv new_args)
(setProgArgv (pName:existing_args))
-- Strictly control the environment
-- Test normal bracketed environment setting in a single thread
-- Test environment setting in background threads
-- Test environment setting between interleaved threads
main :: IO ()
main = do
let w = withEnv3
printEnv "m1"
w [("a","1")] do
printEnv "m2"
printEnv "m3"
fork do
printEnv "m4"
w [("b","2")] do
printEnv "m5"
printEnv "m6"
printEnv "m7"
race w
blocker :: IO (MVar ())
blocker = newEmptyMVar
unblock :: MVar () -> IO ()
unblock m = putMVar m ()
{- *Main> race withEnv2
t2a > []
t1 > [("ra","1")]
t2b > [("ra","1")]
race :: ([(String, String)] -> IO () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
race w = do
t1End <- blocker
t2End <- blocker
afterT1writeBeforeExits <- blocker
letT1Exit <- blocker
letT1Start <- blocker
_t1 <- forkIO do
w [("ra","1")] do
takeMVar letT1Start
printEnv "t1"
unblock afterT1writeBeforeExits
takeMVar letT1Exit
unblock t1End
_t2 <- forkIO do
printEnv "t2a"
unblock letT1Start
takeMVar afterT1writeBeforeExits
printEnv "t2b"
unblock letT1Exit
unblock t2End
takeMVar t1End
takeMVar t2End
printEnv :: String -> IO ()
printEnv s = do
e <- filter relevant <$> getEnvironment
putStr (s ++ " > ")
print e
relevant :: (String, String) -> Bool
relevant (s, _) = s `elem` (words "a b c ra rb rc")
fork :: IO a -> IO a
fork e = do
m <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO do
r <- e
putMVar m r
takeMVar m
injectEnvs :: [(String, String)] -> IO ()
injectEnvs = mapM_ (uncurry setEnv)
setEnvs :: [(String, String)] -> IO ()
setEnvs e = do
e' <- getEnvironment
mapM_ (uncurry setEnv) e
mapM_ (foo (map fst e)) (map fst e')
where foo a b = unless (b `elem` a) (unsetEnv b)
{- *Main> main
withEnv :: [(String, String)] -> IO a -> IO a
withEnv e m = do
setEnvs e
{- *Main> main
withEnv2 :: [(String, String)] -> IO a -> IO a
withEnv2 e m =
(\_ -> setEnvs e >> m)
{- *Main> main
withEnv3 :: [(String, String)] -> IO a -> IO a
withEnv3 e m =
(\_ -> injectEnvs e >> m)
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